(edited by NeroBoron.7285)
September 29 - Engineer Changes
Medical Dispersion Field: It is a very good change, however I noticed that this build doesn’t always bring support. For example I have a full nomad’s set. I went in SW with it and I noticed MDF procces very very rare. This was mainly because I was alot at full health, so I did not get healed, and thus MDF didnt proc. Dunno how this could be addressed but thats a niche
Medical Dispersion Field: It is a very good change, however I noticed that this build doesn’t always bring support. For example I have a full nomad’s set. I went in SW with it and I noticed MDF procces very very rare. This was mainly because I was alot at full health, so I did not get healed, and thus MDF didnt proc. Dunno how this could be addressed but thats a niche
Urgh so MDF actually takes only the healing you really apply as base for the percentage healing instead of the maximum. That really sucks and will probably make it still not really valuable specially in cases where you are nealy always at full health.
Medical Dispersion Field: It is a very good change, however I noticed that this build doesn’t always bring support. For example I have a full nomad’s set. I went in SW with it and I noticed MDF procces very very rare. This was mainly because I was alot at full health, so I did not get healed, and thus MDF didnt proc. Dunno how this could be addressed but thats a niche
Urgh so MDF actually takes only the healing you really apply as base for the percentage healing instead of the maximum. That really sucks and will probably make it still not really valuable specially in cases where you are nealy always at full health.
Thats correct. Since Nomads gives me toughness and vitality I barely lost health so I healed allies less
I don’t think this trait is worthy of it’s grandmaster slot, should probably be moved down to master to replace the heal on blast one. At least that have the potential be a cornerstone of a dedicated healer build. As it stands, both MDF and Bunker down fills very similar roles, and I think bunker down does it better.
MDF looks good in a scenario where you are in the midst of all action.
Take WvW, in group fights where you are kicking kitten and probably getting focused, you can pop your heals and benefit your allies in a 240 range which incentives stacking, that’s the best way to squeeze out the most of this trait.
I like running P/P with TK and EG, that guarantees me to be in close range of my foes while being able to provide sustain to nearby allies in melee/close range as myself. Granted it’s riskier, but for that reason you need to be sporting a fairly tanky stat build along with defensive options.
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..
I don’t think this trait is worthy of it’s grandmaster slot, should probably be moved down to master to replace the heal on blast one. At least that have the potential be a cornerstone of a dedicated healer build. As it stands, both MDF and Bunker down fills very similar roles, and I think bunker down does it better.
Woah bruh, I like Soothing Detonation. Could use a slight buff but giving allies might and healing them is amazing :<
I love both the FT and pistol changes. I had an opportunity to play my engi about 2 hours or so and noticed the positive difference in performance while running a burn build.
Haven’t had the time to play around with the other changes yet, but so far so good.
I don’t think this trait is worthy of it’s grandmaster slot, should probably be moved down to master to replace the heal on blast one. At least that have the potential be a cornerstone of a dedicated healer build. As it stands, both MDF and Bunker down fills very similar roles, and I think bunker down does it better.
Woah bruh, I like Soothing Detonation. Could use a slight buff but giving allies might and healing them is amazing :<
Well, by moving MDF down, there is an open spot in grandmaster for soothing detonation. Would just need a buff so it does something (kinda like med blast).
Magnet still bugged; so does recharge on healing burst with AMR on turret, I don’t know what they’ve been fixing, but surely it was something else…
Magnet still bugged; so does recharge on healing burst with AMR on turret
AMR simply is not affecting the turret (or, if it is, I have yet to see it).
did some quick testing on medical dispersion field
doesnt work with cleansing burst, but does proc from healing turret (the first self heal)
the pulse heals like super elixir and elixir shell proc MDF do not work if you are at full health. the engi has to be low on hp to get the heal.
I think blast heals are the same way, only proc’ing MDF if hp can be restored to the engi, no proc if blasting water at full hp. dont have time to full test this right now.
I tested AMR once with healing turret, both heals were reset but it still has the problem of needing to be hit under the 5k hp threshold to proc.
Also Super Elexier still doesn’t remove a 2nd condition with Alchemical Tinctures. (Wasn’t in patch nodes anyway, but other skills in combination with thus trait got fixed)
did some quick testing on medical dispersion field
doesnt work with cleansing burst, but does proc from healing turret (the first self heal)
the pulse heals like super elixir and elixir shell proc MDF do not work if you are at full health. the engi has to be low on hp to get the heal.
I think blast heals are the same way, only proc’ing MDF if hp can be restored to the engi, no proc if blasting water at full hp. dont have time to full test this right now.
I tested AMR once with healing turret, both heals were reset but it still has the problem of needing to be hit under the 5k hp threshold to proc.
