Not doing enough damage as Guard

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Dragonhyde.4125


Well, currently I have been running fractals, I am at skill level 22 ankitten oticing, that my guardian, does measly amounts of damage, its almost unnoticeable, is there any recommendations, for a way to play guardian as a tanky, sustain, but also with decent dps?

Clerics Gear
Bagh Nakh
Healing Signet
Zerker Earrings

I usually use Scept/Focus

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Clerics gear is definitely part of the problem here. It only has power and it’s a minor.

There is a guide stickied for Guardian DPS. Check it out.

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Cleric is the problem, full zerker is optimal, however not everyone is comfortable playing in it. I’d recommend going Knight, still fair tanky with decent dps.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Dragonhyde.4125


Cleric is the problem, full zerker is optimal, however not everyone is comfortable playing in it. I’d recommend going Knight, still fair tanky with decent dps.

Thanks for the advice, I want to run zerker, but I feel that with guardians low health pool I will get shot down immediately, I feel that Knights seems good, I guesss i’ll try it

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Cleric is the problem, full zerker is optimal, however not everyone is comfortable playing in it. I’d recommend going Knight, still fair tanky with decent dps.

Thanks for the advice, I want to run zerker, but I feel that with guardians low health pool I will get shot down immediately, I feel that Knights seems good, I guesss i’ll try it

Don’t get discouraged, everyone had a hard time when they are first learning zerker. However, the more you play, the better and easier it’ll become. Only way you’re going to learn is by doing it. I’d also recommend checking out these guides if you have any more questions.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Rangersix.1754


Cleric is the problem, full zerker is optimal, however not everyone is comfortable playing in it. I’d recommend going Knight, still fair tanky with decent dps.

Thanks for the advice, I want to run zerker, but I feel that with guardians low health pool I will get shot down immediately, I feel that Knights seems good, I guesss i’ll try it

Knight armor with berserker weapons & trinkets it what you’ll want.

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: kasoki.5180


I’d also recommend you try Soldier gear with Assassin crests and Berserker weapons

But If you play mainly with scepter you can really experiment with glass cannon builds, meaning 6/6/0/0/2 and zerker gear + Wall of Reflection as a must have. I would also recommend torch instead of focus

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Rangersix.1754


The torch is absolutely crap, never take it over a focus. A focus offers more damage, more survivability and a blast finisher. All the torch offers is a weak 6 second aoe burn (which is 180 range, basically melee range) and a very weak, short range and difficult to aim condition cleanse.

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: obal.3218


Hammer + Mace/Focus is pretty good for harder fractal bosses. When your out of aegis, shelter, and renewed you can swap to mace/focus for 2 additional blocks. You also would have the symbol traits which would help mace too when swapping is needed.

The torch is absolutely crap, never take it over a focus. A focus offers more damage, more survivability and a blast finisher. All the torch offers is a weak 6 second aoe burn (which is 180 range, basically melee range) and a very weak, short range and difficult to aim condition cleanse.

Torch is good. You take it and focus when using scepter and rotate when fighting large hitobox targets. Zealot’s Fire does nearly the same damage as shield of wrath and you can get 2 in before focus skills are about to come of cd.

(edited by obal.3218)

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: kasoki.5180


The torch is absolutely crap, never take it over a focus. A focus offers more damage, more survivability and a blast finisher. All the torch offers is a weak 6 second aoe burn (which is 180 range, basically melee range) and a very weak, short range and difficult to aim condition cleanse.

Huh? You do know that you can actually fire #4 and deal massive dps? Also #5 again deals massive dps

just a basic comparison to focus

Their cooldown difference makes a world of difference for offensive usage. Not to mention if you are playing with scepter you will likely be at a certain range, which means your SoW will hit nothing.

Also, since you are ranged, you can remove condis from those who are in melee and you should have no trouble positioning yourself

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Honestly, I’ve never really understood why people think the torch is bad because it offers no damage. The bad part of the torch is that it offers 0 self-survivability; it’s a very “selfless” weapon. It offers a nuke and a powerful (yet clunky) supportive ability.

It goes nicely on the more squishy healing breeze guardians who don’t really go into the fray, and it’d be perfect for such guardians if Cleansing Flame had a higher range.

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Cleansing Flame is the only thing really hold torch back, it needs a slight tweak. If it got that, then more people would probably use it over focus.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Torch is an option only if you are good enough to not need the defensive skills offered by Shield/Focus. Torch goes in the same “Use if Pro” bin as UC trait. It’s role is still extremely situational even if you are at that play level.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Not doing enough damage as Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: FanOfKOTOKO.9684


I don’t Fractal too much (I’ve quit for a while and has recently come back, so I’ve been running dungeons since I didn’t really touch them too much before), but I’ve been running zealot’s gear with zerk trinkets and the extra healing does make you feel more survivable.