Here is the final build!
Testing variant! Utility Goggles over Personal Battering Ram!
This is a fragile burst build with lots of chain CC capabilities! You can lock down a single player very easily and if they don’t have a stunbreak or stability, it’s quite lethal! The most important thing is to land your combo setup moves which are Net Shot, Overcharged Shot, and Magnet! If you land any of those abilities, you can perform a number of high damage and high CC combos! I will demonstrate a few combos for you frands! Many of these combos cannot be dodged if you land your opening hit! However the target can interrupt the combo using a stunbreak or blink, or they can block during your Net Shot immob! I typed out the combo rotations in the description of each highlight! Here we go!
Magnet opener vs Cele Engi!
Magnet opener vs DD Ele!
Overcharge Shot opener vs DD Ele!
Net Shot opener vs Cele Engi! (Don’t use against actual Engi unless you know Transmute is on cooldown!)
What if your target blocks while immobilized in Net Shot!
Utility Goggles Variant! Utility Goggles was made for this build! You can stunbreak your self knockback from Overcharge Shot and it also gives you fury for your subsequent burst!
Obviously in a real game you won’t be facing against people who are standing still! You won’t land these combos all the time because of stability, and stunbreaks, etc! That’s ok! Just make sure to land your setup skills and you can combo from there! A lot of your burst comes from Throw Wrench + Launch Personal Battering Ram + Static Discharge + Blunderbuss! If you can set up these three attacks, you’ll be doing a lot of damage!
The role of this build is similar to a Thief! You are a roamer! Use your permanent swiftness to get to points quickly! You should +1 a fight and blow somebody up with burst and CC and move onto the next point! Again always try to land your setup moves! If you land an opening Overcharge Shot, Magnet, or Net Shot, you are guaranteed to deal heavy burst and chain CC or force the other guy to use a stunbreak!
Build Variations! Because people like different things!
General Tips!
- Never ever ever ever ever stand on point during a teamfight unless you really, really, really have to! This goes for 90% of all Engi builds including condi and cele rifle and 100% of all Berserker Amulet builds!
- Magnet is amazing in a teamfight! There’s a lot of stuff flying around and people may not notice you Magnet-ing them! Magnet is the best way to start a combo!
- Use Super Speed + Gear Shield to disengage from fights! You are very fragile! Try not to take many hits! It’s better to retreat and reposition yourself!
- Don’t be afraid to use Super Speed to stunbreak early! You are fragile so you need to avoid hits, and the 3 point trait in Tools recharges your toolbelt abilities!
- Elixir X is a viable elite choice! Rampage can dish out a lot of damage with Air/Fire Sigils! Tornado is ok to prevent stomps/revives and does decent damage with the lightning attack!
- Personal Battering Ram is a good alternative to Overcharged Shot after a Magnet Pull! This way you have enough time to use both Throw Wrench and Launch Personal Battering Ram before you Net Shot! And you can Blunderbuss > Overcharge Shot afterwards!
- You can easily decap a point because the build has a lot of CC! Magnet > Net Shot > run to point > Overcharge Shot is a good way! Or just an Overcharge Shot > Net Shot if you’re both on point! This applies to all rifle builds really!
- Even though this is a gadget build, don’t use AED! It sucks! That’s all! Don’t use gadget traits either! They are bad! Gadgeteer is recommended in some of the variants because those variants don’t run Speedy Kits so there’s an extra slot in the trait line! And Gadgeteer is only used for the aegis from Throw Mine because it’s slightly better than Armor Mods in that you can control your aegis proc!
Once again this build is just for funsies that Vee Wee made because Vee Wee likes gadgets! If you use it against some Challenger of the Arena Legendary Champion super tryhard premade Teamspeak using team and lose, you cannot blame Vee Wee! And if you win against that, be sure to record and upload here! Questions, comments, and concerns please post here! Wahoo!
Thanks to suchalameo, bert, and marvin for helping with the combo videos!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
(edited by ellesee.8297)