who is Vee Wee?

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: velhavn.7694


google livskisfanboy

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


VeeWee once parallel parked a train.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Vee Wee one time counted to infinity and ordered a Big Mac at Burger King and got one!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


he’s a pain in the kitten that can’t stop reminding everybody of the so-called great accomplishments they’ve gotten and acting like we all should know him (ironically, i’d never heard of him until i went on the forums and looked in the engi subforum……1 year into playing). he is also a very bad speller

Fix what you have before you build something new

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


so can i be frands with VeeWee?

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee takes veewee’s salad dressing right on the salad, ………..so there is no going back.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


he’s a pain in the kitten that can’t stop reminding everybody of the so-called great accomplishments they’ve gotten and acting like we all should know him (ironically, i’d never heard of him until i went on the forums and looked in the engi subforum……1 year into playing). he is also a very bad speller

Hey hey hey, it’s been established. Vee Wee is a she, not a he.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: foste.3098


The obligatory ‘wahoo!’ at the end of every single post makes me think vee wee is a huge one piece fan.

Also since s/he always refers to him, um her itself in 3rd person makes me believe vee wee is the head master of the iluminati – this could explain the 2 different accounts vee wee goes under.

Also is it not strange how vee wee is always ranked n80, he never seems to gain or loose ranks ever! This leads me to believe that we are all in the matrix and vee wee is the architect (read – the ENGINEER), monitoring us all and holding the n80 rank hostage!!

see no evil ,until i stab you

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: jingkangtan.6752


veeeweee is a girl?!!?! MIND BLOWN

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Some kind of player who thinks he/she is awesome because of the rank.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Vee Wee is awesome, though. Sometimes wrong, but awesome.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee is left-handed ……………and right-handed.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Did some more research today, found stuff that made me feel a bit sad if it’s all true and then decided I should stop digging where I’m not supposed to dig (especially with no way of knowing how accurate/trustworthy my findings actually are (or not)).

So… wahoo! ^^

P.S.: I like that twitch-avatar. It looks awesome. (And yeah, I’ve found out where it origins. ^^)

Edit: So, since we seem to apply THOSE jokes to Vee Wee now… if Vee Wee jumps into a body of water, Vee Wee doesn’t get wet. The water gets Vee Wee. Wahoo!

(edited by Saturn.6591)

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


he’s a pain in the kitten that can’t stop reminding everybody of the so-called great accomplishments they’ve gotten and acting like we all should know him (ironically, i’d never heard of him until i went on the forums and looked in the engi subforum……1 year into playing). he is also a very bad speller

Hey hey hey, it’s been established. Vee Wee is a she, not a he.

they can be an it for all i care.

Fix what you have before you build something new

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


he’s a pain in the kitten that can’t stop reminding everybody of the so-called great accomplishments they’ve gotten and acting like we all should know him (ironically, i’d never heard of him until i went on the forums and looked in the engi subforum……1 year into playing). he is also a very bad speller

Hey hey hey, it’s been established. Vee Wee is a she, not a he.

they can be an it for all i care.

Not possible, since Engineers don’t have any traps. ;P

(Just in case: If for some reason, someone finds this post to be offensive towards him/her/anyone, please PM me so we can talk about it, since it’s not meant to be offensive.)

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


all i’ve learned from this post is that VeeWee is a pink floyd fan?!

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: JusticarArkiel.1564


he’s a pain in the kitten that can’t stop reminding everybody of the so-called great accomplishments they’ve gotten and acting like we all should know him (ironically, i’d never heard of him until i went on the forums and looked in the engi subforum……1 year into playing). he is also a very bad speller

Hey hey hey, it’s been established. Vee Wee is a she, not a he.

they can be an it for all i care.