I’ve had countless of trouble with MDF. It doesnt even proc from Regen and Backpack Regenerator…
I think it was said on the twitch con stream MDF would not work with regen boon, I had no expectations that it would so I didnt even think it was worth mentioning.
I read somewhere that backpack regenerator actually applies an invisible boon. Im thinking MDF doesnt work with any boon healing.
doesnt work with soothing detonation either.
best results are with bandage self or elixir h but just cleansing burst will provide more group healing anyway.
if you want group heals and theres no ele’s available, better to bring a mesmer with restorative mantras. their trait heals for 2600 and has a larger radius.
AMR on CLEASING BURST dosent works.
It dosent reset the cooldown of cleasing brust.
add to the list
I think it was said on the twitch con stream MDF would not work with regen boon, I had no expectations that it would so I didnt even think it was worth mentioning.
I read somewhere that backpack regenerator actually applies an invisible boon. Im thinking MDF doesnt work with any boon healing.
doesnt work with soothing detonation either.
best results are with bandage self or elixir h but just cleansing burst will provide more group healing anyway.
if you want group heals and theres no ele’s available, better to bring a mesmer with restorative mantras. their trait heals for 2600 and has a larger radius.
First off, the best results are with Healing Turret. Second off, Mesmer isn’t close to the group healer Engineer is. Third off, neither is Elementalist even under the assumption that everyone is stacked and the Ele is just auto attacking with ice bow and water staff
Here’s some math for you:
HT with clerics and monk runes in SPvP heals for 3,333 (under regeneration on Engineer, which HT gives you permanently, gives you an additional 250 Healing Power) on drop and on activation.
Drop = 20% of 3,333 = 666
Overcharge = 3,333 on you, = 666 on allies. Then it heals them for 3,333 as well. 3,999 allied heal, also applying 6-7s of regen for 1,812 healing over about 9 seconds on both you and allies.
Then you blast it, healing for 1,620, 20% of 1,620 is 324. 1,620 + 324 is 1,944.
Total healing on allies off HT: 7,755
You also have Super elixir. A 1,350 initial heal with 342 pulse. The pulse alone heals for 4,771, + the 1,350 initial heal = 6,121.
Then we have Elixir Shell, healing for 695 a second, for about 9-10 seconds (it might be bugged, its supposed to last for 7-8 even with Siege Rounds and HGH but it lasts much longer) is about a 6,000+ heal.
Now the really fun thing about MDF is that it turns these area heals 120% effective. That 6,121 heal is increased to 7,300 if both you and the ally are standing in it. Same with the Elixir Shell.
All these calculations were done without the 10% benefit of monk runes, by the way.
I’ve had cases where dropping a healing turret got me and three allies from 40-50% back to full health. And before you say “Well this is all on paper”, the statics on “Healing done to allies” I get after every SPvP match say otherwise. I frequently get 400,000 to 500,000 healing done (to ALLIES, not myself) at the end of a match, and in the case of Courtyard i’ve gotten as high as 600,000 (I only take note of matches which do not have minionmancers in them, as they artificially inflate the number).
Now let’s compare that to a Mesmer, with Restorative Mantras (A trait, I might add, that ONLY activates when a Mesmer casts the INITIAL mantra, a 3s cast), Monk Runes, 3 Illusions out for maximum benefit of Healing Prism, for a total of 1,675 healing power:
Each Mantra = 2,935 healing.
All Mantras = 11,745 health.
Engineer outclasses the total, 9s overall cast time healing of a Mesmer in a single Healing Turret and a Super Elixir.
I’d like to see someone with a healing mesmer build, stand around doing nothing but spam mantras, match the amount of healing my medic engie is able to do just by dropping healing turrets and healing fields.
(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)
- Acid Bomb: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill’s movement distance to be affected by movement-speed increases and decreases. Fixed a bug that prevented HGH from properly functioning with this skill and granting might to nearby allies.
- Cleansing Synergy: Fixed an issue in which this trait was only removing a single stack of a condition. It will now remove all stacks of a condition.
- Elixir Shell: Fixed a bug that prevented HGH’s recharge reduction and duration increase from being correctly applied. This skill will now function properly with the Alchemical Tinctures trait.
- Elixir X: Added a condition-removal skill fact when traited with Alchemical Tinctures.
- Flamethrower Kit: Increased Flame Jet damage by 11%.
- Fragmentation Shot: Increased bleeding duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Healing Mist: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from correctly functioning with the Alchemical Tinctures trait.
- Healing Turret—Cleansing Burst: Updated this skill to be affected by the Automated Medical Response trait. Fixed a bug to allow this skill to scale based on 50% of your healing power.
- Tool Kit: Updated Magnet to allow it to pull a target the full distance to you if the target was near maximum range.
