Gosh… okay; hold on:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
I’m sure Vee Wee wasn’t refering to people calling builds bad that truly are bad… like, a PvE-build with a mix of apothecary and cavalier gear and traited for Static Discharge and Elixir Infused Bombs would be, for example. She was obviously refering to people who call other people and their builds bad just because they do not run the ultimate minmaxed meta-build, but another build that’s good but just not… well, not meta because it does a bit less dps or so. Which btw is exactly what “elitist” means, or at least that’s how the word is generally used in the GW2-forums.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Again, Vee Wee was most likely refering to people who look down upon everyone who doesn’t use perfectly min-maxed meta-builds and throw spreadsheets at everyone who dares to say something like “But I’d prefer to play something that’s more fun to me and still does well, even if it’s not the absolutely most optimal build that currently exists.” And not to people who min-max because they like to do so but understand that not everyone likes to (nor has to) actually use exactly those builds.
By the way, since you mentioned the term Relentless, what would you call someone who relentlessly keeps writing about his rank in each and every post he writes? The least you could tell about such a person is that he’s quite relentless. Not only that, but you’d also find it quite hypocritic when such a person tells another he’s being relentless for meeting you in 3 threads (same sub forum) out of the large amount of threads you took part of…
“Relentless” was partly meant as a general statement. But of course it also was indirectly directed at you. But not because you’ve both posted in the same thread a couple of times, but because this silly discussion keeps going on like the future of the world would depend on it, instead of you two just “agreeing to disagree” like I’ve mentioned earlier. ^^
Oh, and mentioning that she’s world’s first rank 80 hasn’t anything to do with being relentless. Unless you mean “Vee Wee is shoving that into my face without mercy until I just can’t take it anymore! Please help me!”. Imo, that way of posting is just a quirk that she keeps up just for fun.
Gosh… okay; hold on:
It’s crystal clear that Vee Wee was talking about builds. You can see him/her talking about people saying a build is bad, related mathematical proof, and the way he/she thinks it affects clearing times. In addition, the term Elitist has been used by various people in many different ways, so you can’t really say it’s only meant to refer to people who attack others personally (instead of the build alone).
This discussion keep going because you won’t expect me to just ignore people who want to take part of this discussion, like what we’re doing right now (discussing). Now it has anything to do with “like the world depends on it”? Seriously? Have you seen how many times, across different sub forums, Vee Wee has been talking part of (sometimes heated) discussions regarding builds and related attitudes? If meeting 3 times on the same sub forum is relentless, and you’re trying to defend Vee Wee (at least to an extent), perhaps you should learn more about Vee Wee’s relentlessness. That’s hypocritic on your side, not to mention his/hers.
By the way, you might find Vee Wee’s relentless rank show off as fun, but even in this thread there’s enough proof that not everyone thinks this way. I fact, more people (over other threads too) cared to mention they didn’t think it’s fun than the amount of people who came to Vee Wee’s defense in my case. It’s quite telling…
So are you here to blindly defend Vee Wee when the facts are clearly against you? Will you keep the “I’m sure….” assumptions that are clearly against the facts?
(edited by Darius.4710)