Input on some weapons.

Input on some weapons.

in Guardian

Posted by: Enigma.7384


So for a while now, i’ve been using the Greatsword/Staff combination for my guardian. Mostly been a boon support type of guardian with shouts and support from the staff using AH. However, i’m getting kind of tired of seeing the greatsword all over the place and to be honest, when I first started the Guardian way back in BW1 I was always in love with the look of either a shield or 1-handed sword. It seemed to make the guardian look his part as a defender and protector.

Now, I know that the shield is a bit lack-luster in its usefulness and is very situation-oriented but as of late, i’ve been seeing more and more guards using a scepter and shield combo and I was wondering how that personally works out. I know the scepter’s auto-attack is somewhat broken when it comes to PvP or WvW, but how is it for PvE? Compared to the focus, I understand that the shield is more of a ranged option that compliments the scepter where as the focus is the more melee-oriented choice. Overall I just want some personal input on how these two combinations perform.

So how just how viable is Sword/Focus or Scepter/Shield?

Input on some weapons.

in Guardian

Posted by: Heroshi.8754


I’m curious on to what I should use for my secondary weapon slot for AH as well. Hammer primary (Is GS even good for AH as a primary)

Wondering if Staff might be a fine choice as well with that might channel. But if there are any sword/scepter and whatever off hand combos that work with AH fine I’d love to know.

Input on some weapons.

in Guardian

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


I’m been farming with a 1h sword and a shield just to get the feel of it. The nice thing about the shield is it has a heal (albeit a minor one) on the 5 skill. It’s actually saved me a few times when I try to pull as many as I can to see what I can do with this setup. So far I like it and I think I’m ready to give it a go in dungeons.

Sword and focus is a bit more defensive, I feel, but also a bit more fun. I just can’t get used to carrying around a frigging focus in heavy armor, though. lol