Melee ranger since launch.
Any guardian who actually killed Liadri?
Melee ranger since launch.
Use the endurance food.
I used Sword/Focus for the first phase and scepter/focus for the second phase.
I was using an AH build but it doesnt make much difference which build. Just have a way of giving yourself regen, Like a shout or something.
Kill the black orbs with your sword once they pop, sword teleport can help for this. Try stay out of the aoe, if you cant get out of it count to 3 and dodge, if you have no endurance use focus 5., In phase 2 just spam scepter attacks while rotating around the arena in the safe zone and killing orbs.
I killed her.
I use full clerics gear with 0/0/10/30/30 traits. Using a lot of condition cleansing with full shouts.
Greatsword with Superior Sigil of Energy.
Scepter with Superior Sigil of Energy, and Focus with Superior Sigil of Force
Awesome, thanks for the tips!
Melee ranger since launch.
0/0/30/30/10 (ah/emp might/shouts/retaliation)
zerker/knights combo
save yourselves/hold the line/retreat/renewed focus
staff (strength sigil)/gs (energy sigil)
boon duration runes
basically, i just equipped staff the majority of the time, kept swiftness up, and spammed autoattack on her, the adds and the gravity wells. the silly “0” crits helped to heal myself from emp might and strength sigil while providing some vigor. after about 11 attempts, i was able to find a way to consistently push her into p2 before her 5th shadowcrash; for me, it helped to stay near the middle in the beginning, then move to the outside after she lays down her 3rd crash, then move back inside to catch her on the 5th crash with the 3rd light shard.
in p2, i just ran along the outside edge and kept my eye out for gravity wells to drop my symbol of swiftness under because effffff those things. if i got caught in a sticky situation without a dodge, i’d swap to GS and use the dodge from the energy sigil and then leap of faith out of danger.
also, to improve visibility, turn most of your graphic settings down, and especially turn off post-processing effects.
20 zeal for increased sceptor dmg/dmg to burning targets
30 valor (standard stuff)
20 honor shout/em
sceptor/focus (need the shield for blocks), 2nd hand didnt matter only used it for energy proc, so staff
2nd phase, just kited around in a circle, because the ceiling drops in 2 place on rotation, so doing that I was always under an empty space by the time it drops so I didnt have to dodge anything really
Using a scepter helps kill those annoying little orbs faster (scepter 2)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
I used Scepter/Focus + GS with a boon duration setup. I always auto attacked her so I could have perma vigor to dodge, and used Retreat + Save Yourselves for perma swiftness. I used the scepter 90% of the fight, and only swapped to GS to leap out of the AoE or burst with Focus 5 + GS 2. It’s definitely a tough fight with luck being a factor, so just keep trying and you’ll get it!
(edited by Reese.9572)
Alright thank you guys! After 21 tries, i finally made it using scepter/focus + sword/shield! Shield #5 really helped sometimes to get some health up and also to push those ’’minions’’ away when they got too close!
Melee ranger since launch.
20 zeal for increased sceptor dmg/dmg to burning targets
30 valor (standard stuff)
20 honor shout/emsceptor/focus (need the shield for blocks), 2nd hand didnt matter only used it for energy proc, so staff
2nd phase, just kited around in a circle, because the ceiling drops in 2 place on rotation, so doing that I was always under an empty space by the time it drops so I didnt have to dodge anything really
I can confirm this Build helps! I have just beaten her after around 100 attempts using this exact same build.
It takes some practice, you have to really memorize phase 1 completely til u master it.
It helps to use great sword cos u can pull the shadows to the wells and earn yourself some time, I normally do it to get the second crystal on the well next to the wall.
After that just Scepter her down while keeping an eye out for the orbs.
Pro tip: be in a party so you can target Liadri, do this as soon as you enter the arena.
Also reducing the graphics to best performance removes the wonky vision spell.
thanks for all the tips guys! haven’t had a chance to attempt this yet. i was planning on running 20/0/30/20/0 as well. though, i’m thinking if PoV is needed for condition conversion for when u get crippled, etc.
now waiting for a Guard to have done Light in the Darkness achieve! ; )) i’d imagine binding blade would be useful for getting multiple crystals at once.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I finished Liadri with a 0/5/30/30/5 build using Fullzerker (scholar runes) with scepter/focus as primary, staff secondary.
Few tips from my efforts:
1) End the first phase as quickly as possible, this will give you time to play it safe in the second phase.
2) Shelter, Renewed Focus, Focus #5 can all be used to eat the damage from the visions/AoEs.
3) It is okay to wipe on this for awhile. Take time to learn from your mistakes, though.
4) Reduce Post-processing graphic settings to “None,” this will prevent the blind from affecting you.
I used Scepter/Focus and Mace/Torch which is probably really weird, with 0/30/10/30/0. I used Signet Recharge, Torch Recharge and RHS // Purity // Shout traits and Might on crit. I also used condi duration reducing food and sharpening stone and stacked up 25 stacks of major bloodlust stacks. Used save yourselves, retreat and smite condition plus renewed focus and signet heal.
There’s a perfect way to get all her stacks down very quickly but it’s difficult to explain without a video. I used smite to insta-kill the pulling orbs to begin with, then I run over to the first light portal, on the RIGHT of it, the AOE will appear on the LEFT. Then move to the LEFT and the next AOE will appear on the RIGHT and the first shadow will walk straight in at this point, throw and run across to the next portal, her AOE will appear on it, don’t move out, stay on the portal, time your evade to dodge it, turn around and another shadow will be ready to walk in, safe from any others. AFTER this if you did it right, the pulling orb will respawn, smite it, then just get your third crystal however you want when you’re ready to engage her, throw and go. This is also really important, AUTO-ATTACK THE BOSS for crits to gain vigor, doesn’t matter that you’re doing 0 dmg. This way you don’t need to use endurance regen food.
Then, I just kited clockwise, used a shout whenever she crippled me, dropping symbols and smites and Mace #3 and Smite Conditions to fairly slowly aoe her down while always being like 20 steps ahead of her, turning to dps when I had a chance. She will always leap at you in between her AOEing the platform, so that’s a good time for a block.
For whakittens worth it, i just killed her in PVT gear + ascended zerker jewelry using berserker greatsword and scepter/focus. The fun thing is.. i never switched weapons. I had sigils of energy on both of them but somehow i got lucky and never needed the extra energy for another dodge roll.
I needed about 20-30 tickets for the last boss.
PS: phase 1 is faceroll, but in phase 2 you seriously need to go clockwise around the room and walk to where the shadowfall things just dropped, it follows the same pattern and the shadowfalls will never drop on you. When i figured that out, it was just about surviving long enough to kill her.
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
Killed yesterday with berserk gear and without any consumable, traits 10/0/30/30/0.
For the first step I used sword/focus to teleport to the gravity bubbles, then I switched to scepter/focus to DPS Liadri and stay at long range.
Also, signet of resolve, purity and smite condition are pretty usefull skills/traits to go with as she puts a lot of cripple (I killed her with just SoR anyway).
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
(edited by stemare.2578)
I went with this build
it took me nearly 20-30 attempts to get familiar with the combat but I did manage to beat her.
(Also I used the Rata Sum npc buff for extra crit chance)
0/0/30/30/10 (ah/emp might/shouts/retaliation)
zerker/knights combo
save yourselves/hold the line/retreat/renewed focus
staff (strength sigil)/gs (energy sigil)
boon duration runes
I ended up using a variant build with my full Berserker set (not sure if the differences mattered):
30 V VI XI
10 IV
The things that helped me were:
- Post-processing = off.
- Using the Greatsword’s [Binding Blade] to pull multiple Visions of Mortality into the white whirlpools.
- Using the Staff’s [Symbol of Swiftness] for speed boons in phase 1.
- Faking left, going right to avoid Liadri’s Necrotic Grasp (the evil smoky hands that she always shoots in phase 1) whenever possible.
- Directly facing Liadri in phase 2, walking around the middle of the dome in a circular-motion (avoiding the red circles, of course) and using my Staff’s auto-attack.
I didn’t need to use any other weapon skills beyond the ones listed above but I did use all my other buttons to heal or block when my health was getting low.
For those interested, this is the full layout I used.
I killed her with a condition damage build.
When it came to the part where you can damage her, all I did was drop purging flame and then used great sword skill 5. After that I just kited her around, I did that for maybe 3 more times or so and she died.
