Turret Facts

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Damage facts

  • They do not share the owner’s power
  • No critical hits
  • No critical damage multiplier
  • Special skills have to wait on a queue
  • Damage is pretty much the same as described on the tool tip

Testing on the light armor target golem at the mist ( for highest possible damage )

Turret – Damage – Fire Rate —-—DPS
Rifle —-—-> 377 —--> 2 seconds =188
Thumper> 452 —--> 3 seconds =150
Flame —--> 127 —--> 3 seconds =42 + burning
Rocket —-> 943 —--> 4 seconds =235 + burning
Total DPS 615+ burning

Other facts

  • Low survival
  • High on the priority list by mobs
  • Susceptible to AoE
  • Long Cool downs
  • 1 Turret = 1 utility slot
  • 5 utility turrets total

so knowing this, an option to balance them, instead of drastically modifying them, and going through many nerf & fail faces, why not turn them into a kit ?

Turret kit

  1. Rifle turret 10s cool down
  2. Flame 15s cool down
  3. thumper 20s cooldown
  4. Net 30s cooldown
  5. Rocket 40s cooldown
  6. toolbelt: Detonate all turrets( naturally remove blast finisher )

Having turrets being 1 utility slot, would make players want to use them, specially since as engineers we all dreamed at some point of using turrets, considering their low survival and combined total DPS being 615+ burning ( much less on actual mobs / players ), this would not be considered OP while allowing to open a whole lot of versatility to the game play


  • This would feel like what playing an Engineer should be like!!!
  • Would give us a much needed class identity! ( turrets, he must be an engi)
  • You could still trait into turrets and use the other 2 utility lots to protect/heal them!!! Welcome turret engineers!!!!!!
  • New build to our class to replace 100nades
  • Would be viable but not overpower on WvW, sPvP, PvE & Dungeons
  • Doesn’t require additional coding or a lot of work!


  • Would take away some utility skills, BUT… Anet, as a company should understand that us ( at least most of us ) would rather have quality over quantity! 1 working skill over 5 currently under-powered, and we would rather not go through Test & Nerf Every month until you get it right. THIS is the simple fix that would make everyone happy! Allow for diversity and a new type of play style!

Also, take in consideration that 1 utility slot for engineer has a much bigger impant in our play style than any other class! so having a few less would not be such a big deal

Please, if a developer happens to read this, please take note, take it to the next balance meeting and bring it up!!! on the next update Engineers are gonna take a HUGE hit! and kit refinement update will be like playing Russian roulette! it could go really well or terrible bad! Give us this one!! let us have a stronger class identity and a new type of play style! this is what engineers need!

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


To players..
Please take a second to think about your personal playstyle with something like this, I’m sure most of you will re-live dream we had pre-release where we pictured ourselves fighting with turrets. keep it bumped and maybe we’ll developer attention.

so much hope, so much possibilities! so much fun!

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot. The difference between this and OTHER kits is other kits are only helping you while they are replacing your weapon skills. This would continue to aid you outside of holding the kit. (medkit doesnt count, the impact is has is minor and the bandages dont last long on the ground)

Your solution creates more problems than it solves when the solution is much easier.

My thread better solves the issue. Turrets should take a utility slot and be worth a utility slot. If you see an engineer with a turret, that means he is bunkering. The rifle turret is the only turret that is not necessary to bunker with thus it has a short CD and is not tanky. Its for those who want to have an extra dps pet in dps specs.

Also, they already said how they’re buffing rifles damage so it can better serve that role, and how thumper is being given more CC so it can fullfill its role better.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


While I like the kit idea, it has a few draw-backs, especially when it comes to balancing. Now, they’ve already said that they’re buffing turrets ins some form or another, which means your dps chart may be off in the future (for now, excellent work!). Also, you have 5 abilities that should on their own be strong utilities (emphasis on the should) in one kit, meaning you’re most likely going to have bunker builds of tool, turret, s, and heal kit (possibly heal turret), which will have as many targets around them as a necro MM…

Huh, the more I try to argue this, the less I believe myself. It’s honestly a pretty decent idea, as the only thing that would set us apart from the aforementioned necro would be our duration of not-die, which they express via regen and death shroud. I suppose the strength of the kit could make it near mandatory for some people, but our other kits and utilities often synergize even better.

Oh, that’s it. Kits replace weapon skills, our weapon swap. While it’s certainly comparable to a weapon or kit, it’s missing one thing… An auto attack! Therefore, turret pack, rather than turret kit. :P

Oh, and they would need longer cooldowns or a duration. Probably 15 second cooldown on the low end turrets, like rifle, and 60 on the bigguns, like thumper. The alternative durations would probably be a minute each or something. Not too sure on how you’d decide that.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot. The difference between this and OTHER kits is other kits are only helping you while they are replacing your weapon skills. This would continue to aid you outside of holding the kit. (medkit doesnt count, the impact is has is minor and the bandages dont last long on the ground)

Your solution creates more problems than it solves when the solution is much easier.

My thread better solves the issue. Turrets should take a utility slot and be worth a utility slot. If you see an engineer with a turret, that means he is bunkering. The rifle turret is the only turret that is not necessary to bunker with thus it has a short CD and is not tanky. Its for those who want to have an extra dps pet in dps specs.

Also, they already said how they’re buffing rifles damage so it can better serve that role, and how thumper is being given more CC so it can fullfill its role better.

I posted on your topic as well, I believe, and your ideas are just as good of a solution. But there’s definitely more than one way to skin a cat, or fix a turret, and this might be just as viable -if- turrets don’t receive stat benefits from the player(ie remain glass statues with a lifespan shorter than a mayfly in an incinerator), then this could be a more viable solution.

I hope you keep an open mind, and have a nice day.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot. The difference between this and OTHER kits is other kits are only helping you while they are replacing your weapon skills. This would continue to aid you outside of holding the kit. (medkit doesnt count, the impact is has is minor and the bandages dont last long on the ground)

Your solution creates more problems than it solves when the solution is much easier.

My thread better solves the issue. Turrets should take a utility slot and be worth a utility slot. If you see an engineer with a turret, that means he is bunkering. The rifle turret is the only turret that is not necessary to bunker with thus it has a short CD and is not tanky. Its for those who want to have an extra dps pet in dps specs.

Also, they already said how they’re buffing rifles damage so it can better serve that role, and how thumper is being given more CC so it can fullfill its role better.

