I make PvP & WvW videos
02/22/17 Guardian Changes
I make PvP & WvW videos
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
I make PvP & WvW videos
(edited by mrauls.6519)
I like the changes to GS and the buffs on core virtues moved to all game modes. The blast on light field is a good change imo.
Actually kinda pleased on first read through. Spear of Justice was a big cast time increase but I guess its kinda needed
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Actually kinda pleased on first read through. Spear of Justice was a big cast time increase but I guess its kinda needed
I thought about it for a second, and I have to agree now. Like with trap daze, once I realized other Guardians couldn’t do it to me, it became a “nicer” fight. I should be able to dodge DH F1 a lot more now. It took crazy reflexes to do it before. A missed F1 can really sting.
I really, really hope that LB/GS becomes the burst combo I’ve wanted it to be. Balls to the wall DPS!
I make PvP & WvW videos
I’ll be talking from PvE stand-point; here I go…
Changes are extremely underwhelming. Patch notes claim to be targeting under-used things, though Valor trait line is untouched, we still don’t have a Spirit Weapon or Signet rework, Mace and Hammer skills are still needlessly sluggish, and there are MANY things that still could use small touches (not going to list them, you all know what they are).
I’m looking how feedback is being recieved and being put into good use when addressing the issues with other professions; and Guardian is still problematic.
We are not asking things to become overpowered, we are not asking those things to become meta for Guardian, we are just asking for build diversity and viability. But every patch, we go back to same boring stuff while other professions are getting shiny new toys. Those toys may not be super-special-awesome, but at least people dont look at half of their utilities and traits and say “wtf, why would I even use this?”.
Well at least we didn’t get kitten on I’m happy to see that arenanet is concerned about greatsword, even though i think those buffs still wont make it viable on pvp.
Ofkittenany of wrath and receive the light still wont be used despite the purification nerf.
Deflecting Shot qol improve is great, it was seriously annoying to land and sometimes it would just go right through the target and do nothing.
Lets not forget that blasting on light field removes one condition now. Might be an interesting change for hammer specially
@toaster messiah
I agree! ANet is focusing on things that have been doing well and the skills/traits that aid their success. Mace should be faster… I think that would be a good start. Spirit Weapons should be like Engi kits. We should equip them and gain access to spiritual weapon skills different from the normal weapon version we have. I could see that being a GREAT class mechanic. There’s more I could say, but yeah, I agree
I make PvP & WvW videos
Well at least we didn’t get kitten on
I’m happy to see that arenanet is concerned about greatsword, even though i think those buffs still wont make it viable on pvp.
I’ve always thought the role of GS should be to burst down 1-2 targets (in PvP) by about 30-50% of their HP depending upon how well you use it. I’m hoping it does just that now.
Why don’t you think it will be viable? What should be changed?
-I already think that GS #2 needs to lose its movement speed penalty!
I make PvP & WvW videos
These GS changes were very welcome but I fear these changes aren’t enough. In particular GS5 is still lacking. Compared to pre-HoT times, GS5 right now is a very poor CC. The animation is very obvious, the projectiles are too slow, the cast times are also too slow (pull cast time is longer than f1 pull cast time) and the leash range is too short. Often times I found myself easily able to leash people with GS5, and all it took was 2 dodges from a thief and they were already out of range.
The trap heal was necessary imo. The ridiculous heal amount of it seriously carried some players. HOWEVER, I am quite disappointed that not all the other huge offenders out there were nerfed as well:
- Adrenal Health: Okay, this one actually was nerfed. Good job, ANet.
- “We Heal as One!” Pretty huge offender when it comes to heal skills. Probably not quite as bad as Purification since it has slightly less utility but it still healed for a large amount. I would have liked to have seen this skill nerfed by around 4-7%.
- Pretty much all CA heal skills. Even after the nerf 2 patches ago, I’m still regularly seeing marauders/non healing power druids practically heal back to full hp within 1-2 seconds of entering CA. CA is essentially a second heal skill for druids and that’s not even mentioning the mainstay power and utility of this elite-spec function in pve raids. Base healing should be nerfed once more (with increased healing power scaling to compensate); marauder’s/berserker’s druids should not be healing as much as they currently are.
- Channeled Vigor: This skills is effectively 5.5k heal on a 16s cooldown. Not to mention, interrupting this skill isn’t very rewarding for other players since the daredevil is healed in pulses and will more often than not get off 2/3 pulses before you can interrupt.