Windows 10
I expected this fight to take hours and tear my soul apart from how difficult people make it sound. Took me 5 or 6 attempts running my usual S/F and GS. Used a wonky trait distribution of 0/25/10/30/5 though.
I pretty much went in knowing that I can never let myself get hit anyway, so I focused my traits on burst damage and condition removal while trying to keep just enough sustain in for her phase 2 attacks. I used Knight’s gear with Eagle runes, Zerker weapons with Energy sigils, and a mix of Zerker and Soldier’s jewelry (I only have Soldier’s rings and backpiece). As many people have suggested, I used Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew for extra dodges.
It felt a little weird not having a ranged weapon at first, but once I had phase 1 down, it was a little more fun than just kiting in a circle and wanding til she died. The GS is also great for pulling the visions into the pools and forcing her into a better position to spend some time DPSing in P2. Oddly enough I didn’t feel a need for more Swiftness than what SY gave me.
Killed Liadri with condition removal guardian – dodge regen food, renewed focus and Shelter are your friends. Greatsword whirlwind is must have for killing her. Don’t waste time trying to range her with scepter.
I run with full soldier stats.
Knight’s armor, boon duration runeset, rest pure zerk.
10/30/0/30/0 traits, scepteter/GS, key traits were right-handed strength, pure of voice, shelter, triple shouts + renewed focus.
Killed Liadri the Concealing Dark.
I was using endurance food, full cleric’s armor with soldier’s runes and all my trinkets were cleric’s as well. 0/0/30/25/15 traits and utilities: shelter,“stand your ground!”,“save yourselfs!”,“retreat!”,renewed focus. Weapons were cleric’s staff and mace/shield.
I only used staff during the fight though. During phase 1 you use staff and try to get to phase 2 as fast as you can while killing every orb. When you drop the final crystal on Liadri to begin phase 2, she will propably jump right on you and do her whirlwind attack so you immediately use your “stand your ground” and virtue of justice, then use your symbol to give yourself swiftness as well as damage her. Try to kite her near the center so you don’t have to dodge much due to lack of vigor and always have your retaliaton up whenever she attacks you. If you are about to get 1 hot, use “shelter” or “renewed focus”. Swaping to mace/shield can help you keep away the illusions from you if you need some space.
High healing power keeps your health safe most of the time and retalitation will contribute alot to your damage. All you have to do is evade 1 hit KO attacks and tank Liadri with retaliation.
Grats, eekzie. I don’t know if I have the willpower to put up with the likely-high amount of frustration that comes with doing that achievement.
I did just finish my 7th kill though, and this one included the burning gambit. :> Still using the same setup from my first post.
didn’t use endurance food because dodging is not that important in p2.
instead, i ate what i had left over from the feast daily yesterday.
anyway, p1 doesn’t really need explanation other than keep staff auto on her so you can dodge when you want and staff3 to range the pull orbs. you have a heal on f2, staff4, smite condi(16 sec!!!), CoP and your 6. plenty of ways to keep your hp up. once you enter p2, staff4 right away to build up might, then strafe left or right, 1 direction only while using staff auto to win. you should only dodge if you are crippled and all FOUR of your condi removals are on cd. otherwise, even without swiftness, you can strafe to the next safe spot(never stop moving in 1 direction while you auto).
the build is the wonkiest i’ve ever used in the 2k hours i’ve spent on guardian. i also dislike staves and this is the first time ever using it, but it got the job done.
i didn’t change my gear other than spend CoF tokens for a staff. everything else is what i use in w3/pve
Just like to say, retal eats her up pretty good, swapped over to a heal set and it make it tons easier. Still have to watch positioning and such but the damage she does to her self is great.
Thanks for the tip Odin.4093
0/5/30/30/5, shelter, SY, Retreat, SYG, p/v/t with divinity runes, all berserker trinkets, scepter/focus, using endurance regen food. After 11 tickets I finally managed to get Light up the Darkness achiev.
Phase 1 (before the 3 orbs) : becomes easy after several tries, as the spawning of Aoe and shadows is almost always the same. Try to finish phase 1 without using your utility skills as you gonna need them in phase 2.
