Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dr Patrik.3642

Dr Patrik.3642

Anyone who plays ele in pvp will tell you that ele benefits a lot from having a wide range of stats, hence why cele ele was so strong pre HoT. Now that cele amulet is gone, I wanted to see what others think of the possibility of ele getting changed to have a medium or maybe even high (I personally think high is to much) base health pool. This might help to make ele more viable since it is one less stat that is needed for a build. I would love to hear other people’s opinions and maybe even the opinions of the devs (perhaps that is a bit to optimistic) since it seems as though ele is not in a great place in pvp now.

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eloid.4569


I like it! maybe is a solution of this situation

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


It could help, but of the 3 options for defensive stats, health is the least important for ele. What ele needs more than anything is more hard mitigation skills so that it can play a dps role. Ele has a lot of healing that scales very well with healing power, and its defense is almost all soft-mitigation (protection, auras, damage reduction in earth). These two things scale well together when you can put it on a sturdy enough body (enough toughness) that the soft-mitigation keeps the hits small enough for the healing to recover. This is why the only amulets that have ever worked in ele in pvp (besides the 1-month period when you could run berserker and 100-0 people with no tell) have been celestial, cleric, and valkyries: all gave enough toughness to combine with protection to survive, and healing power to recover. Since all the damage an ele can output has a very high windup (taken to the extreme with overloads, which require you to channel for 5 seconds while a sitting duck), this strategy has been successful when it could be reasonably implemented.

Without toughness, protection doesn’t mean all that much because even with high healing power you can’t recover from hits. More vitality gives you an extra 1s when fighting a dps build, but since any dps build can either outsustain you easily (as bruisers can) or have superior hard mitigation (dodges, stealth, invulns, blocks) and burst with a lower CD, you inevitably lose those fights even with medium health.

Give the ele proper mechanics. You would see people much more interested in trying a dps build if they had made arcane shield a 20s CD – that would have really changed the access to solid defensive tools. At 60s, you are still really easy to kill by just baiting out the 2 defenses available, then going HAM as the class is helpless waiting on super-long CD’s. Plus, the reduction on arcane shield CD is completely negated by increasing the CD on obsidian flesh when traited for earth CDR.

And to preempt any explanation that arcane shield on a 20s would be too strong: is dps engie too strong with shield block on a 20s CD (13.75s CD traited), which is superior because it blocks for 3 SECONDS, not just 3 hits. One single channeled ability or multi-hit attack completely negates the shield instantly. It would be a very good utility (probably a full-time staple) with that CD, but it wouldn’t be OP with the current iteration of other tools available.

TLDR: Vitality wouldn’t do all that much, ele needs hard mitigation skills, mobility, and even damage on scepter to play a dps role effectively.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


^Good Read

Ele was built to be squishy but has good healing. Current meta powercreep is too strong to play without toughness.

DPS Eles seriously need more blocks/evades if anet won’t allow toughness/healing amulet combinations.

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


No they need to nerf the other classes sustain.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


No they need to nerf the other classes sustain.

They really do need to do this, but have yet to start nerfing any of the HoT power-creep really, and I don’t think this will ever actually happen.

I shudder to think how terrible pvp will become when the release the next expansion, if massive power-creep is the only way they can make these things appealing.

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987



Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: skyhawk.5149


Ummmm, isn’t this the engi subforum?

Retired Oceanic Commander of Eredon Terrace

Should Ele get a higher base health pool?

in Engineer

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


Ummmm, isn’t this the engi subforum?

I thought I misclicked Ele forums too.

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers