box of nails breaking stealth

box of nails breaking stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

this is really irritating me. its the perfect skill to use when you’re low, on the run, and need to make some space between yourself and your attackers. problem is, it procs takedown round, which breaks stealth, and that usually results in a death. arrg! should this be happening? box o’ nails has no direct damage to speak of, and other professions similar skills do not break their stealth, so i say no. thats my argument. if you agree or not, i posted a thread in the bugs forum to get a look at this, so please take the 10 seconds to go over and post your opinion . thanks!

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box of nails breaking stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: Goosekilla.2796


I’ll post opinion, but just want to say your title is a bit misleading in that your real question is whether or not take down round should break stealth and/or whether or not box of nails should proc take down round, the answer to both of which is definitely. If you’re taking a semi-random damage dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be an issue, I’d say that’s a fundamental build problem, not an issue with the trait or skill.

Hit Monleee – 80 engi
Cubones Mother – 80 mes
Jade Quarry [Uhhh]

box of nails breaking stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

I’ll post opinion, but just want to say your title is a bit misleading in that your real question is whether or not take down round should break stealth and/or whether or not box of nails should proc take down round, the answer to both of which is definitely. If you’re taking a semi-random damage dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be an issue, I’d say that’s a fundamental build problem, not an issue with the trait or skill.

I simply dont understand why a non-direct damaging skill can proc a direct damaging trait. Sigil of air doesnt do that, and other classes that have similar pulsing condi fields+traits dont do that. Its inconsistent mechanics.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

box of nails breaking stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: Mnemesis.8257


It produces an invisible “tag”, if you will. This has been in effect for as long as I can remember and actually has tactical applications, provided you use it accordingly. Exceeding many applications by a wide margin would be the fact that this “tag” acts as a free blind clear for us; an ability that is undoubtedly the unsung hero of our nearly forgotten Tool Kit. Provided with the means to not only cleanse a blind, but doing so in a simultaneous offensive/defensive manner is something I do not believe should be adjusted due to a minor inconvenience. If anything, other mechanics should mimic this effect due to the extreme abuse that has been witnessed through lazy methods like Trapper runes. There is your consistency solution.

If you are adamant about a solution to your personal dilemma, then it would simply be best to wait 2-3s before using nails during stealth (when this is no longer an issue). Doing otherwise is like shooting a signal flare prominently at your current location/direction. I realize you want a “Get out of Jail, free” monopoly style skill combination, but this is not the method you seek. Learn to appreciate it for what it can provide, instead of focusing on what it might cause to a specific trait, in regards to a very specific scenario, which will undoubtedly snowball into breaking (sorry, “fixing”) it beyond any serious tactical applications.

box of nails breaking stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: Goosekilla.2796


I’ll post opinion, but just want to say your title is a bit misleading in that your real question is whether or not take down round should break stealth and/or whether or not box of nails should proc take down round, the answer to both of which is definitely. If you’re taking a semi-random damage dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be an issue, I’d say that’s a fundamental build problem, not an issue with the trait or skill.

I simply dont understand why a non-direct damaging skill can proc a direct damaging trait. Sigil of air doesnt do that, and other classes that have similar pulsing condi fields+traits dont do that. Its inconsistent mechanics.

I don’t think it is inconsistent. Sigil of air procs on critical hits, which obviously cannot happen on an attack that does not deal direct damage. I think if you try with, for example, sigil of ice (inflict chill on a hit, non-critical), you’ll find that it does proc. But that wouldn’t reveal either because it’s still just more condi application. It’s not inconsistent mechanics, it’s just that there are extremely few other truly analogous situations.

Hit Monleee – 80 engi
Cubones Mother – 80 mes
Jade Quarry [Uhhh]