Input on some weapons.
I’m curious on to what I should use for my secondary weapon slot for AH as well. Hammer primary (Is GS even good for AH as a primary)
Wondering if Staff might be a fine choice as well with that might channel. But if there are any sword/scepter and whatever off hand combos that work with AH fine I’d love to know.
I’m been farming with a 1h sword and a shield just to get the feel of it. The nice thing about the shield is it has a heal (albeit a minor one) on the 5 skill. It’s actually saved me a few times when I try to pull as many as I can to see what I can do with this setup. So far I like it and I think I’m ready to give it a go in dungeons.
Sword and focus is a bit more defensive, I feel, but also a bit more fun. I just can’t get used to carrying around a frigging focus in heavy armor, though. lol