Scope has always and will always work

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Please read it. Apparently this skill has worked since release.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


“We admit that some Engineer traits and skills suck, however we would rather mess with the ones that don’t suck so we can force ppl into using the ones that do, once everyone has resorted to using the sucky skills we can make small changes to them to trick those ppl into thinking their builds are getting better!”

Quite genius if you ask me.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Who are you quoting?

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


The voices in my head when I read what Anet writes!

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: miriforst.1290


And i don’t believe that it works at all still.

It seems closer to the 4% chance for critt (baseline no prec in pvp lobby) than the supposedly 14%. The difference between those two are massive!

EDIT: Toroquin tested with 70% critt and fury. He should have 100% critt chance with scope. After about 5 attacks he got a non critt. Such bull S H I- KITTEN from a dev. I bet hes the one thinking 100 nades does 100k damage in soldier gear against bunkers??

(edited by miriforst.1290)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


Now we know why Scope has never been fixed.

The devs obviously don’t test out the Engi. All it takes is to go to the Mists and hit a golem a few hundred times. But nope, apparently we’re doing their job for them.

(edited by AsmallChicken.9634)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Tough to defend something like this. That’s pretty sad that a dev actually said that.

Really maddening actually.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Now we know why Scope has never been fixed.

The devs obviously don’t test out the Engi. All it takes is to go to the Mists and hit a golem a few hundred times. But nope, apparently we’re doing their job for them.

I’ve been thinking this for a while now. The bug lists are all player-generated and there are a lot of them. Every time I see a possible bug mentioned on the forum and there’s a dev response, it’s a “please add this to the bugs list, send in a support ticket, thanks for letting us know, huh we had no idea.” Cheapest QA department is the paying players I guess.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

People have gotten their crit rate to 91% without scope. They put on Scope and regardless of how it is worded you would expect a 100% crit rate. But nope there still is a significant no crit chance.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

4% is still a pretty tight margin. I’d recommend taking all precision and bumping your base crit chance up to about 70%. Then run tests and see if the total is closer to 70% or 77%. Thanks for testing, though—as you can see I don’t have the patience for it.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


Karl the PVP Wheezard

Looking at the script, things looked fine.

no see, they do “internal testing” kind of like when they “hotfix and make changes based on the forum feedback and pms in game” … though none of the actual forum feedback i’ve ever read is what get’s changed, so I have to wonder how much of a “boys club” getting things done around here is.

Morning meetings at Anet:

“hey, my buddy ranger says eles move more than we do”
“oh, snaps, let’s nerf RtL”

“hey, my buddy ele says that engies make boom boom!”
“oh snaps! .. wait, anyone play engie so we know what to nerf?
“just use the RNG to pick a trait”

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

People have gotten their crit rate to 91% without scope. They put on Scope and regardless of how it is worded you would expect a 100% crit rate. But nope there still is a significant no crit chance.

91% without scope and WITH fury. I stated that my test was run without it. That would result in 71% crit chance. Assuming scope applies before fury that would put you at a 98.1% crit chance. Please take the entirety of the post into consideration before responding.

EDIT: Math error.

71% + 7.1% = 78.1%
78.1% + 20% = 98.1%

(edited by Crunkmagnet.3908)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

4% is still a pretty tight margin. I’d recommend taking all precision and bumping your base crit chance up to about 70%. Then run tests and see if the total is closer to 70% or 77%. Thanks for testing, though—as you can see I don’t have the patience for it.

A agree that it is tight. I’m short on gold at the moment though so the testing I can do is limited.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Ironwill.5389


Yeah I was shocked a dev would put his foot into it so badly….

The problem is a lot of clever people figure out new and interesting ways to make the class work; if the class was non viable and nobody played it; then that would be a significant reduction in workload for Anet (not to say Engie is getting, or has ever gotten, its fair share of attention to begin hit the factory floor in pieces and was pushed out of the door with duct tape and bandages holding it together)

I just remember the previous SOTG where after waving 2 pages of crib notes in front of the camera, the sum of the discussions were: “Turrets are your defensive tools” and “some people like the AFK play style of turrets” (anyone else notice that they blow up now after 5 minutes, despite people liking that style? ummm ya… sure…..) and let’s not forget the gem of “26K damage” “100 nades build (/rolleyes)”. (not that I disagree with it being overpowered, just not how they thought it was..)
The fact of the matter is they simply don’t have time or desire to get a clue on the class or how it works. How else can you explain a photoshopped image being argued as the main reason for nerfing kit refinement and such a sloppy fix to it? Or the fact that they actually think scope has been working all this time?

This is why popular builds are getting hit; instead of playing the class they are using these forums as crib sheets to do their jobs for them, and still failing at doing the job well (sort of like the SOTG… 2 pages of ideas put into 5 minutes of stoopidity )
Someone at Anet has to care about the class, somewhere in that building… I just don’t think they are in a position where they can do anything about it.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

4% is still a pretty tight margin. I’d recommend taking all precision and bumping your base crit chance up to about 70%. Then run tests and see if the total is closer to 70% or 77%. Thanks for testing, though—as you can see I don’t have the patience for it.

A agree that it is tight. I’m short on gold at the moment though so the testing I can do is limited.

Heart of the mists?

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

4% is still a pretty tight margin. I’d recommend taking all precision and bumping your base crit chance up to about 70%. Then run tests and see if the total is closer to 70% or 77%. Thanks for testing, though—as you can see I don’t have the patience for it.

A agree that it is tight. I’m short on gold at the moment though so the testing I can do is limited.

Heart of the mists?

My testing was done on PvE mobs. If I can farm while I test why not do it? =P

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

4% is still a pretty tight margin. I’d recommend taking all precision and bumping your base crit chance up to about 70%. Then run tests and see if the total is closer to 70% or 77%. Thanks for testing, though—as you can see I don’t have the patience for it.

A agree that it is tight. I’m short on gold at the moment though so the testing I can do is limited.

Heart of the mists?

My testing was done on PvE mobs. If I can farm while I test why not do it? =P

Hmm, good point

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


because a controlled test against static mobs with a weapon that has unchanging damage variables tends to be a more accurate environment to produce results within.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You should be testing and posting results in both, and maybe even WvW, just make sure you’re fighting mobs of same level for the PvE portion.

Is there any point to this thread besides bashing Karl, as we already know Scope is broken.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

People have gotten their crit rate to 91% without scope. They put on Scope and regardless of how it is worded you would expect a 100% crit rate. But nope there still is a significant no crit chance.

91% without scope and WITH fury. I stated that my test was run without it. That would result in 71% crit chance. Assuming scope applies before fury that would put you at a 98.1% crit chance. Please take the entirety of the post into consideration before responding.

EDIT: Math error.

71% + 7.1% = 78.1%
78.1% + 20% = 98.1%

The fire arms minor trait target the weak would put you over 100% crit when the targets under 50% if scope worked even with the way you think it works.

I just tested it and I was still getting non crits when the target was under 50% health with 89% crit rate. Scope does not work period.

Edit: Do you have 25 points in Firearms? Maybe thats why you are seeing higher numbers than expected since you gain 10% crit when the mobs at half health.

(edited by AsmallChicken.9634)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


You should be testing and posting results in both, and maybe even WvW, just make sure you’re fighting mobs of same level for the PvE portion.

Is there any point to this thread besides bashing Karl, as we already know Scope is broken.

Because WvW is a pvp environment I highly doubt any player is going to be still enough to ever make use of scope, I’m not going to bother testing there for that reason.

I still don’t see why people believe that this test would need to be run in the mists. A test of critical hit chance is not a test of damage(even though they are related to each other). If necessary I can describe the way I run my test but, again, it really isn’t an important part for purpose of testing crit chance. As long as I have 50% crit chance where I was testing, which I did, the rest of the work is accurate.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

You should be testing and posting results in both, and maybe even WvW, just make sure you’re fighting mobs of same level for the PvE portion.

