Guardian: Awesome in WvW

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

This is an appreciation thread since I am not sure if players fully understand just how much the Guardian impacts battles in WvW.
Sure, we arent the best at castle sieges or defending keeps with our limited array of ranged weapons but what we do bring to the table is the ability to turn the tide of battles even when our team is viciously outnumbered.
There are a lot of ways to do this but i prefer to use shouts in combination with our tomes and virtues.
It is so satisfying to charge at the front lines knowing that YOUR buffs fundamentally changed the outcome.

My only complaint about the Guardian is that other players cant really tell in the heat of battle just how much you have increased their effectiveness and protected them from harm.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Romanus.8023


My guild knows the difference between me being there and not. I like to bounce between the front lines and the back line. I love sitting on a wall and just buffing and healing and protecting the guys raining death down.

Also, Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness gets groups where they need to get fast.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

My guild knows the difference between me being there and not. I like to bounce between the front lines and the back line. I love sitting on a wall and just buffing and healing and protecting the guys raining death down.

Also, Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness gets groups where they need to get fast.

Hey Roma,

Have you had the pleasure of using Tome of Wrath to break an enemy siege line yet? Fun stuff!

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Draeka.5941


Hammer, meet enemy. Enemy, meet cliff. Say hello to the bottom for me.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Hammer, meet enemy. Enemy, meet cliff. Say hello to the bottom for me.

Yea…the #4 hammer attack is sooo beast when you have to 1v1 someone.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: neithan.9750


I’m a fan of Wall of Reflection.

Neithan Turambar
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Schakal.6091


I’ve done some crazy stuff with my Guardian, like spearhead rez trains and counter-charges… Dropping barrier after barrier. It still bothers me that the lack of sustained ranged DPS means less kills than other classes and therefore less ability for individual kills…

But nothing compares to the combo of ‘Save Yourselves’ and Contemplation of Purity in a huge group. That alone can make my bloody day.

The internet is for Norn

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Bobby.2918


Hit Banish, watch the mob sail through the air, wait for them to stop, then hit Judge’s Intervention. Beautiful combo. Don’t hit it too early after Banish though, you might teleport to where they are at that moment then still have to chase them as the keep sailing.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Hit Banish, watch the mob sail through the air, wait for them to stop, then hit Judge’s Intervention. Beautiful combo. Don’t hit it too early after Banish though, you might teleport to where they are at that moment then still have to chase them as the keep sailing.

nice combo. You can do something similar with sword and shield if you knock them back with shield of absorp and then use blinding flash to teleport to them and blind them for what will inevitably be a panicked attack.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Alarox.4590


Top of Longview/Sunny Tower on the borderlands, where the vista is. To get there, you have to climb up a platforming challenge. I place catapults there when defending.

When enemies break through, I can just chill up there until they notice me. Then the fun starts.

I pull out my Hammer and wait for my victims. My record is a 3v1 so far, 3x kills with Banish. I recommend all Guardians to try this.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: ozymandias.5317


Top of Longview/Sunny Tower on the borderlands, where the vista is. To get there, you have to climb up a platforming challenge. I place catapults there when defending.

When enemies break through, I can just chill up there until they notice me. Then the fun starts.

I pull out my Hammer and wait for my victims. My record is a 3v1 so far, 3x kills with Banish. I recommend all Guardians to try this.

I think you’ve just inspired my weekend plans. Thank you, soldier.
or follow me on twitter @trikktheasura
Trikke <Sorrows Children> [SRRW] — Sea of Sorrows

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I like Wall of Reflection, Line of Warding and Ring of Warding.
I like leading a charge after popping all my Shouts. (“Retreat!”)

It is so satisfying to charge at the front lines knowing that YOUR buffs fundamentally changed the outcome.

My only complaint about the Guardian is that other players cant really tell in the heat of battle just how much you have increased their effectiveness and protected them from harm.