Phase 2 : The trick to win this imo is to understand that you can’t always get to the safe place where Aoe can’t hit you, you have to dodge through them as they fall. The timing is tricky, but after several tries you can do it and act like the aoe was never there. Keep damaging liandri with scepter 2 and autoattacks while you run (don’t overdo it though if you try the achievement).
Some general tips : Scepter 2 kills instantly the rifts. Keep vigor up by attacking liandri/shadows + endurance food is almost perma dodge. When you see a rift spawn but you can’t yet hit it cause of distance, use SYG until you get there. When the screen gets colourful and feel that you are gonna die by Aoe, use renewed focus. DODGE DODGE DODGE.
Just did myself, also with staff – notice the trend,
focused my traits for symbol dmg, size and duration, and also burn on block and aegis removal so it was:
15 0 30 20 5
using the charr skill sharpenel mine, retreat and save yourself.
phase one you really gotta learn how to do it optimally so you finish it asap and with less dmg taken.
phase 2 spam symbol, orb of light asap as the dude hits hard and everything, and autoattack moving circularly around WITHOUT using the back button as that slows you. Don’t be afraid to just use your shelter or renewed focus whenever you are too much mid the mess.
Also used the speed dmg and rejuvenation buffs i got form xp chests, they really allow you more wiggle room.
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
I also came up with a Symbol build to beat her.
Greatsword + Staff
Knight’s armor with Superior Runes of the Soldier (6 for condi removal with shouts) and Berserker trinkets.
Zeal: II (Fiery Wrath), VII (Zealous Blade)
Honor: II (Superior Aria), III (Writ of Exaltation), VII (Writ of Persistence)
Virtues: II (Vengeful), IV (Retaliatory Subconcious)
First I tried to defeat her with some Scepter build, but I quickly noticed that turning around and firing at her in the second phase is near impossible, so I came up with this symbol build. The idea is to use Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness to keep, well, swiftness up and use the symbols to damage her without the need to turn around. This way I can just focus on avoiding the shadowfall. It worked like magic even though I messed up quite a lot.
Other than symbols you can also use Binding Blade for damage over time. And use Shelter and Renewed Focus to shield yourself if you are out of dodges.
Hope this helps.
i’ve been trying to finish up all the other achieves before attempting Liadri. quick question – does Shelter, Focus block, etc block her AoE attack? i assume renewed focus will negate that damage.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
You can renewed focus, shelter, and roll to avoid the aoe damage. but it does I think 2 or 3 hits, since I see the block message pop up a couple times when using shelter, so I don’t think a single aegis or protector’s strike will stop you from getting downed.
gotcha, CMF. thanks for the reply. i’ll be hopefully testing this tonight.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Killed her this morning with my hybrid armor of all around stats that I do PvP and dungeons both. What an annoying bloody kitteny. Scepter and Shield and shout build that I saw on this forum 0/0/10/30/30 there’s link to it on some of the liadra threads.
I didn’t use any food or buffs other than what the build gives, also I didnt change my armor or sigils/runes to anything specific. I only changed the traits to a shout build. So it’s manageable without any money burning to new armor. It took some 25 tries in the end. Basic idea is to use shouts to remove conditions and keep virtue of justice burning on her on p2. Stability shouts are great for possible Cosmic rift that you cannot reach in time with scepter nr.2 skill.
In p1 do your best to avoid necrotic grasp and gather crystals. This phase is all about learning the AoE pattern so that you can just calmly gather crystals. I died more on this phase than in p2. Use scepter nr.2 skill on cosmic rifts.
In p2 use Save Yourself and start running on the edge of arena always running sideways from safe spot to safe spot while shooting liadra and keep the burning on. Burning rly gets her down eventually and doesn’t take that long if you can keep up running the edges and don’t panic.
Sorry for not giving proper build but this shout build is alrdy highlighted somewhere on these liadra threads.
Edit. Forgot to add that I’m suffering from the lags that this patch has given to many players so I had to do this early morning to not get skill delays and whatnots. I tried this last night but there was like 2 sec delays with pressing skills. Anet hasn’t responded to this sudden loss of SERVER SIDE perfomance. I have 100mbit connection and no problems whatsoever with other online games or whatnots.
