Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Sunrise is Soldier my mistake with a Sigil of Strength. I don’t mess with it because I don’t want to ruin the legendary status of it.
I also have this set. I give up toughness for more power, crit rate, and a nice 65 crit dmg. My hp is still high so giving up the toughness is not really a huge problem.
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Sunrise is Soldier my mistake with a Sigil of Strength. I don’t mess with it because I don’t want to ruin the legendary status of it.
I also have this set. I give up toughness for more power, crit rate, and a nice 65 crit dmg. My hp is still high so giving up the toughness is not really a huge problem.
That’s more to what I run with, except I have lower health. You might find that more to what you’re looking for, but I think otherwise, you’ve pretty much got your stats the best you can make.
So I’m still playing around with my stats, decided to dump the Runes of Soldier for Runes of Divinity. Yes I lose removing condition with my shouts, but I’m still using Pure of Voice. So I just remove one condition instead of two. Lost some of vitality, but I gained everything else. The big thing was I got my crit dmg from 48 to 60!
I’m a little more vulnerable to conditions, but I think it’s worth it.
Then I also have this Berserker set with 41% crit and 78 crit dmg.
Problem is I don’t know which one to run…
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Man, I was looking for this yesterday but must have missed it. Search didn’t bring it up either. Anyway, first pic is unbuffed, second pic is buffed. Not finished with my back piece yet and I might trade out some sigils as well but for now this works well for 20’s fractals and WvW as well.
(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)
Finally I knew I could do it.
+3k attack and armor
Crit rate 41% and crit dmg 70
+18k hp
2.8K attack
3K armour
53% crit chance (65% with precision maxed)
71% crit damage
17K hp
500 healing power
Finally I knew I could do it.
+3k attack and armor
Crit rate 41% and crit dmg 70
+18k hp:D
Are you using a mix of Valkyrie/Knight armor and jewells mate? I really want to try and get those stats too!
Traits: 0 10 30 30 0
Armor: Berserker mix Knight with Divinity runes
Trinket & Backpiece: Berserker
Crit dmg: 89%
Healing power: 400
The rest as per picture.
Finally I knew I could do it.
+3k attack and armor
Crit rate 41% and crit dmg 70
+18k hp:D
Are you using a mix of Valkyrie/Knight armor and jewells mate? I really want to try and get those stats too!
I would like to know as well I’ve been trying to get those kind of stats without food and stuff as well would love to know what gear you had
I’d like to know gear makeup as well. I’d also really like to see people with ascended gear in that sort of stat range. (3k Attack/Armor. 40% Crit and 70 Dmg with 18K health)
I’ve been struggling trying to figure out how to increase my stats. I have Vitality to drop but seem to always lose Pow/Precision/Toughness when I try.
Currently sitting at
1849 Power
1297 Precision
1719 Toughness
1773 Vitality
2949 Attack
22% crit chance
70 Crit Damage
2930 Armor
19,375 Health
Knight Helm/Legs.
Valk Shoulders/Gloves/Boots/GS
Soldier Chest
Soldier Rune set (I run condition removal shouts)
Valk Beta Prototype
Emerald/Valk Earring and Ancient karka shell with Beryl Jewels
Emerald Pendant with Beryl Jewel.
Vine of the Pale tree and (Lost Seal of Usoku but will upgrade to Bagh Nokh as I get pristines.)
(edited by Kumu Honua.2751)
Upgraded my gear again, only Exotics, without any buffs/consumables or Retributive Armor, using 30/0/10/30.
I think I’m pretty much finished and satisfied with the stats now, I don’t think I’ll be switching any sort of gear any time soon for my Guardian.
Sharpening Stones give me roughly 140 Power, Retributive Armor grants 4% extra Crit, with Precision Sigil it goes to 26% crit (without Retributive Armor).
I’m still missing 50 Power from Rune of the Pack, but I get 50 Healing Power instead (sigh).
I’ve updated my gear to the below SS.
Will get a slight boost when I upgrade Emerald Pendant to the Mark of the Imperial Guard.
Will increase Power by 11, Toughness by 21, Vitality by 6, At the cost of 3% crit damage.
