How to make the Engineer more popular

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


Hey guys,

don’t worry, I’m sick and tired of all those whinethreads, too and thi isn’t going to be just another one. However, people are kinda right to complain since the Engineer still seems to be a rather lackluster profession. The purpose of this thread is to elaborate what it takes to make our favorite profession more popular and desired in PvE as well as PvP. Let’s gather suggestions and ideas. I’d love to hear from more experienced players where the Engineer is lacking in their opinion, but every opinion is valuable, so keep it coming!

-don’t whine
-be polite
-no complaining without suggestions/solutions

Aight, here we go:

When I first saw the Engineer it sounded just like the profession I always wanted to play in an mmo. I absolutely loved the Engineer in TF2 and the Ork Mekboys in Warhammer 40K, so the Engineer had to be a blast. Unfortunately the Engineer turned out to be extremely lackluster.

General issues:
The Engineer still has billions of bugs and is in dire need of QOL changes.
Autoattacks sometimes still show “obstructed” even though there is a clear line of sight. This is frequent when attacking stationary objects, such as siege weapons. I noticed this is a frequent bug with pistols, rifles (Warriors have it, too) and kits. The flamethrower kit is a paramount example of this annoying bug.
A lot of traits are simply bugged and need their tooltip updated.
Every profession has at least 1 100% projectile finisher on their ranged weapons. Engineer only has 1 on each weapon, but only 20% chance. Jump Shot has a leap finisher, but the animation is incredibly clunky and the ability is unnecessarily difficult to use fluidly. We have combo fields and a few finishers in our kits, but not everybody wants to utilize kits in his build. The standard weapons should have at least one guaranteed finisher.

Weapon issues:
Weapon damage is balanced with the idea behind the Engineer having access to kits, so the damage is artificially toned down. This has been confirmed by the devs and the reson behind it is our versatility and access to kits. However, the Elementalist is at least as versatile as the Engineer, if not even more, but he doesn’t sacrifice anything for his versatility at all. I think this is extremely unfair, since it is an incredible disadvantage for Engineers, who do not want to utilize kits in their build. They pay the “damage tax” for nothing. Therefore, the artificial damage reduction needs to be removed or Elixir/Turret/Gadget builds need to be buffed.
No 100% finishers (except Jump Shot), as explained.

Pistol: The autoattack is lacking because of the “damage tax”..
Rifle: Autoattack is lacking, too. Jump Shot needs QOL changes. The animation is ridiculously clunky and desperately needs to become more fluidly. See Tristana’s Rocketjump in League of Legends for how it should be done. Or the flamethrower in a specific quest in GW2, that has the same ability, but only without delayed animations. This is a huge improvement and it needs to be done.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


Kits are a great idea, however I wish there was more variety in them since so many are just so similar. The fact we have a (terrible) elixir ultimate but no kit-ultimate makes me sad. There have been great suggestions, such as the sniper kit or I’d love to see a gatling-gun kit or some sort of steampunk-mech suit-kit as one of the ultimates. Wouldn’t that be cool?
I feel like most kits are decent enough, ableit a tad too low in their damage output.
However, the flamethrower kit is the most cool looking, but also the most disappinting kit. The autoattack damage is just…bad for the risk it involves. Flame blast is still way too clunky and buggy. The devs could just change it to be just like blunderbuss, but dealing huge burst damage and applying burning instead of bleed or be a blast finisher. Smoke Vent should either create a persisting smoke combo field or apply ticks of blind for a short duration around the Engineer. I feel like the flamethrower doesn’t apply enough “burning” for a flame weapon and the damage is incredibly underwhelming for putting your medium armored butt into the dangers of close range combat.
The Grenade kit desperately needs an autoattack that has auto targeting just like under water. It’s incredibly annoying mashing the 1 key over and over again because there is no autoattack. For the love of god, make grenade kit 1 on land work just like it does underwater. The other abilities can stay as they are.
Bomb kit is fine, a tad boring, but fine.
Exlixir gun needs the damage increased.
Tool kit is fine as it is.

I rarely use them since they have rather high cooldowns, are extremely situational and odd benefits, such as a ridiculous self-crowd control sideffects on Rocket Boots. Funny thing is their Tool Belt abilities are sometimes better than their utility abilities. Gadgets are incredibly lackluster and unfortunately I have no idea how they could be improved other than lowering their cooldowns by a lot. We also don’t have a gadget-ultimate, which is kinda sad. How about some custom force field, or teleporter? Or some device with an unique ability and a passive that enhances all your equipped gadgets and their tool belt abilities (by granting them extra effects for instance)?