I don’t find it satisfying, actually, since I have no way of knowing if my buffs actually changed the outcome. And the game doesn’t reward me for it anyhow. Just like other players don’t have any idea, I don’t have any either. Yeah, I can feel good about using my boons and heals, but I have no way of telling if I used them properly.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Wall of reflection, Ring/Line of warding (to trap enemies under friendly AoE’s), Sanctuary (res or build siege weapons safely)….all great addictions to a WvW group.

The only concern in playing that kind on Guardian in wvw, is that atm i’m not sure how much you’ll get rewarded, if bronze/silver/gold medals are given based on DPS like in PvE.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


@AndrewSX: You get Bronze if you focus too much on support.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


I’m irked by the massive cooldowns on the useful support abilities. It seems like I only get to play support every minute or so, and the rest of the time I’m bored out of my skull doing dps. Am I doing it wrong? I know ANet said no dedicated healers, but I had assumed support would be a viable focus. I’m currently crunching numbers to try and answer this mathematically, but any advice would be much appreciated.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: spaten.6971


Hit Banish, watch the mob sail through the air, wait for them to stop, then hit Judge’s Intervention. Beautiful combo. Don’t hit it too early after Banish though, you might teleport to where they are at that moment then still have to chase them as the keep sailing.

There’s another combo with these two skills that I absolutley love using. Run in the direction of your enemy and start channeling Banish, then, as the channel is about half down, cast Judge’s Intervention. The teleport doesn’t cancel the channel, so you’ll be able to smack them for six instantly as you port there. This really can catch a lot of people by surprise

This also works with other skills you need to channel, like the GS 3 or the hammer’s 5 (which can be pretty darn useful, too)

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


YAY for this thread!!!

i am slowly getting the hang of Guardian. first time in WvWvW i got creamed a lot. lol. (first MMO as well, but it was SO exhilirating!) and i didn’t feel i was doing much lol. but the more i level up, i was 20 back then, now i’m close to 40, i can do so much more. even in events and champ fights i know i’m making a difference like you all said.

this doesn’t apply to WvW directly, but i was doing personal stories with my wife. both Norn. we branched off in the beginning and wanted to meet back up. so we repeated certain bits of the story. once while fighting dredge, we got OWNED so badly. we eventually came through but left the instance stark naked. lol. twas a funny sight since it was all snowy. when we redid that bit of the story on my storyline, i switched my skills up to include a bunch of shouts. wow, made all the difference. we were downed once. and that was it. can’t wait to bring this to the open battlefields between worlds.

wall of reflection. hammer. tome of wrath. retreat. hold the line. purging flames. are among a few of my faves.D

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


There’s another combo with these two skills that I absolutley love using. Run in the direction of your enemy and start channeling Banish, then, as the channel is about half down, cast Judge’s Intervention. The teleport doesn’t cancel the channel, so you’ll be able to smack them for six instantly as you port there. This really can catch a lot of people by surprise

This also works with other skills you need to channel, like the GS 3 or the hammer’s 5 (which can be pretty darn useful, too)

oooo wow. will HAVE to try this! this. sounds. awesome.
so in your last example, with hammer’s 5. i can technically be like far from an enemy, and then charge it, teleport, and then trap them?

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I’m irked by the massive cooldowns on the useful support abilities. It seems like I only get to play support every minute or so, and the rest of the time I’m bored out of my skull doing dps. Am I doing it wrong? I know ANet said no dedicated healers, but I had assumed support would be a viable focus. I’m currently crunching numbers to try and answer this mathematically, but any advice would be much appreciated.

In Guild Wars 2 support is something you do in between of damage or together with damage. Playing only support isn’t really an intended playstyle.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Is he really that good? Just started one as my 2nd character and I already liked in PvE that skill where you can port to your enemy(if it is in the range of the skill of course). I think it was one of the tier 2 skills for 3 skill points. Seems interesting to play and I’ll try it a bit longer until completely joined one of the other orders to unlock the banner at char selection screen. Then trying a bit WvW and going for 3rd char after that.

