(edited by Meld.1629)
Hammer/Quickness/Honor issue - Fracs/Raids
You will get no argument from me that the majority of guardian traits, utility skills and numerous weapon skills are badly designed.
That being said your wrong in that the previous symbol is overridden.
It simply places a second one down and they both continue to pulse.
Right from the wiki
" A player can maintain only one mark of the same type at a time, making a new one while it is still active will dissipate the first one."
mark =! symbol
if you have quickness you’ll have 2 protection symbols up for a short period, they both trigger
GW2: Velocity [VcY]
This is specifically from the symbol page.
“A symbol is a marked effect that guardians can place on the ground, where they inflict damage to enemies and deliver a boon to allies that enter it. Symbols generally persist for a few seconds and then disappear. A player can maintain only one mark of the same type at a time, making a new one while it is still active will dissipate the first one.”
Sounds like a job for Target Golem!
This is specifically from the symbol page.
“A symbol is a marked effect that guardians can place on the ground, where they inflict damage to enemies and deliver a boon to allies that enter it. Symbols generally persist for a few seconds and then disappear. A player can maintain only one mark of the same type at a time, making a new one while it is still active will dissipate the first one.”
The wiki is wrong about many things and a lot of stuff is outdated. At least visually 2 symbols are up when using quickness, but I guess it’s worth it to double check.
So you can confirm I get that full damage under quickness? If so I’m pretty pleased. It’s kinda hard to see with everything that’s going on during a proper fight. I’m lucky to even see the enemy itself half the time if they’re not enormous.
You can have 2 symbols of the same type running concurrently.
Tested it just now to be sure.
Haha crisis averted. Thanks for that. I hope that wasn’t counting any kinda fade-out animation they’d use. Also hope someone fixes the wiki.
If anyone wants to test it themselves, attack a golem without targeting it, after the second hit on the hammer lands turn around and plant the symbol on the ground without hitting anything. Press 1 as soon as it’s planted but keep moving, you’ll place a second symbol down outside the first so that you can observe both ticking for their full duration.