Elixirs are a great idea and are a vital part of the current popular builds. However, the RNG aspect of most elixirs makes them anti-fun and unviable in competitive play. A dev stated that the RNG is great, since it requires the player to adapt and provides spontaneous benefits, that great players can utilize. So, dear devs, if RNG are so awesome how comes no other profession except the Mesmer (only 1or 2 abilities) has acces to the awesome RNG abilities, then? Imagine Guardians wanting to cast wall of reflection and they get swiftness and aegis, instead. Or thieves wanting to cast shadow refuge and a fire combo field pops out, instead. Wouldn’t that be fun? RNG needs to be removed. Add different effects to the elixir depending on whether you cast it from your utility slot or your tool belt. Voila. Variety without RNG. Sorry, but Elixir X is pathetic for an ultimate. It just doesn’t fit in any build and the random nature of the elixir makes it incredibly difficult to utilize. It needs to be changed into something worthwhile, such as mimicking the last elixir you used, or grant some boons while refreshing the cooldowns on all of your other elixirs and their tool belt abilities.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


Let’s face it: Turrets are terrible. The only somewhat decent turret is the net turret, but most people don’t slot it anyways and get it from the supply crate drop, instead. The proble with turrets is their pathetic damage, their ridiculously high cooldowns, their fragility and the fact they are stationary. In order to make turrets viable or even people cosindering slotting a turret, they need to scale with the Engineer’s stats, so they deal better damage and gain some survivability and they need to refresh their cooldown as soon as the Engineer picks them up, again. Stationary objects with very limited range, low hp, low damage and low rate of fire on rather high cooldowns in a mobile game is kinda meh. No wonder nobody uses them. They should also not randomly aggro mobs in PvE. We also don’t have a Turret-ultimate. How about a steampunk-mech-suit, that works just like a mobile turret, granting you the abilities of every turret as long as they aren’t on cooldown in the utility slot, or a mobile walker/golem that grants defensive buffs and carries up to 3 turrets for you effectively enabling turrets to move/follow you as long as the golem is alive?

Elite skills:
The only viable elite skill is supply crate and this is sad. Like I said, I’d love to see a decent elixir, a decent elite-kit (preferrably a high range kit such as sniper or gatling gun kit), a decent elite gadget and a mortar that actually has a decent range and damage.

Yeah, there is no tl;dr. If you really like this class and want some changes, you should be able to spare a couple of minutes and read through the wall of text. Show some respect for your fellow Engineers. There ain’t many of us left anyway, after all! Thank you for reading!

Happy posting, guys. Can’t wait to see your comments and suggestions!

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


“How to make the Engineer more popular”

Post awesomely hilarious videos. Million-man luggage drop.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Specterryu Quipter.8412

Specterryu Quipter.8412

This pretty much sums up my gripes with the Engineer, and how it can be improved.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as think.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


This pretty much sums up my gripes with the Engineer, and how it can be improved.

I remember your thread and I really like your suggestions. Especially the revealing invisibilty for the goggles is definitely one of the best suggestions by far on the entire forums. Wish the flamethrower had something similar for his #2. A flare or something that prevents stealth classes from going invis.

Thanks for linking your thread!

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Engi doesnt need to be more popular, im sure i’m not the only one that enjoys the surprice effect when most players do not know how to counter you or make stupid mistakes, we’re the underdogs with a lot of power! we should keep it that way

and the only thing engi’s are really lacking, is a good defence vs ranged attacks

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


Dunno, the only ranged professions that give me any trouble whatsoever are Necromancers and Mesmers. And Thieves, but that’s a whole different story.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


JS should be smoother, like the guardian GS leap attack or thief shadowstep on SB.

FT should add one second of burning per tick during its #1 skill. Getting scorched by a FT without catching fire instantly… WTF?

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Yoshifxe.8346


Honestly, the first thing that should be done with the Engineer and should be the main issue on the devs minds are the bug fixes for this class. Its really way to buggy to be balancing at the same time.