If anyone has any suggestions of upgrades (Such as better precision.) I’m all ears.
Gear is:
Knight Helm/Legs
Valkyrie Shoulders/Gloves/Feet
Soldier Chest
All with Soldier Runes
Valkyrie Greatsword with Perception Sigil. (Precision +10/stack.)
Emerald Earring
Karka Shell Earring
Emerald Pendant
All with Beryl Jewels.
Vine of the Pale Tree
Bagh Nokh Rings.
0/10/30/20/10 traits.
This patch was nothing but love for my build .
The sheet doesn’t show the extra 5% crit chance for the Sigil of Accuracy or the 15% for Right-handed Strength.
+70% duration on Might buffs
No consumables.
(edited by Nike.2631)
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldier
x6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oil
Traits: 0/5/30/30/5
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldierx6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl JewelFood:
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oilTraits: 0/5/30/30/5
Much appreciated! :P
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldierx6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl JewelFood:
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oilTraits: 0/5/30/30/5
Thank you, I realy appreciate it
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldierx6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl JewelFood:
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oilTraits: 0/5/30/30/5
post it without the food please
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldierx6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl JewelFood:
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oilTraits: 0/5/30/30/5
post it without the food please
Here u go, no food or oil.
This is what I came up with. The stats are the way they are because I want a little healing power. No food or buffs.
Traits: 0 10 30 30 0
Armor: Berserker mix Knight with Divinity runes
Trinket & Backpiece: Berserker
Crit dmg: 89%
Healing power: 400
The rest as per picture.
Hey, I just wanted to ask some more detail for the gear stats you’re using here (weapons and armor mostly).
I run the same traits as you and pretty much want to get the same stats, thanks in advance!
I have (off the top of my head)
2909 attack
2990 armor
15.5k hp
50% crit chance
20 % crit damage
alot of fun to play in WvW, pve is a doddle.
full knights exotic armor and trinkets, zerker weapons, hammer and GS.
Attack 3024
Condition Dmg 0
Crit. Chance 31
Crit. Dmg 57
Armor 3013
Health 19655
Healing Power 300
Virtue Recharge 0.5
Boon Duration 0.5
Condition Duration 0.5
This is what I theory crafted because am to poor to buy the gear for it.
Here is my stats with my WvW armor. My real critical chance is 43% (sigil of accuracy) and my amulet is rare (waiting for friday to get the pinky).
Here is my stats with my WvW armor. My real critical chance is 43% (sigil of accuracy) and my amulet is rare (waiting for friday to get the pinky
0/15/30/20/5 traits? and using divinity rune
You sir are correct. Also the Ascened back is P/V/T and the cons are Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes and Sharpening Stones
Updated stats:
HP: 15k
Attack: 3.1K
Armour: 2.9K
crit chance: 49%
crit damage: 87%
I decided to drop some armour for more damage because 100 toughness isn’t that great a loss in all honesty.
I go 0/15/30/20/5 with knight armor, berserker hammer and valkyrie trinkets. Runes are 2/2/2 divinity/monk/water cause I think that +30% boon duration is awesome.
Attack: 2948
Armor: 2784
Crit Chance: 50%
Crit Damage: 89%
Health: 16155
Condition Damage: 170
Healing Power: 270
Boon Duration: 35%
Condition Duration: 0%
Virtue Recharge: 5%
(edited by Codo.2860)
Changed build and gear setup since I lasted posted. All builds have maintenance oil and bowl of curry butternut squash soup. Theres three different armors I use which I call tank, dps and healer though tank and dps aren’t much different.
Attack: 2866
Crit Chance: 48
Crit Damage: 72
Armor: 3002
Health: 17,335
Healing Power: 300
Attack: 3072
Crit Chance: 46
Crit Damage: 74
Armor: 2829
Health: 17,925
Healing Power: 350
Attack: 2802
Crit Chance: 44
Crit Damage: 63
Armor: 2884
Health: 16, 965
Healing Power: 765
Attack 3024
Condition Dmg 0
Crit. Chance 31
Crit. Dmg 57
Armor 3013
Health 19655
Healing Power 300
Virtue Recharge 0.5
Boon Duration 0.5
Condition Duration 0.5This is what I theory crafted because am to poor to buy the gear for it.
