Make more viable options then the greatsword please

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Aziah.5809


While the Great Sword is an awesome weapon in the hands of the guardian I would like to see more viable options for dps Guardians.

Post a few ideas you have to make other weapons more viable.

Making the mace have a faster swing animation would be a great start.

Biggest improvement would be to fix the scepter atm for us though. If they have to keep the orbs slow perhaps making the scepter so it shoots out 3 orbs at once instead of just 1.

Perhaps not only a defensive shield but also make a offensive shield. If you have ever seen an epic battle on tv warriors do not only use the shield for defense but to slam someones throat shut.

This game is suppose to be about breaking the mold and changing up the style of mmo’s so lets do just that.

Now you would say this belongs in the suggestions forums but before making a post there lets come up with a great set of ideas. It’s clear that the devs do read our posts and do care about the game they are making.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Dagok.3948


I personally like the scepter, however you could also try sword/torch. I hear its quite good. I use greatsword and scepter/torch myself though.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Aziah.5809


Sword and torch are very nice. I guess more then anything I hate that the shield in all games has to be used for defense and not offense. Sharpen up the sides of that shield and lets rampage on peoples faces :]

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Shimond.2478


All the weapons in our arsenal are viable, stop using that word.

They also all function differently. Buffing the attack speed on the mace would be counter to its very design function (defense/protection).

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


All the weapons in our arsenal are viable, stop using that word.

They also all function differently. Buffing the attack speed on the mace would be counter to its very design function (defense/protection).

He means viable as a good dps weapon. Not simply viable to use in any spec/role but a specific one.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Shimond.2478


He means viable as a good dps weapon. Not simply viable to use in any spec/role but a specific one.

And far more than the greatsword are ‘viable’ in this capacity.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


I see what he means and I understand, it’s not like you can pull out 10k damage in a split second with the GS as a Guardian.(100b+frenzy) It’s a decent weapon still.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Tinboy.7954


When a huge portion of players uses one certain weapon, it says a lot. It is not a matter of design function, it’s more like there is a fatal flaw in almost every weapon except the greatsword. A defense/protection weapon should feel like a defense/protection weapon; when you gain minimal defense/protection by trading off a HUGE portion of your dps, there is something wrong. For an exmaple, symbol of faith on mace. Regeneration does not stack in intensity and barely heals and yet you have to restrict yourself in that radius where the symbol is to actually gain the benefits.

I understand they want different uses for different weapons but the tradeoffs are significantly biased towards greatsword by a far margin right now. For an example, hammer has been slightly improved recently but some skills are still terrible. One example would be the ring of warding, the radius is small and yet you are immobilized while casting it; it is near impossible to trap a foe in pvp like this which is supposed to be one of its purposes.

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


All our weapons are perfectly viable. They might not have a playstyle you enjoy, or fill a niche you like, but they’re viable.

For an example, Hammer has been slightly improved recently but some skills are still terrible. One example would be the Ring of Warding, the radius is small and yet you are immobilized while casting it; it is near impossible to trap a foe in pvp like this which is supposed to be one of its purposes.

I never had a problem trapping people in it, really.

“Come on, hit me!”

Make more viable options then the greatsword please

in Guardian

Posted by: Tinboy.7954


Any half intelligent player can see you casting and would either dodge out of it or DPS you like mad while you cast. Every time I succeed in trapping the foe in sPvP, the foe has already DPS’ed me down to at least half my health while I cast the skill. In either case, it is still a lose-lose situation when you intend to trap the foe cause the ward lasts 5 seconds and now I have to heal myself back up which takes time yet again and a potential heal. The only situations I actually benefit from this skill is when I block off foes at choke points by pre-casting; however, you can clearly see the skill is intended for both blocking/trapping like it describes in the description; the skill clearly needs some tuning if this skill is intended to trap foes as well.