Things I'd like to see in Engineer
All good points.
1. Alternative Elite choices would be good . . . and personally I’d put it much farther down the list.
2. We need builds that are viable (i.e. comparable in performance to other classes solo, not just support builds) in PvE, including condition based builds.
3. Yes to being viable staying in a kit, especially FT, EG and TK.
4. Yes to making other kits viable in WvW. We’re supposed to be a mid-range class, but our WvW viable kits are close and long range. Make our mid range kits viable in WvW.
5. Mortar. OMG, I tried that in WvW a couple of days ago – what pathetic range! Even cannon seemed to have better range.
I think the problem with Mortar is that it’d be lame if it were just a WvW siege weapon. It’s be cool in a way, but also so limited.
First things first:
- Make the Elite Supplies affect it, should go to ~1650-1800 range. Remove the turret trait affected it if need be.
- 35%-55% AE reduction for constructed objects and pets. In general.
- Passive protection while using the Mortar.
- Make it able to crit.
- Make traits affect it.
- Make gear properly affect it.
Once that is done, take another look.
For me things I would like to see are.
1. Elite weapon kit that would be our long range damage option I vote grenade launcher I put a suggestion of what it could be here
2. Passive effects added to gadgets like +25% movement to slick shoes / 180 precision to goggles
3. A rework to a few of the less desirable traits +10% crit standing still is kinda bleh when you’re going to be moving the majority of the time.
I would like to see:
- No random effects on our stuff. I do not know a single player who thinks: Cool if I press button A I will be suprised what I get.
- Rework on Gadgets. At the moment nothing is useable.
No random effects on our stuff. I do not know a single player who thinks: Cool if I press button A I will be suprised what I get.
Random effects are a staple of roleplaying games. A simply hit/miss check is a random result already.
Plus, effects like Elixir U work so well because they can be powerful in return for being random-ish. They could make them predictable (always -endurance), but then they’d also get nerfed (set to strict 0 endurance while up, no exceptions, not circumventable).
So here are a few things I’d like to see more of with the engineer
1. Bringing other elites up to a usable level.
2. Builds that are viable in all areas compared to other builds we have that include gadgets and turrets
3. It being viable to stay in a kit. Right now many multi kit builds will switch to them to take advanatge of a few skills, then switch out. I hardly see anyone stay in one and auto attack with it. Flamethrower, Elixer Gun, Toolkit are 3 that I’d love to see them be more viable to sticking in one.
4. Better WvW presence. Right now our WvW presence isn’t nearly as fun or interesting as the rest. We rely on others a lot it seems like. Our current viable builds always have tookit and grenades and we can easily be downed when focused.
5. Mortar being more viable. I really want to use this, specially in WvW, but it dies way too quickly, doesn’t do enough damage, doesn’t have nearly enough range as it should, and you can’t fire close to you.
The meta seems to always include elixirs (which I find the most boring/unsatisfying utilities in the game). They are good, no denying that, but they aren’t that awesome to use. I feel more like a drunk rather than an engineer
Elites: Most definately need some work. Trait to be fixed.
Supply Drop – most supplies, otherwise this is the only working elite at the moment.
Elixir X – Pretty much useless. The inability to do anything while in Rampage or Tornado will get you killed. This ability feels terrible also because it’s just a rip off of
Elementalist’s Tornado and Warrior’s Rampage. Please create something unique so that Alchemists can feel like Elixir X is useful and worth taking, traiting into.
Mortar – Useless as it stands. Abilities are lackluster. Bugged. Trait doesn’t help it.
Range on it is terrible. I feel this ability could stand to gain quite a bit and be useful
for WvWvW and PvX where an engie(s) can setup and actually be effective as a
mortar crew. It should be portable like a weapon kit drop etc rather than simply
Build that are viable.
Most definitely. I’d like to see improvements to our mid-range kits, turrets, gadgets,
and the traits associated with them. As it stands, these kits are underused and
limited in that respect to a few abilities. It’s important to bring them up to par to
the others, not for them to nerf functioning kits.
See #2. Multi-kit to use only a few key abilities. Kit specialization could be improved
such that someone focusing Gadgets or Turrets would be noticeable, fun, and worthwhile.
Yep, survivability is an issue unless you use Elixir S or trait into it etc. As it stands, Grenades, Bombs, and Gadgets see the most usage and little to nothing with regard to
Flamer, Elixir kits. Traits need to be moved around to improve kit efficiencies and usefulness.
See above for what I said about Mortars. As for Elixirs, I like them a lot. They are useful, easy to use, and need little to no improvements or trait modifications. The exceptions would be:
Elixir X: See above, the elixir should be reworked to something unique to Engineers.
Elixir H: Needs a little boost to be comparable to Med Kit or Healing Turret. Perhaps limit the buff to regen/protection. Toss to buff, add water field.
Elixir C: no improvement required.
Elixir S: no improvement required. It recently got nerfed/balanced. That’s fine. Change the Toss elixir to only provide Stability rather than either Stability or Stealth.
Elixir R: add vigor buff (slight improvement) to drinking.
Elixir U: This elixir irritates me as I find it’s usefulness is so limited. Perhaps have it changed to provide the stealth buffs. Drink to stealth, Toss to stealth field/smoke field.
Just my 2 cents.
I feel like Elixir X’s concept is quite ok. Get a random of another classes’ elites, you don’t know which. 2 issues compound to make it so weak:
- The important one: The elites given are inherently very very weak. If they were to be buffed, Elixir X would automatically get buffed alongside with them.
- There are too few possible effects. It’s too predictable, and just lacks “fun”. Some ideas for good elites would be Rampage as One, Time Warp (dropped onto yourself), creating two Thief clones of yourself or turning into a Lich.
As an addition to #3, I’d also look into retooling the base weapons and making them more worthwhile to use. Things I’d personally look into:
1) Increase initial damage, and up the bleeding duration on the pistol auto-attack. Piddly damage and a 2 second bleed is not really anything great. In fact, I’d tweak most of the condition durations for the main weapon sets.
2) Adjust the rifle skills a little. Fristly, swap the place/cooldowns of Net Shot and Jump Shot. Control abilties deserve the longer cooldowns imo. Secondly, decide whether the rifle should be a close or long range weapon and retool the skills accordingly. If going with short range, perhaps give Hip Shot a damage bonus up close. Finally, I’d remove the root on Jump Shot.
3) A reduction on cooldowns across the board. Most of the engie weapon skills have a cooldown of 10 seconds or more and approach 20-30 seconds for the 4s and 5s (shield definitely get the bad end of the stick when it comes to cool downs). Giving each weapon set an ability at a ~6 second cooldown would make a worlds difference. Perhaps look into tweaking cooldowns for some kits as well. Personally, I’d give Blunderbuss and Poison Dart Volley (or Static Shot) the lower cooldowns.
In response to point 3 I felt same way at toolkit and made an attempt at a build to stay in toolkit. It’s posted on forum here:
It’s not the best and I switch out occasionally but could definitely be played pure toolkit. Generally I switch back to P/S for certain skills then auto attack with toolkit again. Also if you prefer to not use elixirs I have been trying(with some success) to use gadgets in that build, mainly because I get bored of elixirs too and because slick shoes are hilarious.