Poll: Engineers with hammers

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

A simple poll to see how much of the engineer community would like hammers to be added as an engineer weapon set in some form. For brevity please add either +1 or -1 in bold somewhere in your post, depending on how you voted, to make it easier to reference. Thank you.


Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

So far 61 people don’t understand the concept of a poll.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


And you haven’t read the forum TOA. No +1/-1 threads or any of that nonsense. If people agree, they’ll push the +1 by your name. That’s how devs see what people are interested in.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


If that’s how the devs see that, should we have upvoted everyone who mentioned the Scope bug? Would that have gotten their attention? Besides which, staff callout threads are also against the rules, but we’ve had plenty of those.

Anyway, I’m going to do as the OP asks: +1.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I’m gonna throw in my lot for torch instead of hammer…

Or maybe focus… you can get some with alcohol skins, perfect for an engg.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Torches would also be quite nice. Maces, too. Sceptres and Foci…maybe the Engineer could have some sort of minidrones, summoned via weapon skills.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Actually, I’m going to advocate for main hand shield instead… dual-wielding shields would be too awesome.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014



dunno who thought we build things by hammering them with monkey wrenches, smh /facepalm

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267



dunno who thought we build things by hammering them with monkey wrenches, smh /facepalm

Hey now, I beat down the Claw of Jormag with that wrench. It deserves some respect.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


It is a tough wrench. :P

Personally, I’d rather see a mace first than a hammer. Shield deserves to have more options to combo with than pistol, and many maces are either one-handed hammers or conglomerates of technological stuff that wouldn’t look out of place on an engineer.

I’ve generally been of the opinion that the current system is logical for the ‘engineers should always carry a firearm’ perspective, but from a mechanical perspective I’ve found that in some builds my preferred kits do make them somewhat redundant, so having the option to have a melee weaponset beneath the kits might provide for more flexibility.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Saki Asakura.6479

Saki Asakura.6479

Hammers and dual shields would be cool, but I’m gonna have to second torches. Why? Because of Combustion: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a7/Combustion.jpg

This is one of the most awesome engi looking weapons in the game and we can’t even use it!

Level 80 Engineer: Kamonia

Borlis Pass

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Mh, it makes sense in that regard. Torches (i would suppose the second or third skill could use gunpowder for some explosion, thus having some benefit from the explosions trait, or some alchemical thing for smoke, gas or something like that) and maces (as in one handed hammers – we should be able to repair turrets with it, though, so to improve versatility in turret builds – that way, we may choose having a long range weapon+tool kit+ turrets, or having just a short ranged one, but with an additional turret).

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


A mace and nothing else, an electric mace.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Katlyntje.7962


I think maces and torches would be more fitting than big two-handed hammers as well. Though I wouldn’t mind hammers also if we got those two. I would just love to have more weapon variety. I don’t care if we don’t have weapon swapping, I just want more weapon variety to chose from.

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. BOOM!

Primary: Gizzmologist Saikka – Asura Engineer

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Blazedrag.4568


yeah, if they’re going to add weapons, my personal preferences in order would be:
Maces (Main and Off)
Torches (Off)
Hammer (2h)

not saying that I wouldn’t like hammer, just that I personally thing that maces and torches would not only be a better choice for the theme of the class, but because it also open up a lot of diversity for weapon choices. Right now we can only choose between 3 different sets total. If they simply added Maces for on and off hands, that adds another 5 choices right there, and then torches would add another 2.

Dual shields though seems really weird to me. I do think it would be kinda funny, plus it’d be unique, but it seems very unlikely and I’d rather they work on other things before even thinking about this.

As for the abilities themselves, I was thinking the torch would be a close range fire AoE explosion sorta deal, sort of I guess an alternative to off hand pistol, but instead of an immobilize it would probably have another fire attack, like maybe throwing the torch for a longer ranged fire damage.

With the Mace or hammer, I’d make it electricity style attacks, obviously melee. Probably minor AoE, which would make them a decent choice to differentiate from the rifle and pistols. In fact, you could probably make them pretty much the same in concept, the Hammer being about CC and Mace about Conditions, but with the trade-off being exchanging range for AoE in general. Although maybe the Mace could be more about the inhibiting conditions rather than the damaging ones, like blindness, weakness and so on.