Is there any point to this thread besides bashing Karl, as we already know Scope is broken.

Because WvW is a pvp environment I highly doubt any player is going to be still enough to ever make use of scope, I’m not going to bother testing there for that reason.

I still don’t see why people believe that this test would need to be run in the mists. A test of critical hit chance is not a test of damage(even though they are related to each other). If necessary I can describe the way I run my test but, again, it really isn’t an important part for purpose of testing crit chance. As long as I have 50% crit chance where I was testing, which I did, the rest of the work is accurate.

The point is traits do not always function the same between Pvp Pve and WvW, and you do realize there are other players that you can party with on other servers to test and lvl 80 mobs in WvW?

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


the main point is that the mobs dont move and neither do you, and you can use weapons with flat damage so you can even test your damage numbers while you are at it.

two birds; one stone.

god i hate being ignorant.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Ive tested the trait in PVE and the mist. Doesn’t work in either place. Also the trait is actually really good. It could be worth as much as 10% damage increase with at least 50% crit damage. So it is significant.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


You should be testing and posting results in both, and maybe even WvW, just make sure you’re fighting mobs of same level for the PvE portion.

Is there any point to this thread besides bashing Karl, as we already know Scope is broken.

Because WvW is a pvp environment I highly doubt any player is going to be still enough to ever make use of scope, I’m not going to bother testing there for that reason.

I still don’t see why people believe that this test would need to be run in the mists. A test of critical hit chance is not a test of damage(even though they are related to each other). If necessary I can describe the way I run my test but, again, it really isn’t an important part for purpose of testing crit chance. As long as I have 50% crit chance where I was testing, which I did, the rest of the work is accurate.

The point is traits do not always function the same between Pvp Pve and WvW, and you do realize there are other players that you can party with on other servers to test and lvl 80 mobs in WvW?

I’m going to make this as clear as possible… Scope in ANY PvP environment is a terrible trait (and it’s really not good in PvE either). I am not (in any fashion) concerned with how the trait may or may not function in sPvP or WvW for that reason. I am not a play tester, I enjoy playing my games. I thought I was giving something to the community by testing this while actually playing the game and enjoying myself. So far all I’ve received is trash dumping out of peoples mouths that lack the ability to think for themselves(if at all). I’ve provided PvE related information and a way to test this trait. Use YOUR OWN BRAIN to go wherever you please and replicate the test yourself so that you can get a better understanding of what YOU want to know about the trait.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


the main point is that the mobs dont move and neither do you, and you can use weapons with flat damage so you can even test your damage numbers while you are at it.

two birds; one stone.

god i hate being ignorant.

Again… was not a damage test… The fact that something may be moving also does not change your crit chance in any way… If I’m standing still, I’m not moving…

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

It doesn’t ADD 10% to your crit chance.

Fury: 20% critical hit chance INCREASE. Stacks in duration.

Scope: GAIN 10% [more] critical hit chance while standing still.

My test was run without fury at a crit chance of 50%. After activating scope in traits and standing still and running 10 tests of 100 attacks each my average came out to be 54%. Assuming there is a margin of error for RNG, this would be accurate.

If I have fury(i did not) and it applies before the boon you would have ~75% with fury. If it applies after the boon you would have about ~77%. 2% difference is to small to test for due the the margin of error created by RNG.

People have gotten their crit rate to 91% without scope. They put on Scope and regardless of how it is worded you would expect a 100% crit rate. But nope there still is a significant no crit chance.

91% without scope and WITH fury. I stated that my test was run without it. That would result in 71% crit chance. Assuming scope applies before fury that would put you at a 98.1% crit chance. Please take the entirety of the post into consideration before responding.

EDIT: Math error.

71% + 7.1% = 78.1%
78.1% + 20% = 98.1%

The fire arms minor trait target the weak would put you over 100% crit when the targets under 50% if scope worked even with the way you think it works.

I just tested it and I was still getting non crits when the target was under 50% health with 89% crit rate. Scope does not work period.

Edit: Do you have 25 points in Firearms? Maybe thats why you are seeing higher numbers than expected since you gain 10% crit when the mobs at half health.

I only run 10 in Firearms.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


530 hits performed, 273 critical hits. 51.5% resultant with a 50% chance.Not testing any more, tired of it. Scope doesn’t work. Most of my gear taken off in HotM (since it had eagle runes), 1 point put into firearms so I’d hit 50%.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


530 hits performed, 273 critical hits. 51.5% resultant with a 50% chance.Not testing any more, tired of it. Scope doesn’t work. Most of my gear taken off in HotM (since it had eagle runes), 1 point put into firearms so I’d hit 50%.

Basically the same problem I ran into. that’s only 3.5% off of what it should be and could be cause by RNG just like my 1% was. We really need a larger number of people to test using the same method. If RNG swings low (we would be examples) there would be high swings as well(over 55%).

The other thought I had that may be a possibility and would make ours accurate is that the base 4% crit chance may not be increased. That would look more like:

46% + 4.6% = 50.6% + 4%(the base) comes out to 54.6%

I feel this is very unlikely but it would mean that i was only .6% low on my test.

EDIT: I’m ignoring the possibility of the trait functioning differently in a PvP “environment.”

(edited by Crunkmagnet.3908)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


As much as it hurts, I would suggest not using points in the precision trait line to bump up critical. The reason is because the bug could possibly be caused by a bad interaction between traits. For example, other NERF members have found weird behavior with rifle weapon skills when using Rifled Barrels versus when not. There is the minor trait Target the Weak which is also supposed to bump up the critical chance, making tests against the golems in the mists a bit difficult to pull off when the golem goes under 50% health.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


As much as it hurts, I would suggest not using points in the precision trait line to bump up critical. The reason is because the bug could possibly be caused by a bad interaction between traits. For example, other NERF members have found weird behavior with rifle weapon skills when using Rifled Barrels versus when not. There is the minor trait Target the Weak which is also supposed to bump up the critical chance, making tests against the golems in the mists a bit difficult to pull off when the golem goes under 50% health.

I fully agree. Thanks for the input! I will say that I run 10 in Firearms(percision tree) though. There are way to many uses there for just 10 points. Also, the synergy of the stats gained in any crit based build are very strong.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

ok. so you know what we do?

we make 30 different “FIX SCOPE” threads in the engi forum, plaster the front page with them.

If that doesn’t get Anets attention to how much the engi community wants this useless trait fixed, nothing will.

Seriously, this is one of the worst cases of developers ignoring glaring development issues i have ever seen in a game.

if they still refuse to listen to the community, just say kitten it and uninstall the game.

this is a matter of principle people!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


ok. so you know what we do?

we make 30 different “FIX SCOPE” threads in the engi forum, plaster the front page with them.

If that doesn’t get Anets attention to how much the engi community wants this useless trait fixed, nothing will.

Seriously, this is one of the worst cases of developers ignoring glaring development issues i have ever seen in a game.

if they still refuse to listen to the community, just say kitten it and uninstall the game.

this is a matter of principle people!

I’d call it a matter of priority more than principal. The game had and has bigger problems than the Scope trait.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


ok. so you know what we do?

we make 30 different “FIX SCOPE” threads in the engi forum, plaster the front page with them.

If that doesn’t get Anets attention to how much the engi community wants this useless trait fixed, nothing will.

Seriously, this is one of the worst cases of developers ignoring glaring development issues i have ever seen in a game.

if they still refuse to listen to the community, just say kitten it and uninstall the game.

this is a matter of principle people!

I’d call it a matter of priority more than principal. The game had and has bigger problems than the Scope trait.

