Just had to speak my mind

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: megatreat.8739


I would like to start out by saying that I am in no way pleased by the current state of engineer. That being said I, like many others, picked engineer because that is the class I truly want to play. I am not really interested in the opinions of those that are quick to re-roll or quit just because engineers are in a less than perfect place right now.

It is quite irritating to me coming to the engineer forums and half the topics are whining about how bad engineers are while the other half have constructive titles yet often turn into the same sort of thing. If you really believe the devs are unaware of the state of one of the professions than you are ignorant. If you have ever played an mmo game before you should be well aware of the fact that classes WILL NEVER be in perfect balance. There will always be an “OP” class and a class that “sucks”. These positions generally fluctuate with some exceptions. If you are content with re-rolling to a stronger class then by all means please do, in the long run that type of player isn’t going to benefit the engineer class. If you play engineer because you love the profession despite its current state, please stay and be as constructive as possible.

Next, I cannot begin to understand why so many players are quick to bash Anet. Sure I agree they need to be aware of the issues, but why anyone would believe being a complete kitten towards them will accomplish anything is beyond me. Its fine to be frustrated, even angry with what the direction that have taken the engineer profession but unkind words aren’t the solution. Maybe we have a right to be angry but lets handle the issues constructively please.

Bottom line, many of us chose this profession and have stuck with it through all the struggles. Many of us don’t want to re-roll a cookie cutter, overpowered class to enjoy the game. Many engineers love the class for the game play across the board, even if the numbers aren’t as high as they like. I for one appreciate the uniqueness of the class, and combined with it’s current state as the underdog, find it a rewarding game play experience.

So please, if you want to get out of the engineer profession do it. If you want to stick with it, do it. But anything less than constructive feedback and discussion is quite unnecessary. Experience mmo players should have seen this happen before. Many of you probably have experience being the overpowered, as well as the underpowered class. So just be patient and constructive, sooner or later engineers will receive their just dues, maybe even become overpowered. It is simply the cycle of balance in any mmo game.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Orichi.9285


Believe me when I say you’re not the only one who still enjoys playing the Engineer. The majority of posts you see on any forum is going to be negative; it’s always been that way. Despite the complaints I read, I still do fine in sPvP, tPvP, PvE, and WvW, having fun doing so. Do things need to be changed? Sure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the Profession for what it is.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Swizzle.7982


So just be patient and constructive, sooner or later engineers will receive their just dues

Do you remember paragons from GW1?

Because I remember them, and I don’t share your optimism.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


I love playing my engineer. I love grouping with others. What I don’t like is not pulling my weight in a group. And being an engineer that happens far too often.

I’ve learned to not say my class when lfg for a dungeon – because if I do suddenly they’re waiting for a guildie to show up to complete the party. Some groups are power snobs – their loss. But something’s needed when one class gets regularly overlooked for grouping.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


Paragons, which hardly saw any use at all in competitive GvG, got one of their best shouts, “Stand Your Ground” nerfed. The reason given was that it caused gameplay that was “boring to watch”. And they never gave any compensatory buffs to the class in return. It was just, here, let’s take away the only reason anyone even takes you in GvG in the first place.

I look forward to some fun-filled years of senseless nerfs and the special snowflakes attempting to defend them, making out like everyone else is stupid for not trying to adapt to nerfs and a lack of meaningful bugfixes.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263


Yeah, even logging back in to GW1 now, the Paragon still has not received any sort of update, its a bit embarrassing really.

I do agree though, that people are going about this the wrong way. You play a class because it’s something you like, it’s not going to be perfect. And for the stubborn people like me, stop whining. Rather than just voicing your discomfort, find a work around. It doesn’t matter if we need specific gear or tactics to be viable, make it work (Like Tankcat). If the developers feel that is wrong they’ll change it, but in the mean time don’t establish an inferiority complex. Research and spread the word to make our class better.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Felicela.2810


I have tried every other class, I have yet to get one past 20 since release, because I love my Engineer despite his flaws to much.

Actually I am tired of being a Sylvari engineer, and thinking of rerollng a new one of undecided race.

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Its 2012 and there have been a Charr’s buttload of MMORPGs already created with success and failure and everything inbetween.

So when ANET throws out a game that makes the same mistakes EQ and WoW made like 7-10 years ago, while also leaving out key MMO staples people have a right to complain.

Really! the entire end game is built solely around equipment skins and yet you have no preview option for other players or even the TP???
(just to name a small one, that really annoys me)

(edited by CriSPeH.8512)

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Highvoltage.7946



Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: dede.7340


To me the worse are the bugs, and this new sigil update just brought a entire new class of them…

Just had to speak my mind

in Engineer

Posted by: Joseph.3860


The engineer needs work. No one can argue that. Anyone saying l2p is kidding themselves. We were meant to be the jack of all trades, able to change the battle field by giving other people equipment, healing others with kits, switch between kits when needed to completely change our builds. Well. Not only did elementalists take our crown of be ing jack of all trades, we are left without that functionality. Here is why:

The trait system. We have tons of possibilities for kits, yet our traits actually hinder us. We cant go both flamethrower, grenade kit, and heal kit viably. We are holed into one build simply because how the traits work. Flamethrower is in precision (which ironically sucks), tool kit and heal kit are in tool belt area with tons of random traits, bomb and grenade are at top with the most helpful traits. Then we have traits for elixirs. Then we have turret traits. Then we have shield, rifle, and pistol traits. We have over 9 different pathways, with only 2 lines of traits to choose from. So naturally people go with the strongest.

Turrets are underpowered because you have one entire trait line with turret traits. Then two more traits (air drop turrets which is glitched and accelerant packed turrets which make no sense, who would want to destroy turrets with 20 to 90 second cool down). You have a total of 5 traits for turrets, 2 of which don’t work. The objective of turrets is to lock a point down. Well, they dont do it. They arent meant to be like minions either, to zerg the other opponent. I want to be able to drop my turrets and be satisfied someone will think twice about seriously attacking especially when i am there. Mortar simply sucks, it should just be replaced with a super turret, not some item that is a skill bar full of really slow and sucky meteor showers. Another thing is they pgeon hole you to use either pistols or rifle, which practically forces you into precision.

Elixirs are meh, the random effects suck. The ult is not engineer like at all. Engineers are masters of gadgets and gizmos, and replacing our entire skill bar with another random prof ult does not accomplish this in the least. Especially when all three of those ults are amongst the worst for each profession.

Again, kits are so over-saturated, there simply isn’t enough room in the trait lines. This can be fixed by completely rearranging trait lines, so you have traits that benefit all the kits in one line, elixir in another, and turret, rifle, pistol traits (which yall need more of… Necros get like 9 for minions….) through out. The tool belt trait line can be just random stuff for tools belt skills, which btw anet is obviously a lazy attempt to add more “viability” to engineers with rehashed skills and animations. Come on.