Mind explaining this theory and how you got to these stats?
@ Los Re: I just wanted to say that your charr looks sweet.
@Lonewolf Kai
First off there could be a very good chance that my numbers are off (looking back at the numbers I have already found 2 or 3 mistakes) and when I learn to post a picture on this forum and get the money to buy all the armor I will show the final outcome. Traits I use are 0/5/30/30/5: Valor I use V,VI, and XI. Honor is II, IV, and XII.
Weapon: I use a greatsword and the stats are P/T/V and I get this from the AC vendor. I use the Sigil that gives 5% to crit chance (not sure what it is called).
Armor: Legs is Knight with a Emerald Orb. The rest is karma vendor P/T/V with Runes of the Soldier.
The back part is P/T/V (the cheap one that is 20P/14T/14V) with a emerald jewel. Both Earings are Ruby with emerald jewel. Since you can get the ascended gear now but doing the daily and monthly I added those to my gear. Amulet is the Thackeray Family Crest (126P/85T/85V) and the rings are Red Ring of Death and Crystalline Band (103P/68Pre/8% crit d).
After I corrected the mistakes I found here are the new stats:
Attack 3014
Condition Dmg 50
Crit. Chance 33
Crit. Dmg 54
Armor 3008
Health 19505
Healing Power 300
Virtue Recharge 0.5
Boon Duration 0.5
Condition Duration 0
I bet there are still mistakes with in the numbers and like I said I will try to post a picture of my stats in game once I get kinda close and maybe one more once I get it all done. The reason for trying to get these stats is it fits my play style very well which is 98% PvE and a dungeon here and there. the other 2% is WvW. I try to tank so my friends or guild mates can manly run DPS builds. I never really explained how I got stat or a build before so I hope this helped and if not I will be more then willing to answer any question you have via here or in game.
Attack 3024
Condition Dmg 0
Crit. Chance 31
Crit. Dmg 57
Armor 3013
Health 19655
Healing Power 300
Virtue Recharge 0.5
Boon Duration 0.5
Condition Duration 0.5This is what I theory crafted because am to poor to buy the gear for it.
Mind explaining this theory and how you got to these stats?
Not to difficult, I have pretty much those stats but higher crit damage. Crit chance is 31% with sigil of accuracy in my gs, this pic is w/o food.
It took me a while before I realized this was a “post your stats” thread. For the longest time I thought it was a “greatsword gallery” thread.
I’m using Soldier Runes and Sigil of accuracy.
Trait build : 0/5/30/30/5
No food used.
Suggestions for improvements are always welcome :-)
so basics i run greatsword 0/15/30/20/5 build
power 1745
percision 1847
toughness 1970
vitality 1130
crit dmg 60%
healing power 265
boon duration 45%
crit chance 48%
armor 3184
HP 12945
I’d like to give Harbinger.8637 a special thanks. I’ve been following his builds since he first post in this thread, and I’ve molded my Guardian in a similar manor to his. You’ve definitely been a big influence on me. Keep up the amazing work!
can’t SS right now, and based on my own calculations (though should be pretty accurate ><) i have about 5 working builds.. lol and here are 3 of them for now.
Assume Hammer as main weapon set in all cases. stats all buffed with nourishment/traits, not sigils.
Tanky hybrid
Attack: 3,015
Crit Chance: 44%
Crit Damage: 58%
Armor: 3,163
Health: 17,135
Healing Power: 350
Go to build for solid WvW and PvE / Dungeons. Haven’t played this in a while since have been messing around with other builds. titled Wolfborn, running with Rune of the Pack, mainly Norn T3 wolfborn weps, and a off-black and white dye scheme to fit all lol so could probs tinker more with the stats but i love the theme.
