Bunker retalliation build?? how to spec and gear?
The way you’ve placed your traits looks more like a group support build rather than a bunker. Alot of damage comes from conditions and bar full of shouts will do little to remove them. Being a bunker you’d find yourself alone alot of the time and when you’re in a 2vs1 or 3vs1, your job is to buy time for your teammates to either cap other points or wait for reinforcements.
1/ Bunkers often use 2 meditations and 1 shout or 3 meditations. The reason being for monk’s focus which heals the guardian for a good chunk of health for using a meditation. Picking up meditation mastery will let you heal more often and keep conditions off yourself.
2/ Soldier gear is the most balanced for achieving high defence. Its up to you whether you want more base health or more effective health. I personally prefer base health just incase I get caught with my pants down
3/ Activating a virtue also grants you retaliation. I usually pick a shout that also gives retaliation for maximum up time. Also signet of resolve is usually the better choice unless you find yourself trying to heal inside a massive burst.
4/ The Mace + Shield is the most reliable option for holding points, paired with a Hammer. In your screenshot, I see you got backstabbed for 8k. It is important you break out of the stun asap and strafe around the thief. Never backpeddle and use the shield knockback if you’re being chained or overloaded with conditions.
Thats a start anyway so good luck.
but you dont get any damage defense or healing from any of the meditations.
2 deal damage and 1 removes boons and turns them into buffs.
most of my deaths come from thieves bursting me down, warriors bursting me down or rangers shooting me 75 times with crossfire. conditions usually are not a HUGE problem. a problem, but not usually where most of my deaths come from.
so does meditation mastery heal for THAT much? that I can use it to bunker 2 burst people for more than 20 sec?
(edited by BishopX.6453)
Your spec is really questionable.. you went with Soldier runes and x2 shouts yet did not pick up pure of voice. Also, you don’t have stability which is pretty much mandatory in tournament settings. Because you lack stability, you also don’t have Tome of Courage which is still a game changing elite. Renewed Focus is ok with some bunker builds but I find tome better if you can pull it off. And if you wanted retaliation, why Signet of Judgement over “Stand Your Ground!” when you’re traited for shouts?
And yes, Meditations heal for close to 2k even without any +healing investment from your amulet. That’s why people run it with Soldier’s amulet. Believe it or not, you actually have quite ample protection if you’re good with Hammer auto-attacks and smart about your blocks with Mace/Shield.
Having 14k HP is really low, it’s no wonder you got your butt bursted by a thief. You’re stacking +healing but you also pick the worst HPS heal out of the Guardian’s arsenal. +Healing generally scales pretty bad, the only one that scales 1:1 is the dodge heal trait, Selfless Daring. Putting all your stats on +Healing also means your bulk comes from getting heals off which can be easily interrupted.
If you’re not dying to condition specs, then you just haven’t faced good ones yet. Guess what rangers are doing when they spam crossfire, they’re also stacking beeds. Packing Save Yourselves! is asking to get rolled by a Necro.
(edited by Lumines.3916)
but you dont get any damage defense or healing from any of the meditations.
2 deal damage and 1 removes boons and turns them into buffs.
most of my deaths come from thieves bursting me down, warriors bursting me down or rangers shooting me 75 times with crossfire. conditions usually are not a HUGE problem. a problem, but not usually where most of my deaths come from.
so does meditation mastery heal for THAT much? that I can use it to bunker 2 burst people for more than 20 sec?
The Hammer and The Mace/Shield already provide you protection boons and CC
Hammer #1 has a symbol built in the last hit which gives protection. Even it if doesn’t hit the person, simply running into it gives you an advantage. You can also role between hits 2-3 and the symbol will still go off. Hammer #2 Is now almost a guaranteed hit and will give retaliation if used within the symbol.
Mace auto attack heals you on the final hit. The Symbol also heals you in addition to the short cool down. #3 is a free block or protection. Shield #4 also gives protection. Shield #5 is an AoE knock back, probably our most powerful interrupt. You can also use it to heal though I’m having a few problems with it.
Case from point, if you use your skills timely and properly, you shouldn’t get bursted down and the only time this should have happened is if everything is on cool down or you get jumped by another player mid fight. I Also suggested that you run 1 shout with a meditation build. That could be Save Yourselves, Stand Your Ground or Hold The line, so there is still the option for you to have an utility that gives protection., though I much prefer stability.
You cannot have everything. There will always be a counter, but if you dodge the arrow spam, avoid the spikes that the thief might place in a node, then the fight should be yours. Warriors are cutting you down because you’re not freeing yourself from their snares or place boons on yourself when it mattered. Which also means that you need more practice as a player as well. Meditations will remove those horrible 10 stacks of bleed, vulnerable, poison, burns. It is not uncommon for guardians to have 2 stun breakers and stability which is why warriors are often our easiest target.
(edited by Polle.6908)
OK, Ill make these changes tonight and let you know how it goes…
it never seems to be conditions that kill me though, its always DAMAGE.
but we will see tonight.
ok here are 2 of the fights.
is that how its supposed to work?
I find myself spending more time waiting on buffs to clense, should I just try to fire them off as soon as I get below 80% life or should I just save them?