As for some of the other weapon ideas, I don’t like the concept of an engineer with a focus or scepter. Those are pretty much strictly magical weapons, and I was under the impression that the engineer was sorta the “anti” magic class, hence the lack of stuff like signets and use of things like gadgets. And I don’t think that swords would really be our type of thing.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Hammers and dual shields would be cool, but I’m gonna have to second torches. Why? Because of Combustion: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a7/Combustion.jpg

This is one of the most awesome engi looking weapons in the game and we can’t even use it!

Our torch skills would also inflict chill.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


i’ve never understood why engis can’t use maces

there’s even a wrench mace skin

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I clicked +1 on your post to show my interest to ANet, though I’d prefer a mainhand torch instead of a mace or hammer.
Why? Because…

  • I know a lot of people want a mace or hammer, but unlike others I don’t think that really fits the engineer, though I do understand why others think that. But repairing things with a hammer isn’t exclusive to engineers, other professions do it too, and you wouldn’t repair machinery with a hammer anyway, LOL. So to me, it doesn’t make sense.
  • Heat and flame is used to create or repair hardware/machinery. Metal working. Soldering irons and butane torches come to mind. Therefore I think the torch would be more fitting to an engineer than a hammer or mace.
  • We only have one mainhand weapon that we can use with our offhand weapons. With a mainhand torch, you’re not stuck with the pistol mainhand anymore.
  • The Mesmer has a greatsword that behaves like a ranged staff — so why couldn’t we have a mainhand torch?

I want a weapon with an auto-attack chain; none of this pistol and rifle auto-attack nonsense without chain attacks!

Here’s an example on how they could create the engineer’s mainhand torch, in this case, a weapon with an auto-attack of 900 (?) range.

Skill 1 in autoattack chain, inspired by Molotov Caulktail
(the word and the link got kittened, so I caulked it)

  • light a napalm flask/elixir with your torch, then toss it at your target to damage & burn enemies in the area
  • AoE has 120 radius, improves to 180 with Juggernaut trait
  • 20% chance of creating a Blast finisher
    (yeah, I know elixirs are supposed to be beneficial, but, but… molotov caulktail!)

Skill 2 in autoattack chain could be:
- AoE, no burning, no blast finisher
- single-target with burning or blind, no blast finisher
… whichever ANet thinks is best.

Skill 3 in autoattack chain inspired by a butane torch

  • slightly longer activation time than the other skills in the chain
  • burn a flask/elixir of metal powder and toss it at your target, creating a sickening vapor that damages & poisons enemies in the area
  • AoE has 120 radius, improves to 180 with Juggernaut
  • 20% chance of creating a Poison combo field, in addition to the poison created by the skill

Then we have…

Skill 2: Throw your torch at your enemy, damaging & blinding them, and leaving a trail of smoke on the way

  • ranged attack (as ranged as the “smoke screen” … is it 900? or 1200? I don’t remember)
  • 100% chance of smoke screen combo field (starting where you’re standing when using the skill)
  • the smoke screen goes in a line parallel to you, from you to the enemy, not perpendicular as it normally is.

Skill 3: Slam your torch on the ground at your location, creating a ring of napalm

  • similar to the ranger’s bonfire torch skill
  • … but remove combo field since the other skills already have some
  • reduce pulses (ticks) to every 2 seconds instead of every second
  • cause 1 second of burning with each pulse
  • cause 2 or 3 seconds of cripple and bleed when you use the skill (the first pulse), because of the torch splinters
  • AoE has 120 radius, improves to 180 with Juggernaut trait

I think this weapon fits the Engineer theme, and provides good synergy with the pistol and shield off-hands available to us, as well as the flamethrower kit.

Maybe you’re thinking, “that’s awesome, make it a kit!”.
But I don’t want more kits, I want another main-hand weapon to use with my offhand shield and pistol!

