Ranged Combat scenarios

Ranged Combat scenarios

in Engineer

Posted by: Xolo.3580


I’m new to Engineer and I was wondering about a good way to deal with ranged DPS builds/professions/mobs if you do not use shield. I don’t see an effective way to have a ranged battle with any other profession, for example, since most of Engineer control tools are melee focused and the only good ranged DPS, meaning grenades, can easily be avoided due to travel time of the projectiles.

Ranged Combat scenarios

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Anything at 1200+ range can easily be avoided, even without using a dodge. rifle, elixir gun and grenades can all have a range of 1200 and more for grenades.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Ranged Combat scenarios

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Tbh all of the problems we have with grenades at 1200-1500 are mirrored by other ranged classes as well, if to a lesser extent. It is quite possible to ‘dodge’ ranger, rifle warrior, and pistol thief skills at 900+ simply by moving. Do this, and you will force them to close the gap. Once they close the gap, grenades and bombs become very effective.