Just for comparison…. before this patch, a fully-traited purification healed around 420 health/second (about 10k hp/24s cd). Channeled vigor (assuming you’re always lacking endurance when using it) heals 345 health/s (5.5k/16s). Not as bad of course, but it could still use a small nerf. I would say, a nerf to the cooldown (up it to 24s) and to compensate, the amount healed when your endurance is full could be increased by around 5-7%.
Last but not least, lets not forget that light-field blasting now cures condis. This is a huge buff for hammer-guardians. Assuming the condi-clearing actually works (UNNNLLLLIKE some finishers in light fields), hammer can clear a condi on average once per 5 seconds. Definitely a cool change.
(edited by Arcaedus.7290)
These changes suck quite frankly. A-net doesnt get it and they must have a staff of five working on the game. Its the same dumb small buffs/small nerfs. Yes lets keep making teeny buffs to virtues.
With the 10-cap increases my only real disappointment with this patch is that Battle Presence wasn’t also given a 10-target cap. It’d fit right in with other stuff since it’s class-unique and (especially given the buff to core F3) cannot reasonably compete with Indomitable Courage even on support builds.
Everything else is good. Even if the greatsword tweaks don’t shift the meta they are giving it a bump to keep up and helping core guard compete with DH. I’d still rather they nerf elite specs rather than buffing core, but that’s personal opinion.
EDIT: Also reminder Retributive Armor is still a GM trait. That garbage needs out and more should be done generally about dumpster traits that exist across the board.
Don’t cry, Signet of Mercy. Others may forget you, but I will always remember.
Our deficiencies may be overcome by practice and self-discipline.
(edited by King Cephalopod.7942)
I agree on GS #5. It should have a range of 900. If it’s going to this slow, then it should do a helluva more damage. Having an enemy leashed should apply slow!
I make PvP & WvW videos
It’s fortunate they say they wanted to improve underused skills, because I didn’t figure that out at first read… Especially the whole GS buff, which may be necessery and is of course welcome, yet… :
- Spirit weapons are still never to be seen anywhere
- Signet guardian may live next to the Loch Ness
- Consecrations are still underwhelming ; it’d have been nice to reduce their CD
- Hammer ? Mostly useless trait, and underperforming weapon.
I’m really disappointed by this part of the update.
Wouldn’t be a balance patch without reduced shout cooldowns. /s
I like the changes actually. Yes, they are not overtuned like some other class changes but I don’t think thats bad; those changes are bound to be pruned and brought to our level eventually.
Light field change was much needed, and it increases Hammer utility by a whole lot. Couple that with the nice buffs from GS, I think I might use the old school Hammer/GS build more. Shout heal looks decent with cooldown too. I wonder if these changes, coupled with previous 1 handed weapon buffs, might bring the old 5 guardian fractal parties.
the core virtues changes being ported to pve/wvw is gonna make core guardian in zergs even more powerful, especially hammer guard.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Well at least we didn’t get kitten on
I’m happy to see that arenanet is concerned about greatsword, even though i think those buffs still wont make it viable on pvp.
I’ve always thought the role of GS should be to burst down 1-2 targets (in PvP) by about 30-50% of their HP depending upon how well you use it. I’m hoping it does just that now.
Why don’t you think it will be viable? What should be changed?
-I already think that GS #2 needs to lose its movement speed penalty!
Even though now it fits that ‘’dish out a lot of damage fast’’ concept it is still a VERY slow weapon that feels clunky.
I’d be much happier to see Greatsword being swifter than hitting harder. Changes such as SoW not rooting you during cast, removing the loss of movespeed from WW, making leap of faith faster and more reliable, reducing the cast time or increasing the projectile speed of BB would be MUCH more welcome than some damage modifiers and cooldown reductions.
When we are looking at PvP, Greatsword doesn’t lose to Sword just because it does less damage and keeps you from using a defensive offhand, but because you can easily avoid its burst.
From a hammer point of view and wvw player i must say that this is great news.
2 light fields on the hammer and very short cd on blast finisher. Great change imo.
Now just:
speed up the auto
Make it possible to move while casting RoW
Increase damage or increase number of targets on Banish
Move hammer trait to valor
My thoughts on the change are that nothing really changed for guardian.
The purification nerf is just a nerf, obviously that’s going to be the case whenever a number is just reduced with no other changes. However the spear f1 change isn’t necessarily 100% a nerf. I haven’t logged in yet but if the spear has an easy to see animation you’ll be able to force extra dodges by stowing it. Previously guardian and DH never had a good baiting skill, but I think this will be our first one. Really happy about this tbh as I’ve mained guardian forever and have never been able to abuse this besides canceling GS#2 and making people think it was GS#5.
As for the blast change, it’ll be interesting. Ofc its a buff to hammer but it’s also a buff to focus since light fields are everywhere and that has our only instant blast.
Furthermore, team coordinated blasting might actually be relevant again since teamwide condi clears are really kittening good (compared to other blasts at least). The only blasts that were as good as condi clears were stealth and maybe water healing, but imo the damage you took from standing together long enough to heal basically made it useless since specialization power creep. Ofc we have to remember that this will buff engis which in the current meta are the DH’s competitor for side-node fighting role.
Moving onto our role, druid was buffed slightly with the shadowscale buffs which are definitely annoying for us (did they say the leap will be more animated? dunno). And ofc like I mentioned engis have a light field that they can blast for stronger condi cleanse, making them even stronger vs mesmer and warrior which is DH’s strongest points. If an engi has enough clenase to beat a mesmer AND run either elixir X or paladin, DH is basically kittened out of the side-node role. That would basically delete us from competitive play unless a strong symbol build emerges.
Onto new builds, it’ll be interesting to see how hammer can work now. Hammer was actually weak imo because it lacked enough blinds and cleanse that sw/f or Lb has. It was very susceptible to condi bursts imo, like the double 1H symbol build. Being able to use hammer as typically been strong vs engis and rangers, but I’m not sure how that will be post-HoT when both have significant access to stability. Furthermore a hammer is typically strong in teamfights; however, almost every viable build (BESIDES THIEF) has access to lots of stab. Maybe hammer will be good at shutting down thief? It’ll be tough to know until real teams start practicing again. For everyday soloqs you should probably stick to the meta LB and 2 1H symbol builds for now.
Thanks for sharing your PoV lvloobs. You gave me a lot to think about
Will you give GS a… whirl?
I make PvP & WvW videos
Thanks for sharing your PoV lvloobs. You gave me a lot to think about
Will you give GS a… whirl?
Not a chance, they’d have to significantly change binding blade. Maybe post next expansion GS will be a good alternative weapon. Basically they need to make binding blade a precision strike, hitting 3-5x on a single target if theres only 1 target to hit.
Don’t forget to change the scaling of tick damage to power. Its still condition damage since launch.
Lets not give up on suggesting changes just yet! It is the changes that are suggested here well before the balance patches that are most often considered for said balance patches.
ANet, you implemented some very interesting and welcome changes to guardian with this patch and also some necessary nerfs. I think DH will be in a fair spot and have adequate counterplay at this point from a pvp perspective. That being said, there are plenty of small buffs you could still make that would improve the game for most everyone without overtuning guards:
- Go all the way on GS! Improve GS 5 a bit (projectile speed, cast time, aftercast, leash range, damage, combo of some or all of these, take your pick).
- Don’t let hammer 5 root guardians during cast. Make it reduced movement like GS 2.
- Mace still needs some love.
- Staff 2 and 4 still need love. Staff 2 is only situationally useful and has too long of a CD for that situation; staff 4 should not be held back from buffs JUST because of its synergy with the AH trait.
- Please fix torch skills…. many many suggestions have been made here.
- Continue to buff underused utilities. By this, we don’t mean shouts. Shouts are definitely used. We’re talking signets, spirit weapons and some consecrations. Buffing these utilities may involve changing the traits too.
From a PvE perspective, I’m not unhappy about those changes. They could have done more, but there are some nice, small things like the change to light fields. Maybe there’s even a reason to get out my Twilight again.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
The intent is nice, but the problem with a weapon that has problems hitting a target isn’t going to be solved by putting more damage on it. I guess lower cooldown leaps…
Also Torch QQ
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
As other mentioned, the changes on GS are definitely good and much needed.
The changes on the VOC and VOR being game wide is great. What sadly did not make it is VOJ and that was the most one needed to be game wide to improve conditional builds in PvE.
