What I miss since patch!
5. Flamethrower and Elixier Gun CDR – I really with this had become baseline for those weapons. They didn’t get anything baseline and I’d really like to have the lower CD on those weapons(( Toally miss that
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I mostly miss bomb radius, med kit not being ground targeting, and some of the great defensive traits like -20% damage when hard CCed.
Feels like that someone from anet forgot this part of the presentation:
(edited by guildabd.6529)
Yeah this are mostly the traits that was needed for any engineer who want to use theire weapons not only kits. Beside that the new rifletrait is ab it buggy too as it is not 10% faster but about 50%-100% faster attack thats the only way to use rifle in a way u can live with but it is also the death for pistols.
It is no problem to get something other for the stuff u had before as engineer but that shouldn’t be how it goes.
All I want is that every kit and every weapon is usefull in a way that u would say ok it is fine that way. But what we got is mostly a mess with 2-3 kits far stronger than the others or the only option u have as the others are not usefull or way to weak.
I also dislike the elixiers all together as they are not worth the place for a nice kit instead but thats an other story like the gadgets as well ^^
The only way now that someone would actually want some stuff to use is the fact that other options are nerfed so far that they are not useable anymore. This is also a big problem because while the other characters get buffs for nearly everything we got one nerf after another weaken the engineer more and more.
Once engineer was one of the best 1 vs 1 classes as he could survive situations others would die without beeing overpowered, theese days the balance is destroyed and we are still on the same level of damage and armor than before while others got way stronger without loosing there specials like high armor or strong attacks.
So what I want for my engineer is to be the allrounder he was before not a fading shadow of it. And yes even before he was not perfect but at least less non perfect
Since the patch i miss… balancing!
Too many nerfs hit the engineer. Its ridicolous.
Since the patch i miss… balancing!
Too many nerfs hit the engineer. Its ridicolous.
Still upset about the mortar kit nerf? Please …
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
They got rid of healing bombs.
I must say that new changes made me really sad. I have been playing engineer since the game was launched and witnessed how it slowly moved from the top PvP class into current situation.
Trait changes stroke a serious blow to engineer’s playability. We were never good at removing conditions and always been lacking stability. Yet we were able to compensate for it with traits.
While conditions got overhauled and I would say buffed, we didn’t got any way how to deal with it.
While other classes got some nice trait buffs we got pretty much nothing. I mean classes being able to stack might on themselves with simple autoattacks, or getting 30% dmg boosts for certain skills. 5% dmg boost for engie looks like a really bad joke next to those and this is just one of many things.
I guess we just have to hope for the miracle that Arena net is gonna stop nerfing engineer and maybe actually gonna buff it someday. Or we will all just end up playing warriors facerolling keyboard for killing opponents with 3 hits.
Synaptic Overload, I know it was not used by a lot but it actually added a nice element to my Static Discharge Build and was an incentive to pick up PBR.
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
Let’s wait for next tuesday and if we don’t get our bombs, oh boy the rage strom is appearing ._.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I miss having actual damage.
5. Flamethrower and Elixier Gun CDR – I really with this had become baseline for those weapons. They didn’t get anything baseline and I’d really like to have the lower CD on those weapons
(( Toally miss that
Exactly my feelings too.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Since the patch i miss… balancing!
Too many nerfs hit the engineer. Its ridicolous.
Still upset about the mortar kit nerf? Please …
Having just played Ele, and the mortar before/after nerf, I have to say: Still unnecessary that nerf. Meteor shower/lava font, cannot be reflected, harder to dodge, hit multiple times, hit harder, can be traited for cooldown reduction, etc. Just so good. While mortar is there now and ok, it’s just that ‘ok’ nothing more. Wich is ridiculous in the all ‘superior good’ changes to some professions now.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Since the patch i miss… balancing!
Too many nerfs hit the engineer. Its ridicolous.
Still upset about the mortar kit nerf? Please …
Thats what ur wanna say? An insult and a well balanced meta? What a ..
The intention of creating more possible playable builds is failed.