I always thought the heavy armored and melee guys were slow and would have problems but after seeing a few of these skills you have…

Only for traits I still need to decicde. Lol. But only at level 11 now and unlocked the tree and lot of different stuff and everything seems same useful to me. Much harder to decide than with my engineer where I already knew which stuff to try from the beginning.

Edit: And I’m probably going for greatsword. I saw one grandmaster trait which says the attacks give you heal. Is it worth it? Buffing allies stuff is what I don’t want, want to give myself the most benefits. And I like the sword and the skills so far. Have not unlocked shield and scepter and 1 handed sword yet. But greatsword better than hammer. At least PvE for now, will try the WvW when I have unlocked the first elite at level 30.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


I often take the Consecrated Ground trait which allows consecrations to be ground targetted. I then use this to great effect by jumping on top of a keep/tower that’s under siege and drop a Wall of Reflection in front of the door.
Definately gives me a good idea of the people who don’t stop shooting’s DPS

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zizi.7860


Myself and another two guardians arrived at a stalemate between our zerg and another server’s across a narrow bridge. I swapped myself over to Wall of Reflection, Sheild (for the 5 skill) and The spectral weapon sheild. Shortly after I started walking our Zerg across the bridge with them, the other two guardians joined in. We leapfrogged each other and got our ranged guys close enough to clean house, chased them into the keep which was then assaulted successfully. Good times. Not many kills or loot, but good times.

AHigh on my list was last week, when myself and another Greatsword guardian went at a group of attackers. It was about 10 vs 2, we used binding blade to suck them in and then AoE’d the snot out of them. Got seven kills in about 4 seconds and the other three guys ran.

On top of that, Guardian just really performs well in the open fields. I frequently chase people down with leaps and intervention, pull through 3vs1s, and generally make trouble for all sorts of people. It’s a great class.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


I’m irked by the massive cooldowns on the useful support abilities. It seems like I only get to play support every minute or so, and the rest of the time I’m bored out of my skull doing dps. Am I doing it wrong? I know ANet said no dedicated healers, but I had assumed support would be a viable focus. I’m currently crunching numbers to try and answer this mathematically, but any advice would be much appreciated.

This is because somebody at some point decided to make the Guardian a hybrid. IMHO this was a terrible call and the reason why, unlike the Warrior, the Guardian feels somehow awkward.

People who wanted a more fighter/knight type of character are annoyed because of wands, casts and tomes and people, who wanted a supporter/healer are annoyed because of the Guardian’s inability to consistently stay in the back lines and support because that’s what they got used to from playing WoW and similar mmorgs and the old, traditional tank healer dps concepts don’t work in GW2, thank God, I might add.

If the devs sticked to the initial concept of the knight, who supports his allies around him by charging with them into the fray and buffing/supporting them with virtues, consecrations and shouts, people would be less confused and disappointed than they are now. The Guardian should not be somebody, who stops fighting all of a sudden every 120 seconds just to pull out a tome and start reading some fairytales. I think there could have easily been more interesting ways to inspire, heal and support your allies and it’s quite intesting that those mechanics already are in the game, yet the devs didn’t use them efficiently enough with the Guardian class: Combo fields! They missed to combo support with guardian ;-)

Just have a lok at GW2’s unique combo mechanic. It’s one of the most creative mechanics I’ve ever seen in a mmorg and definitely one of the most fun and satisfying mechanics in the game. It’s one of the biggest strenghts of GW2, it’s what makes group play in this game so much more interesting than in other mmorgs! Everyone
loves wombo combos and what’s more fun and satisfying for a Guardian than supporting his allies by providing combo fields for them so that both are the guardian and his allies have tons of fun?! I don’t understand why the devs decided to skip this awesome mechanics for the traditional unimaginative and dull “I’m the mighty, heavily armored paladin, so I hide in the back rows and spam spells, just like the skirt wearing wussy casters around me!”