The change to SOJ is something good in PvP. It had no counter play. From PvE though this is pretty bad. For a skill with 20 sec CD having the cast from 0.25 secs to 0.75% is close to overall 5% damage nerf, considering that is an extra 0.5 secs of no damage. Even with Big Game Hunter trait, assuming someone else applies cripple, that trait and SOJ will probably be dead in non-solo PvE.
For Purification, TBH, I have been using Litany of Wrath already in PvP, since Purification nerf last patch. Now, with Litany of Wrath having 20 sec CD traited, with this nerf Purification is dead.
When I first saw the patch notes and I saw “underused skills,” I was thinking Concentrations and Spirit Weapons. Nope :/
For a skill with 20 sec CD having the cast from 0.25 secs to 0.75% is close to overall 5% damage nerf, considering that is an extra 0.5 secs of no damage.
Erm, maths? It’s 0.5/20*100 = 2.5%.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
For a skill with 20 sec CD having the cast from 0.25 secs to 0.75% is close to overall 5% damage nerf, considering that is an extra 0.5 secs of no damage.
Erm, maths? It’s 0.5/20*100 = 2.5%.
You are correct. Me sloppy
Actually kinda pleased on first read through. Spear of Justice was a big cast time increase but I guess its kinda needed
I thought about it for a second, and I have to agree now. Like with trap daze, once I realized other Guardians couldn’t do it to me, it became a “nicer” fight. I should be able to dodge DH F1 a lot more now. It took crazy reflexes to do it before. A missed F1 can really sting.
I really, really hope that LB/GS becomes the burst combo I’ve wanted it to be. Balls to the wall DPS!
GS could always burst, its problem was the auto attack was too slow for sustained DPS and it gave no defense.
the cooldown decrease and increased damage from whirling wrath and symbol does nothing to change this.
Every change here is pretty much completely justified. I’m really liking the direction they’re going in with the new balance patches.
Actually kinda pleased on first read through. Spear of Justice was a big cast time increase but I guess its kinda needed
I thought about it for a second, and I have to agree now. Like with trap daze, once I realized other Guardians couldn’t do it to me, it became a “nicer” fight. I should be able to dodge DH F1 a lot more now. It took crazy reflexes to do it before. A missed F1 can really sting.
I really, really hope that LB/GS becomes the burst combo I’ve wanted it to be. Balls to the wall DPS!
GS could always burst, its problem was the auto attack was too slow for sustained DPS and it gave no defense.
the cooldown decrease and increased damage from whirling wrath and symbol does nothing to change this.
I don’t think the auto attack should give sustained DPS. I think it should hit like a truck to compensate for its long cast time. I think it should be our go to melee burst weapon. Sword should be what we use when we want sustain AA damage.
GS AA #1 should give fury for 1/2 a second, AA #2 should give might and fury for 1/2 a second and AA #3 should give fury and might for 1 second… GS AA should be buffed so each attack in the chain does 15% more damage
I make PvP & WvW videos
Every change here is pretty much completely justified. I’m really liking the direction they’re going in with the new balance patches.
As other mentioned, the changes on GS are definitely good and much needed.
The changes on the VOC and VOR being game wide is great. What sadly did not make it is VOJ and that was the most one needed to be game wide to improve conditional builds in PvE.
Totally agree, I was so looking forward to playing burn Guardian finally. That change plus better spirit weapons (just make them act like minions already) would make burn Guardian a contender in damage in raids.
The change to SOJ is something good in PvP. It had no counter play. From PvE though this is pretty bad. For a skill with 20 sec CD having the cast from 0.25 secs to 0.75% is close to overall 5% damage nerf, considering that is an extra 0.5 secs of no damage. Even with Big Game Hunter trait, assuming someone else applies cripple, that trait and SOJ will probably be dead in non-solo PvE.
Once again, I agree with this. Should have been split for PvE/PvP. The spear is used for a damage increase for PvE, still is, but now will be clunky to use. Hopefully you can still use it during Hammer auto chain without resetting it.
For Purification, TBH, I have been using Litany of Wrath already in PvP, since Purification nerf last patch. Now, with Litany of Wrath having 20 sec CD traited, with this nerf Purification is dead.
As much as people hate Litany at time, I also saw great use in PvP with it. Always great fun in team fights getting focus and being invulnerable for 6s because you deal so much damage to survive so long as you don’t get CC’d (go go burn Guard). I love that it got buffed. My build also never threw SOJ so meh for me (QQ for me in PvE though).