Feedback, please.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaffles.3296


Nah, I’d prefer the engine to gain a power glove or chainsaw kit before getting a close range weapon. Kits fit the theme of engineers more than giving them hammers and torches.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Nah, I’d prefer the engine to gain a power glove or chainsaw kit before getting a close range weapon. Kits fit the theme of engineers more than giving them hammers and torches.

But if you read my post, you’d see that neither maces/hammers nor torches need to be close range weapons. Mesmers use greatswords at long range, and some professions can wield a sword, axe, or dagger on their off-hand (which would normally be wielded with your main-hand). So we could have a long range main-hand torch or mace.

And while I agree that kits fit the engineer better than extra weapons, right now if you don’t want to use a rifle you’re stuck with a main-hand pistol. A main-hand torch would give you an alternative.

In my post I also gave ideas that make a torch suitable for the engineer theme, go and read my post and you’ll see.

Plus, if you don’t feel like using kits, being able to swap weapons would be a godsend, since while you have “extra” skills through your toolbelt, you don’t get a choice which toolbelt skills you get since they come with the utility slots. (You’d have to sacrifice utility slots to get a particular toolbelt).

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaffles.3296


You do make some valid points, a torch main hand would be cool and unique but sent has stated a couple times they do not want engineers having a lot of range. We are midrange to close skirmishers with heavy (supposed) area denial. Whether this ever comes to fruition is another thing. Then again they may change their mind again in a month and give us another completely different class statement.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: MonMalthias.4763


+1 As I would like to see hammers being added as 2h weapons. Possible skills could include distance closers, AOE knockdown/knockback, as well as cripple and/or weakness.

However, I fear this may step on the toes of 2h Hammer Warriors too much.

That being said, Engineer skills in general are sorely lacking in charges/leaps, whirl finishers, and weaponskill combo fields, so 2h Hammer could go a long way to addressing that.

The hammer could be designed around a “rocket sledge” flavour that features skills that seem to be more of the hammer propelling the engineer, rather than the other way around. Skill design is focused around anti-kiting, sticking to the opponent, and with defensive utility to use for point control in PVP.

Skill 1 could be a 3 attack chain:

  • Chainskill 1: 0.75 sec cast. Rocket sledge. Strike your foe with a rocket empowered sledge. Animation carries hammer in a left-right motion ending with the hammerhead behind the engineer to set up the next chainskill.
  • Chainskill 2: 0.75 sec cast. Rocket up. Strike your foe with an upswinging low blow that inflicts Weakness for 1 second. Animation ends with hammer in both hands, ready for last skill in chain
  • Chainskill 3: 1.5 sec cast. Kneecapper. Attack the legs of your foe with a forward thrust of the rocket sledge, inflicting Cripple for 1 second.

The chain is long – 3 seconds total – because of the cripple on the last chainskill. Damage overall does not need to be too high due to the superior, easily reapplied control through cripple.

*Skill 2 should be the opener skill, a distance closer. *

  • Rocket Leap: A 15 second, 900 distance GTAoE leap finisher.
    I don’t feel that there should be any additional control like stun or knockdown due to how “sticky” the chainskill auto chain is already.
    Animation should be modeled after the way Thor from the Marvel Universe flies – that is, by throwing the hammer and using its momentum to carry himself into the skies. Breaking the conservation of momentum aside, adding a trail of rocket smoke that mists from the hammerhead in flight should allow a greater suspension of disbelief.

Skill 3 should be a short duration projectile destruction.

  • 3 second channel.
  • Hammer Whirl is a Whirl finisher that destroys incoming projectiles. Animation should simply be the Engineer spinning the hammer in a figure of 8. Thick black smoke can envelop the engineer to sell the effect.

Skill 4 should be the combo field and flurry attack.

  • 2 second cast time. 30 second CD.
  • Smoky Flurry sees the engineer swing the hammer in a flurry to generate a 5 second 300Unit AOE Smoke Field around himself and his foe. The Flurry strikes 8 times. The Smoke combo field pulses every second strike to blind for 0.5 second. This has both offensive and defensive utility, similar to Mesmer’s Blurred Frenzy, but gives only a “soft” invulnerability due to the teamfighting ability and the AOE blind of the Smoke combo field.

