Enemies running away?
Can’t say I’ve come across this problem any more than with other classes.
If you are talking about them resetting and going invulnerable, its the most annoying thing ever
To me it usually happen with ascalonian peasants. Like they got scared and try to run away.
I’ve noticed certain mobs run away when their health gets low. Most “yellow” wildlife (like Moas), Ascalonian peasants, the “yellow” dredge excavators, skale, and critters that don’t seem to be made for combat in general. I thought it was a nice touch that non-combat mobs would flee when their health got low.
Something to notice, even though they run away, they’ll return in a few moments if you let them be. It’s like certain mobs have an invisible fear effect that triggers at a certain HP level.
[Profession Synonym] Lexxi [ANGL] – Tarnished Coast
i almost feel like this is a bug. if we’re talking about the same thing.
a lot of “yellow” wildlife mobs do do that. whereas aggressive mobs sometimes will just seem to have switched off. and they turn away like they weren’t even fighting me or i’m not even there. i try to keep hitting them. they’re “invincible”. and their health regens. then after a while, they’ll switch back on and start fighting or taking dmg again.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
When mobs run away and then come back when they are low hp isn’t a bug.
It is just a game mechanic.
A lot of mmo’s that I have played has this and to be honest it doesn’t bother me 1 bit
If you’re seeing the word “invulnerable” while the mob is running away, then you’ve triggered the anti-exploit code. If the mob can’t hit you, then it goes immune and resets. I think this is to stop people from standing on pillars, large rocks, and the like while mowing down mobs from range without fear of being hit. This happens to me all the time when fighting under water, but has happened only once or twice on land.
[Profession Synonym] Lexxi [ANGL] – Tarnished Coast
I’ve run into the invulnerable creatures once in awhile. Haven’t sun into one in a week or so. gets ready for everything he attacks to go invulnerable now
Acquire [ACE]
For Aspenwood Has A Giant [HAMR]
This usually happens to me with enemies with ranged weapons. Maybe is a glitch that is randomly tripped that causes the enemy to run away so they can fire their weapon at you.
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