Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


Would like to know if anyone else is having problems with Elixir U. Currently for me Sometimes i can use the skill and it works fine but others i activate the skill the C/D happens and nothing else no quickness no QZ no Frenzy…new RNG Aspect of Engineers?

I cant figure out whats causing this, id like to know if anyone else is having similar issues.

(edited by Holesale.2640)

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


come on this hasn’t happened to anyone at least once so far??

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I’ll test it in a bit

edit: it worked well for me everytime so far.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Only the toss Elixir U doesn’t work sometimes usually on uneven terrain.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Works fine for me

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Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


Dunno what it is then maybe its just me.

Looks like ill have to live with it for a while till it happens to someone else.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


I want meet that guy what put that stupid RNG everywhere (well not everywhere, only on engi because its only class what devs dont play and dont care so much – no Colin smashing dummies rly dont count as playing) and slap his butt over and over again. RANDOMLY with broomstick, pile of spagetti and rubber duck. Maybe after that he will know how we feel when we use his “ideas” in real game.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Oakwind.6187


OP, you might want to reset your traits, reselect them and make sure your weapon isn’t equipped with Sigil of Rage. It’s haphazard but maybe you’re experiencing an anomaly, or the Sigil and U share a CD somehow. It is in the profession’s best interest to test it out and report any bugs to the devs while they are still recent.

I play Engineer.
Balthazar runes are broken.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Good Point Oakwind. From my experience if another quickness procs during another the second one will override the duration. Learned this the hard way using elixir U during timewarp.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Mr Chris.4906

Mr Chris.4906

I’ve had this happen 4 times now, so you’re not alone. Everytime it’s happened I had a kit equipped and seemed to have pressed the ‘1’ skill on the kit either at the same time or ever so slightly before/after (the 2 kits I use are grenades and bombs). 3 of the 4 times it has happened has been underwater, it may be that their is a wider timing underwater. I also use sigil of rage but have never had this issue before the patch today.

I’ve already reported this so hopefully someone will be able to fix this bug 6 months from now. (that’s a joke, please fix this asap)

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


There are some jump bugs around right now too. I was fooling around with Bombs and if you jump at the right time you can cancel your bomb explosions. Maybe it involves jumping?

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


I reset my traits today and my rifle has sigil of battle currently, i will post again if it continues to happen.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Fubar.4389


Elixir U sometimes doesn’t work for me. I get nothing as OP said. I use Rifle and Elixirs.

Marmite – Engineer – Desolation – EU

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Fubar.4389


Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump!

Marmite – Engineer – Desolation – EU

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: RuBarBz.4972


I’ll test it in a bit

edit: it worked well for me everytime so far.

Seeing as some have troubles and others don’t it could have something to do with traits or maybe even a sigil?

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


If you toss elixir U and then jump before it lands, it will do nothing.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: waka.9826


This always happens to me, I’m pretty sure it happens when you jump while activating it.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


This always happens to me, I’m pretty sure it happens when you jump while activating it.

Jumping and Skills Activation is very wierd in this game.
If you time it just right you can actually perform skills in the Air.
If you time it just wrong(right in some cases) you will cancel a Skill thats activating.
It seems you can also manage to time it so the Skill will activate but you will bypass the effect.
This seems to be something similar to Kit Refinment effects (at least the old ones) and how you could activate ICD on FT&EG without getting the effect if you did it in the air, OR before the ICD lameness you could activate Medkit in the air to recieve Swiftness and not have to hear the little explosion from KR.

I personally see no point in limiting skills in the air since this isn’t a FPS and you don’t have to aim a Xhair right at a person so bunny hopping will not help or hinder anyone.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Fubar.4389


I’ve tested this quite a lot and it just doesn’t work even when I’m standing still (sometimes) fails a lot! like maybe 3 times out of 10.

Marmite – Engineer – Desolation – EU

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maullus.1273


Elixir U, upon activation, frequently does nothing except trigger the full cooldown. It doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m moving, standing still, or attacking.

Mad Maullix
Tarnished Coast
Panic Time!

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Elixir U itself seems to function fine for me in that it either gives me Quickness along Frenzy or Haste.

Toss Elixir U , on the other hand, is what I find somewhat buggy. Sometimes, instead of one of the intended projectile-warding fields, no field is produced.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Elixir U itself seems to function fine for me in that it either gives me Quickness along Frenzy or Haste.

Toss Elixir U , on the other hand, is what I find somewhat buggy. Sometimes, instead of one of the intended projectile-warding fields, no field is produced.

usually happens when you throw it far. If you use it by your feet you should get the effect 100%

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

usually happens when you throw it far. If you use it by your feet you should get the effect 100%

I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to feel about this. Am I not allowed to throw it as far as I can? I’d imagine a long-range projectile ward would be tactical to some extent, similar to how Mesmers can use their traited Focus abilities at a reasonable range and still accomplish the intended effect.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Fubar.4389


upon activation, frequently does absolutely nothing except trigger the full cooldown. It doesn’t seem to matter what I’m doing.

Marmite – Engineer – Desolation – EU

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


Another thread on the same subject

I’ve had it happen multiple times – Using Elixir U sometimes does nothing but trigger cooldown, with both ‘consume’ and toss.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!