Skill 5 should be the hard CC.

  • 1.5 sec cast time. 40 Second CD.
  • Home Run Sledge sees the engineer bring the Rocket Sledge around in a brutal uppercut, launching a foe. Launch is one of the strongest controls in the entire game, serving as a setup for followup burst, or to push foes off control points in PVP. It cannot be stunbroken out of until the Launched foe has stopped moving. This Updraft analogue on a weapon skill will combo well with the other Engineer Launches to make 2h Hammer Engi one of the best point holders.
Iva Malthias – 80 Engineer
Marellune Malthias – 80 Elementalist
Devil’s Dominion [DD] – Yak’s Bend

(edited by MonMalthias.4763)

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


You do make some valid points, a torch main hand would be cool and unique but sent has stated a couple times they do not want engineers having a lot of range. We are midrange to close skirmishers with heavy (supposed) area denial. Whether this ever comes to fruition is another thing. Then again they may change their mind again in a month and give us another completely different class statement.

What?! We are tied for first place for longest range skill on grenades when traited… I can’t imagine they wouldn’t allow a LITTLE bit more, especially if it were tied to mid-range and melee skills on the same weapon.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaffles.3296


Grenades are the exception and as hinted by sent are probably getting nerfed again. I’m pretty sure the devs hate grenade kit but taking their balance tactic of just removing them would break the engineer almost beyond repair.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Sil.4560


I have to say, hammer on engineer would be pretty amusing. They should at least make a giant wrench skin though.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Tobeyeus.9376


Engineers were designed to have only ranged weapon options for their main hand. Thus they will be stuck with only getting off-hand weapon choices.

With that said I think the Torch would be appropriate.

Skill 4: Melt Weapons: CAoE Channel Damage + Weakness

Skill 5: Call Mortar Strike: GTAoE Damage

Call down a random mortar strike at the target location. Uses one of the 5 mortar shots randomly. Otherwise I was thinking of making it work like the Guardian’s Smite and just causing random artillery fire to rain down.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956



Hammers. Give us a Doomspanner legendary plz.

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Like I said, an engg torch would not inflict burning, it would inflict chill.


Well if we’re going to get into that question, we might as well bring up every skill the engineer has…

Poll: Engineers with hammers

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


if we’re going to get into that question, we might as well bring up every skill the engineer has…

We’ve got plenty of burning as an engimeer already, I get that. But unless you give some suggestions how to make the torch apply chill, you just sound like you want everything handed to you in a silver platter TBH. “I want, I want, gimme, gimme!”
If you want a torch, give anet some skill ideas like I did, and make it synergize with other weapons, kits, and traits. I already gave some torch skill examples and tried to create one where you burn a liquid nitrogen elixir with your torch, then toss it to chill enemies.

It’s difficult to, because a torch is fire, not ice, and you have to make it fit into the engineer theme. I tried to do that too, by burning elixirs with the torch instead of using the torch itself.

You also give no arguments why it should be chill torch, not burning torch, except for the fact engineer already has a lot of burning skills.
IMO the engineer already has plenty of control skills that it doesn’t need chill, and it already has daze or blinds, not to mention a ton of interupts, so 66% reduced activation time from chill doesn’t seem that important.

Your turn now :-) If you want torches, give some ideas how the torch skills would work, and why they must be that way. Or give feedback on the torch skills I created.

You do make some valid points, a torch main hand would be cool and unique but sent has stated a couple times they do not want engineers having a lot of range. We are midrange to close skirmishers with heavy (supposed) area denial. Whether this ever comes to fruition is another thing. Then again they may change their mind again in a month and give us another completely different class statement.

What?! We are tied for first place for longest range skill on grenades when traited… I can’t imagine they wouldn’t allow a LITTLE bit more, especially if it were tied to mid-range and melee skills on the same weapon.

No kidding, plus the torch I created is only 900 range, same as untrainted pistols. It’s not long range! And I didn’t even increase the range with traits, only the aoe radius.
And like pistols and rifles, this torch might be more effective if you fight in close range, despite the 900 range.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)