Not possible, since Engineers don’t have any traps. ;P

(Just in case: If for some reason, someone finds this post to be offensive towards him/her/anyone, please PM me so we can talk about it, since it’s not meant to be offensive.)

well, that was set up nicely i guess, walked into that one XD

Fix what you have before you build something new

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


er.. um.. anyone else a little jelly that vee wee gets her own thread :p

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


She totally deserves it

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee speaks fluent French, in Russian.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Veewee speaks fluent French, in Russian.

ooh la la ~

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


all i’ve learned from this post is that VeeWee is a pink floyd fan?!

Not surprising, and she says she is also somewhat of a musician and “Vee Wee” is also a guitar style.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


Veewee speaks fluent French, in Russian.

does she stay thirst, my frand?

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


And I’ve still seen no proof that “dude looks like a lady”? or the other way around.

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


Finally, google gave me my answer!


Vee Wee be female.

Wait, what?

Now I’m a litle dissapointed, the voice I attribute to VeeWee posts is a sort of Big Gay Al voice, based on the dialogue…

Now I’m kinda struggling to find a new VeeWee voice that makes sense, the only thing I can think of is a sort of smurfy / FiM stylee. My internal image of VeeWee is broken! :’(

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee speaks fluent French, in Russian.

does she stay thirst, my frand?

Veewee stay thirst my frand, because, “Thirst is everything. Wahoo!”

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

twitch.tv/ostricheggs MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

In comes Ostricheggs, smelling fun conversation that needed to be crashed.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Some forum magicians can walk on water..Vee Wee can swim trough land!

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


Veewee is the day of sun, which brightens your day

and the colourful rainbow which pummels you into a bloody mush with prybar on toolkit.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee, Goddess of Life Eternal, Daughter of the Lesser Moon, Mother of the Nearer Moon, and the Goddess of Death. Wahoo!

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

There’s a difference between trolling and consistency in quirks, so I for one am happy to see posts from Vee Wee!

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

well thats not being really frandly!

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Vee Wee is our resident Engineer mascot.
Generally, the people who dislike her, wish they had the personality to get their opinions considered as easily as she does.

Is she the best? I doubt it. Is she the most interesting read? Absolutely!
Definitely no stick up the posterior.

Personaly I think we need a new mascot. While I frequently agree with many of the points she makes when I manage to fully read through one of her posts and filter out the inane prattle, acomplishing said feat is another mater. I find the “Personality” she injects into every post painful enough that I can not have sharp objects near my computer out of fear I may gouge out my eyes to escape it. The intro is at best self centered and the “Accent” is obnoxious. It was cute the first time but at this point I kinda wish there was a way add to a forum ignore list.

So while you may think she’s the most intresting read on the forums I think she’s the most painful read on the forums.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

well thats not being really frandly!

its the trademark oe kittenwad attitude
im impressed he complimented her actually

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee wee here #1 engi na and world first rank 80!

Vee wee is away for the weekend and before vee wee goes to bed vee wee wants to say vee wee appreciates all the love and suuport from you my frands! Bee wee will be back home either tomorrow or Monday to stream terrible build victories in team queue! Enjoythe weekend ffrands and remember bee wee loves all of you!

PS you read that right! Its 10am and vee wee is going to bed! Its been a good weekend so far!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Pps typing like this on your phone stinks!

Ppps visit vee wees stream at http://twitch.TV/livskis and also vee were YouTube channel will be up soon as soon as bee wee can figure out how to change vee weeks username to something that’s not vee were real name! If anyone knows how to do that feel free to tell evee wee! There will be #1 gadget plays and thilly anet bloopers and much more! Wahoo!

Pppps vee wees future YouTube channel will actually be HD and have sound! Be excited frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

(edited by ellesee.8297)

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Personaly I think we need a new mascot. While I frequently agree with many of the points she makes when I manage to fully read through one of her posts and filter out the inane prattle, acomplishing said feat is another mater. I find the “Personality” she injects into every post painful enough that I can not have sharp objects near my computer out of fear I may gouge out my eyes to escape it. The intro is at best self centered and the “Accent” is obnoxious. It was cute the first time but at this point I kinda wish there was a way add to a forum ignore list.

