My guild group killed the Vale Guardian last night. This was the build I was running. I would link a video but I’m not sure Brazil has one up yet.
There’s nothing particularly controversial or outstanding about it. I basically merged a lot of the ideas that made the Sinister build great while modifying it slightly to address a few particular weaknesses of the baseline triple-kit build.
A lot may be wondering: why Scrapper? Truthfully we began the raid running Tools, as Streamlined Kits and Adrenal Implant are significant mobility and survivability gains. But it’s important to identify as well that there’s very few damage gains in Tools that you’ll find valuable (or even reliable) in raids.
Excessive Energy is really your biggest boost, but you are very rarely going to be sitting at full endurance. On paper Tools still seems to be the better option with Mechanized Deployment giving you reduced cooldowns on Grenade Barrage and Incendiary Ammo, but this is kind of a wash. Just based on what engineers primarily do in the fight you will have a hard time throwing Grenade Barrage off cooldown regardless, especially during the second and third phases of the fight where the Vale Guardian and the lightning orb will often spawn well outside 1200 range of each other.
Mass Momentum does give a flat, baseline power increase (about 100 power, to be exact) and gives a little extra might to ourselves since you spend so much time evading attacks in the raid, so while Scrapper is primarily a defensive tree, there’s some benefits to rolling with it.
Now that you can no longer blind seekers with Flash Shell, being able to outsustain their damage is critical. This is where Recovery Matrix really helps, as the Healing Turret (if picked up) always matches up with the 15 second rotation of lightning orbs. So again, while Tools might seem like better damage on paper, in actuality I have to recline on the old tried and true: dead DPS is no DPS, and downed DPS is reduced DPS.
The other primary question some might be asking is: why Slick Shoes? Since BWE3 when we finally got our hands on Scrapper, Slick Shoes has seemed like a natural fit. Slick Shoes and its super speed applicator seems like an obvious choice for PvP when taking Rapid Regeneration. But even in PvE, Slick Shoes has significant utility in breaking bars better than most skills out there.
The truth of the matter is that, while the Vale Guardian is a DPS race, there are significant CC checks that reveal themselves in the boss’s third phase. If you are not breaking its bar within seconds, you will not keep your raid group out of the “hot lava” that spawns on rotation over 66% of the room’s area. Super Speed also naturally benefits your ability to stay mobile in this fight, as our primary responsibility for the majority of the fight is reaching every lightning orb that spawns.
I also cannot stress enough how huge the function gyro is as a resurrection option. There are many times where the raid literally would have wiped if we did not have gyros at the ready to res people that got teleported and downed away from the raid. When a video becomes available you’ll see what I mean.
The other final major reason why I took Slick Shoes is because Napalm is a very thin strip AoE, and even the best tank can’t keep the Vale Guardian in it 100% of the time. I think that final slot is really up to personal judgment; determine whether your group needs more CC or more DPS and go from there. For example, if we had a Chronomancer in the group I probably wouldn’t have bothered with SS … but I similarly would have hesitated on taking the FT again. I feel like there’s other utilities that could shine in raids (maybe Elixir U?) but that’s something that’ll be determined over time.
Not trying to reinvent the wheel here or anything, but I just wanted to offer an alternate perspective to the triple-kit meta that has seemed to re-emerge from DnT and NA kills.
I hope that naysayers to the Scrapper spend a bit more time in raids before they reach a final judgment, as I really do think Ireneo and the rest of the balance team did an amazing job giving us utility beyond damage. Having a lot of fun in raids so far, as well!
All the best.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)