Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wishmaster.7693


From 0:00 to 1:00, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yea, they are. If he wasn’t so defensive he could also manage to down 3 of them.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


pretty much any profession can make a pure defensive build. you tend to be a big useless rock though. has its place in spvp, for point holding. WvW just a pug distraction. no remotely competent force will be slowed down by you at all.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


No you will not be capable of anything like what he did in that video if you ask me. The trick that saved his tail the majority of the time, Elixir S. Both the use of the utility skill and the trait that procs it at 25% health. That skill has changed. You no longer have access to any skills once it is activated, so all of that healing he does while he is invulnerable will never be capable of occurring again, and he would have died in the first 12s of that video.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wishmaster.7693


No you will not be capable of anything like what he did in that video if you ask me. The trick that saved his tail the majority of the time, Elixir S. Both the use of the utility skill and the trait that procs it at 25% health. That skill has changed. You no longer have access to any skills once it is activated, so all of that healing he does while he is invulnerable will never be capable of occurring again, and he would have died in the first 12s of that video.

Why do they always nerf to uselessness fun stuff? Do they want it that badly for players to just be gone and leave the game or something? With the Dec patch they are also nerfing Vigor and speedy kits masking it with some lies about “Not having to switch kits continuously” tsk..

(edited by Wishmaster.7693)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Because in relation to all of the other skills/traits of its nature, like mist form for example, they lost all access to their skills, preventing them from healing or using any other skill. SO I guess the more direct answer to your question is that in relation to other skills of the same function, it was overpowered, which is why the guy in that video could do alot of what he did.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Not to forget, they are soon also going to reduce that perma-vigor by 50% from Speedy Kits. Mist Form for example has Trait that enables it to do Damage, Regeneration, Freeze etc. while Endure Pain from Warrior is the same like Elixir S was – both are still vulnerable to Conditions but the Warrior has access to ALL his Skills and even do Damage while being Invulnerable not just Utilities or Heals. Thought he can still be disabled – then he just brings the Dolyak Sigil – Triggers 8s Stability and it ’s clearly superior and even 1s longer then Elixir S.

Nisha was playing mostly against many upleveled Players in that Video, but in addition to it, it was highlevel gameplay he showed. You’d even need to be better now, to show simliar results.


Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Warrior’s Endure Pain is nothing like Elixir S. It doesn’t make you invunerable, it just makes that all direct power attacks do 0 damage so it’s worthless for eg. Stomping

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Warrior’s Endure Pain is nothing like Elixir S. It doesn’t make you invunerable, it just makes that all direct power attacks do 0 damage so it’s worthless for eg. Stomping

And stomping is basically the only thing you can do with elixir S, since the change.
Cause those are basically some seconds where you can’t do anything else than move and interact (but being a transformation you can’t even bring objects, you would drop them at the end).
So much for being the versatile class, uh.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Yes for stomping Endure Pain isn’t that great unless combined with Stability e. g. from Dolyak Signet (8s), when you use that it has the same Effect for stomping as Elixir S and can be used for a wider range e. g. doing direct damage instead of stomping or triggering a Heal Skill. Yes Stability can be stripped and getting Damage makes you slower – but having equipped a GS you have one of the best mobilities for e. g. escaping at hand that can be combined with Endure Pain.

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aomine.5012


LOL, it sure is a funny video because the author is funny.

To all seriousness, this guys build is pretty bulky. It works well in PVP, but in WvW, other than bulkiness, it doesn’t seem to contribute much to the team. It lack quite abit of aoe option because he gives up his aoe kits to elixers and defensive kit.

His build is the famous HGH build that’s quite good in 1 v 1 due to strong ability of condition removal and numerous access to block, but he contribute less in a group fight.

Btw, if you check the date of vedio posted, all the data is very outdated and does not at all reflect to the current meta of WvW community.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


Man I remember this vid, motivated me to stick with engi. Sadly as cog pointed out much of the skill play he showed has been nerfed heavily, Elixir S, confusion, even the giant mode from toss S =P makes me kinda nostalgic

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


Because in relation to all of the other skills/traits of its nature, like mist form for example, they lost all access to their skills, preventing them from healing or using any other skill. SO I guess the more direct answer to your question is that in relation to other skills of the same function, it was overpowered, which is why the guy in that video could do alot of what he did.

Warriors get Endure Pain which give’s them 4 seconds of damage immunity (1 second longer the both Mist Form and Elixir S) and they still have complete access to their skills. Also it doesn’t have any visual changes, i.e., you can tell an engineers immune to damage because they’re 1/10th of their original size, and Ele’s turn into white mist. You only know Endure Pain is up when you waste all your cooldowns only to see them hitting 0s. Oh, they can also cap points using this. They should buff Elixir S and Mist Form to at least get condition damage immunity…

(edited by Ameno.6813)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Warriors get Endure Pain which give’s them 4 seconds of damage immunity (1 second longer the both Mist Form and Elixir S) and they still have complete access to their skills.

Actually your incorrect. it gives them 4s of immunity to direct damage. They are still completely susceptible to all conditions. So my burns, bleeds, poisons, confusion, still do solid damage,and even more importantly my cripples and immobilizes will still damage and stop them, as well as chills, but I have no regular access to them on my engineer. I can still blind them. I can still inflict weakness to negate any attacks.

So they get one whopping extra second and access to their skills and I still get to do all I listed, to them

I on the other hand get 1 whopping second less, and lose access to my abilities, to be totally immune to everything. It is a trade off. But do not sit here and suggest Endure Pain can do things that it cannot.

They should buff Elixir S and Mist Form to at least get condition damage immunity…

I am unclear what your getting at here. You are immune to condition damage being applied while in form of elixir s.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Nice video for sure. Fortunately for that guy people didnt seem to know what cc was back then when engi’s only had rng stability.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


I am unclear what your getting at here. You are immune to condition damage being applied while in form of elixir s.

I think he means that conditions applied before still tick and down you if you didn’t remove them beforehand – especially since you can’t trigger a condition remove as soon as you popped Elixir S / Mistform (thought Ele can trait for Conditionremoval per Regeneration Stack and getting Regeneration in Mistform).

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

Please tell me that the engineer is THIS fun.

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

It is that fun. That build no longer works as well as it used too, but there are other builds that can do similar things.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag