Hi folks,
I’d like to hold a thread for everyone to post their feedback in one spot as an easy read for the developers. I would ask that you keep the debate to a minimum as they tend to unnecessarily inflate the data that needs to be sifted through. Feel free to link this thread in new threads should you want to have a lively discussion about particular topics.
With that said here is my list of feedback concerning the state of the guardian.
1) Merciful Intervention – a bullocks ability, make it targetable please. A dream change would be for it to be another AOE ground target heal/teleport, but now that’s just crazy talk.
2) Symbols (in general) – too many traits and weapons rely on them to do the pittance of damage that they do. When fighting another guardian I don’t even bother staying out of their symbols, they just aren’t punishing enough. Maybe a punishing condition like weakness/vulnerability/blind on pulse? or just up the damage to make ppl notice, considering that all but 1 requires you to be in melee range to apply anyway it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request.
3) Smite – Just make this a symbol already…..it is the shining light on an otherwise terrible weapon. Applying symbol traits to this ability might just save this weapon, assuming that increasing the projectile speed on scepter’s #1 ability is just too much…..
4) Scepter’s #1 – Just see above…..
5) GS in general – Give this thing some love already…the hammer is superior in every way to it. This has been proven multiple times in this forum. Also, Ring of Warding trumps Binding Blade in every way. It’s way too clunky for a 600 range pull, esp since you have to rely on a projectile hitting your target(s). In WvWvW I’m lucky if I can even get 2 ppl pulled back to me in a zerg, out of 5….
6) Bane Signet – A .75s cast time on a long range interrupt ability is painful….drop it to .25s please so I can use it to counter enemy casts.
7) Smite Condition – Punishing damage is “meh”, a 2.5k crit max on a full out power/crit dam build doesn’t entice me enough to use it in the way it was intended. You could up the cleanse’s punishing damage to 3x or allow it to cleanse up to 2 or 3 (balance decision here) conditions and multiply the damage per condition cleansed (i.e. 1 cleansed is 2x, 2 is 3x, etc.). This would instantly make it a staple utility guardian’s would need to use tactically.
8) Book Elites – Difficult to say how to fix them, just not really that effective against opponents with more than half a thought. Stock stability for the entire duration would help a lot and is consistent with most of the elite class transform abilities (i.e. juggernaut, tornado, etc.)
9) Virtue of Resolve – I find this really underwhelming unless traited for Absolute Resolution, then it becomes near OP (unlimited target AOE 1650+hp heal + 3 condition cleanse/fear breaker on a maximum 48s CD). I really love this Virtue when I have the trait, and at the same time I hate it when I don’t have the trait. Maybe baseline a weaker version of this trait (i.e. add a 1 condition cleanse).
10) Staff – I really, really want to love this weapon, but it’s anemic in focus. It’s like 1/4 support, 1/4 AOE, 1/4 control, 1/4 heal. Although this could very well be a high skill curve weapon.
11) Spirit Weapons – Give them damage contributions from your weapon and they’re golden. They currently hit for way too little for the mandatory downtime that comes with them. If overall damage output is a concern, shorten their duration, just make them something to be feared in the fray.
12) Purging Flames – Please fix it so that it cleanses 1 condition per second in the consecration. Currently bugged/designed to kill 1 condition upon cast which just makes it a PBAOE fire field unless otherwise traited. I would like to add this into my rotation of abilities, but just doesn’t perform well.
13) Signet of Mercy – The revive downed ally spells in general are far too clunky and too long of a CD to warrant use. If you really want us to use these long CD abilities, change from revive downed ally to revive defeated ally. That there is a game changer utility worthy of a 4min CD.
14) Signet of Wrath – Does anyone take this utility anymore?
15) Healing Abilities – Either Signet of Restoration is OP or both Shelter and Healing Breeze are so underwhelming that nobody uses Signet of Restoration apart from very specific niche block builds that use Shelter. Seems that they need to be brought up to par.