By tht logic the game had and has bigger problems than Tooltip errors or 90% of the other fixes they release every patch.

Fixing a Trait that might not work and even if it does it still sucks should be a priority over smaller balance issues.
The Dev said the Trait sucks but they choose to address QQs in the PvP forums.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


The ANet version of “My bad . Turns out you were right after all”:

Karl McLain.5604

Looking at the script, things looked fine. We’ll have to dig into it more.

Regardless of current functionality, it’s still something we’re looking at down the road as we continue to improve traits for all professions.

… and immediately lock the thread, presumably to avoid the inevitable flaming.

Special thanks to ASmallChicken and Eviator for all the 1000s of test they performed collecting the evidence required to finally convince ANet we weren’t BS’ing them.

(edited by Zenguy.6421)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


and now we all wonder how many bugs get over looked because “the script looked fine” instead of … logging in to test the code.

this isn’t high school, Anet, this is a consumer product you’ve already grossed over 200 million dollars with.

Start working like professionals.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

What you’re saying in geek terms is that you think this trait is applying the bonus in a multiplicative fashion instead of an additive fashion. That is certainly possible given the ambiguity of the wording. Before I’m willing to fully accept the possibility, which would imply that all testing of Scope function must be done at high critical strike change levels. I’d like to know what other traits exist in the game that are multiplicative. As far as I know, none are.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


From the tests I just ran it appears to be working but is poorly worded.

What you’re saying in geek terms is that you think this trait is applying the bonus in a multiplicative fashion instead of an additive fashion. That is certainly possible given the ambiguity of the wording. Before I’m willing to fully accept the possibility, which would imply that all testing of Scope function must be done at high critical strike change levels. I’d like to know what other traits exist in the game that are multiplicative. As far as I know, none are.

Scope dosn’t work even if it was multiplicative. As noted before I got my crit chance up to 89% chance which would give me ~98% crit chance if Scope worked multiplicative. I then had the trait Aim for the Weak which gives 10% crit if the target is below 50% health. If Scope truly worked in any fashion, I should have above 100% crit chance against a target if it is below 50% health. However I was still getting no crits on a Golem when he was below 50% (I only started keeping track when the golem was under 25% to be extra sure it was truly under 50%).

(edited by AsmallChicken.9634)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I’d call it a matter of priority more than principal. The game had and has bigger problems than the Scope trait.

While you make a great point, I think about it a different way. First off, I don’t care about the Scope trait in the least. I will personally never use it because 10% more crit chance doesn’t overcome the downsides of standing still, even in PvE. If it’s a bug, it’s not a game-breaking bug or even an important bug even if the bug shows up in different forms like other traits, boons, runes, or whatever you can imagine.

But, if ANet seems so sure that Scope is working fine despite all evidence to the contrary, and sticks to its guns come what may, it shows a lack of discipline in their efforts, a lack of pride in their work, and a lack of respect for their player-base, some of whom can be considered super-fans. In that case I’m willing to pursue a personal crusade on a matter of principle, in all honesty probably as a selfish attempt to boost my own ego when ANet says “oops my bad, I guess you were all right all along.” In my line of work if someone reports a bug, I do my due diligence to try to reproduce it and fix it. I don’t take a cursory look at my code and say “this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, the code looks like it should work just fine!” The code that contributes to the 10% increase in crit chance is far more complex than a “script” because it involves several different aspects of the game. The script might look fine, but what if the code is never invoking that script because of a bug elsewhere?!?

Now, I’m also willing to admit that I haven’t seen any ANet post that specifically states that Scope is definitively working as intended. All posts says “it looks fine at first glance” and “we need to take a deeper look at this and all other traits.” Closing the 245-days thread was a statement in itself, but perhaps not one as harsh as some of us would like to imagine. I believe ANet devs are leaving themselves room for plausible denyability if it turns out Scope is broken after all.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Scope dosn’t work even if it was multiplicative. As noted before I got my crit chance up to 89% chance. I then had the trait Aim for the Weak which gives 10% crit if the target is below 50% health. If Scope truly worked in any fashion, I should have above 100% crit chance against a target if it is below 50% health. However I was still getting no crits on a Golem when he was below 50% (I only started keeping track when the golem was under 25% to be extra sure it was truly under 50%).

I urge you to clarify exactly what you’re saying here. If you got your crit chance up to 89% then got the additional 10% for “Aim for the Weak” that would give you 99% crit chance for targets below 50% health, without scope turned on. Are you saying that in your tests you were getting 99% crits? Or are you saying you were well below even that?

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


I wasn’t paying attention to the exact statistics when using Aim for the Weak with 89% crit chance (99% when the trait activates) as I was just looking to see if Scope would push me up to 100% (which it didn’t).

When I bumped my crit to 90%, Aim for the Weak and shooting at a <50% golem a couple hundred times, I definitely got all crits. So I can safely say Aim for the Weak is working as intended. Scope is however not.

(edited by AsmallChicken.9634)

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I wasn’t paying attention to the exact statistics when using Aim for the Weak with 89% crit chance (99% when the trait activates) as I was just looking to see if Scope would push me up to 100% (which it didn’t).

When I bumped my crit to 90%, Aim for the Weak and shooting at a >50% golem a couple hundred times, I definitely got all crits. So I can safely say Aim for the Weak is working as intended. Scope is however not.

Thanks for the clarification. That does seem like the optimal test as it dispells experimental bias concerning the difference between Scope being additive and multiplicative.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


I don’t think scope would be multiplicative, simply because no other trait works like that. It just wouldn’t make much sense to make scope special

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


I wasn’t paying attention to the exact statistics when using Aim for the Weak with 89% crit chance (99% when the trait activates) as I was just looking to see if Scope would push me up to 100% (which it didn’t).

When I bumped my crit to 90%, Aim for the Weak and shooting at a >50% golem a couple hundred times, I definitely got all crits. So I can safely say Aim for the Weak is working as intended. Scope is however not.

Thanks for the clarification. That does seem like the optimal test as it dispells experimental bias concerning the difference between Scope being additive and multiplicative.

I can agree with that and after testing this my self it looks like there are two possibilities. The most likely being that scope does not function properly. The next possibility being that something causes a trait to function improperly beyond 100% crit. Any thoughts on how we can test this? I’m not at home right now so I don’t have access to my computer.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Grenix.1576


So Scope doesnt add 10% crit chance at all? It adds a bonus of 10% from your current crit chance? Would make some sort of sense why it will never be 100% crit chance.
10% bonus of 90% crit chance is 9% so 99% crit chance.. Kind of confusing, badly epxlained trait. Also kinda useless in most situations, but still would be good if they could make this work. Maybe give a buff scope when standing still, and showing it in the UI bar would be good!

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I don’t think it is meant to be a bonus to critical chance.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Crunkmagnet.3908


So Scope doesnt add 10% crit chance at all? It adds a bonus of 10% from your current crit chance? Would make some sort of sense why it will never be 100% crit chance.
10% bonus of 90% crit chance is 9% so 99% crit chance.. Kind of confusing, badly epxlained trait. Also kinda useless in most situations, but still would be good if they could make this work. Maybe give a buff scope when standing still, and showing it in the UI bar would be good!

They really need to just scrap the trait entirely. I believe I had some luck when I did my testing and RNG gave the illusion of a working trait. It does not appear to be working after further tests. If they want something like scope they should look into something like the Demon Hunter’s SharpShoot passive from diablo 3.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


The trait doesn’t work. It is not giving 10% crit chance either multiplicative or additively. They will get around to fixing it next month patch most likely. Since we go their attention on the trait finally.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Part of the discussion goes to trait interaction. Can anyone confirm how trait bonuses are applied in the damage calculation formula?