Please give my idea and try and think about how your playstyle with it would be. by giving us easy all of them would balance the fact that they do little damage and die to fast, yet it doesnt take away from the fact that you can trait around turrent builds and still have 2 utility slots in Oder to defend them. A turret engineer shouldn’t be a engineer carrying 1 turret. that doesnt even sound like fun

also, think about your solution and how would that help if turrents escalated with the owners toughness ? if you as a player have to dodge an attack so you wont die, imagine what would happen to your immobile turret, no matter how much health toughness it gets, it will still be targeted first and and susceptible to all attacks, dyigng no matter what, and since you only have 1 this skill would be on cool down for the rest of the fight unless their hp/toughness go into unreal values, and personally i would hate to see 1 turrent tanking bosses or groups of vets in dungeon, and imagine and unkillable turret like this on general PvE

and as for power, the power it would need to make only 1 turret reliable would be too much and probably will not be granted, as well, if you want to trait to play a turret engineer, you would want to have more than 1 turret, at least i would

as for less damage from AoE, thats a lot of coding man

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: GuilguiS.2738


I’m always posting about turning turrets into a kit. And i think they should work, for balance purposes, like this: The engineer equips the kit and use the first turret, now all of the other turrets have to be placed on top of the first one. Why? Because many turrets means many targets and it would be OP. Besides its not possible for the engineer to protect and heal all five turrets separetely. Making it one single turret that the engineer “upgrades” with new functions turns it into a high reward if you can keep it alive longer, as well as a high punishment if you lose it. Making it both fun to use and fight aggainst.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


I’m always posting about turning turrets into a kit. And i think they should work, for balance purposes, like this: The engineer equips the kit and use the first turret, now all of the other turrets have to be placed on top of the first one. Why? Because many turrets means many targets and it would be OP. Besides its not possible for the engineer to protect and heal all five turrets separetely. Making it one single turret that the engineer “upgrades” with new functions turns it into a high reward if you can keep it alive longer, as well as a high punishment if you lose it. Making it both fun to use and fight aggainst.

So…your saying not to have a turret kit. But to just have one powerful turret. This is what i was suggesting in my thread. Make a powerful turret that is an elite skill.

You cant possibly balance having every turret put into one utility.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


The no auto attack is intentional the kit would be meant to set up the space where you’re gonna fight, rather than to fight with a kit

and as for balancing, with each skill at it’s current state, i really doesn’t need any balancing as it, even with a 10% damage increase it would not need a balance since you have around the same CC as othet kits, less damage and more utility which is what anet wants.

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


I’m always posting about turning turrets into a kit. And i think they should work, for balance purposes, like this: The engineer equips the kit and use the first turret, now all of the other turrets have to be placed on top of the first one. Why? Because many turrets means many targets and it would be OP. Besides its not possible for the engineer to protect and heal all five turrets separetely. Making it one single turret that the engineer “upgrades” with new functions turns it into a high reward if you can keep it alive longer, as well as a high punishment if you lose it. Making it both fun to use and fight aggainst.

since you have acess to all turrents, you could place them on different strategic locations, and if 1 gets destroyed you would get 1 skill on cool down rather than an entire utility

also the whole point wouldn’t be to body guard the turrent 24/7 because then you wouldn’t be putting in you part during the fight, unless the turret is dealing tremendous amounts of damage, this would simply be an option to allow us to play turrets without it always being on cool downs and having options, and turrents have low DPS so multitasking would be a problem, they would be more utility rather than RAW beastly damage

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: GuilguiS.2738


Imo i think its more balanced than having many of them spread in the area because it would too strong and not fun to fight at all. Imagine being a warrior that is fighting an engie with 5 turrets spread around an area, you’ll be constantly immobilized, burned, knocked down, blown away, and shot, so you realise that you can’t just attack the engie, you have to kill his turrets first but every single one you kill knocks you back when it dies. Not fun at all. If it was only one turret you could focus it and kill it with enough effort, wich means balance.
And imagine how many targets our kitten turret AI would attack. If you only have one turret it can focus fire on your target.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot. The difference between this and OTHER kits is other kits are only helping you while they are replacing your weapon skills. This would continue to aid you outside of holding the kit. (medkit doesnt count, the impact is has is minor and the bandages dont last long on the ground)

Your solution creates more problems than it solves when the solution is much easier.

My thread better solves the issue. Turrets should take a utility slot and be worth a utility slot. If you see an engineer with a turret, that means he is bunkering. The rifle turret is the only turret that is not necessary to bunker with thus it has a short CD and is not tanky. Its for those who want to have an extra dps pet in dps specs.

Also, they already said how they’re buffing rifles damage so it can better serve that role, and how thumper is being given more CC so it can fullfill its role better.

Please give my idea and try and think about how your playstyle with it would be. by giving us easy all of them would balance the fact that they do little damage and die to fast, yet it doesnt take away from the fact that you can trait around turrent builds and still have 2 utility slots in Oder to defend them. A turret engineer shouldn’t be a engineer carrying 1 turret. that doesnt even sound like fun

also, think about your solution and how would that help if turrents escalated with the owners toughness ? if you as a player have to dodge an attack so you wont die, imagine what would happen to your immobile turret, no matter how much health toughness it gets, it will still be targeted first and and susceptible to all attacks, dyigng no matter what, and since you only have 1 this skill would be on cool down for the rest of the fight unless their hp/toughness go into unreal values, and personally i would hate to see 1 turrent tanking bosses or groups of vets in dungeon, and imagine and unkillable turret like this on general PvE

and as for power, the power it would need to make only 1 turret reliable would be too much and probably will not be granted, as well, if you want to trait to play a turret engineer, you would want to have more than 1 turret, at least i would

as for less damage from AoE, thats a lot of coding man

Your looking at it too narrowly. Compare a turret to a minion on minion masters.

Did you know generally our turrets hit harder than their minions, take more hits than their minions, provide stronger cc than their minions? The only downside is they are immobile (well one necro pet is too).

What your suggesting would be equal to saying a necromancer should have access to every pet on one ability.

Also, i feel to accomplish the turret play style i should have to give up utilitys (or like my idea an elite that would be about as strong as two utility slot turrets)

It is a play style, it is built around bunkering. I would rather have a turret that fullfills what i want a turret to do that is worth a utility slot. They actually are a lot stronger than you give them credit for, because you ignore all the utility they bring…your just focused on raw damage which could be changed by Power effecting them and rifle increasing in damage (which they are doing)

If you make them a kit, you have to nerf them…aka worst than they are now even AFTER not having their power ups, you would have to give them durations (short ones even) and they would be benefitting from “kit” traits…so they would need to be nerfed further to accomidate the potential your gaining for having all this and the kit traits like speedykits/kit refinement etc.

Your asking for everything you want on one utility thus the turrets will all have to be weak with durations….
You cant have your cake and eat it too unless you want that cake to be small and not very satisfying.

EDIT: also keep in mind….when your fighting someone, and they are wasting time attacking one of your turrets…that is time you are shooting them…and your other turrets are shooting them…ccing them, you can also cc them. Even if turrets are down, its no different than if slickshoes/rocketboots or elixer U is on cd….your not as strong for a little while….doesnt mean you cant rifle/pistol them to death.

