Shotgun Skin for rifle

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

Since our rifle abilities are more ‘shotgun-like’ than ‘rifle-like’ wouldnt it be great if we could get some shotgun type skins for our rifles?

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


We have blunderbuss skins

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

A blunderbus is not a shotgun. While I will concede that it is a precursor of one, it is not the same thing. Also those skins are very undetailed and crude looking. Is it wrong to want a nice shotgun skin? Am I the only one who has thought to want one?

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Pact Shotgun works.

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


A blunderbus is not a shotgun. While I will concede that it is a precursor of one, it is not the same thing. Also those skins are very undetailed and crude looking. Is it wrong to want a nice shotgun skin? Am I the only one who has thought to want one?

I wouldn’t say ‘wrong’ but i think the crude look may be intentional.

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Townopolis.3607


Since your basic shotgun looks very similar to your basic rifle, I have no trouble using most of the non-predator (or Whispers) rifles as a shotgun. If you want two barrels and are okay with a vertical arrangement, the bandit rifle or invader’s rifle are both pretty good.

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


i would personally like an over and under shotgun skin that looks more like something an engineer would use. something clean and stylized.

maybe something like this?

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


i would personally like an over and under shotgun skin that looks more like something an engineer would use. something clean and stylized.

maybe something like this?

I would love to play with something like that! It would make using the blunderbuss shot skill much more satisfying

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Numot.3965


Ogre rifle actually looks kinda like that.

Norn rifle, pirate rifle, antique musket are all boom stick style rifles.

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Karril Daltaya.4980

Karril Daltaya.4980

i would personally like an over and under shotgun skin that looks more like something an engineer would use. something clean and stylized.

maybe something like this?

This is basically exactly what I was thinking of. I would even /pay/ to get this skin.

Tarnished Coast since Beta, now Banished forever to the Megaservers…

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


A blunderbus is not a shotgun. While I will concede that it is a precursor of one, it is not the same thing. Also those skins are very undetailed and crude looking. Is it wrong to want a nice shotgun skin? Am I the only one who has thought to want one?

Dual barrels would be nice i agree /nod

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Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

I would love to see a good old fashioned double barreled shotgun. It would be even cooler if they had a standing animation of the character breaking it open and putting shells in (not likely, but we can wish right :P ).

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Fnarist.8467


Ogre rifle is very shotgunny.

I’m using the Avenger/Advent Guard (Charr racial t3 skin). It’s got a big barrel, and a bayonet.

Shotgun Skin for rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i like the guild skin a lot actually. looks a lot like the model 1887. however i think shotgun should be a weapon type unto itself. in my experience eng is one of the most bugged class so …it needs some kind of buff.

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