As far as the class goes, gadgets need to be be tweeked a lot since a lot of them are not very good. Rocket Boots self stun for 2 seconds is kinda dumb since most if not all of the other classes can go that 900 units before you can and set up to fight there. Wouldn’t be so bad if it was like the Char racial where I could shoot and still be “evading”. That would definatly get a slot on a few builds then. Mines and utility goggles are the other 2 in the sense that mines are not reliable to use unless you maunally detonate the mines and the goggles I feel need to do more than just Blind Immunity. The only class that CAN spam enless blind is a */p theif or the Vet scouts in WvW.

Elixers are hit and miss for a lot of people. RNG isn’t a bad thing IF THE OUTCOME IS STILL THE SAME. What I mean is this, if I consume elixer h I will get healed from the health and I have a 33% chance of healing more from regen. The other 2 are protection and swiftness. Now if I use that elixer, I used it to HEAL I would expet the RNG boon to be giving me something to protect me or heal me. Stuff like Aegis, Protection and regeneration; not swiftness. Swiftness does nothing to help me heal unless the opponent is confined to melee weapons which is VERY unlikely. RNG as it stands with elixers isn’t fair RNG to the user and doens’t have much of an impact to the enemy. Perfect example of good RNG in this game is staff mesmer as stated by the OP. Each attack will burn, bleed, or apply vuln. as well as boosting the dmg oyu can do it you are close enough. The mesmer using that attack will get some kind of damage off just in a different way. Outcome is still the same no matter what the role is.

Ok all I said about turrets is here

Hoping that the turret buff that happened was the sign of the Devs are working on fixing the engineer

Need better elites like badly. Supply crate no issues with. Elixer X- get rid of it or drastically reduce the CD for the RNG factor. An elite should never be random it should be certain things that you can count on.
Mortar-…..Only use for it is in WvWvW and even then its terrible as is. Line of sight makes it have ot be used on the edge of battlements where it procedes to be shot down in 5 seconds. Honestly ok with this idea of a skill if it had an actuall mortar like feel to it. Buff the range to arrow cart range and goodness sake make it so that the shells go up and down on ground targets rather than into the ground.

Personally, I don’t like them too much. Agree with OP’s veiws on what kits need fixes or changes so not going to waste time with that point. Have no issues running with one or 2 but I don’t want to have to use 4 kits to be “versatile” and do as well as every other class. Also kinda bugs me that the devs are and have been concerned soley about kits these past few patches. It feels like they are only going to focus on and fix them to the point where it becomes that running all kits is the best way to play engineer and the only good way. They said that they didn’t want any class to be forced into one build, but it feels like engineer is just becoming too kit based to me now a days.

Honestly, to make engineer more popular, change how he can be versatile. He isn’t really versatile as is since we are forced to use a skill to get the specific toolbelt and visa-versa. Like maybe SWAPING TOOLBELT SKILLS would be good so I don’t have to use the slot skill counterpart that I may not want cause its terrible. Would love to not use the toolkit’s toolbelt skill if I could swap it for say a reviving circle or grenade barrage.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Daigle.8497


I know of a decently easy fix that will make engies more popular in WvWvW

Allow them to carry double supply and/or repair siege weapons with the toolkit =D

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

Disagree that Engineers need to be more popular or that they are unpopular to begin with. I currently have 6 avatars with full exotics and i still enjoy (play with) my engineer the most.

OP a lot of your suggestions doesn’t make Engineer a better profession and more fun to play with / against. Its mostly just asking for buffs instead of analyzing the profession. Try actually playing the other professions. Go against people who are good at playing Engineers.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


One thing I would like to see done with turrets is to change their AI just a bit. Have them never attack a structure of any kind, or a neutral (yellow) mob like a deer standing off the side.

They could make turret builds much more interesting by adding a grandmaster rank trait called “guided turrets” that causes them to attack your target. Maybe not 100% of the time though, that might be OP, maybe a 50% chance every 3 seconds of changing target to the one you are currently targeting if it is within their range. I dunno (would need more fleshing out)… but a grandmaster turret trait that gives them an ai tweak to attack your current target makes them much more viable as a build option by giving you at least a chance of focusing your dps and control.

Flamethrower needs a little work… the smoke field should definitely be persistent, even if for only 2 seconds. Flame Blast should have a % chance to inflict burning too. And fix the stupid targeting problems with it already so I can stop feeling like a moron for busting it out on level ground and watching entire groups of mobs being engulfed in flames and bouncing “miss” or “obstructed” words… and no, pointing my camera up at the sky to watch birds fly around so I can hit things with it is not an acceptable workaround. I need to be able to see the fight to react to it.

Elixers are in a good place overall… but the RNG needs to be somewhat lessened… making them even marginally less random would help in using them in pvp and higher level fractals. Random = unreliable in content with very little forgiveness. In short reaction time content… I cannot afford to not know what my skills are going to do when I activate them… because I don’t have time to adjust when they do something uselessly random. Take the elixer with the toolbelt skill that “creates a random spell effect”… sometimes it is reflection… sometimes something else… it isn’t reliable. If I have no way of knowing what it is going to do I’m not going to waste my fraction of a second reaction times on it.

Bomb kit is great… it’s awesome. Make the autoattack have a 20% chance blast finisher and it’s golden.

Grenades are good… I’m not sure if the damage reduction on the #1 attack was warranted or not, but I do believe it should also have a 20% chance at being a blast finisher as well.

While the self CC is pretty funny and lends a sort of “Wile E Coyote uses ACME products” feel to it… no other class has stun breakers that stun them. The animations are great… they are funny… stop making the skills a convenient excuse for other classes to kill me ezmode. I shouldn’t need to use a stun break to break my stun break. That’s stupid.

Gadgets would be more appealing if they had passives the way signets do with other classes. Goggles could increase precision, or add a % chance to cause vulnerability on crit. Something like that for when they are not on cooldown… this would at least excuse the ridiculous cooldown times you have on them after being used.

I’ve got more ideas, but this has already gotten longer than I intended.

(edited by bluewanders.5297)

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


I don’t know… one of the appeals to the engineer is being the underdog class. I’d never turn down some buffs/tweaks, but their… eccentricity makes them endearing.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

They don’t have to be more popular. But I agree with everything the OP said.

We need to do alot more to get a kill, that might be (more) fun, But it is not fair.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

I know of a decently easy fix that will make engies more popular in WvWvW

Allow them to carry double supply and/or repair siege weapons with the toolkit =D

Lol. really, everybody would start to play engineer. The NERF guild would absolutly OWN.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: shedim.8504


Thanks for posting here, guys.

My biggest gripe with RNG is not that we have so ridiculously much RNG but that we are the only profession with abundant RNG on crucial abilities. Most of the popular professions, such as the Warrior, don’t have any RNG at all. In fact only 2 out of 8 professions have RNG.

I also think being the only profession with self-cc on cc abilities or stunbreakers is a huge design flaw, as others already mentioned before.

I understand some of you do not want the Engineer to become a popular profession but think of it this way: More people playing the profession = more people posting builds, creating guides, more things you can learn. Besides, I am getting tired of seeing Thieves, Mesmers and Elementalists all day long in WvW and I sure would like to see more Engineers, since it could be such a great profession, only if it wasn’t limited by questionable design choices and billions of bugs.

Haha, repairing siege weapons would be op. I like the suggestion, though.

(edited by shedim.8504)

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Pelzy.9721


I have seen a lot of ideas to fix the turrets and most of them are pretty great. Because lets face it in their current state they are a waste of utility skill slots. People consistently agree that the only one worth using is net turret, and that is a problem. I would love to play a turret engineer, as I think it would be a really fun interesting play style. The best way in my mind to make them viable is to redesign them.

I know what you guys are thinking, a redesign is a pretty big undertaking but hear me out. As turrets are designed right now, they are designed in a “fire and forget” mentality. The huge cooldowns and the stationary nature of them demonstrates this. Now, I’m not saying that this is a bad design. If the turrets were robust enough to last long enough to actually justify the skill slot they use, they might not be as bad as they are. However in their current state that simply does not work, they get smooshed so easily by any form of damage that to balance them around long cooldowns and this “fire and forget” mentality is silly.

So how would I fix them? Well step one would be to remove the turret skills all together. Get rid of them. As it stands out of the 20 utility skills we have, 5 are turrets and net turret is the only decent one. So almost 1/5 of our utility skills are useless.(rendering them with 0 utility, oh the irony of being an engineer) But this is a fix turrets post, why would I want them gone. I don’t which brings us to step 2, add a turret kit. Someone suggested this a while ago in a thread(can’t remember your name sorry XD) and I thought it was a great idea. The implementation however I did not agree with. Creating a turret kit would grant the ability to rebalence the turrets to what they should have been all along attack skills. Lets face it this is what they’re really around for. Turrets main function should be to do damage, not add utility. The only one that really does add utility is net turret, and possibly flame turret(the blind overcharge) so why are they utility skills in the first place? So now you’re all thinking a turret kit is going to be way overpowered, and rightfully so. In their current state a kit that let you place all the turrets the engineer has to offer at once would be able to area deny like no other.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Pelzy.9721


However I did mention rebalencing the turret skills to be more attack oriented, which brings us to the third and final step which I errr…… will call rebalencing the turrets to be more attack oriented. So to help me explain this idea, let me first talk about the only game that I feel really did turrets right. The diablo 2 assassin. Although not called turrets, they had “trap skills” which were immobile untargetable objects that would shoot at mobs that came near them. They had an amount of shots that they could shoot before they would kick the bucket(5 or 10 cant remember) and you could have 5 placed at a single time. They have no cool down, the 6th trap placed would refresh the 1st one in essesnce renewing its shot count. So building off that idea I would love to incoorperate that into the turret kit. Obviously 5 turrets would still be too many I think so lets say 3 turrets max at a time could be placed. Each would shoot 5 times then they would die. To keep them around and applying pressure you would need to keep recasting them, which would have the effect of making the immobile turret sudo-mobile. They wouldnt be able to move, but because of the frquent recasting they would beable to be where you need them when ever you needed them. So that right there solves the mobility problem, also it solves the problem of wasting your utility slots. Obviously some balence would need to be applied to each turret in the kit so here would by my skill lay out to help give it a more concreate feeling.

Keep in mind that there would be a max of 3 turrets down at a time reguardless of what type they are.

Skill1= Rifle turret. It would work similarly to the rifle turret we have now, only it would have like a 1/2s cast time and 0 cool down. This would be the kits “auto attack ability” as in it is very accessable never on cooldown, not the most damage but enough to fill the gaps when other skills are on cool down. It would have 5 shots before destructing.

Skill2= Flame turret. Again it would work very much like the one we have only the cooldown would be lower maybe 5 to 10 seconds. 3 shots before destruction.

Skill3= Rocket turret. Same deal as flame turret only a longer cooldown around 15seconds. Again 3 shots before destruction.

Skill4= Net turret. Not really sure what cooldown to put on this one. More than one net turret at a time might be to powerful. To be safe a 20second cooldown with 3 shots before destruction would make having 2 net turrets up at a time an unlikely occurence.

Skill5= Overcharge. This would overcharge all the turrets you have placed, granting them their overcharged skill and refreshing their shot count. Maybe a 30 second cooldown.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Pelzy.9721


So what does this do for us engineers? It gives us some fun versatile utility all in one kit. Not to mention the amount of fun combos you could pull off with this setup. Something like having 2 rifle turrets and a rocket turret that you quickly set up next to that guardian your fighting, then boom you overcharge them all, quick switch to your rifle and jumpshot on him to close distance, and end it with blunderbuss, BANG! Pretty cool right? Now try something similar with a rifle turret, flame turret, and a rocket turret, or even 3 rifle turrets. The variation is pretty huge as you can see.

Obviously traits would need to be redesigned as well to fit this, but if you guys like the idea you can elaborate on that if you wish.

And I know what your thinking, thumper turret. Well I couldn’t fit it into the kit as you can see but a good thing to do with it would be to make it an elite and balance it accordingly, it would give us engineers a turret elite and would let those guys who love that little thumping machine to continue loving it.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: ZestyPhresh.4783


My ideas for increasing the usefulness/popularity of engineers: These are some pretty extensive changes that are unlikely to happen but would make a huge difference.

1 Kits:
Overview of change: Combine kits and gadgets into one more effective solution. Gadgets just feel too situational and weak to take up a position when you almost need to have 1 kit and 2 elixirs (or 2 kits and 1 elixir)

How a kit should work:
Select “Grenade Kit” as ability 7
After using 7 “Grenade Kit” becomes “Throw Mine”
The weapon swap option appears and when used you switch between your current weapon slot and the grenade kit. This stays in effect until another kit is selected or special item is picked up.

Suggested combos:
Grenade kit: Throw Mine
Bomb kit: Slick shoes (renamed oil bomb)
Tool kit: Personal battering ram
Flamethrower: Rocketboots
Elixir gun: Utility goggles
Med kit : Something new

This would give use the utility of these gadgets while making the “No weapon swap because you can use kits” make more sense, these kits become a weapon swap without losing the utility slot as well.

Some modification to kits:
Bomb and Grenade kit need some blast finishers in there. If you are building kits right now you have no finisher options and that just feels wrong.