Healer, boon duration
(i) 0/0/10/30/30 or (ii) 0/15/0/25/30
Following stats based on (ii)
Attack: 2,886
Crit Chance: 12% negligible
Crit Damage: iirc, 3% lol negligible
Armor: 2,810
Health: 14,165
Healing Power: 14,165
Boon duration: 60%
Low armor and health countered by high healing / regen and long lasting boons. Also, (i) stats are better, but i like playing with the extra blinds when facing zergs. : ))
Fiery Affliction
Angry “DPS” build
Attack: 3,409
Crit Chance: 33%
Crit Damage: 77%
Armor: 2,918
Health: 16,055
Healing Power: 200
Conditions are a pain sometimes. Still testing survivability of this build though having a lot of fun so constantly looking to improve it. Defs strong roaming or in small coordinated groups.
So this is my guardian and his stats, I run with mixed berry pie for additional healing. 1v1 nothing kills me. 2v1 only specialty built ranger team has a chance. I run high level fractals lvl 36+ no issues with very very good dps. Solo farming champs with no issues outside of champion abomination…. I can handle 10+ in trash mobs plus a few vets all at once and never hit half health.
So this is my guardian and his stats, I run with mixed berry pie for additional healing. 1v1 nothing kills me. 2v1 only specialty built ranger team has a chance. I run high level fractals lvl 36+ no issues with very very good dps. Solo farming champs with no issues outside of champion abomination…. I can handle 10+ in trash mobs plus a few vets all at once and never hit half health.
Mind listing your gear combinations (each slot), please?
I think I’m in a good spot now. All stats are unbuffed:
Power – 1892
Precision – 1587
Toughness – 1856
Vitality – 1513
Crit Chance – 36%
Crit Damage – 58%
Healing Power – 325
Health – 16775
Armor – 3067
Helm – Knight
Shoulders – Soldier
Chest – Soldier
Gloves – Knight
Leggings – Soldier
Boots – Knight
All armor pieces slotted with Emerald Orbs.
Amulet – Knight (Ruby Orb)
Ring 1 – Berserker (Ruby Orb)
Ring 2 – Berserker (Ruby Orb)
Accessory 1 – Ancient Karka Shell (Ruby Orb)
Accessory 2 – Knight (Ruby Orb)
Back – Masterwork Berserker (Ruby Orb)
Weapon – Soldier with Superior Sigil of Fire.
Running a 0/5/30/30/5 Monk’s Focus build.
I’ve been getting a lot of request about my gear. So here it is:
Helm- Knight
Shoulders- Soldier
Chest- Soldier
Gauntlets- Soldier
Leggings- Knight
Boots- Soldierx6 of Runes of Divinity
Weapons- Soldier
Backpiece- Guild Assassin Backpack w/Exquisite Ruby Jewel
Earrings- Berserker
Rings- Berserker and Knight w/Exquisite Beryl Jewel(only Knight)
Amulet- Knight w/Exquisite Beryl JewelFood:
Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes
Master maintenance oilTraits: 0/5/30/30/5
What kind of crits can you get with Whirling Wrath with these stats? I know it doesn’t matter much but would be interested to see since you have high amount of crit dmg.
Also isn’t 32% crit chance pretty low or is it just enough?
(edited by Aluano.1826)
Here are the stats on my Charrdian, with Sword/Shield (then Greatsword when different):
Power: 2,111
Attack: 3,065 (3,211)
Precision: 981
Critical Chance: 7%
Critical Damage: 30%
Toughness: 1,367
Armor: 2,639 (2,578)
Vitality: 1,659
Health: 18,235
Condition Damage: 809
Condition Duration: 30%
Boon Duration: 0%
Healing Power: 100
Virtue Recharge: 0%
Agony Resistance: 0
I took 30/0/30/10/0 in Traits. I have consumables that boost Attack, Health, Condition Damage and Condition Duration. Charrdian like to burn things, I’ve found…
1st Weapon is PTV (Sunrise)
2nd is Berserker
All Gear is Knight Rune with Divinity
All Trinkets Are Mix With Berserker And Knight
Aww yeah, Rune of the Pack finally fixed!
Averages of 1250~1500 on Strikes, 1700~1900 on Wrathful Strike, 2500~3000 crits on various Risen stuff.
Well, here is my stats without foods/oils and in overflow
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