Seriously, I’d sticked to GW2’s strengths and innovative mechanics in order to create an entirely new, satisfying and fun support experience for the players, especially since they already got rid of the tank, dps, healer types, that were just bland and unimaginative. You play GW2 because it’s not WoW. You rolled a heavily armored knight, who belongs right in the middle of the fray, where he supports his allies with shouts, virtues and combo fields. That’s something entirely new. Making him pull out some tomes and pretending to be a caster for a couple of seconds is a step backwards. Backwards to WoW’s boring Paladin.

I don’t know, the forced caster component feels awkward and not fitting, at least not to me. I fail to understand why the devs did give the guardian a ghost bow minion, while the guardian can’t use a bow himself. I don’t understand the reasoning behind why a knight only has access to a wand and a staff instead of a more martial weapon, such as a bow. A bow would help the guardian tremendously in wvwvw, especially since the game doesn’t reward supporting as much as it rewards killing. The guardian is the only class with no satisfying ranged capabilities and this is a shame!

(edited by shedim.8504)

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


@shedim: I didn’t roll a Guardian because it was some kind of knight. I rolled because Arenanet themselves said it was the profession designed to appeal to players who enjoy healers in other games.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


Ah well, he looks like a knight anyway. I don’t know what arenanet said about their professions but this guy does neither look like a traditional healer, nor does he look like he belongs in the back row. Rather than turning him into a 2/3 melee 1/3 mishappened traditional healer, they should have made him a 3/3 guardian, who belongs in the front lines and supports in close-mid range by providing buffs and combo fields for his allies.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Got my Guardian to level 32.

A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

You take that back, you heretic!

I’m so good, I astound myself!

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


@shedim: Guardian might look like a knight, but it’s not how he’s (supposedly) designed. He was made to attract the Monk-players from the original guildwars, as well as healers from other games. It’s why we have such a strong support focus. You’ll see that a lot of complaints on the forum come down to the Guardian not having enough support, or not in the way people want it.
As for front-line/mid-range: I don’t fully agree. I would have loved the option to stand back and support, and I’m sure others would have as well. Warriors (the other Soldier profession) does its thing pretty decent at range.

Got my Guardian to level 32.
A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

The problem is likely on your end, because both healing and survivability can be quite high. . What are your specific issues.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Got my Guardian to level 32.
A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

The problem is likely on your end, because both healing and survivability can be quite high. . What are your specific issues.

It all boils down to this: *Everything hits me way too hard. *

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Synthesis.6709


I play the role of a cleric of sorts when faced with defending keeps or castles.

Basically, traiting for larger and healing symbols while keeping Battle Presence on with Virtue of Resolve and just putting out Symbols of Faith to help out the ranged taking out people from the top. The light field helps cure their conditions when they shoot stuff and also provides healing both from regeneration and from the Writ of the Merciful trait.

It’s not a very active or exciting role but it adds up in the end.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


Got my Guardian to level 32.
A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

The problem is likely on your end, because both healing and survivability can be quite high. . What are your specific issues.

It all boils down to this: *Everything hits me way too hard. *

Hmmm, that’s strange. What weapons were you using? And what utilities? Where you dodging actively? How are your experiences with other professions?
If you want high survivability, I’d advice Mace/Focus or Mace/Shield. Sword and Greatsword are also great picks, because of the large number of blinds.

@Synthesis: And how are your rewards? Because I just did that, and despite being pretty active and playing a large part in pushing the enemy back, I ended up with Bronze most of the time, and one time Silver.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Got my Guardian to level 32.
A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

The problem is likely on your end, because both healing and survivability can be quite high. . What are your specific issues.

It all boils down to this: *Everything hits me way too hard. *

Hmmm, that’s strange. What weapons were you using? And what utilities? Where you dodging actively? How are your experiences with other professions?
If you want high survivability, I’d advice Mace/Focus or Mace/Shield. Sword and Greatsword are also great picks, because of the large number of blinds.

I know how to dodge, but not when – you get no chance to dodge vs some mobs (Avalonian Rangers 2-shot everybody) and against players, it’s usually on recharge.

Other classes are better in many ways.

The engineer is fun and seems to have more utility than all the other classes added together. The number of tools this class has is ridiculous. They get good range, decent attacks and feel they can contribute without laying down enormous numbers. Except with the flame-thrower.

The Mesmer has so many illusions and invisibility spells that you can hardly fail to get a mob/player to attack something that’s not you. Suffice to say, it has much better survivability than the “heavily armoured” (what a joke!) guardian who can barely scrape through a fight and usually has to kite using the Sceptre against tough mobs. I feel like a feeble, wishy-washy class with poor design behind it.

At the moment I’m experimenting with all of the weapons. The Greatsword’s damage is really nice and you can do some solo combos that would remove conditions from other people – who, ironically, don’t necessarily have to be there for the combo to fire off.
The Hammer’s Ring of Warding and Zealot’s Embrace are useful for chasing down/trapping fleeing players.
The Sceptre seems so-so, but at least has some range. I’m still practising with the torch -trying to master Zealot’s Flame.
The 1h Sword is really sweet, lots of nice utility and damage.
The shield has nice powers but I want it to add something for passive survivability. It’s a shield, and should protect by default.

I’m not happy with this class. Am I missing something special or is it really as difficult, and unfun as I think?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


The Ascalonian Ranger in AC two-shot everyone, regardless of profession, but for open-world strong mobs, you shouldn’t have any problem as a Guardian. I can actually tank Champions with Mace/Focus. (Focus is really nice, if you want a more passive defense).
I really don’t know what the issue might be. I haven’t died in open world PvE in ages, except for one time when I foolishly stepped of a cliff and in sPvP you’d need at least two players or two minutes to kill me. I really think you must be missing something.

“Come on, hit me!”

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


It’s kinda strange that the focus actually provides better defense than the shield.

Well, I wish they had made a separate class for all the hang back in the caster row people.
I’m perfectly fine withe the guardian’s support as it is, apart from the tomes. I’d loved the Guardian to have more combo field support as his elite skills. No need for entily new skills and tomes, just some stronger versions of his meditations, shouts and stuff.

The warrior provides boons, which is great, but combo fields are more fun. The guardian could have focussed on combo fields and defensive buffs, whereas the warrior has no combo fields and aggressive buffs, like he already does.

See, the warrior is looking great skill-wise and is consistent within because they did not try to merge the caster and the knight into one class. The very same buffs can be applied in the middle of the zerg as well as in the back row and no matter whe you decide to buff people, it is viable. This is not the case with the guardian. He is inconsistent and the tomes require you to be somewhe safe even though you spend most time in the middle of the battle, where you belong. This is awkward design. The reason why very few people are 100% satisfied with the guardian is because he’s a mishappened hybrid rather than an unique class.

They should have split him into two different classes rather than merging them into something that does not fully satisfy neither typee of players.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Got my Guardian to level 32.

A horrible, complicated class without the survivability or healing it claims to have.

I am sorry you are not enjoying your Guardian. What is your spec?

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Avatar.1923


impossible to do range dps, and this is a necessity vs champions/ boss/ dungeons amd WvW.

there is only so much support you can throw with your ranged weapon, since most fights nobody does melee and everybody is basically running around everywhere.
so youre better off with range dps than “support”!

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Schakal.6091


I often take the Consecrated Ground trait which allows consecrations to be ground targetted. I then use this to great effect by jumping on top of a keep/tower that’s under siege and drop a Wall of Reflection in front of the door.
Definately gives me a good idea of the people who don’t stop shooting’s DPS

Best thing about Wall of Reflection… I’m pretty positive you get credit for the damage reflected projectiles do. I dropped it into a zerg (in the gateway at the ruins which is just perfect for lines of any kind) last night and got three kills without really firing off an attack.