(edited by Zinwrath.2049)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

I appreciate your effort and work into addressing turrets, but if you want this thread to go anywhere, please edit out any mention of a petition or /signing. Petitions are against forum rules and will be quickly closed, and I would hate to see that before a good discussion can be had.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Please don’t reply unless its to an specific sentence, it makes it unnecessarily long

also, minions are mobile so you only need to cast them once and they will follow, also shorter cool downs, increase damage with power as well as many other benefits as minions can steal health with their attacks as well as remove condition from its master, you can trait them to have 50% more hp and deal 30% more damage, chance to remove boons, AoE poisons, etc

I recorded the damage of all turrets and output a total DPS for a reason, you make them sound as they are overpowered as they are, turrets are weak at the moment and allowing us to have 5 weak turrets would make up for a great skill which would not lock all our utility slots. a true turret engineer should have accss to more than 1 turret and have the option to defend them, that why opinion, may differ for yours but please make educated comments if you’re posting, i’m not trying to have an argument but rather a discussion and a viable option for us, engineers. specially since 100nades will be nerfed

i just think this will give us a stronger identity as a class, and something like this would promote turret use by a lot

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


I appreciate your effort and work into addressing turrets, but if you want this thread to go anywhere, please edit out any mention of a petition or /signing. Petitions are against forum rules and will be quickly closed, and I would hate to see that before a good discussion can be had.

Thank you very much, i did not know that

and i doubt this thread will be taken any serious now, there has been little discussion and alot of whining, oh well, can’t lose hope.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Imo i think its more balanced than having many of them spread in the area because it would too strong and not fun to fight at all. Imagine being a warrior that is fighting an engie with 5 turrets spread around an area, you’ll be constantly immobilized, burned, knocked down, blown away, and shot, so you realise that you can’t just attack the engie, you have to kill his turrets first but every single one you kill knocks you back when it dies. Not fun at all. If it was only one turret you could focus it and kill it with enough effort, wich means balance.
And imagine how many targets our kitten turret AI would attack. If you only have one turret it can focus fire on your target.

Whirlwind Attack could 1 shot all turrets as once at once, as well as it takes 2-3 swings from gs, also as engineer we already have access to perma burning so it wouldn’t much of a difference and immobilize from net turret is once ever 10s.

the total DPS from all turrets is 615 + burning so it wouldn’t nessesarily be OP, it would be like fighting a Mesmer who can’t infinite spam illusions and with a lot less damage

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Please don’t reply unless its to an specific sentence, it makes it unnecessarily long

also, minions are mobile so you only need to cast them once and they will follow, also shorter cool downs, increase damage with power as well as many other benefits as minions can steal health with their attacks as well as remove condition from its master, you can trait them to have 50% more hp and deal 30% more damage, chance to remove boons, AoE poisons, etc

I recorded the damage of all turrets and output a total DPS for a reason, you make them sound as they are overpowered as they are, turrets are weak at the moment and allowing us to have 5 weak turrets would make up for a great skill which would not lock all our utility slots. a true turret engineer should have accss to more than 1 turret and have the option to defend them, that why opinion, may differ for yours but please make educated comments if you’re posting, i’m not trying to have an argument but rather a discussion and a viable option for us, engineers. specially since 100nades will be nerfed

i just think this will give us a stronger identity as a class, and something like this would promote turret use by a lot

Our identity is our toolbelt.
Also necro pets do NOT scale off power. (do not spread false information plz)
Also necro pets are not significantly longer cd’s. All necro pets have around 20-40 cd as do turrets the only ones that dont are thumper and rocket with 50-60 sec cd. This is because they are for bunkering and are more powerful (thumper can tank and does AOE, Rocket has longest range, best cc during overdrive, and does more damage through direct damage+burning condition)
Also all the benefits you mentioned necro pets have are related to traits. If you think turrets should have better traits, then by all means suggest some perhaps thats the core of the issue.

Also, you CAN have more than one turret right now.
Also just showing their collective damage ignores everything else they do to contribute…including the fact they are another thing to target on the battlefield to distract from the player and the many functions of CC and ability to do AE damage. (which just their damage alone is actually a lot of contribution for one skill to have indefinitly as your suggesting….how much damage does elixer B give me or battering ram, and how long is their cd?)

You have to remember, they are a utility slot and must be balanced as a utility slot, if you want super powerful high damage turrets without sacrificing more than one utility slot, you should be asking for an Elite Turret that fullfills that.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: GuilguiS.2738


The only way Whirlwind Attack can 1 shot all your turrets is if you place them all together besides, you forget that turrets also bring control and attack at range.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Whirlwind Attack could 1 shot all turrets as once at once, as well as it takes 2-3 swings from gs, also as engineer we already have access to perma burning so it wouldn’t much of a difference and immobilize from net turret is once ever 10s.

the total DPS from all turrets is 615 + burning so it wouldn’t nessesarily be OP, it would be like fighting a Mesmer who can’t infinite spam illusions and with a lot less damage

You realize the majority of flame turret and rocket turrets damage is burning, you should add that in your DPS number.

Also Just because we have access to perma burning through high crit rate with a SINGLE trait mixed/with or through flame thrower a single utility. Does not mean that burning is not effective on the other 99% of ways to build or play an engineer. You are saying “its ok they do this much burning because one very specific combination of traits/utilitys/stats gives us perma burning already”.

Also, are you suggesting one utility slots damage be compared with a mesmers core ability?

Not trying to pick on you, but non of this seems right. I think you need to think these things through before you suggest them.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


lol i don’t want super powerful turrents! i want utility xP

you’re entire comments leads me to believe you didnt take the time to read the entire post or even that you’ve played with turrets, the total DPS on a dummie on light armor is 615 for all turrets + burning, how is that ever OP ? if you want to have 1 turret that no matter what will get destroyed.

normal turrets have around 7k hp , thrump has 13k

and i say + burning cause it escalates with condition damage lol .. so it’s not an exact number duh

burning stacks on duration, not intensity.. as engi we have many ways to apply burning >.> whats your point

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


wow. Ok. lets start again.

How are you getting more utility when your removing all the over power skills…or are you seriously thinking the turret kit should allow each turret to overcharge still???? (think about that for a moment how much CC would be poured into one utility)

Also, burning is damage…you are calculating damage, so you must include both forms of damage. Burning can be calculated by not wearing any condition gear for a base amount then you could say (dps = x before condition damage gear).
Also, you discredit burning, the turrets dont attack fast enough to make the burning damage ever last longer than the time between attacks. in short, if the turret attacks…the burning will fade before the next attack.
Also burning is the highest damage condition in the game, as well as the highest scaling condition from condition damage AND is damage that goes past toughness and ironicly the condition they apply does not last LONG enough to merit using a conditoin wipe to stop it.

Also once again, we DO have “ACCESS” to burning. But we have limited ways to build a kit around PERMA-BURNING. So your comment that just because we have a very limited way to have anything close to perma burning…that any ability or turret outside thats ability to apply burning…is ignorable.