So while you may think she’s the most intresting read on the forums I think she’s the most painful read on the forums.

Good advice for anybody is to “Be the change you want to see.”

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


…thought Vee Wee was a troll first. But alas, s/he ‘quirky’ approach to these boards do add a little fun.


who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Vee Wee, if your current YouTube/Gmail account is stuck displaying your real name, easiest way is to create a new YouTube/Gmail account specifically for uploading your gw2 videos. Then you could make the name whatever you want it to be.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Huygens.4075


VeeWee is love. VeeWee is life.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Well it’s strange the name doesn’t really ring a bell after having furiously PvP’d on both regions, although more on EU than NA since NA was more about enduring that one furious conflict between Blackgate, Jade Quarry and Sanctum of Rall than getting into tPvP.

I… hope to come back to NA someday. I’ll be the judge of that ability to speak fluent french. Ha.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

well thats not being really frandly!

its the trademark oe kittenwad attitude
im impressed he complimented her actually

if it’s the truth, is it being a kittenwad?

twitch.tv/ostricheggs MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

well thats not being really frandly!

its the trademark oe kittenwad attitude
im impressed he complimented her actually

if it’s the truth, is it being a kittenwad?

hey its the frandly guy

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: tanztante.6532


veewee inspired me to try her crazy elixir build. i instantly died because of unveeweeness.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Veewee, walker of the path and knower of the secret ways. Gatekeeper of the outside journey to the inner sanctum of frandliness. ……Waaaahooooooo! Yea again…….. waaahoooo.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

well thats not being really frandly!

its the trademark oe kittenwad attitude
im impressed he complimented her actually

if it’s the truth, is it being a kittenwad?

the 2 arent really related
for example you could compliment her without backhanding everyone else
but that just wouldnt be you would it

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


the 2 arent really related
for example you could compliment her without backhanding everyone else
but that just wouldnt be you would it

You’d want to have a compliment too or something? Is it that much of a big deal?

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

Is this guy ever in a good mood?

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: gartz.7013


All you need to know about veewee:

1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80

Is this guy ever in a good mood?

pls tech me to HgH?

solo cheese engi/ex teef

who is Vee Wee?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Well whatever Vee Wee is or does – he just PWND you my friend…

I have to say… from what I’ve seen Vee Wee is always polite, always helpful, always cheery and ever active…

This post has 1700 views at the time I’m posting – says a lot!

Reckon this post is a good opportunity for anyone who’s ever been helped out by a Vee Wee post or enjoyed his general cheeryness to say thanks…

So yeh, Thanks Vee Wee – keep the tips coming!

People like Vee Wee actually turned me away from the Engineer class all together, unfortunately. :-\

My favorite build in this class is Turret, straight up. Played it from day 1 of headstart until about 6 months ago (when I had to take a break from the game). When I returned, I stopped by engie forums to see what had changed, and saw nothing but hate for turret players.

Now, I can handle “Turrets are bad, and only bad players use them.” That’s pretty much how it’s always been, and I actually like that; it gives me far more satisfaction beating players in 1v1, or even 1v2, knowing that the build I’m running is kitten .

The problem is that Vee Wee, and players like him, perpetuate on top of that idea that even though turrets are bad, anyone who runs them and wins is just using them as crutch, and is just a bad player trying to make up for being bad by using AI.

In a nutshell? If you play turrets and lose, it’s because you ran a bad build. If you play turrets and win, it’s because you’re a bad player who needed turrets to win. No matter what- you suck. While I do play the game for my own enjoyment, there’s a lot to be said about not being looked down on when I PvP regardless of whether I win or not.

All together… the type of Engineer Vee Wee pushes onto other people is not the Engineer class I love. The actual class is versatile (moreso than any other in the game), and all around fun. But Vee Wee’s engineer? It’s rigid, more than even a necro or guardian. And the rallying of other players following his view of the class just makes the entire class simply unappealing to me. :-\

(edited by Moderator)