I do not understand AN & engi.

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ryouzanpaku.1273


So I decided to create another alt and because I wanted to try something different (have 80 war, mes, nec) engi seemed like a right choice – especially grenade kit seemed appealing to me – full AOE with ground targeting and huge range is about something completely different /© Pythoon Monty/ then all my other chars.

But I have found out 2 dreadful things about engi kits:

1) These do not scale with base weapon quality/damage AT ALL … so you are crafting that nice Zojja’s Rifle? Hehe dummy there will be no difference in dmg you just spend $$ for nothing…

2) All kits when equipped have identical (incredibly kitten) look from lev 1 to lev 80 …. so you are crafting Mawdrey? or even Predator? Haha dummy you will look like homeless hobo (with bowel problems in case of nade kit) for 99% of the time. YAY.


OK – I really do not understand this. GW2 is game where endgame consists of hunting looks (and tiny dps advantage) with Legendary/Ascended equip . So why is there a class which has no reason to do so?
Quite sad experience for me tbh – but my engi is now sitting shelfed and this will not change till these issues get fixed

Player plays the game. MetaKitten plays the DPS meter on the golem.

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


well u dont use 1 kit forever – i made my predator for switchable stats and damage from rifle when i switch to it.

also there is theme with 1300+ posts about that, no need of new one https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/Hobo-Sacks-A-Terrible-Fashion-Statement/page/26#post4655490

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


predator is the best choice i ever made for my engi and i felt like something was missing every time i transmuted a different rifle skin and used it for a while

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Kits do scale with weapon rarity(don’t quote me on it though but I’m 90% sure) and also you shouldn’t camp grenades in any game mode. Rifle is a big damage gain through jump shot which hits like a truck and also blunderbuss. Oh and toolbelt skills scale with the active weapon so you should ideally use grenade barrage for example with your rifle out to benefit the most.

Regarding point 2. Yes hobosacks suck and we all hate them and people complain for like 2.5years but anet don’t care cuz they too busy to make griffon mail effects.

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365


•Player bundles (kits, conjured weapons, banners, etc.) will now scale damage based on the rarity of the player’s equipped weapon. – quoted


Under Profession Balance and Bug-fixing

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ryouzanpaku.1273


•Player bundles (kits, conjured weapons, banners, etc.) will now scale damage based on the rarity of the player’s equipped weapon. – quoted


Under Profession Balance and Bug-fixing

Thank you – this made me bit happier

Player plays the game. MetaKitten plays the DPS meter on the golem.

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


it is only for pve i suppose becouse in pvp weapons have always the same stats

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


don’t forget about wvw, where pve-rules apply for all class-mechanics.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365


it is only for pve i suppose becouse in pvp weapons have always the same stats

Right, but the pvp weapons are all exotic so its all good