So ppl you will get liadra trust me, just keep trying and try to do in offhours so that there aren’t ppl that can lag this experience.
(edited by jucca.8219)
I just smashed her with my typical all Cleric’s build, 0/0/30/30/10. I used staff for phase one but you could really use anything, its pattern is the same every time so you can do it without even dodging.
Phase two, I tried to sneak as much of Empower off as I could, then pop Virtue of Justice for extra might then switch to greatsword and try to keep as much retaliation up as possible. I used the Greatsword symbol (if you can, leap through it too), Signet of Judgement, Save Yourselves and Stand Your Ground. You should also bring the Virtues II trait for 25% longer retaliations.
I didn’t even have a perfect run (at one point I had 1 hp!) and I managed to rally once or twice but the retaliation DEFINATELY ate her alive, her spin move is great to get hit by but her normal attack actually hits about four times each as well! Good luck everyone!
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
Have done 8-orb twice now with the setup from my original post here. 15 kills thus far, including 2 with burning and the 2 8-orbs. Currently working on 10-orb because lol.
I finnaly killed her, did it with scepter/ focus and staff. This post helped me quite so here is my build seen in the attachements. Al of my weapons are power, prec and condi dmg. just keep walking counter clockwise and stay a lil in the middle of the arena so walking from aoe to aoe is simpler, once you know where you are and where the aoe comes its very simple to stay in the safe zones. And always destroy the orbs!
The biggest problem for me is having enough time to pick up and throw the shard at her before one of the minions come and 1 shot me. I’m not really having trouble with dodging but I ran out of time trying to get past phase 1. Any ideas?
Have done 8-orb twice now with the setup from my original post here. 15 kills thus far, including 2 with burning and the 2 8-orbs. Currently working on 10-orb because lol.
nice, Chris! how about 5 gambits? lol
real quick on 8 orbs. did you feel the need to use binding blade to get multiple crystals at once (though not entirely sure that works)? or did you just run around one by one and still had enuogh time?
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Hah, you couldn’t pay me enough to try to do her with 5 gambits.
The only time I intentionally did multiple crystals was on the third vortex. Right after I threw my second crystal, I would use bind and hit either 2 or 3 visions (usually 2, since the third is still obstructed at that point). I’d then run to the next vortex, pop Stand Your Ground so that the new rift wouldn’t pull me, and then pull the visions. I also use Shield of Wrath to protect myself from Liadri while I throw the second crystal.
If I got any other multi-spawns, it was just because the stars happened to align sometime during P2. Either way, it’s still perfectly possible to do it one at a time and still finish.
P.S. I’m posting my Liadri mini-guide for Guardians on my channel tomorrow morning. :> Will include a regular kill and an 8-orb discussion.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
just beat her a few days ago after many…many tries. didn’t know this and not sure if it was intentional but retal still hurts her during phase 1. tried to use that to my advantage as much as possible, keeping retal up. (any damage is good damage in my mind lol)
mainly used the staff to keep swiftness up and some range. switched to greatsword when she got too close to retal and burst her down. not sure I’m going to try and hit her with 8 orbs just yet lol
I got 8orb with 0/10/30/30/0 with full celestial set + gs only, no need to swap weapon. What u wanna is about u get the 3rd orb in, leap of faith her, put down SOW, and start whirling toward the next white portal.
full knight set with soldier rune + absolute resolution + 100% reta&vigor up time will kill liandri herself just focus on picking up the crystals, just stand there like a boss give ur body to her if she slash her whip to u while ur reta up, i almost do nothing instead spaming VoJ and staff auto attack she’ll die eventually by reta.. i do 4+3 GS combo tho, i didnt leap to her just to reach next crystal or make a distance away from her while keeping reta up
got 8 crystals “light up the darkness” directly along on my first kill, after learning her pattern few times its quite easy to remember
Guild: Thelemic
Human Guardian
(edited by Clarzk.7312)
I’m up to 3 8-orb kills, 16 total. Hopefully this little guide video will help someone.
great video, Chris! very detailed. : )))
not sure where to reply. here, or in the QJ thread, but since i hang out mor ein the Guardian thread…
i might go with a variation with your build. i didn’t like staff as much. haven’t tried scepter yet, but sword + GS seems fun. and effective!
two quick things:
1) where is 8 orb videooooo!?? lol XDDD
2) the build link in the info isn’t working for me. might be the browser though but i see the hyperlink broken into actual text.
thanks for putting this up mang!
p.s. for all your future videos, i will be expecting a spoken typo/pun ; )) to go along with “shave yourselves!” and “one kitten kill”. lol
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
Very nice work, Chris! Ive been waiting so long for something like this. Been trying this kill 50 times (15 of em on my ele) and I still cant do it. Up until now Ive thought of myself as a good guard (lvl48 fractals and rank mid 30s PvP), but this broke my confidence Ill give your way a try now, so let’s hope it returns some of my manliness to my now more ladylike body
First try. BAM! Liadri down. Cant believe it was “that easy”. Makes me think this fight has alot to do what kind of build you’re using.
(edited by nightzirch.3126)
First try. BAM! Liadri down. Cant believe it was “that easy”. Makes me think this fight has alot to do what kind of build you’re using.
Grats! Yeah, the build is a big thing. Need to be able to do enough damage but also have the right amount of sustain/condition removal to survive in P2.
1) where is 8 orb videooooo!?? lol XDDD
First clip is my first kill, second is my cleaner second. :>
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
sweet! thanks, Chris. watching it now and hopefully before the weekend is over, i’ll join you guys’ ranks. ; ))
edit: first fight was clutch! FB for the win right before shadowfall drops XDD
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
Knight’s armor, boon duration runeset, rest pure zerk.
10/30/0/30/0 traits, scepteter/GS, key traits were right-handed strength, pure of voice, shelter, triple shouts + renewed focus.
Basically this. After 50+ tries with various builds and weapons. But I used Staff instead of GS for healing. Used Mango Pie for extra regen (replaces AH here for good) with pure of voice/triple shouts (syg, retreat, sy), Sc/Fc+Staff
P1 – use staff until picking up 3rd orb. Switch, pop fc5 if more than 1 shade is near, safely pick up and throw orb.
P2 – first learn the pattern of shadowfall so you know where the safespot is and the Next safespot will be. Pretty easy tbh.
Make sure to target Liadri herself, not some vision. While kiting you don’t have to make circles all around arena, just kite between two safe spots. If you are in the ‘other’ (wrong atm) safe spot, use Shelter/Invul/dodge and STAY, so you don’t have to run anywhere during the next shadowfall. While in the Right safe spot, start running to next safe spot asap after shadowfall, don’t forget to Smite on CD, VoJ and autoattacking as much as you can. And don’t rush, surviving first, damage after.
(edited by Blacktorn.3197)
I also came up with a Symbol build to beat her.
Greatsword + Staff
Knight’s armor with Superior Runes of the Soldier (6 for condi removal with shouts) and Berserker trinkets.
Zeal: II (Fiery Wrath), VII (Zealous Blade)
Honor: II (Superior Aria), III (Writ of Exaltation), VII (Writ of Persistence)
Virtues: II (Vengeful), IV (Retaliatory Subconcious)First I tried to defeat her with some Scepter build, but I quickly noticed that turning around and firing at her in the second phase is near impossible, so I came up with this symbol build. The idea is to use Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness to keep, well, swiftness up and use the symbols to damage her without the need to turn around. This way I can just focus on avoiding the shadowfall. It worked like magic even though I messed up quite a lot.
Other than symbols you can also use Binding Blade for damage over time. And use Shelter and Renewed Focus to shield yourself if you are out of dodges.
Hope this helps.
This build/tactic worked for me quite well, thank you =) I used full soldier’s gear and trinkets with exq. sapph. jewels (healing) as it is my WvW tanky guardian and I didn’t want to buy a new gear set right away. With this setup I still needed like 10 tries to finally get her down. The 40~ tries before with different setups were still important to get to know liadri’s moves.
Key here is imho to finish phase 1 asap and in the most efficient way possible to gain valuable time for phase 2 to (slowly) take her down. Phase 1 is kind of a no-brainer as soon as you get the hang of it.
quickly checking in. beat Liadri after more tries than i’d wanted to. sooo, didn’t even both giving 8 orbs a shot yet. that’ll be for this coming weekend, and most likely the next as well lol
now i always pull out her mini and jump on her.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall