[Video] SD/Turret build!

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Hey guys!

After some experimenting and testing in PvP, and with the help of some of you I created a turret build that doesnt use the turrets as passives but at active skills. The surprising things is: It works amazing! Check it out, let me know what you think

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQFAUlUUpmq1WxyKseRSeBN6rUzqAy8FAxFwvA-TJBFwACeAAt2foaZAAXAAA

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBjQym_aHxQ&feature=youtu.be

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Nice. Good work

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Nice. Good work


One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


I’m gonna try this when I get the chance. It is cool seeing a turret build that relies on almost no level of bunkering, and it runs the same HT/RiT/RoT/TT combo that I used pre-update.

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Awesome. Looks like an extremely active build requiring a lot of thinking and very dynamic movements.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Got a couple questions.

First off, why take all turrets but not Accelerant-Packed Turrets trait? The CC provided is good for landing burst, securing revives and stomps. I see you went 3 into Alchemy for the minor which can indeed be useful but personally I’d think going 2 into Explosives is far more beneficial.

Secondly, Scope is a decent trait but will give you 0 benefits for Blunderbuss (since you wanna be up close with it obviously). Wouldn’t Deployable Turrets be more useful for it? Combined with 2 in Explosives it would give you plenty of interrupts from further away.

Note that these are both my personal opinions and I’m not telling you that this is how you must or should play =P.

The build looks pretty solid and fun to play, keep it up.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Great vid, Fvux, nice to see that my recommendations worked for you

1.: yes, accelerant packed turrets is a valid option for this build imo, still transmute will save your kitten so often against stuff like fears and panic strike that it’s almost too good to give up on. Common s/d builds take TK and therefore have gearshield as defensive option, so the absence of transmute doesn’t hurt this much, but in this case it’s really a matter of taste, and judging from the vid, it was working just fine, especially since a traited rifle already gives you all the cc you really need.

2.: Deployable turrets is a 2-edged sword, since it also messes with the healing turret combo and excels only in situations where you want to camp and protect your turrets by unreachable positioning. When it comes to the mobile combat this build features, DT-projectiles are just too slow and APT has a too narrow range to be used effectively on range, kinda the same issue you have with nades on long range.
Scope mainly serves as support for hipshot, surprise shot, rocket and the s/d projectiles, all being supported by the RNG burst on crit from air+fire, so the benefit of the trait is improved ranged peeling and cleave. In the vid you could see the one chaar necro that tried to turn aroud and run away. Noticed all the crits and air+fire procs? In this moment scope was the lucky choice.
Alternatively one could choose armor mods for more rng defense, which greatly improves melee situations and messes with enemies’ burst rotations. I personally rather run armor mods, but both work equally fine and give you advantages in this build.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Hey Laceration.4290,

As Arantheal.7396 said above APT is mostly a matter of personal preference and I felt transmute indeed saved my beautiful backpiece (you know what I’m pointing at) many times.

As for Deployable turrets, it indeed messes up my healing turret combo quite alot.
Scope is ofcourse sometimes usefull and sometimes not, but it felt like the best option. Since I do not have swiftness on demand and can’t chase enemies easily because of that, the crit chance helps me kill them while running.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

On a side note: I created a new build! A hybrid build without involving grenades and offering high CC
Check it out! https://youtu.be/v_YEVs2c8F4

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Got a couple questions.

First off, why take all turrets but not Accelerant-Packed Turrets trait? The CC provided is good for landing burst, securing revives and stomps. I see you went 3 into Alchemy for the minor which can indeed be useful but personally I’d think going 2 into Explosives is far more beneficial.

Secondly, Scope is a decent trait but will give you 0 benefits for Blunderbuss (since you wanna be up close with it obviously). Wouldn’t Deployable Turrets be more useful for it? Combined with 2 in Explosives it would give you plenty of interrupts from further away.

Note that these are both my personal opinions and I’m not telling you that this is how you must or should play =P.

The build looks pretty solid and fun to play, keep it up.

I took a shot at this build last night and boy was it fun. I did make minor changes to the traits:

- Removed the point for transmute
- Added a point for APT
- Changed Tools GM trait to Armor Mods

I kept Scope, because it makes you more effective at all ranges, not just up close. If you’re chasing somebody, then you can ping them for extra critical hip shots. Also, the trait only says “extra critical chance against enemies 600+ units away”, which includes your static discharge. I was finding I could deal upwards of 10k burst damage in in some scenarios, instantly downing elementalists or thieves. I am not much a fan of Deployable Turrets. Your turrets don’t last very long, but this build doesn’t need them to, and the healing turret does become less effective with DT.

Needless to say it’s gonna require more testing, but there’s some great potential for this yet.

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: FinalPatriot.8034


Ok, this may be a stupid question as I’ve not played an engi in ages but what’s the point of dropping a turret only to instantly destroy it? Isn’t their passive damage far greater?

Also… that rifle looks amazing. Too bad it such a pain to craft.

Laura Seranus – Mesmer –
“Shatter Me!”
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Ok, this may be a stupid question as I’ve not played an engi in ages but what’s the point of dropping a turret only to instantly destroy it? Isn’t their passive damage far greater?

Also… that rifle looks amazing. Too bad it such a pain to craft.

There are multiple reasons to blow up your turrets:
spike damage (blow up damage+SD)
Blasts for field
Opening toolbelt skills for spike damage and stun break
Set your turrets on recharge again. Ofcourse if you let them stay there and they are lucky enough to survive, you can cast a second overcharge. But it wont work inmediatly then so you cant use the knockdown on demand for example. When you blow it up, let go cooldown and use it again it will inmediatly execute its overcharge.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux