(edited by johnsonade.9547)
Trouble with Ground Targeting, Grenades
Practice Practice Practice , and for the life of you please dont turn of Auto Ground Targetting or w/e its called in options..
Oh so I should keep the green/red targeting rings? I turned them off since they felt like training wheels and I turned the fast-cast option on that casts on my mouse position so I could just click the skill once to throw a grenade. I’ll mess with those option and see if I can get more consistent use out of the ground targeting skills. Thanks for the response and I’ll keep practicing!
its down to personal taste id say. there are those of us (including me) that couldnt live without the target ring. and others turned it of on day 1. imo its easier to aim with the ring, but one click more in an all out click fest.
its down to personal taste id say. there are those of us (including me) that couldnt live without the target ring. and others turned it of on day 1. imo its easier to aim with the ring, but one click more in an all out click fest.
Fair comment, i have seen both used well…personally i throw all over the place without the targeting rings.
So… nobody using combat mod?
So… nobody using combat mod?
I tried it for a static discharge build, so I could “target” mobs and invaders with my heal turret skills, and it was OK.
It is had to go back to a locked camera once you have been using free camera and tossing grenades as you run.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
Oh it should also be said, you wont hit much from long range, unless the target is static because the grenades are so slow you have to predict quite far ahead. You can hit people running in a straight line too with a decent success rate.
They also tend to be very difficult to use up close…in fact the only time they are really accurate is at a medium range :P
Thanks for your advice friends. I’m glad that arenanet is adding new content so swiftly, but they have a ton of bugs to fix on basic kits and skills across the board, not just with engineers. And to Conan thanks, I try to use nets via rifle 2 and net turret chains, maybe even supply crate to keep them stationary for grenade saturation. I’ll try cripple traits to assist in that. Slow chains compared with FT kit and Pistol/Shield but sooo funnnn. Really thinking Rifle is the best to use with grenade kit but I feel like i’m playing “without a net” so to speak. Not as many safe interrupts but very powerful.