After 700 hours as Guardian i must say he is now really weak.he has low hp pool from all class. no CC to keep people at melee. no passive move buff like other class with no escape ability ( you cannot run from fight like other class with passive and active speed/teleport/stealth.
guardian is weakness class in range ( he dont have real range weapon (staff is only support and scepter is bad) with no good gap closer( only teleport(1h) leap(2h).
Vs other class he have small hp pool so he cannot play more offense builds he must play only defensive builds.warrior can play same good defense tank like guardian with 29-32k hp ( guard have 12-13k hp lower) more dmg and cc/block skills
i dont say he is incedible bad but Arenanet will nerfing himt too much ( almost every patch= new nerf) and dont fix this class. guardian is good only kitten bunker/support build but this builds arenanet will nerfing this build in every patch.
he really need fix his skills and traits ( Zeal trait line us useless because there in no good trait (5%dmg GS (warrior have 10%)/25hp per GS attack what dont stack with healing power is small(AH from Valor gove more Heal with 300 thoughtness and +30% crit dmg)
Pure of voice is not cure condition with shout right (sometime remove sometime not remove/ RUne of soldier work normal)
His skill/ability what need fix:Virtue of Resolve (small regen vs other passive regen and small scale from healing power every 3s (other regen have every 1s)
Leap of Faith (600 range is very small warrior have 2 gap closer with 800/1200 range what do more damage
Ring of Warding/Line of Warding need reduce castaing time or cast at move
Orb of Wrath (range 1200) but will anybody GM test it?? after range 500 you will miss almost all attack (forgot hit move target)
Smite 15xhit for X damage but you never have 15 hits (5-12 max) this skill need change to symbol or aoe like ele skills
Flashing Blade need change to leap or buff dmg
Zealot’s Defense this skill is very bad (only good vs npc or non-move enemy) after enemy start move you will miss almost all attack ( this skill need change to use on move)
Shield of Judgment ( remove dmg and give Regeneration)
Shield of Absorption vs warrior 5 skill is pretty bad (3s immortal vs knock/ projectiles block with 10s more cd)
Sanctuary need reduce CD 120s for small bubles where you can be easy hit by condition/melee(when you stay at buble you can hit) and non projectile skill
Signet of Mercy 240s for bugged signet ( i test revive to dead and downed nothing work) vs ele signet with 3 res and 165cd
Judgment (from wrath elite) 600 range and 5s casting time bad if you dont get cc you will not hit anybody and when hit its do small dmg that attack skill
So spirit weapons: after new update this skills is absolutly useless. 30-60cd for spirit weapon what can be killed by 1-2 hits ( i 1 shot with critical hit)
this skills need fix (more hp/can be booned) or reduce CD to 15-20s
so without no escape/CC to keep people at melee range and good range weapon he can be easy killed at range without any problem. with no move buff like other class he cannot catch anybody i think this class dont need nerf by nerf but fix