Bombs should have a larger base radius for explosions. Requiring to get the trait to even be able to use the kit sucks, have that trait be a “If you want more aoe” and allow us to get more damage if we are going for a single target style build without having our 1 miss if the target repositions at all.

Flamethrower needs some burning added into its base attack, attacking a target with a flamethrower and not burning it is wrong.

Elixir gun: Some damage increase to make it more beneficial. I feel like I lose utility and damage switching from p/p to elixir gun.

Med kit/tool kit: No opinions, dont use them.

2 Elixirs:
Summary: Elixirs need more reliability, the RNG level with them is just too much to make them reliable, to keep this level of RNG it feels as though they should give WAY more benefits.

Elixir H:
Needs to be a situational boon, something like:
If target health < 50%: Regen.
else If target out of combat: Swiftness.
Else: Protection.

Elixir B: Tossing this should give the target a boon based on their highest stat, guaranteeing something they want.

Elixir C: Should have direct condition conversions. Poison > Regen, Slow > Swiftness, Blind > Fury etc.

Elixir S: I’d suggest giving an effect based on the targets armor, stability for heavy, evasion for medium and stealth for light.

3 Turrets:
Turrets are just too weak to be of any use. They are stationary, destroying them gives no benefit, picking them up gives no benefit, they are slow, and their damage does not feel to scale off gear.

Picking up a turret should replace your weapon with a 1: Place turret skill allowing you to move them so long as they stay alive but stopping you from attacking while doing so.

Turrets should prioritize any target you have been attacking for x seconds, giving more control over what they are doing.

Destroying a turret should give a benefit, i’d suggest some kind of effect field where they were.
Flame: Fire
Thumper: Smoke
Healing: Water
Net: Lightning (To give it to another class other than ele)
Rocket: Dark
Rifle: Light

This gives strategy to blowing up turrets or picking them up to move them, then they need a bit of (or better) gear scaling and they are set.

4 Elites:
The elites are garbage, Mortar had pitiful range and is easily killed, Elixir X is too random, and supply drop gives you 3 turrets which aren’t considered good enough to take as regular utilities but this is the only decent option so everyone takes it.

What I would change:
Elixir X should be given a different name, dropped down to the ~6 skill point ability line, and turned into just a brute from that increases damage output. Elixir U should become the elixir X, last a bit longer, and give the opposite of the debuffs it currently gives. This would feel elite, you just unleash crazy damage for a short period.

So Elixir X: Drink elixir X gaining quickness and Vigor, Protectoin, or Stability for x seconds.

Elixir U: You begin to rampage, increasing size and base power.

Mortar: This should be replaced by something like the char cannons in their starting area. More interesting object, and make the person manning it take no damage until the turret is destroyed. The attacks are ok, but it should really out damage the grenade kit, which it currently doesn’t have a hope of doing. (Some say it should damage structures in WvW, i don’t play that side of the game so have no input there).

Supply drop: If turrets get buffed up a bit like I suggested should still be good.

(edited by ZestyPhresh.4783)

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I’ll keep this post short, since the big ones get skimmed over:

For PvE, engineers need more than one viable build. People hate grenades (I don’t but whatever). Grenades are your best option for damage, bar none.

For PvP engineers are somewhat fine.

Kits are, generally, in a good spot. Flamethrower needs PvE viability improved, and a few abilities need buffing (fumigate, box of nails, etc).

Buggy traits and god-awful utilities also limit build viability. Remove elixir RNG. Make toolbelt utilities on par or greater than the original utility (Elixir R – good example. Toss Elixir B – bad example). Gadgets need a serious buff in both departments, passive effects while on your bar would be outstanding, giving engineers a signet-like effect.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Quixilver.6307


For PvE:
Grenades: needs to have an autoattack like when you use it underwater.
A real ranged DPS toolkit: I played engi thinking it was a ranged class and to my suprise, only grenades are the viable ranged damage. Pistols… look like crap. Gatling gun toolkit anyone?

And Sigils please.

How to make the Engineer more popular

in Engineer

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


Well, I did my part last night. I’d gotten to level 62 and was slumming in the starting Norn area, doing some DEs. On one of those “defend the dude doing stuff” events, I popped healing, rocket and net turrets and proceeded to grenade spam everything into paste.

A Guardian asked me how I “made stuff,” and how much I liked playing Engineer. Told him I liked it a lot, but it’s rough at first and has a steep learning curve. Still I could tell the guy was thinking about rolling one.