- Medical Dispersion Field: Reworked this trait. The internal cooldown has been removed. This trait is now only triggered by your own healing, and the percentage has been increased from 12% to 20%.
- Med Kit: Increased Med Blaster’s base healing by 36% and its scaling with boons by 36%.
- Mortar Shot: Added a radius skill fact.
- Mortar Kit: Updated the skill facts to display initial damage. This kit’s skills are now affected by the Explosive Powder trait.
- Streamlined Kits: Fixed an issue that allowed miniatures to detonate mines created by equipping a grenade kit.
- Takedown Round: Updated this trait to be affected by Shrapnel. Increased damage by 50%.
- Transmute: Updated this trait to use the standard conversion list for conditions into boons and to affect all stacks of a condition.
Still not Fixed/Feedback/Opinion/Discussion:
- Acid Bomb: great that it finally works with HGH, but it still doesn’t work with the Alchemical Tinctures trait (while Elexier Shell finally does)
- Cleansing Synergy: Finally!
- Elixir Shell: Field duration is 4 seconds with HGH. (Should be 4.8 without Siegerounds and 7.2 with) Finally affected by Alchemical Tinctures trait
- Medical Dispersion Field: Gotta test that changes, but I guess way better then before
- Healing Mist: Also Finally!
*Med Kit: Dunno still an autoattack without damage… you can’t tag mobs or events with it in your wvw zerg. So still not really happy with it.- Tool Kit: Only fixed for one scenario… still don’t work probably many times. I just roamed for an hour and had like 5 pulls that didn’t work.
Finally a few fixes, even if there are still many engineer bugs… thank you.
What do you guys noticed/think?
just use rifle turret with the medkit, you now have a not-so-autoattack to throw out every few seconds and an autotagger on top
@Ricky – it appears you didnt test actual functionality or even read this thread
if youre packing alot of healing power youre probably also at full hp which means MDF would add 666hp with healing turret self heal part and nothing else, not even cleansing burst.
Okay so there’s some conflicting information about how MDF actually works. If someone who has tested and confirmed what works and what doesn’t could update the Wiki that would be great.
One thread is telling me it doesn’t work with blasts or Cleansing Burst, another thread is telling me it works on all heals.
Jade Quarry
@Ricky – it appears you didnt test actual functionality or even read this thread
if youre packing alot of healing power youre probably also at full hp which means MDF would add 666hp with healing turret self heal part and nothing else, not even cleansing burst.
Apparently you didn’t read my post either because I told you i’ve already tested this in plenty of actual ranked and unranked games and gotten good numbers on allied heals. Also still does nothing to disprove my argument that Mesmer and Ele are not better group healers, which was your original point, so don’t change the subject.
And what magical land are you playing in where you are never ever taking damage in SPvP? Maybe you would have an argument for WvW, but not SPvP
(edited by Ricky Rouse.1583)
I tested it like 30m ago. when you use healing turret and cleansing burst, you will see a single heal by medical dispersion field. if it worked you would see 2 entries.
edit: I suppose theres the possibility that the rest of MDF heals simply arent listed in the combat log
(edited by Synosius.9876)
I tested it like 30m ago. when you use healing turret and cleansing burst, you will see a single heal by medical dispersion field. if it worked you would see 2 entries.
edit: I suppose theres the possibility that the rest of MDF heals simply arent listed in the combat log
I think MDF’s combat log is bugged. I saw it heal someone for 3 instances alongside regeneration while standing inside a Super Elixir field, and when I checked the entirety of my combat log I didn’t see a single instance of it occurring. He was well within 240 range and we were both low on health.
my testing had MDF entries consistently showing for the instances I mentioned. Then I thought about the mesmer trait I mentioned which does not list in the combat log and perhaps similir problem. also make sure you have outgoing healing setup in your combat log ofc.
best way to test would be calc expected values and have your fellow testing helper look for green numbers pop on screen.
I also had some instances of small anomalous MDF heals which I wasnt able to ID the source.
Quick question: is AMR still bugged when using healing turret?
Quick question: is AMR still bugged when using healing turret?
Yeah still bugged. Nothing changed after the patch…. But no one seems to care.
From the video they said:
“AMR would recharge your heal but your flip over skill (Cleansing Burst) wouldn’t be recharged. This bug has been fixed.”
It didn’t make it through the patch notes, apparently. Can we hope to get a fix anytime soon?
From the video they said:
“AMR would recharge your heal but your flip over skill (Cleansing Burst) wouldn’t be recharged. This bug has been fixed.”
It didn’t make it through the patch notes, apparently. Can we hope to get a fix anytime soon?
Yeah we can. Lets start hopeing.
Im still learning how to not be bad at OBS.
here is vid showing AMR with Cleansing burst