Looking For A Quirky New Build

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’ve tried most builds out and am looking for something fresh and exciting. I’ve done the grenade spamming, the FT/EG damage/support, the SD/rifle burst…I’m looking for something new. Like a SD/FT hybrid, or a grenade/bomb hybrid, or a ToolKit/melee build, or…something.

Any ideas??

Disclaimer: This is PvE only

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


So you bascially want us to know what you did without providing any information (like calculator links) and on top of that want us to do the work for you?

Nice try, mate. Nice try. Why don’t you try to build something for yourself, test it out and share the results with the community instead?

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mecra.5780



The equipment can vary obviously.

This is my FT/SD build. It is quirky but seems to work. Feel free to swap rifle out for pistol, but you’ll lose the extra rune. Pretty much a build based around FT crits.

(edited by mecra.5780)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


Pure healing build that uses Packaged Stimulants so you can throw your med kit bundles. Quirky enough for you?


Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Oh well, a few threads below yours is a thread I found really refreshing (PvE focus) taking the new Celestial gear into consideration. Research is still in progress (god, I like that sentence, thats the whole reason I’m posting this here not taking your laziness into consideration).


Also this:


Over and out.


And the most overpowered one of ’em all:


Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


The Doomspanner:

Rules of engagement:

  • You may only use the rifle for Jump Shot or Net Shot and only when engaging or chasing your prey. You never kite.
  • You must keep Tool Kit equipped for the remainder of the fight.
  • Rocket Boots and Slick Shoes are for chasing your pathetic opponents down and hitting them some more.
  • Elixir X: You may only use Rampage form—cancel it if you turn into a Tornado.

What to wear:

  • Sigil of Strength and Runes of Strength because BICEPS!!!


  • Hit them.
  • Hit them some more—Vulnerability stacking turns them into jelly in your gnarled, oil-stained hands.
  • ISKE RAUTA!!! http://youtu.be/PJwo6bMKBaw

The traits:

  • Exploit Weakness: C’mere!
  • Enhanced Performance: Healing only makes you angry.
  • Precise Sights: Make your opponents bowels release with each critical hit—I think that’s how this works.
  • Energized Armor: More power, of course.
  • Fast Acting Elixirs: SURGE!!!
  • Speedy Gadgets: C’mere!
  • Power Wrench: Iske rauta!

(edited by Grackleflint.4956)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


@mecra: I’m definitely going to try this out. Been trying to find a way for it to work. One thing is that you took Enduring Damage (Tools 25) rather than Fireforged Trigger (Firearms I). Do you find the 5% toolbelt reduction for SD outweighs the 20% CD reduction for FT? Also, full Celestial? Really?

@Grackleflint: I’ve def thought about a pure healing build but unfortunately I need all new gear. I’ll work on getting that together. In open world I’ve definitely done something very similar to your Doomspanner lol. World complettion can get a bit tedious at times and it’s a good way to mix things up…by recklessly leaping into the fray.

@imaginary: thanks for the posts despite your snide insults. I did say in my OP that I’ve tried many builds, the more popular ones anyway. And I don’t necessarily need full builds with gear, runes, sigils, stats, utilities, and tactics. Just a push in a new direction. I’m not lazy, just trying to start a dialogue with some outside-the-box build ideas. If you’d rather, I can retitle this thread “Post Your Outside-The-Box Build Ideas Here” to make it seem less self-serving. In any case, thanks for your additions.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mecra.5780


The celestial is because I wanted to see what kind of stats it got. Sure there’s the always present Berserker or Berserker/Valk or Berserker/Knights gear. But celestial is interesting so I wanted to see how it plays out.

I’m not sure what you mean by 5% toolbelt vs 20% CD reduction for FT. Enduring is 10% extra damage across the board. 20% means you need perfect rotation of FT uses to maximize it. 10% damage across the board is always on as long as I have full Endurance, even for my SD abilities. Thus I don’t miss out as much if I forget or can’t activate my FT abilities.

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Gotcha. I’ve always been curious about Enduring Damage. 10% is a sweet boost, but with so much of survivability being about dodging rather than stacking vit/tough, I didn’t figure I’d have full endurance very often.

Since the appearance of easy to attain Celestial trinkets, I’ve been running full zerker with full celestial trinkets (some ascended) and varying my runes. It’s a pretty nice set-up with a lot of damage output and a nice helping of every other stat which benefits no other class as much as Engi. Grenades, FT, pistols, bombs…they all benefit from celestial stats, and it increases my utility & survivability too.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’m working on getting a full set of Celestial gear together, but this is what I’ve got for a build right now (kind of; I’ve set this up with the runeset I intend to get, as well as a full set of Celestial everything):


No idea if this is quirky at all, but it’s at least interesting to use. Thinking of switching the Rifle Turret and PBR out for something else, but not sure what just yet.

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’m working on getting a full set of Celestial gear together, but this is what I’ve got for a build right now (kind of; I’ve set this up with the runeset I intend to get, as well as a full set of Celestial everything):


No idea if this is quirky at all, but it’s at least interesting to use. Thinking of switching the Rifle Turret and PBR out for something else, but not sure what just yet.

With 3 traits dedicated to turrets, I feel like you should have more than 1 turret. Especially if you’re running Static Discharge and have your Rifle Turret just for the toolbelt skill, which won’t be available if your turret is placed.

Edit: ah, I just noticed the Healing Turret. Does Rifled Turret Barrels increase the range of HT?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


1. Grab a deck of index cards.
2. Write an engineer skill on a card, one per card, and sort them by healing, utility, and elite.
3. Shuffle one pile of cards then spread them out
4. Flip over three utility cards and slot the skills.
5. Flip over one healing card and slot the skill.
6. Flip over one elite card and slot the skill.

That should be pretty quirky.

For extra RNG, do the same with traits.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


@Chaba: haha nice. Honestly, we could probably do that with skills and then trait around them for a half-decent build. Traits though…..

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilanil.4721


1. Grab a deck of index cards.
2. Write an engineer skill on a card, one per card, and sort them by healing, utility, and elite.
3. Shuffle one pile of cards then spread them out
4. Flip over three utility cards and slot the skills.
5. Flip over one healing card and slot the skill.
6. Flip over one elite card and slot the skill.

That should be pretty quirky.

For extra RNG, do the same with traits.

That actually sounds fun! =)

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’m working on getting a full set of Celestial gear together, but this is what I’ve got for a build right now (kind of; I’ve set this up with the runeset I intend to get, as well as a full set of Celestial everything):


No idea if this is quirky at all, but it’s at least interesting to use. Thinking of switching the Rifle Turret and PBR out for something else, but not sure what just yet.

With 3 traits dedicated to turrets, I feel like you should have more than 1 turret. Especially if you’re running Static Discharge and have your Rifle Turret just for the toolbelt skill, which won’t be available if your turret is placed.

Edit: ah, I just noticed the Healing Turret. Does Rifled Turret Barrels increase the range of HT?

I have no idea whether it affects the Healing Turret, to be perfectly honest. I might throw a Thumper in, in place of the PBR.

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


Triple Gadget is absolutely hilarious no matter which gadgets you choose.

There’s nothing better than doing Ram → Overcharged Shot → Mine and watching your opponent flail around on the ground while you get autoattacks in as you chain cc them.

Slick Shoes was recently buffed so that it can knock down enemies 3-4 times as opposed to 1-2 times, and Super Shoes is now a stunbreaker so triple gadget has access to a stunbreaker now.

Looking For A Quirky New Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

I’ve tried most builds out and am looking for something fresh and exciting. I’ve done the grenade spamming, the FT/EG damage/support, the SD/rifle burst…I’m looking for something new. Like a SD/FT hybrid, or a grenade/bomb hybrid, or a ToolKit/melee build, or…something.

Any ideas??

Disclaimer: This is PvE only

Here is a forum post to a toolkit/melee build I made for spvp and wvwvw for a different type of build. I’ve also ran it in dungeons to great success, in sorrow’s furnace I was last man standing on my team a few times and could solo parts when everyone else was downed. Not the best build but definitely quirky