The internet is for Norn

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zaalg.3217


Trait consecrations for longer duration, shorter cd and ground targetable. Sanctuary lasts like 12 seconds on minute and a half cd. Between that and 8 second staff 5 you can keep an entire enemy team from coming through narrow openings or up ramps for 20 seconds. Plus I think you could add hammer 5 to that for another 5+ seconds. It’s pretty ridiculous.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: CactuS.4075


My guild knows the difference between me being there and not. I like to bounce between the front lines and the back line. I love sitting on a wall and just buffing and healing and protecting the guys raining death down.

Also, Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness gets groups where they need to get fast.

I wish the game also reward support in WvW, but it’s not. Badges only for killing not for supporting. -.-

Member of Noise of Mist | Piken Square

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: irongamer.6014


My guild knows the difference between me being there and not. I like to bounce between the front lines and the back line. I love sitting on a wall and just buffing and healing and protecting the guys raining death down.

Also, Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness gets groups where they need to get fast.

I wish the game also reward support in WvW, but it’s not. Badges only for killing not for supporting. -.-

This is very common across a number of mmo genres. It’s persistence is curious. Are developers so single minded that DPS should be the only thing that counts (more likely just the easiest thing to gauge) or has no one figured out how to effectively rate support? A few years back a few titles started to throw healing into the formula for gaining credit. This may work in some game systems but GW 2 has spread out healing so much it is not likely to function as well. It would be nice to see a better system for determining credit.

I have seen some individuals saying support is supposed to happen between DPS in GW 2 and maybe that is part of the issue. Perhaps people are playing this game like other MMO’s where you focus on one element of combat. Admittedly it will take more skill or at least some adjustment for players to learn to toss support in between DPS.

At any rate I was a little surprised to see GW 2 with its MMO manifesto fall back to a simple DPS count for contribution in an event.

(edited by irongamer.6014)

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i think there is a ton of strategy and combination and cross class effects and battlefield strategies.
but as it is now, at least for me, game is too quick, i can only really just focus on my toon.
dont try to make me do a combo finisher in your field or reflect projectiles going at you.
maybe ill get better after tons of hours.
as a guardian, i still have a hard time to put my aegis up on time.
gosh, so many buttons on that keyboard.
i seriously doubt people that say the combats are shallow that they have mastered it.
but then again, how much can you master them? its a big and fast firework fest most of the time, not easy!
still fun!

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: VisceralMonkey.6128


I’m also at level 32 and frustrated with my Guardian in WvW.

The lack of “compensation” in terms of XP for doing our jobs makes it, frankly, a class that gets the shaft. Our shields are nice but I have warriors specced with stability just walking through them constantly, the tomes we have are a death sentence because they take so long to come up, they load a new task bar loads, the you have to choose a new skill with yet ANOTHER wind’s just almost useless. I’m just hitting a dead end with mine…the idea sounds great but you just don’t get rewarded enough to make it worth it, and that steadily gets worse the higher in level you get.

I will say having idiots fire repeatedly into my wall of reflection does make my day though.

(edited by VisceralMonkey.6128)

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


i think there is a ton of strategy and combination and cross class effects and battlefield strategies.
but as it is now, at least for me, game is too quick, i can only really just focus on my toon.
dont try to make me do a combo finisher in your field or reflect projectiles going at you.
maybe ill get better after tons of hours.
as a guardian, i still have a hard time to put my aegis up on time.
gosh, so many buttons on that keyboard.
i seriously doubt people that say the combats are shallow that they have mastered it.
but then again, how much can you master them? its a big and fast firework fest most of the time, not easy!
still fun!

I agree with this 99%. Combos are a nifty idea, but it takes time for me to get the right finisher power and move to a field and by then it’s gone. So despite the fact that we can do our own combos with some of our fire or light fields and the greatsword, I more or less gave up on those and went with one-handers.

I’m finding that the sceptre/shield, sword/focus is a good combination of powers to have, you get all sorts of nice things and a couple of ranged abilities. The cooldown on weapon switching can be a pain, though.

The fun factor is a little wearing after you’ve been pwnt a few times with no success to your name.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: dragonfan.1379


I just love how I play my Guardian in WvW.

I pull out my hammer and start looking for a badly positioned enemy when we are in a standoff on even ground with no towers, camps, or keeps being in the immediate area. What I would do is go in with Judge’s Intervention, and immediately cast Ring of Warding. It usually traps them inside of the ward, but they sometimes roll out of it successfully. If they fail, I would proceed to immobilize them and that is when my allies start taking notice and took advantage of the out-positioned enemy.

All of this while the rest of the enemies back away from a lone guardian with allies closing in on the hapless enemy.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: khisola.7340



I’m sorry to hear you’re not enjoying the class. You mentioned that you’re getting hit too hard, but the sword and focus, for example, gives you a total of four blocks (if you include F3) and two blinds in a single rotation. That’s six misses from a mob, player, etc. I know that you know this, but I’m trying to figure out how you’re getting hit.

Maybe check out Silven’s builds on Guildwars2guru? They’re on youtube, as well. That community has been around for three years or so and has a ton of information while these forums are just starting up (not to imply that people don’t know their class here, just that there’s more info over at Guru). His most recent build has made my Guardian basically unkillable (up to a difficult 3v1) with burst that is absolutely monstrous.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: VisceralMonkey.6128



I’m sorry to hear you’re not enjoying the class. You mentioned that you’re getting hit too hard, but the sword and focus, for example, gives you a total of four blocks (if you include F3) and two blinds in a single rotation. That’s six misses from a mob, player, etc. I know that you know this, but I’m trying to figure out how you’re getting hit.

Maybe check out Silven’s builds on Guildwars2guru? They’re on youtube, as well. That community has been around for three years or so and has a ton of information while these forums are just starting up (not to imply that people don’t know their class here, just that there’s more info over at Guru). His most recent build has made my Guardian basically unkillable (up to a difficult 3v1) with burst that is absolutely monstrous.

Can you link these? I’ve had no luck finding them.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: khisola.7340


There you go.

A little addendum to my above post. . . I was primarily referring to my experiences in sPVP, which is also what Silven’s guide is for. InWvWvW, I do frequently find myself pretty bored and sadly will probably create another toon just for WvW. Bummer because I tend to really like to focus on one main.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019



I’m sorry to hear you’re not enjoying the class. You mentioned that you’re getting hit too hard, but the sword and focus, for example, gives you a total of four blocks (if you include F3) and two blinds in a single rotation. That’s six misses from a mob, player, etc. I know that you know this, but I’m trying to figure out how you’re getting hit.

Maybe check out Silven’s builds on Guildwars2guru? They’re on youtube, as well. That community has been around for three years or so and has a ton of information while these forums are just starting up (not to imply that people don’t know their class here, just that there’s more info over at Guru). His most recent build has made my Guardian basically unkillable (up to a difficult 3v1) with burst that is absolutely monstrous.

Thank you for this, I will give it a whirl.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

My guild knows the difference between me being there and not. I like to bounce between the front lines and the back line. I love sitting on a wall and just buffing and healing and protecting the guys raining death down.

Also, Retreat and Symbol of Swiftness gets groups where they need to get fast.

The main problem with this is you won’t get any bags of lute/badges of honor unless your doing some damage.

I’m not going to say the guardian is bad in WvW but the scepter #1 ability & the staff’s #1 & #2 abilities could use some love & or work.

Guardian: Awesome in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Too bad supporting gives no badges of honor. So I refuse to do support.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.