Feedback on roaming WvW build

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucente.5071



Hey guys,

I was wondering if i could get some feedback on my roaming build for wvw. I play a lot of WvW but mostly as a front liner and i am not very experianced using meditations. However ive recently got into roaming and have been testing out a few different builds. Ive recently decided to run this…

I was wondering if I could get some feedback on it. Ive been hitting thr optimal numbers (40% crit chance, 3k armor, 20k hp etc.) But i still seem to sruggle in 2v1 situations. Any advice?


Corrupted Moneybagz – Thief / Moneyz – Warrior
[vT] Violent Tendencies

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Its a good build. The rest just comes with practice and experience

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Not sure, I min/max what I feel is important in my builds, like this.

On Med guard, or tanky guard I don’t think crit or condi is important. It’s style is in your face non stop aggressive style. Works for me in PvP, and roaming 1v1. I love fighting other melee on this build though as it is beast at face tanking.

Crazy Leg

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucente.5071


I guess the decision behind the condi dmg is to enhance the burn a bit, its the strongest scaling condi in the game and you’ll proc it on every sword auto attack combo. Its basically a bunch of free damage. Just another bonus from celestial.

Corrupted Moneybagz – Thief / Moneyz – Warrior
[vT] Violent Tendencies

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


I guess the decision behind the condi dmg is to enhance the burn a bit, its the strongest scaling condi in the game and you’ll proc it on every sword auto attack combo. Its basically a bunch of free damage. Just another bonus from celestial.

Actually burning is the worst scaling condition in the game. But it does do the highest DPS per stack

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Feedback on roaming WvW build

in Guardian

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I guess the decision behind the condi dmg is to enhance the burn a bit, its the strongest scaling condi in the game and you’ll proc it on every sword auto attack combo. Its basically a bunch of free damage. Just another bonus from celestial.

Actually burning is the worst scaling condition in the game. But it does do the highest DPS per stack

I don’t know what you mean by it being the worst scaling, but the benefit it gains from condition damage is the highest in the game (tied with fear, though only necros can get that to do damage). I think that’s what the OP was meaning.

In any case, I feel the power is a bit low in the build, though your current build is definitely more durable than your average medi roamer. I would definitely consider swapping in more power-based stats gear, such as berserker’s or soldier’s. Celestial builds like yours can go around hitting everything very softly, even though they’re pretty well-rounded. If you can manage to get around 2000 power pre-bloodlust then I think you’d probably be better off. Of course, if you’re just looking to have a better chance of fighting people off without actually killing them back, you might be ok. You’re very dependent on your consumables and bloodlust stacks for damage right now.

I also wouldn’t worry too much about the condi damage, it’ll add about 125 to your burning ticks with what its at now, but you’re not going to be applying long duration burns. You’d likely be better off with higher power, especially with crit damage than high.

Personally, I would ditch the purging flames and go with contemplation of purity. It’s a really nice skill to have in a medi build. Purging flames is definitely better for group support, but I’d imagine you’d be going solo with this quite frequently. If you don’t, judge’s intervention will be your only stun break, and that is used a lot for initiating offense rather than saving your butt. Contemplation of purity is also a full condi cleanse, meaning it’s useful against necros and engineers that put literally every condition in the game on you at once.

Also, your use of retributive armor may be counter productive. Using focused mind would give you fury on your meditations, giving you significantly more benefit than the passive bonus from retributive armor does. While the duration is short, the cooldown on things like smite condition are also quite short, and you can easily ensure that you have it during a burst combo (i.e. pop it at the start of whirling wrath). Going a bit deeper into virtues would also allow you to bump it up by another second in duration.

Speaking of virtues, absolute resolution can be a very nice trait to have for this sort of build. It would mean dumping 10 out of honor though, but I’d give it some consideration. The other option is to go 10 into zeal for fiery wrath. While this is not as useful as elusive power, it does give you an extra 100 base power, which could help you out in the damage department.

I’m also not so sure about the runes of exuberance. The synergy you’ve established with force of will is nice, but this amounts to about 170 power, 6% crit chance, and a negligible amount of healing power (in addition to the health bonus, of course). However, using traveler runes would partially restore some of the these lost stats, but also solve a major problem with your build, that being mobility. With your current build, people will literally just run in circles around you and you won’t be able to catch them, meaning you’ll just be waving your sword around in the air. Sure you have a few blinks, a leap, and a pull, but those can only do so much. You’ll still have to be able to move yourself around, especially if you need to reposition yourself or escape from an enemy group. The constant +25% move speed really makes a significant difference in roaming, especially since your build lacks any form of swiftness whatsoever. If you’re making this as part of a group comp, then traveler runes might not be necessary (since you’d want to move as a group), but if you’re planning on just roaming around by yourself or with some random people, having the consistent move speed will provide an extremely larger benefit to your build than some extra stat points will.

Lastly, I don’t know if using two energy sigils is that necessary, especially since you’ll have decent vigor uptime, but they’re definitely a powerful choice. It does take up some offensive potential though, so you might want to consider swapping one of them out if you’re just not managing to kill things.

(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)