Best Offhand

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Philfy.8925


This is for PvE only.

I am Running a Great sword as my main but I understand that scepter offers a ranged option so what is the best offhand to compliment it?

(edited by Philfy.8925)

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Siam.1278


Most players would probably say Torch. I’d say use a Shield as an off-hand for the added protection and control.

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: VowOfCarnage.6927


Scepter/torch is what I use.

Legion of Doom [LOD]

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


Focus is incredibly good as a defensive offhand, even better than shield imho. #4 is a blind + regenration and #5 is a whooping PENTA (5x !!!) Aegis

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Seras.5702


Torch for offense, Focus for defense.

If you’re switching to Scepter as an escape weapon, you’ll probably want Focus for added defense.

If you’re using Scepter to intentionally deal damage at range, well then Torch is obviously better.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Definitely focus. Focus is good for offense and defense. The explosion on #5 does a ton of damage if it goes off, damage 4 ain’t half bad either and both provide amazing defense as well. Shield would definitely by last on my list for normal PvE as it doesn’t add any damage. I don’t like torch much because you can burn pretty much 100% without it, the dps on #5 is not spectacular and it provides no defense.

Maid Of The Coast

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: azureai.9764


Shield would definitely by last on my list for normal PvE as it doesn’t add any damage.

Skill 4 does direct damage in addition to providing you and your allies damage. But generally you’re correct. 5 on the Shield is a great interrupt, though, and don’t forget Shields give you a direct defensive numbers bonus.

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Citrus Finale.8621

Citrus Finale.8621

i like the shield more then everything else.
I play a defensive guardian.

torch: Well you will burn them anyway and it will not provide any boons.

focus: skill #4 is nice and the healing also but as a defensive guardian i allready have 100% uptime from regen. So only dmg bonus, Skill #5 is nice because it will block attacks and will do dmg after 4 sec if not all the blocks are uses (3 free block i think it was)

Shield: #4 same as focus #4 will do some dmg and give you and allies infront of you protection. Skill #5 is very nice. Block range attacks, pushback and heal! (it heals me around 2300hp if i rememberd correctly.) And with traits it adds 90 extra thoughness

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Urthona.3198


Torch for offense, Focus for defense.

If you’re switching to Scepter as an escape weapon, you’ll probably want Focus for added defense.

If you’re using Scepter to intentionally deal damage at range, well then Torch is obviously better.

This is my strategy. I won’t say shield never has its uses in PVE, but I definitely see it as more situational, especially if you don’t have the traits to spare.

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: azureai.9764


Shield: Skill #5 is very nice. Block range attacks, pushback and heal! (it heals me around 2300hp if i rememberd correctly.) And with traits it adds 90 extra thoughness

…wait, it heals? I’ve never noticed that. I mostly use it for the interrupt it provides.

“Here’s my big attack coming..!”
“…or not.”

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Erthrak.4039


If you are using the Scepter for ranged combat, the ONLY option is Focus. Shield and Torch do not have much range, maybe 400. I personally love the Torch, and although you already do burning damage without it, its #5 does huge damage for me.

I enjoy running towards a monster, using the #1 auto attack, #2 is they aren’t moving, if so #3 and then #2, #4 if there’s time before I get there, #5 and then switch to a melee weapon. It either protects you for the start of combat, or blows up and does damage. It works very well in my experience.

Vral Grymfang, Vrelen Human, Treland Riverheart, Leif Dragonbourne.

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: kaffaljidhma.1496


Torch for when you’re in no danger and need to DPS, Shield for when you’re facing mobs you can handle but need an escape plan, Focus for when a boss is so annoyingly one-hitty that you need the hit negation. When running dungeons, I usually use the focus as it’s the weapon I can’t do without if I don’t have the opportunity to switch weapons between skirmishes, but without a torch the guardian is useless at range and without the shield, the guardian is useless at being a guardian. I really prefer weapon switching when possible.

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Shield – When in a group / vs projectiles

Focus – Solo / Single-target

Torch – DPS

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Best Offhand

in Guardian

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Shield – When in a group / vs projectiles

Focus – Solo / Single-target

Torch – DPS

^ This.

I would also add shield for PvP… even in 1v1’s. The added protection is great, it knocks back and absorbs projectiles. It easily counters SO many of your opponents skills. The cd’s are long, but totally worth it for such powerful skills.

Tarnished Coast
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