Also, ya theyd o have that much HP, which is rather appropriate since you even in bunker gear should not have than 19-20k. Its a pet not a player. Though i do suggest they be given a portion of your toughness in my own thread to make them not quite as easy to kill..and there is a trait for 30% more mitigation.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


(My opinion here mainly applies to PvP)

I admit the turrets need some attention. But I like having a Net Turret as a Utility skill. To me it acts as a “Persistent Utility Skill” I only wish it would target MY target instead of the nearest Hostile Target. And perhaps making all turrets have the IX Explosive trait “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” would make Turrets actually be able to apply more pressure in PvP meta. Having all turrets Knock back seems a bit much on paper. But they are going to die a few moments after they are deployed. So if the “turret buff” doesn’t extend to increase their life span or shorten their Cool Down than having a knock Back would be step in a balanced direction. Perhaps the new “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” trait could now give boons specific to each turret after they are destroyed. Or cure conditions from nearby allies.

I’m not against a Turrets Kit. Actually the opposite, I think it would be a marvelous idea but I feel the 5 weapon skills the kit provides should be more of a “Remote Turret Kit” where perhaps instead of deploying several small turrets it should deploy a large turret. Something like this.
Turret Kit Skills.
1)Fire:Command your turret to fire at your target.
2)Guided Missile:Fire a large Missle at your location knocking down and burning enemies caught in the blast.
3)Harpoon:Command your Turret to fire a harpoon at your target immobilizing them for 2 seconds then pulling them towards the Turret.
4)Surge:Command your turret to surge:Stunning all nearby foes (Combo field:lightning)
5)Deploy Siege Turret/Retreat Protocol:Command your turret to retreat granting you and your Turret Protection for 6 seconds.

Turret Kit Tool Belt
Turret Oil:Spray a turret lubricant that cures 1 condition and grants Swiftness to allies and Quickness to Turrets for 4 seconds.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


(My opinion here mainly applies to PvP)

I admit the turrets need some attention. But I like having a Net Turret as a Utility skill. To me it acts as a “Persistent Utility Skill” I only wish it would target MY target instead of the nearest Hostile Target. And perhaps making all turrets have the IX Explosive trait “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” would make Turrets actually be able to apply more pressure in PvP meta. Having all turrets Knock back seems a bit much on paper. But they are going to die a few moments after they are deployed. So if the “turret buff” doesn’t extend to increase their life span or shorten their Cool Down than having a knock Back would be step in a balanced direction. Perhaps the new “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” trait could now give boons specific to each turret after they are destroyed. Or cure conditions from nearby allies.

I’m not against a Turrets Kit. Actually the opposite, I think it would be a marvelous idea but I feel the 5 weapon skills the kit provides should be more of a “Remote Turret Kit” where perhaps instead of deploying several small turrets it should deploy a large turret. Something like this.
Turret Kit Skills.
1)Fire:Command your turret to fire at your target.
2)Guided Missile:Fire a large Missle at your location knocking down and burning enemies caught in the blast.
3)Harpoon:Command your Turret to fire a harpoon at your target immobilizing them for 2 seconds then pulling them towards the Turret.
4)Surge:Command your turret to surge:Stunning all nearby foes (Combo field:lightning)
5)Deploy Siege Turret/Retreat Protocol:Command your turret to retreat granting you and your Turret Protection for 6 seconds.

Turret Kit Tool Belt
Turret Oil:Spray a turret lubricant that cures 1 condition and grants Swiftness to allies and Quickness to Turrets for 4 seconds.


i literally just suggested what you did (in an attempt to show how a turret kit might work). Ability suggestions a little different, and i say the toolbelt skill is to deploy/detonate the turret. But other than that very close ideas….

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


(My opinion here mainly applies to PvP)

I admit the turrets need some attention. But I like having a Net Turret as a Utility skill. To me it acts as a “Persistent Utility Skill” I only wish it would target MY target instead of the nearest Hostile Target. And perhaps making all turrets have the IX Explosive trait “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” would make Turrets actually be able to apply more pressure in PvP meta. Having all turrets Knock back seems a bit much on paper. But they are going to die a few moments after they are deployed. So if the “turret buff” doesn’t extend to increase their life span or shorten their Cool Down than having a knock Back would be step in a balanced direction. Perhaps the new “Accelerant-Packed Turrets” trait could now give boons specific to each turret after they are destroyed. Or cure conditions from nearby allies.

I’m not against a Turrets Kit. Actually the opposite, I think it would be a marvelous idea but I feel the 5 weapon skills the kit provides should be more of a “Remote Turret Kit” where perhaps instead of deploying several small turrets it should deploy a large turret. Something like this.
Turret Kit Skills.
1)Fire:Command your turret to fire at your target.
2)Guided Missile:Fire a large Missle at your location knocking down and burning enemies caught in the blast.
3)Harpoon:Command your Turret to fire a harpoon at your target immobilizing them for 2 seconds then pulling them towards the Turret.
4)Surge:Command your turret to surge:Stunning all nearby foes (Combo field:lightning)
5)Deploy Siege Turret/Retreat Protocol:Command your turret to retreat granting you and your Turret Protection for 6 seconds.

Turret Kit Tool Belt
Turret Oil:Spray a turret lubricant that cures 1 condition and grants Swiftness to allies and Quickness to Turrets for 4 seconds.


i literally just suggested what you did (in an attempt to show how a turret kit might work). Ability suggestions a little different, and i say the toolbelt skill is to deploy/detonate the turret. But other than that very close ideas….

Brilliant Minds think alike, I like the Idea of a Smoke field. What if there was a trait that made all turrets a half second combo field ever few seconds like the Healing Turret? These fields would be Turret Specific. Could be fun…

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

(edited by Wolf.5816)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


wow. Ok. lets start again.

How are you getting more utility when your removing all the over power skills…or are you seriously thinking the turret kit should allow each turret to overcharge still???? (think about that for a moment how much CC would be poured into one utility)

Also, burning is damage…you are calculating damage, so you must include both forms of damage. Burning can be calculated by not wearing any condition gear for a base amount then you could say (dps = x before condition damage gear).
Also, you discredit burning, the turrets dont attack fast enough to make the burning damage ever last longer than the time between attacks. in short, if the turret attacks…the burning will fade before the next attack.
Also burning is the highest damage condition in the game, as well as the highest scaling condition from condition damage AND is damage that goes past toughness and ironicly the condition they apply does not last LONG enough to merit using a conditoin wipe to stop it.

Also once again, we DO have “ACCESS” to burning. But we have limited ways to build a kit around PERMA-BURNING. So your comment that just because we have a very limited way to have anything close to perma burning…that any ability or turret outside thats ability to apply burning…is ignorable.

Also, ya theyd o have that much HP, which is rather appropriate since you even in bunker gear should not have than 19-20k. Its a pet not a player. Though i do suggest they be given a portion of your toughness in my own thread to make them not quite as easy to kill..and there is a trait for 30% more mitigation.

you really haven’t used turrets have you…

Adds utility because you have the option to use different turrets at different situations, weather you need some extra damage, control or simply a distraction, more skills doesn’t mean more utility

highest condition damage and scale is actually confusion.. burning is just a condition engineers, mesmer, ele, ranger and warrior have an extremely easy to and that it only stacks on duration, not intensity ..

all turrets special ability are on a queue making it hard to co-ordinate, also projectiles are slow and easy to avoid

i was just pointing out their hp, nothing more but you do understand that more toughness means they would get target more often ? also, have you realized that if they want to add more toughness to be able to survive AoE in spvp/WvW or even dungeons, it would completely unbalance them for general PvE basically making them god tanks ? and if they don’t add enough toughness, turrets will continue to be useless after patch

I understand that you have you’re opinion of what you want turrets to be like, but what you want is turrets on steroids, like you said in your forum, 1 turret that will be good enough to replace all 5, Anet won’t give us more power, they want to give us utility.. which is what we would be getting with the idea i pointed out.

let me ask you this… how much damage do you believe each turret should make ? and also how much damage do you think they should take ? tell me, should they be able to tank vets in dungeons ? or short range turrets, should they be able to live in the middle of fights in WvW?

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


highest condition damage and scale is actually confusion.. burning is just a condition engineers, mesmer, ele, ranger and warrior have an extremely easy to and that it only stacks on duration, not intensity ..


The multiplier for burning is .25*condition damage.
The multiplier for confusion is .075-.15* condition damage.
Burning has higher base damage as well, 328 vs 65-130.

Next, on subject, what you’re asking for is 1 turret kit with 5 turrets in it. What Zinwrath first suggested was simple buffs to turrets so that they could be viable and built around. He later added a suggestion as to how he would envision a turret kit, where you would get 1 turret with access to multiple abilities while in the kit, similar to how our current weapon kits work.

From this perspective, you’re asking for the all in one, whereas he’s asking for buffs to existing mechanics. Neither is inherently wrong, but make sure you’re thinking logically and not blindly retaliating to what you consider personal attacks.

Now, as to your questions…

The damage a turret should be able to take ought to be based on the engineer. A high toughness engineer ought to have relatively more survivable turrets.

The damage a turret should be able to deal ought to be based on the engineer. A high toughness engineer ought to have relatively stronger turrets.

Should a turret be able to tank a veteran? Should it die in one hit? It ought to depend on the engineer using the turret and the type of turret being used. However, a single turret should not be able to solo content designed for multiple players (veterans).

You also asked for numbers, but that’s rather difficult. However, I can try to oblige you. All turret should get a base amount of toughness (perhaps 600), and then .4-.6 times your toughness. Add in a type dependent modifier for armor, and that’s your turret’s defense. As for damage, it should similarly scale, its modifiers being a percent of your power and weapon damage dependent on the type of turret.

Hopefully, this answers your questions and helps clarify things for you.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: waka.9826


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot. The difference between this and OTHER kits is other kits are only helping you while they are replacing your weapon skills. This would continue to aid you outside of holding the kit. (medkit doesnt count, the impact is has is minor and the bandages dont last long on the ground)

Your solution creates more problems than it solves when the solution is much easier.

My thread better solves the issue. Turrets should take a utility slot and be worth a utility slot. If you see an engineer with a turret, that means he is bunkering. The rifle turret is the only turret that is not necessary to bunker with thus it has a short CD and is not tanky. Its for those who want to have an extra dps pet in dps specs.

Also, they already said how they’re buffing rifles damage so it can better serve that role, and how thumper is being given more CC so it can fullfill its role better.

lol no they wouldn’t. turrets are in such a bad place right now that putting them in all 1 kit would be balance.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


you really haven’t used turrets have you…

Obviously i have, is this supposed to be an insult? I’m not just using them i’m using them effectively in their current state, which is why i dont find them as INSANELY weak as you claim.

Adds utility because you have the option to use different turrets at different situations, weather you need some extra damage, control or simply a distraction, more skills doesn’t mean more utility

In your turret kit, i would just drop them ALL at every encounter so i would win that encounter. You also didnt answer my question regarding if your allowing them to all use their overcharges as well. which would be insane, you would have access to knockback/immobalize/knockdown/aeblind smoke combofield/stun all on one utility.

highest condition damage and scale is actually confusion.. burning is just a condition engineers, mesmer, ele, ranger and warrior have an extremely easy to and that it only stacks on duration, not intensity ..

you probably should read this.
Confusion is reactive. And i already explained why that doesnt matter. Go read my last post again.

all turrets special ability are on a queue making it hard to co-ordinate, also projectiles are slow and easy to avoid

Huh? i dont even know what your talking about at this point. Perhaps english isnt your first language i cant tell, but this sentance is hard to understand. Are you talking about current turrets? Turrets in a kit? no idea on this one.

i was just pointing out their hp, nothing more but you do understand that more toughness means they would get target more often ? also, have you realized that if they want to add more toughness to be able to survive AoE in spvp/WvW or even dungeons, it would completely unbalance them for general PvE basically making them god tanks ? and if they don’t add enough toughness, turrets will continue to be useless after patch

Them having more toughness would mean they’re targetted more? is this in relation to pve? you realize different monsters in PVE go after targets for different reasons than this, some go by what armor you wear, what profession you are, whos closest etc…this was explained in an interview. If thats not what your talking about i have no idea, and all i got from this is “dont increase their toughness too much, but not too little” well ya obviously…..they need their toughness increased but not too much, and i am suggesting majority of their toughness scale off the engineer…

I understand that you have you’re opinion of what you want turrets to be like, but what you want is turrets on steroids, like you said in your forum, 1 turret that will be good enough to replace all 5, Anet won’t give us more power, they want to give us utility.. which is what we would be getting with the idea i pointed out.

First. I never said that. Go to my link and read it again. I simply said each turret needs to be worth its utility slot…i was asking for minor stat buffs thats far from turrets on steroids. And what your suggesting IS more power…you want the damage of all turrets on one utility slot. Your whole thread starts out with you trying to explain how even if you had them all out they dont do enough damage. Seriously at this point your not making sense.

let me ask you this… how much damage do you believe each turret should make ? and also how much damage do you think they should take ? tell me, should they be able to tank vets in dungeons ? or short range turrets, should they be able to live in the middle of fights in WvW?

I think they should be able to tank a little better than they do now and reasonably better if you build toughness. I beleive they may need options to handle AE better, particularly for PVE. And i beleive the only turret that needs a real damage ramp is Rifle turret. (adding power scaling would hardly effect the other turrets) I explained all this if you read my thread….your behaving like you didnt or CANT read it.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


highest condition damage and scale is actually confusion.. burning is just a condition engineers, mesmer, ele, ranger and warrior have an extremely easy to and that it only stacks on duration, not intensity ..


The multiplier for burning is .25*condition damage.
The multiplier for confusion is .075-.15* condition damage.
Burning has higher base damage as well, 328 vs 65-130.

Next, on subject, what you’re asking for is 1 turret kit with 5 turrets in it. What Zinwrath first suggested was simple buffs to turrets so that they could be viable and built around. He later added a suggestion as to how he would envision a turret kit, where you would get 1 turret with access to multiple abilities while in the kit, similar to how our current weapon kits work.

From this perspective, you’re asking for the all in one, whereas he’s asking for buffs to existing mechanics. Neither is inherently wrong, but make sure you’re thinking logically and not blindly retaliating to what you consider personal attacks.

Now, as to your questions…

The damage a turret should be able to take ought to be based on the engineer. A high toughness engineer ought to have relatively more survivable turrets.

The damage a turret should be able to deal ought to be based on the engineer. A high toughness engineer ought to have relatively stronger turrets.

Should a turret be able to tank a veteran? Should it die in one hit? It ought to depend on the engineer using the turret and the type of turret being used. However, a single turret should not be able to solo content designed for multiple players (veterans).

You also asked for numbers, but that’s rather difficult. However, I can try to oblige you. All turret should get a base amount of toughness (perhaps 600), and then .4-.6 times your toughness. Add in a type dependent modifier for armor, and that’s your turret’s defense. As for damage, it should similarly scale, its modifiers being a percent of your power and weapon damage dependent on the type of turret.

Hopefully, this answers your questions and helps clarify things for you.

didnt see you put up this post. Well spoken.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


  • take a look at the cool downs on special abilities…
  • my mistake, fear has the highest multiplier
  • At their current state, could you really win an encounter by simply dropping all the turrets?
  • Turrets special ability only trigger on the next attack… which means you cannot time a knock down, knock back, immobilize properly or when you want. also projectiles are easy to dodge, avoid
  • I’m stating that they are weak, but can provide utility if given easy access to them, making them more viable. also creating a new type of play style center around turrets. currently if you do this, you lose utility slots which means you would lack stun breakers, extra condi removal as well as utility itself… and all that would be left is a long cool down if they get destroyed ( which they normally are )
  • would a 10% damage increase be enough? probably not, if they scale rifle turret with your attack and they starts hitting 1- 1.5k per hit. Would this be OP on sPvP, yes..
  • I’m just countering your points and taking in consideration every aspect of the game lol
  • I dare you to test every turret individually on shore vs normal mobs. then take as many as you can and try again. then tell me how the combination of them are overpowered ? i’ll pay you 1 gold if you can defeat a giant veteran using turrets, or 10g if you manage to kill the champion
  • I just don’t think your solution would fix the problem, more toughness or no toughness turrets will most likely die and leave and empty utility bar, asides from surprise shot, other tool belt skills kinda suck.. making no difference, unlike you. i dont care about being right, i just want turrets to become “something”..

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


….here we go again.

take a look at the cool downs on special abilities…


  • my mistake, fear has the highest multiplier

I suppose you could say that if you ignore the fact it doesnt do damage. The damage multiplier only is there incase your A- a necromancer and B – have the Fear does damage trait. This is a rare scenerio where a trait makes using a condition do damage. Burning is the highest damage condition under all normal circumstances.

  • At their current state, could you really win an encounter by simply dropping all the turrets?

Subjective to whome im fighting, what they’re doing and how my skill compares to theirs. But the answer is YES i “can”.

  • Turrets special ability only trigger on the next attack… which means you cannot time a knock down, knock back, immobilize properly or when you want. also projectiles are easy to dodge, avoid

not every turret uses a projectile. Flameturret/thumper/rifle/(normal)rocket leave little to no time to react to it after its animation has already started.
and yes they do it on the next attack. And anytime i’m fighting someone and they can be performing their CC i’d like them to be, flame turret/thumper are only ones i time around. and i set up the oppurtunity by using my weapon CC"s in coordination with the turrets CC. (examp: rifle-net, click overcharge, profit)

  • I’m stating that they are weak, but can provide utility if given easy access to them, making them more viable. also creating a new type of play style center around turrets. currently if you do this, you lose utility slots which means you would lack stun breakers, extra condi removal as well as utility itself… and all that would be left is a long cool down if they get destroyed ( which they normally are )

Listen to the issues you bring up, then go read where i brought em up and solved them. For starters given the utility and damage that persists untill they are destroyed unlike every other utility which has a duration or one time click..you probably shouldnt be allowed a stun breaker because you have access to too much as it is. Also if you dont know how to play with 3 turrets and you feel you NEED the condition removal/stun breakers (btw condition removal is on the healing turret) you can still grab em…and if you read my plan i suggest to add an elite Turret for one more turret slot, so you feel more comfortable giving up a utility slot for either stunbreak/toolkit. Also you complain they are easy destroyed, pretty sure i covered that with toughness scaling.

  • would a 10% damage increase be enough? probably not, if they scale rifle turret with your attack and they starts hitting 1- 1.5k per hit. Would this be OP on sPvP, yes..

Your mind thinks in extremes. “if they scale with power suddenly they will gain 500%-700% damage” Who said that?! No one said they would scale THAT much…and no one said 10% damage increase…..they simply said it would increase. Stop making stuff up to try to prove a point, you just look silly.

  • I’m just countering your points and taking in consideration every aspect of the game lol

If that was what you set out to do, well you failed miserably. All you did was set yourself up again for me to do it to you.

  • I dare you to test every turret individually on shore vs normal mobs. then take as many as you can and try again. then tell me how the combination of them are overpowered ? i’ll pay you 1 gold if you can defeat a giant veteran using turrets, or 10g if you manage to kill the champion

You can mail the gold to Zinwrath. Seriously though, let me ask you this….are you able to do any of these things without the turrets? You need a control group when carrying out this kind of test. What variable is normal in this one?

  • I just don’t think your solution would fix the problem, more toughness or no toughness turrets will most likely die and leave and empty utility bar, asides from surprise shot, other tool belt skills kinda suck.. making no difference, unlike you. i dont care about being right, i just want turrets to become “something”..

added the bold for ya. That was clear awhile back, we have nothing to further discuss.

(edited by Zinwrath.2049)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


lol at this point i’m just laughing

if you’re talking about raw damage, confusion wins, if you’re talking about multiplier fear has the highest.. so ?

I’m about to hit rank 40 sPvP, if turrets were that good as to where you could drop them and win.. alot of people would do it, but there is currently none.. lol

we’re talking about turrets assumed we both knew the subject and i didn’t think i would have to into so much detail, by projectile i meant mainly net shot and explosive rocket.. i was wrong tho

no you haven’t really, you have fail to explain how scaling with toughness would change the fact that they are immobile, can’t defend themselves and will die no matter what. a plain increase in toughness will not make people want to play turrets ? also you did not answer my question to how much toughness/damage would they need.. if they can take hits from vets and bosses in dungeons or survive AoE in WvW, they would become tank gods in PvE .. lol anet will not do this..

never said 500-700%, i asked you for a number since you didn’t reply i placed my own, currently they do around 300-377 on sPvP dummies, if they start to scale with the players power and you go full glass cannon/berserker , would you not expect them to scale over 1k per hit? that would be the logical thinking.. would this be OP, yes.. unfortunately they cannot be scaled with the player’s power and you fail to understand this :S

usually people who don’t care about being right are more open minded :P you havent given this idea a chance because you think yours is the right one but you have no taken in consideration the impact your idea would have on every aspect of the game ( something devs do ) and have also fail to analyze or provide any ranges on what you would expect toughness/attack be increased by if based on the players own toughness and attack. there are lots of thinks you have no thought about and the fact that you keep coming back without giving a second thought just proves you care more about being right, than the future of the turrets itself lol..

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


@google. I really am bored of doing this to you…i’ll just say a few things then im done posting in this thread. First i’m not repeating myself, if you suggested something i already explained earlier….thats your loss, i hate having to repeat what i said in other posts.

You complain …multiple times that turrets dont take damage very well. So i suggest they are a little better at taking damage. Then you say “giving them better mitigation wont help they will die no matter what”…then you turn around and say “if they take more damage they will be tank gods!”. Does your mind only work in extremes?? Theres no in between here? obviously not. …somewhere between not dieng instantly…and not being a tank god….that might be the good amount of toughness.

Also, to quote you , “would you not expect them to scale over 1k per hit? that would be the logical thinking.. would this be OP, yes..” error ERROR. if it is OP its not LOGICAL. There was no logic in that number. Different abilities gain a different amount of damage per point of power. Obviously they would not get 100% of your power on every attack, much like your AUTO attack doesnt on ANY weapon. I would never suggest this…nor would i think it, thats all you man. Just like you DECIDED the rifle increase will be 10% without anyone telling you this….it might be, but we have no idea…so you cant say it is.

And i didnt ask if every class could solo them, i asked if YOU could.

Also, people who dont care about being right never are. Cause they wont seek the answers. Those who DO want to be right and are in a pursuit of truth, tend to take in as much information as possible. And i did think about how allowing them to scale would effect the abilities and the game. you ready?

Toughness scaling only effects those who build tanky, thus their turrets are tankier…not gods…tankier, thus able to stay alive a bit longer in a bunker scenerio instead of being insta killed which YOU and everyone else has agreed they’re too squishy.

Scaling off power MOSTLY EFFECTS THE RIFLE. which only purpose is DAMAGE. Also, they already allow it..and ALL the other turrets to scale off CONDITION damage…..so…if they allow it to scale off ONE kind of damage…why would it matter if it scaled off the OTHER….if anything this looks like a bug and the fact they are increasing rifle turrets damage is a bandaid untill they can fix it so it scales properly which proves to me…even THEY think the rifle does too little damage, so allowing it to scale (even if 1/4th what your pistol auto gets per power) would be helpful and not destroy the game.

seriously, you throw insults and slander…yet you keep digging yourself a hole by saying and suggesting things that anyone could see are wrong without me having to point it out to you…. and as funny as it was for me, i’m bored with it now. so have a good night.

(edited by Zinwrath.2049)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


I did say turrets have low damage, which would make it easy to turn them into an actual kit.. and would fix the problem with their low survival because if the 1 turret gets killed it won’t have such a negative impact on your bar. this suggestion is not to add damage or godly defenses, but rather utility and to make turret engineer viable!

why does Mesmer mechanic work ? because of the spam-ability on illusions, this would follow the same concept but at the same time feel very very different because we could not infinite spawn turrets, they would not move and would be focused on utility, control and strategic game play rather than damage.

if a mob attacks your turret, it will continue until it dies, so toughness increase really would not make a difference at all, also.. why would you want to play and trait a turret build for 1 or 2 turrets? 3 at the most but you will be left with little to no condition removal, stun breakers or additional utility :S

look at your thinking: you want them to scale with toughness, we would have a turret bunker with no condition removal/stun breakers and little damage.

or a berserker/glass engi who’s turrets will scale with damage, and not be able to get to the 1k dmg rage because it would scale so poorly, why would you want to use this over any other utility that does more damage, provides more utility/control ? and if it did scale with damage over 1k.. people would cry to heavens because its AI controlled

i say tank god because i play the game, i run dungeons and know the difference on damage from general PvE and mobs in dungeons. worlds apart and you should know this too, if it can tank 1 vet in a dungeon for a few seconds, it would be able to tank up to 10 normal mobs in general PvE.. and yet would not be enough to handle a GS warrior or AoE in WvW

its not insults or slanders, i just invite you to think logically, increasing toughness or damage is not the way to fix turrets, the only way to fix them is to add utility and what more utility than to allow easy access to them without forcing you to sacrifice all utility slots ? again, no one will play turret engi to carry around 2 turrets and baby sit them cause if they get destroyed, all your left is with 2 long cool downs .. lol

thats not viable in WvW/PvE/sPvP or Dungeons

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I’m not sure they’d work in a kit. Being able to spit out turrets every few seconds means the turrets would have to stay as useless as they are now and lose the knockback trait and blast finishers.

I wouldn’t mind seeing some turrets built into kits or weapons, though. I think a system like mesmer phantasms would be nice (you get 1 summon per weapon set, can’t move from fight to fight with it but you don’t have to blow a utility for it).

Also, since phantasms aren’t very mobile (they disappear when you exit combat) and they have low health, putting one turret on each weapon set would make them function almost exactly like phantasms. Which means maybe, if we’re lucky, they could be buffed up to be as effective as phantasms?

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


each turret should be a kit of its own.

5 = pack up/set up
4 = overcharge

2 – 3 ought to be extra skills, like drop bandage on a short cooldown or drop bandages on a long cool down for healing turret, or caltrops and an oil slick for net turret (small durations medium cooldowns, or whatever.

1 = attack my target.

Turrets should gain buffs from skills and elixirs like anything else.
Turrets should do enough dmg to make the opponent target the turret.
Turrets should be strong enough to survive sustained dmg for short periods.
Turrets should be able to be healed through sustained dmg for long periods.

This way we could swap between turret control and weapons/kits easily. and the turrets themselves still have their current abilities as their “auto attack”

Let’s say you have a net turret and a healing turret down, and you are fighting at the edge of their range, while your ally is in between them, you could swap to your net turret kit to spread some caltrops to slow your ally’s foe, then switch to healing turret and drop bandages for them in a matter of seconds while still engaging your own foe.

edit: re: cooldowns; our blast finisher buffing powers are great, we still want those. turret cd ought to be conditional, based on how it was destroyed.

picked up = 15 seconds
foe destroyed = 30 seconds
self destruct = 45 second.

The Autotool installation trait is where the 20% reduc in CD should be, giving 12, 24, 36 respectively.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

(edited by nakoda.4213)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Yea, they could simply place turrets as they are right now on a kit, the cooldowns would prevent the stronger turrets like net turret and rocket turret to be spammbable while allowing you to have short cool downs on rifle turret ( low DPS would kinda be like the auto attack ) and flame turret ( because of its short range 450 its most likely to die and/or will need to be place on different location near target during the fights)

I don’t design the game so i wouldn’t know but overcharged abilities could be taken out, or maybe traited into


oh and yes, blast finishers would naturally be removed x5 blast finishers would be kinda OP :P

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


each turret should be a kit of its own.

5 = pack up/set up
4 = overcharge

2 – 3 ought to be extra skills, like drop bandage on a short cooldown or drop bandages on a long cool down for healing turret, or caltrops and an oil slick for net turret (small durations medium cooldowns, or whatever.

1 = attack my target.

Turrets should gain buffs from skills and elixirs like anything else.
Turrets should do enough dmg to make the opponent target the turret.
Turrets should be strong enough to survive sustained dmg for short periods.
Turrets should be able to be healed through sustained dmg for long periods.

This way we could swap between turret control and weapons/kits easily. and the turrets themselves still have their current abilities as their “auto attack”

Let’s say you have a net turret and a healing turret down, and you are fighting at the edge of their range, while your ally is in between them, you could swap to your net turret kit to spread some caltrops to slow your ally’s foe, then switch to healing turret and drop bandages for them in a matter of seconds while still engaging your own foe.

i would love this idea! would be amazing!! but considering how much love we get, this would be asking for far too much coding great idea tho!

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


Yea, they could simply place turrets as they are right now on a kit, the cooldowns would prevent the stronger turrets like net turret and rocket turret to be spammbable while allowing you to have short cool downs on rifle turret ( low DPS would kinda be like the auto attack ) and flame turret ( because of its short range 450 its most likely to die and/or will need to be place on different location near target during the fights)

I don’t design the game so i wouldn’t know but overcharged abilities could be taken out, or maybe traited into


oh and yes, blast finishers would naturally be removed x5 blast finishers would be kinda OP :P

re: cooldowns; our blast finisher buffing powers are great, we still want those. turret cd ought to be conditional, based on how it was destroyed.

picked up = 15 seconds
foe destroyed = 30 seconds
self destruct = 45 second.

The Autotool installation trait is where the 20% reduc in CD should be, giving 12, 24, 36 respectively.

edited my post above.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Seezungenschleuder.8319


Another attempt:

- turrets’ armor and health is doubled
- they scale with the engineer’s power/precision/critical damage/condition damage
- out of combat, they follow you (like little tanks)
- ‘Deployable Turrets’ trait disables that, in addition to making them ground-targeted

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


You would have to severely nerf all the turrets to the point they are worth one utility slot.

I take it th at you believe that turrets are currently worth more than one utility slot? You should took a look at the engineer forums. Most engineers don’t view them to be worth one at all. Even the healing turrent comes in lackluster when compared to healing kit or healing elixir.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709



could be a viable option to allow for mobility, have in consideration that each turrent would have different cool downs tho but yea could work


Turret following you :| that’s kinda creepy! we stole a necro’s minions and turn them into a robot :O!

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Warhammer Online had Engineer class that use turrents and they got it right (in that regard)

Heck there you could only pick one to use and it worked.

Few things.

1. Turrets hit hard
2. Player got a 20% damage inc if in about 600 range of their turrent
3. Turrets debuffs on top of damage and had control

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Warhammer Online had Engineer class that use turrents and they got it right (in that regard)

Heck there you could only pick one to use and it worked.

Few things.

1. Turrets hit hard
2. Player got a 20% damage inc if in about 600 range of their turrent
3. Turrets debuffs on top of damage and had control

Engineer and Magus are also widely considered one of the weakest classes in the game. Our Engineer is not about the turrets, and I don’t think it should be changed that way. Our turrets do need plenty of work.

At the OP, all of your “facts” aren’t facts. The sun is a ball of gases, that is a fact. The Engineer does not have class identity, that is an opinion.

Just to clarify:


This would feel like what playing an Engineer should be like!!!
Would give us a much needed class identity! ( turrets, he must be an engi)
You could still trait into turrets and use the other 2 utility lots to protect/heal them!!! Welcome turret engineers!!!!!!
New build to our class to replace 100nades
Would be viable but not overpower on WvW, sPvP, PvE & Dungeons
Doesn’t require additional coding or a lot of work!

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Turrets should at least take the same level of damage that a Ranger’s frick’n Bear does.

If we could drop them up to 3000 range – coupled with great toughness – I would sacrifice damage out-put and maybe actually use them. Make them something that have to be dealt with by the enemy when we drop them in WvW. Right now they are a joke.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709



We do have a class identity, just not a strong one. When you play warrior its about tank &spank, guardian protect and heal, thief all about being sneaky and mobile, Mesmer about dominating and confusing, ele master of elements… what about Engi ?

1 argument that you hear around alot as to why people don’t like 100nades, its because it doesn’t feel like you’re playing an engineer!! that’s why a lot of the community dislike this build, but…. then what what should an engineer feel like ? should we be about potions (elixirs)?? are we magicians?? or should it be about turrets, gadgets and technology?? that’s what i thought it would be like pre-release and i’m sure i’m not alone on this one.

what should an engineer look like? what is the purpose of an engineer? what do we bring to WvW/sPvp/Dungeons that no other class can ? what is our place in this game? these are some of the question people struggle with a lot!! and why we’re so misunderstood! and thats all because we lack a strong class identity

(edited by google.3709)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: google.3709


Turrets should at least take the same level of damage that a Ranger’s frick’n Bear does.

If we could drop them up to 3000 range – coupled with great toughness – I would sacrifice damage out-put and maybe actually use them. Make them something that have to be dealt with by the enemy when we drop them in WvW. Right now they are a joke.

lol 3000 range :O! that would be amazing! sniper turrets but yea.. in WvW turret engineers are the worst! if you want range you need to bring granade kit, and Elixir S is a must. that leaves 1 utility free if you wanna bring a turret, no one is gonan trait for 1 turret which will destroyed in 2 secs and does kid damage

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Wuffles.5319


If we can’t weapon swap, I demand we be given our own unique weapons, Sniper Rifle. 3000 Range

It’s settled.

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


So basically everyone would bring Turret Kit. Drop all turrets, swap to other weapons, continue as usual. That’s way OP. Imagine if you could drop all 5 turrets and then still have access to your guns and 2 other utilities.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Turret Facts

in Engineer

Posted by: Wuffles.5319


So basically everyone would bring Turret Kit. Drop all turrets, swap to other weapons, continue as usual. That’s way OP. Imagine if you could drop all 5 turrets and then still have access to your guns and 2 other utilities.

It’s not OP, we’re already so underpowered. Cmon.