[EU] Gandara
Turret Buff Discussion
[EU] Gandara
There’s two ways to approach improve turrets.
- Make them semi-permanent point defense structures. Dial their health and toughness up to 11, crank up the raw damage, add damage on detonation, keep the long cooldowns. Dropping a turret is an important decision, not something you’ll spam off cooldown.
- Make them throwaway helpers. Keep their stats close to what they are, give them minor damage buffs and more utility, drop their extended cooldown to 30 seconds. Engineers will be encouraged to drop and detonate turrets when the situation calls for it.
Option 1 seems to make sense with the traits we have right now, but it promotes immobility which feels like a huge detriment in this game.
Option 2 doesn’t benefit much from traits and repairing, since you’d rather just pick up or detonate the turret since the cooldowns are short, but it makes playing with turrets more interactive.
Personally, I don’t care what they do as long as it’s viable. I only hope they don’t go for some silly middle ground and screw it all up.
and what’s wrong with this thread allready disucussing it?
WvW Roaming movies!
Turrets do almost zilch damage. The only decent one damage-wise is also the one on a 60 second cooldown. Our worst by a significant margin is thumper turret – the overcharge doesn’t do much more damage, the auto attacks are god-awful damage (I tested it in bloodtide coast, it can’t even solo a marsh drake), and the toolbelt is equally bad (Wow 90 seconds for a blast finisher? Man **** big ol’ bomb). Net Turret’s not in a bad spot right now, given it has a 4s immobilize on a 10 second cooldown, along with a useable toolbelt skill and a nasty overcharge.
What if overcharge does an effect on both the turret and on you?
Turret ai is hideous.
It hardly matters how much more damage any of them get when they shoot at pointles targets, that have actually been out of range for god knows how long (assuming of course the extremely rare occasions where a turret is hidden enough to last more than 0.1 seconds from placement).
The largest frustration I have with Turrets, that I also have with Necro minions, is delay.
Let’s take the Thumper turret. It’s got a knockback ability on it, which is awesome. It’s great for interrupting big damage or getting melee off of you….
Or it would be. The problem is when I press the button to have the turret knockback I need that knockback RIGHT NOW! I don’t need it in 3 seconds after the pretty spark/smoke effect, after the turret finishes its current attack, and after I’ve eaten half of some melee’s burst combo (and the turret’s probably dead anyway). I need it now.
Necro’s Shadow Fiend have the same problem. I see a warrior charging up his killshot, I click the fiend’s blind skill, the fiend finishes its current attack, does a weird animation, teleports, then (maybe) blinds. At this point I’ve already eaten the killshot and either need to heal or am dead.
Give me my skill use instantly please. Turret health is something I can work with using range and placement. Damage is so-so, but not a huge deal. Delay severely limits turret utility and should really be fixed, considering I can’t move them and can barely control what they attack anyway.
I’ve said this from the beginning and I still want it, give turrets tank tracks, make them truly mobile!
Yes, I now this will never happen, but an Engineer can dream, right?