How is engi supposed to..
Though we don’t have stability, we have traits that protect us when knocked down, stunned etc which you skipped over. From the low tiers try using protection injection or stabilized shield
I don’t like Backpack Regenerator. It scales badly with Healing Power and there are so many other good trait-skills to choose aside from it.
What you could do:
- Switch out Hair Trigger with Infused Precision (this will get you near Perma Vigor IN Combat without switching forth and back Kits). Or you could add another 10 Points here as well, but as you ‘re using P/S I feel the already low base cooldowns on 2 and 3 dont improve that much with -20% reduction and Shield 4/5 don’t get any reduction applied.
- Switch out Backpack Regenerator for Protection Injection (-33% DMG when disabled / stunned) or Self-Regulating Defenses (Invulnerability @ <25% HP)
- Remove that 10 Points from Tools, put them in Inventions for Stabilized Armor (-20% DMG when disabled/stunned)
- If you want to get some Swiftness / Vigor out of Fight take either Medikit or Elexir B. I’d suggest taking Elixr B, as it not only gives Swiftness, Vigor, Fury and Might but also gives you Retaliation. Combine that with -53% DMG reduction (or -20% and 3sec Auto-Invulnerability) and he might have killed himself instead of killing you (or at least dropped his HP a little bit)
And yes, Stabilized Armor stacks with the Protection boon you get from Protection Injection. The only downside is that you don’t have 100% uptime of Swiftness out of fights without using Runes / Sigils. But taking Medikit as well as Exlir B and Rocket Boots solves that problem for me (and is situational switchable).
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My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
I run a zerker Rifle/SD build with PBR and toolkit. This is relatively effective if the war doesn’t have stability. I’ll let him charge in then Overcharged or PBR and net so he cant get back to me right away. If he stays in front you can keep doing damage. I’ve been running Rocket Boots lately which is working out pretty well.
Another build that was somewhat effective was a 0/30/0/20/20 with more pushbacks and launches using FT and come condition clearing.
It is a hard matchup though and I’m probably running 50/50 vs them. Some can take me out without much trouble.
I had this issue last night, so i switched up my build for a similar stunlock burst build and with range we have the advantage over the war every time.
I run with Rifle and Tool Kit/Bomb Kit (my gear is a mix before PVT Knights & Zerker)
The shutdown combo is simple “kind of”
1. Use overcharge shot on war (just to psyc him out)
2. Jump into TK and drop Box of Nails
3. Drop Big Ol Bomb
4. Use Magnet Pull on war (by this time they will be charging anyhow so you need to be quick)
5. Use Blunderbuss + Jumpshot combo
6. BoB will be going off just as your landing your Jumpshot
7. Netshot and laugh at them then finish them as they try and run away from your EPIC self
Elixir S is fantastic against warriors built for stun locking. You can get almost 5 seconds of stability from Toss Elixir S. It’s a good way to start out a fight against them. If you get stealth, use it to get into a better position to begin attacking them. I use this time to set up CC of my own, for example Net Turret. Using the Elixir S itself will also cause most warriors to waste their Backbreaker (knockdown) and Staggering Blow (push) follow ups.
Step 1) Move 10 points away from Firearms,
Step 2) put that 10 points into Inventions,
Step 3) get Stabilized Armour.
Step 4) ???
Step 5) Profit
Using the Elixir S itself will also cause most warriors to waste their Backbreaker (knockdown) and Staggering Blow (push) follow ups.
Pretty sure that the Stunlock build, the OP is talking about is Mace/Shield – the only stuns the War really needs are Shield Bash (25s CD) and Skull Crack (6s CD, but needs adrenalin).
First, the War will start using his stuns just to waste your defensive cooldowns (stunbreakers, etc.), then he will use full adrenalin Skull Crack to stun you for 3+ sec, followed by 100blades + Bladetrail/Whirwild/autoattack (he doesnt even need to use any quickness, because the stun gives him plenty of time), till he can swap back to Mace/Shield (5 seconds), then he will use Skull Crack+Shield Bash+Pommel Bash, so you dont recover.