When I first saw the patch notes and I saw “underused skills,” I was thinking Concentrations and Spirit Weapons. Nope :/
The other day I looked at Hallowed Ground and compared it to the Aegis Chrono well. Why does that stupid thing give Aegis, Stability, Alacrity, and have a lower CD? Hallowed Ground should break stuns ever second with that atrocious CD.
Every change here is pretty much completely justified. I’m really liking the direction they’re going in with the new balance patches.
Excluding Rev of course. Even Guard changes are meh. To be honest, Guard was in a decent place before the patch with great diversity and strong presence in all game modes. The changes did not do anything except kill Purification as a healing skill in PvP.
Every change here is pretty much completely justified. I’m really liking the direction they’re going in with the new balance patches.
Excluding Rev of course. Even Guard changes are meh. To be honest, Guard was in a decent place before the patch with great diversity and strong presence in all game modes. The changes did not do anything except kill Purification as a healing skill in PvP.
Rev…. I have nothing good to say about it. I tried to like that class, I really did, but I gave up on it. It’s the one profession I don’t have at 80. Ugh.
Guardian I’m happy with.
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
Guardian doesnt have top notch survivability? LOL
guardian’s sustain was 100% cooldown based, once those are gone, it gets 100-0’d by anything that isn’t an auramancer in about 5 secs.
Every change here is pretty much completely justified. I’m really liking the direction they’re going in with the new balance patches.
There is nothing to justify or not justify really this was all tiny nibbling at the margins that is not going to change one kitten thing over-all for guardians in the mode I play spvp. If they slipped these changes in without a patch your average person that isn’t a forum warrior might not have even noticed these changes for quite awhile. 99% of people are going to continue to run the brain dead meta trapper builds.
(edited by steelheart.7386)
What I don’t know is why they didn’t touch the traits. There are too many junk and usless traits. And as some people already mentioned, we are still waitng for Signets and Spirit Weapons changes. Maybe even some changes to Consacrations (Hallowed Ground is still useless).
But I’m really happy with GS changes (It can now be more on sword level) and mainly the “Receive the Light!” CD reduction, this skill may be usable now. The Core virtues changes are very good as well, will bring the core to be more on par to DH.
I don’t believe that Signet of Courage will see play, the cast time is just too high and it roots. The root part at least should be removed.
GS 5 is still worthless. Its hard countered by an enemy running towards you at a slight angle which forces the projectile to miss 100% of the time. Slow cast + slow projectile + abysmal range + 0 projectile tracking.
I don’t believe that Signet of Courage will see play, the cast time is just too high and it roots. The root part at least should be removed.
Needs the same cast time as War Banner (the thing gives boons and resses, raising a downed is a lot easier than timing a full heal). It also needs it’s passive to pulse more often, every 2 seconds with a reduction in over all amount would be perfectly fine and make it usable just for the passive.
GS 5 is still worthless. Its hard countered by an enemy running towards you at a slight angle which forces the projectile to miss 100% of the time. Slow cast + slow projectile + abysmal range + 0 projectile tracking.
GS 5 has been and continues to only be useful as a combo with JI to initiate burst
GS5 + JI into ToF, pull Gs5 for cc, Gs2, swap to longbow, LB3/LB2 then Spear/pull back etc.
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
Guardian doesnt have top notch survivability? LOL
I said it wasn’t over the top, I never said they don’t have “top notch survivability”. DH’s survivability was good. It wasn’t over the top. The increase in cast time + reduction in healing sucks :/
I make PvP & WvW videos
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
Guardian doesnt have top notch survivability? LOL
I said it wasn’t over the top, I never said they don’t have “top notch survivability”. DH’s survivability was good. It wasn’t over the top. The increase in cast time + reduction in healing sucks :/
i talked to a rev that was not set to healing stuff and he was healing almost 2k with tablet, a guardian to achieve this value need at least 1k healing power plus several healing output modifiers, and healing stats on guard kills the guardian he is nothing that a weak healbot that does not have sueviability alone while other classes can still do alot of damage compared with guardian with healing stats.
Guardian surviability comes from damage + gimmick heals like meditations that dont need healing power to heal 2k ish as well.
its a dumb gimmick at the end…
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
“Improvements to underused base skills have been the general focus for the Guardian in this patch?”
Underused skills, like say any of the spirit weapons and signets?
Ok sure Litany doesnt see play so there is 1 underused skill they have adjusted, with a simple timer shift. Feel my Wrath probably gets run a lot in PvE? Receive the light saw some play. So they adjusted one skill that was underused?
Greatsword saw some buffs which is nice for DPS guards I guess.
[lion]~ riperonis
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
Guardian doesnt have top notch survivability? LOL
I said it wasn’t over the top, I never said they don’t have “top notch survivability”. DH’s survivability was good. It wasn’t over the top. The increase in cast time + reduction in healing sucks :/
i talked to a rev that was not set to healing stuff and he was healing almost 2k with tablet, a guardian to achieve this value need at least 1k healing power plus several healing output modifiers, and healing stats on guard kills the guardian he is nothing that a weak healbot that does not have sueviability alone while other classes can still do alot of damage compared with guardian with healing stats.
Guardian surviability comes from damage + gimmick heals like meditations that dont need healing power to heal 2k ish as well.its a dumb gimmick at the end…
It’s like Guardian is balanced and has to make choices and everything else is overtuned… To heal you should have to invest in HP, but all of the HoT healers do everything(Guardian really is a base spec healer, some use DH but it doesn’t add much). If anything other healers still need to be nerfed to not do insane damage while being indestructible for what they stat for. I still believe ranger pets should scale off of the ranger’s stats.
Whirling Wrath should NOT slow movement speed! Please, if any dev is listening, give this feedback to the team responsible for balancing Guardian.
I LIKE how ANet changed GS for the BETTER! LB #3 change is GREAT!!
I DISLIKE the changes to DH F1 and trap heal… Come on now! We don’t have over the top survivability.
I only hope that GS will be on par with sword/shield or focus. LB/GS should burst the mess out of people! Feel My Wrath Should be a Meditation… Make it give only us quickness… I’ll use it =]
Side note… Expect a new video from me soon!
Guardian doesnt have top notch survivability? LOL
I said it wasn’t over the top, I never said they don’t have “top notch survivability”. DH’s survivability was good. It wasn’t over the top. The increase in cast time + reduction in healing sucks :/
i talked to a rev that was not set to healing stuff and he was healing almost 2k with tablet, a guardian to achieve this value need at least 1k healing power plus several healing output modifiers, and healing stats on guard kills the guardian he is nothing that a weak healbot that does not have sueviability alone while other classes can still do alot of damage compared with guardian with healing stats.
Guardian surviability comes from damage + gimmick heals like meditations that dont need healing power to heal 2k ish as well.its a dumb gimmick at the end…
It’s like Guardian is balanced and has to make choices and everything else is overtuned… To heal you should have to invest in HP, but all of the HoT healers do everything(Guardian really is a base spec healer, some use DH but it doesn’t add much). If anything other healers still need to be nerfed to not do insane damage while being indestructible for what they stat for. I still believe ranger pets should scale off of the ranger’s stats.
And we need better spirit weapons at least low CD since while we are casting them its eneught time to get bursted down.
I dig the changes for everyone. It feels like they tried to buff things one step horizontally from meta and tweak some QoL with the rest. We’ll see some of the others eventually, but too much change at once isn’t desirable.
I really, really hope that LB/GS becomes the burst combo I’ve wanted it to be. Balls to the wall DPS!
Friendly reminder that Burst isn’t DPS, but often is the antithesis of DPS.
Patch notes claim to be targeting under-used things
Valor trait line untouched
Pick one and only one
I love the changes to guard for the most part. Really happy to have my GS back. My only complaint is how SUPER CLUNKY our SoJ feels now. Hope anet considers .5 cast time rather then keeping the .75. =x
this is a huge buff to wvw core guard.
I love the changes to guard for the most part. Really happy to have my GS back. My only complaint is how SUPER CLUNKY our SoJ feels now. Hope anet considers .5 cast time rather then keeping the .75. =x
I second this. GS changes are awesome! I’m actively trying to land GS 2 now and loving the numbers I’m seeing. Still wish GS 5 was buffed slightly (like, reduce after-cast, reduce cast time, or increase projectile speed).
And yeah, f1 is very awkward to use now. Making the cast time of throw 0.75s didn’t really add that much counterplay for other classes. The animation for it is still fairly subtle, and the spear is still pretty fast. My ratio of spear tethers to spear throws is actually about the same as it has been before, but that extra half second has ruined certain comboes :/