You cant relly on the Elixir S, because it has such a big cooldown (compared to Skull Crack). Your best bet is the Bomb Kit (Big Ol’ Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Glue Bomb), your Shield Skills + Blinds (Static Shot, Flash Grenade) and your dodges.
I’ve been seeing immobilize locks from Sword/Shield and Hammer warriors IIRC.
Blind is useless in that situation as it only misses the first attack of a combo for example HB isn’t it? Near Perma -55% Protection, Perma Vigor in Combat and/or Rifle for Control would be the best deal then.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
Blind is useless in that situation as it only misses the first attack of a combo for example HB isn’t it?
The thing is, even tho the 100blades is the skill that does the most damage, you want to Blind the Skull Crack/Shield Bash (= the stun), because those are the skills that allow the War to get the 100blades of.
(edited by Naab.4301)
Unless they just remove the blind with a simple Auto-Attack first (ofc not just in the air anymore) … even then an additional blind doesn’t hurt. It ’s just that in that situation the protection is way superior as it reduces damage from multiple sources (unlimited for the time given) and for multiple attacks (unlimited for the time given).
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Unless they just remove the blind with a simple Auto-Attack first (ofc not just in the air anymore)
… even then an additional blind doesn’t hurt. It ’s just that in that situation the protection is way superior as it reduces damage from multiple sources (unlimited for the time given) and for multiple attacks (unlimited for the time given).
Not arguing that. My point was more of a “what can the OP do with the build he uses”, instead of “how can the OP change the build he uses”.
The best way to fight a stunlock war is to be aggressive. The defense we have while stunned in good but a full rotation will still take you down to >50% health. If you see a war with this shield out KNOCK HIM DOWN then blow his gimmicky butt up! if you try to counter the stun he will just follow with another stun, if you rely on your defense you are starting a fight at a disadvantage and will still lose it will just take longer.
Skull crack needs a nerf (dont QQ you know its true) and imo so does 100 blades (mostly imo for PvE not for PvP) but until that happens (never) just kill them first.
A lot of these suggestions seem to assume 1v1 scenarios, which has almost never been my experience in sPvP or WvW roaming. If a stun warrior comes at you with a friend – any class – you’re probably screwed unless a decent teammate is with you. In sPvP I’m starting to see groups with 2-3 warriors that’ll often travel together from point to point. Keeping your distance from 2 warriors isn’t at all easy, and almost certainly entails leaving your circle. To try and compensate, I’ve gutted my old build and spec’d almost entirely defensively, putting 15 trait points into both tools and inventions for the reset on abilities at 25% health, and packing almost nothing but stun breakers. It’s a pretty cheesy build that’s just supposed to stay alive/tank so other teammates can whittle down enemies. I don’t think it’s a particularly good solution, but at least I don’t get instantly roflstomped by chain cc.
Meh you are playing the best class besides Mesmer to deal with this. While it might sound novel I usually just CC and kite his kitten and when he does finally blow his balanced stance/signet I’ll pop Elixir X. 2 things to note it is a full melee set so if I get Tornado he’s in for blinds. If I get Rampage the fight is effectively over. He doesn’t have the dps to drop my 40k hp without stunning me and 4 out of the 5 skills on my bar stun, kd, or kb. He can not run as you can chase him down and CC him.
Other options include bomb kit, Use a rifle, and smart use of tool kit.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
Meh you are playing the best class besides Mesmer to deal with this. While it might sound novel I usually just CC and kite his kitten and when he does finally blow his balanced stance/signet I’ll pop Elixir X. 2 things to note it is a full melee set so if I get Tornado he’s in for blinds. If I get Rampage the fight is effectively over. He doesn’t have the dps to drop my 40k hp without stunning me and 4 out of the 5 skills on my bar stun, kd, or kb. He can not run as you can chase him down and CC him.
Other options include bomb kit, Use a rifle, and smart use of tool kit.
He gets it, Warriors are aggressive and they can be intimidating, the moment you stop and think about how to win you just lost. It sounds like BS but if you want to beat out the fotm Warrior build, play HARD and play to win. that’s it, and that’s just good pvp in any game.
Don’t kitten yourself my going 100% defense because they will still win. Bottom line (not to be harsh or anything) but if they are stunning… dodge it/block it. if you wanna win WIN
no mercy rawr! lol
Unless they just remove the blind with a simple Auto-Attack first (ofc not just in the air anymore)
… even then an additional blind doesn’t hurt. It ’s just that in that situation the protection is way superior as it reduces damage from multiple sources (unlimited for the time given) and for multiple attacks (unlimited for the time given).
Not arguing that. My point was more of a “what can the OP do with the build he uses”, instead of “how can the OP change the build he uses”.
Well yes, but the changes are as little as it can get you only need to move 10 points and not even switch out any utilities (optional). Well you even don’t have to move those 10 points at all (optional) but the builds entire purpose is to be as dynamic as possible as per description.
And switching those 10 points makes it even better. Any bad player could live with it, and good players will even see more potential with them (playing counter-actively like with the Rifle rotations some have given above).
That said – it ’s not wrong what you ’ve given instead it ’s an additional layer of defense that is a little bit more complex to manage for some players.
Which class can have access to an simliar almost permanently brainafk -53% dmg reduction from multiple targets when stunned (-20% if protection gets stripped – but you have swiftness and vigor as well that might protect the removal a little bit longer – also it gets reapplied really fast)? On top of that, we have Auto-Invulnerability and Perma Vigor = 0% DMG if played skillfully most of the time. And that ’s just the passives! No master traits. So little investment done. We still have our utilities and active damage reductions (CC, Blind, Confusion, Zerg-Knockdown) on top of that. Heck you could even put 10 points more in the Potion traitline and take both the Perma Protection as well as the Auto-Elexir S. Then take Elexir S in your Utility Bar, add Toolkit, take a Shield and survive and entire Zerg ’s attacks for ~10 Seconds (theoretically at least). Of course you would need stunbreakers then and would most likely have limited condition removal but tell me someone else who has as much Passive and Active WTFBBQROFL Defense as much as the Engineer has? Oh wait … there ’s the Immunity to new Conditions when < 25 HP% as well. Shield and Toolkit Cooldown reductions … Oh god, so much options.
Edit: Add that Elixr X like TheGuy.3568 has suggested above and it ‘s even more … holy cow. I like that one. Didn’t think of it myself. Thanks for the suggestion.
Also: Invulnerability = Evade > Stability.
In short: TheGuy.3568 and tattoohead.3217 are spot on.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
@ imaginary: No idea why you chose to tag my post in your response… All I said was that I rebuilt my sPvP build to be more defensive, and then you tag me listing all of the engineer’s defensive capabilities. Thanks?
@OP: Well it’s tricky. Can’t really give a blanket 100% effective answer, but I can tell you how I’ve adjusted my play style to counter hard CC chains like that of a Warrior Hammer: mostly Elixir X.
Depending on the form you get and if that attacker has stability its really effective. For tornado your going to want to spam 2 for blind spam to mitigate their damage, 3 for ranged knock down if they’re kiting like an intelligent person, or 1 if you get rooted and they’re waiting out your form duration. For Rampager, start with that 5 skill and then start auto attacking them, reserve your 3 skill to gap close if they try to get away, your 2 skill for when they try to heal in melee range, and that 4 skill for if you get rooted or on any skill that looks like it may be dangerous (like Eviscerate).
Now if they have stability up and you can stun break and escape with Rocket Boots, do it. Kite them until they don’t have stability and then attack. Pay attention to them if they weapon swap as well since it’ll give you time to do your thing while their hammer is on CD. Personally I run a rifle static discharge build more than anything else, so when I see an opening I press the advantage as hard and fast as possible to put them down or at least on the defensive.
The response to Warriors is to kite their aggression and when they’re all tapped out you !@$% them up and take their lunch money.
Hi i’m god and I wrote that guide and have dueled defektive a few times who is probably the guy who made the stunlock warrior build you fought against and is the most common good user of the build.
The stunlock matchup is tricky however I would still put it in the favorable column as I win the majority of my fights against it.
First Berserker’s stance = you need to create separation and run away. You can not blind them or do any damage when they are in this so run away and use block if you must.
Assuming they are not in berserker’s stance the main goal is to damage them while kiting their melee attacks. This is done by dropping bombs at your feet and being sure to blind them whenever they get close. If you stand in the blind field or even the burning + confusion field if they try to attack u they will die first. If they don’t get close you’re free to pistol/grenade them down.
Just dodge a lot and block + throw at end of channel if you ever get spiked.
If fighting a teamwith 2+ warriors you can swap backpack regenerator to protection injection which further helps the matchup and if their cleave is super strong or you can’t win 1v1’s without a sb because you’re not quite good enough feel free to swap out R for slick shoes/elixer gun.
(edited by Godofallu.2935)
Lots of ways to deal with it as an Engi.
You can get -53% dmg when stunned from Protection Injection + Stabilized Armor.
There’s the rework of Acidic Coating it believe it was that has 50% chance to blind when struck with melee, only 10s icd.
There’s also the tons of active ways you can avoid as well using lots of dodges (NOT SPAMMING THEM), instant blind on the FT is great, Tool Kit block is great as well as the cripple field makes it really hard to land that super short range stun, use your own control and conditions against the Warrior…he can only go condi immune for 8s.
Honestly one of the biggest issues I can tell you as a Warrior who plays this build….is that people just spam their dodge. Only the REALLY good players you can tell save the dodge to try to avoid certain attacks…most people just spam it anytime they are going to take damage, and then I just Skull Crack them right at the end of the dodge since all I was doing before was auto attacking when they dodged.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
@ imaginary: No idea why you chose to tag my post in your response… All I said was that I rebuilt my sPvP build to be more defensive, and then you tag me listing all of the engineer’s defensive capabilities. Thanks?
Oh yes might have got that one wrong, ~.~ edited it, sry …
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Personally I just pop elixer S if they manage to stun me… the vast majority of them will keep spamming their hammer cc’s. Gear shield works as well if you get it out before the first stun as will dodging well. If they don’t keep spamming, I cripple/chill/immobilize them and go to town on them while they try to catch me with reduced movement speed.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Sitting duck with Hair trigger on a Rifle SD build with Toolkit, PBR, and Utility Goggles. 10/20/10/0/30. A melee warrior’s worst nightmare. For tools, I use SD, Power Wrench, and either Leg Mods/Adrenal Implant/Scope. Usually leg mods though.
Speedy Gadgets is nice too.
Oddly enough, the auto-smoke bomb trait from grandmaster in explosives would also help in this scenario. These stun lock builds can have problems against bomber engineers since you can elect to continually kite while delivering damage or debilitating conditions. If you want to try and counter that build specifically, you could always ditch grenades and go with slick shoes. Dropping the oil can be a real annoyance for them, forcing them to use a stability skill to avoid it, and super speed can get you right out of trouble and then some if you get hit with the CC combo, then going back to running around with the bombs.
They can’t down you if they can not stun-lock you. BLIND, Immobilise, Dodge are our friend. Use Pistol skill 3 and Bomb 4+5 as much as you can. Use shield to push him back when he is close or to stun him when he charge into you. Stun? Np, use FT skill 5 to blind him while being stun or take the trait that give you protection when being stun. The rest is just kite him and let Condi melt him away. Don’t be aggressive, let Condi do the work.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
What build is this you guys are talking about?
I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.
But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
1v1 is no problem to me,speaking of equal level of skill. I can beat pretty much any class except Spirit Ranger and Necromancer equal level of skill. If he is better than me, well he deserve to be winner with any class.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
What build is this you guys are talking about?
GS/Hammer?I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
This game’s balance isn’t based upon 1v1, nor does it ever look like it will be.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I just go for dodges and hard CC with the Rifle. I also use Bomb Kit so [Glue Bomb] and [Smoke Bomb] often are my answers to warriors. If you’re really on edge about it, you could always use [Jump Shot] as a means to run away from a Warrior as he’s attempting to set-up a combo. [Acid Bomb] also works well for that too—even better.
Using Elixir X sounds fun, though. I don’t enjoy using an elite as an opener, but the prospect of turning into a Juggernaut or a Tornado as a hammer Warrior rushes at you makes me chuckle.
What build is this you guys are talking about?
GS/Hammer?I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
This game’s balance isn’t based upon 1v1, nor does it ever look like it will be.
Thats one of the top 5 stupid answers in this forums.
Of course it is balanced about 1v1 and it has to be balanced about 1v1.
There are no roles every class can do everything, there is no trinity and the spvp mode itself forces you in 1v1 every time.
Hi i’m god and I wrote that guide and have dueled defektive a few times who is probably the guy who made the stunlock warrior build you fought against and is the most common good user of the build.
The stunlock matchup is tricky however I would still put it in the favorable column as I win the majority of my fights against it.
First Berserker’s stance = you need to create separation and run away. You can not blind them or do any damage when they are in this so run away and use block if you must.
Assuming they are not in berserker’s stance the main goal is to damage them while kiting their melee attacks. This is done by dropping bombs at your feet and being sure to blind them whenever they get close. If you stand in the blind field or even the burning + confusion field if they try to attack u they will die first. If they don’t get close you’re free to pistol/grenade them down.
Just dodge a lot and block + throw at end of channel if you ever get spiked.
If fighting a teamwith 2+ warriors you can swap backpack regenerator to protection injection which further helps the matchup and if their cleave is super strong or you can’t win 1v1’s without a sb because you’re not quite good enough feel free to swap out R for slick shoes/elixer gun.
I still don’t understand how I’m supposed to fight vs CC, you can’t just keep kiting people, Necro’s are literally capable of fearing you and killing you from full HP before that fear ends, the build has no stunbreakers, how am I supposed to fight stuff like that?
Here is the FOTM build for warriors currently , everyone and their mother running it even in packs of 5+. Also , you don’t really need but 1 SB , just use your immobolizes , blind , caltrops and gear shield wisely. I fought really high ranked players introducing me to the build and after getting facerolled 4x in a row , i figured it out that once they get close its time to panick and separate them quickly. Mind you i wasnt even using Pi-Stab for such a gimmicky build and still won half of them. If i ran Pi-Stab however , just lol…oh for kicks i also was running 900 toughness with 25 stacks of might via HGH
Also to you people who think that using alot of knock downs are key , you must really drag the fight out because they have ample amounts of defense , invulnerability to conditions , high hp (usually) , stability and even LOTS of repels…all of this is made possible because of 1 measly 10 pt. trait
P.S 1 mistake on your part , is more than likely the end of DON’T SPAM.
(edited by TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586)
Here is the FOTM build for warriors currently , everyone and their mother running it even in packs of 5+. Also , you don’t really need but 1 SB , just use your immobolizes , blind , caltrops and gear shield wisely. I fought really high ranked players introducing me to the build and after getting facerolled 4x in a row , i figured it out that once they get close its time to panick and separate them quickly. Mind you i wasnt even using Pi-Stab for such a gimmicky build and still won half of them. If i ran Pi-Stab however , just lol…oh for kicks i also was running 900 toughness with 25 stacks of might via HGH
Also to you people who think that using alot of knock downs are key , you must really drag the fight out because they have ample amounts of defense , invulnerability to conditions , high hp (usually) , stability and even LOTS of repels…all of this is made possible because of 1 measly 10 pt. trait
P.S 1 mistake on your part , is more than likely the end of DON’T SPAM.
I have been calling nerfs for this as a warrior main but my community seems to be like every other once something gets to be OP," its not OP it balanced just learn to play". Same thing they said and still do say for many months now on the thief forums. The build is beatable so was 100 nades and so was DD ele but counter play should only be so much vs one build. It really kitten es me off when the guys who screamed for buffs to be balanced can’t see the hypocrisy of the situation. The build is OP I waited a month before saying that. I played it and geared for it.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Oh we know its broken lol , and so do they…will they admit it? Tsk good luck.
Its like a complete cycle , new broken build surfaces , everyone copies build , build gets called out , said Profession reply with L2P lol.
In a situation i was suppose to get mad i didnt. Get this , a guild group of 7 was running around with 5 Skull Cracker warriors , 1 Hammer Guardian (Ring of Warding) , and 1 Pistol Whip Thief. Now thats hilarious…
What build is this you guys are talking about?
GS/Hammer?I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
This game’s balance isn’t based upon 1v1, nor does it ever look like it will be.
Thats one of the top 5 stupid answers in this forums.
Of course it is balanced about 1v1 and it has to be balanced about 1v1.
There are no roles every class can do everything, there is no trinity and the spvp mode itself forces you in 1v1 every time.
That’s what the dev’s said long ago man. They said that they balance based upon group play, not 1v1.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
What build is this you guys are talking about?
GS/Hammer?I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
This game’s balance isn’t based upon 1v1, nor does it ever look like it will be.
Thats one of the top 5 stupid answers in this forums.
Of course it is balanced about 1v1 and it has to be balanced about 1v1.
There are no roles every class can do everything, there is no trinity and the spvp mode itself forces you in 1v1 every time.That’s what the dev’s said long ago man. They said that they balance based upon group play, not 1v1.
Yes, they did say that, but that doesn’t make it any less of a bull!#$% cop-out way of saying they lack the skill required to balance the game for 1 v 1 scenarios. Case in point, the Thief, a class that sucks so much !#$% that it is flat out a known bad class that excels to the point of game breaking simplicity at one thing: exploitation of the non-existence of balancing for 1 v 1 scenarios. Talk to any player who mains a thief and they’ll be able to tell you how unilaterally useless they are in any role in any scenario that doesn’t involve focusing a single target (by spamming the same skill). This mirrors the issue many have with countering the Hammer Warrior CC spam, the core game play is naively imbalanced and is not at all something ANet remotely wants to address.
That being said we Engineers have to think and play smart in a way no other class must in order to survive in an environment that puts us at a disadvantage by default in more ways than one.
Ever wonder why Engineer’s are the minority class in GW2? It requires skill and complex knowledge of the games mechanics to be effective in a way Warriors (and Thieves) enjoy without having to try.
Obscure One.4357:Ever wonder why Engineer’s are the minority class in GW2? It requires skill and complex knowledge of the games mechanics to be effective in a way Warriors (and Thieves) enjoy without having to try.
I agree.
What build is this you guys are talking about?
GS/Hammer?I use as always the elixir-gun and protection injektion.
If h charges you jump away with Acid bomb, tthen criple him and keep him on range.
Atm i use E-gun, traited toolkit and rocket boots. Thats a huge amount of cc and mobility. I also use melandrus runes.But yes after all this crying warriors became really hard. Unlike necros however they are still beatable. Balance is a complete mess in 1v1 right now. I play since beta and since last patch i cant beat everything just by skill right now. If there werent rocketboots i would stop roaming on engi, the boots help me to escape from battles i cant win. A whole new experience…
This game’s balance isn’t based upon 1v1, nor does it ever look like it will be.
Thats one of the top 5 stupid answers in this forums.
Of course it is balanced about 1v1 and it has to be balanced about 1v1.
There are no roles every class can do everything, there is no trinity and the spvp mode itself forces you in 1v1 every time.That’s what the dev’s said long ago man. They said that they balance based upon group play, not 1v1.
Yes, they did say that, but that doesn’t make it any less of a bull!#$% cop-out way of saying they lack the skill required to balance the game for 1 v 1 scenarios. Case in point, the Thief, a class that sucks so much !#$% that it is flat out a known bad class that excels to the point of game breaking simplicity at one thing: exploitation of the non-existence of balancing for 1 v 1 scenarios. Talk to any player who mains a thief and they’ll be able to tell you how unilaterally useless they are in any role in any scenario that doesn’t involve focusing a single target (by spamming the same skill). This mirrors the issue many have with countering the Hammer Warrior CC spam, the core game play is naively imbalanced and is not at all something ANet remotely wants to address.
That being said we Engineers have to think and play smart in a way no other class must in order to survive in an environment that puts us at a disadvantage by default in more ways than one.
Ever wonder why Engineer’s are the minority class in GW2? It requires skill and complex knowledge of the games mechanics to be effective in a way Warriors (and Thieves) enjoy without having to try.
Oh I agree it’s bullkitten that this is the way they responded to the issue… I was just stating what the situation is and got shot for being the messenger lol. I agree that thieves need some more class role diversity (can’t speak to wars as I don’t have one). ATM thieves aren’t even great at 1v1 (other than at low skill levels)
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)