Purity and Signet of Resolve

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Sorem.9157



I’ve been curious about the timing on both Signet of Resolve’s passive’s and Purity’s condition removal. The tooltip says it removes 1 condition every 10 seconds, and i’ve been wondering when does those 10 seconds start to tick. Does it work when it’s out of combat ? Are they always timed up, removing 2 conditions every 10 seconds ? Do you need to get a condition on yourself for it to start ticking ? Does it start to count as soon as you equip the trait/skill ?

Really curious about this, if anybody have done tests about this please share the info

My apologize for the poor english`

EDIT: aaaand the double post lol


(edited by Sorem.9157)

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Good question. I’d venture a guess at best that the timer kicks in as soon as a condition is removed. I use both myself and can tell you though that it still doesn’t remove them fast enough.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


The tick starts when you equip them. Timer is always up. You could get 10 stacks of Bleeds, and the next second it is gone. That’s because the timer was at 9 seconds when you got the condition.

It’s never ending. As far as I know.

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Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Iavra.8510


They tick all the time, even with SoR on cooldown and remove 2 conditions every 10 secs if combined.

/edit: If SoR is on cooldown it won’t remove a condition, just to clarify. But it still ticks so it may remove a condition the second it goes off cd.

(edited by Iavra.8510)

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: brogarn.8723


So, as soon as you equip it, a 10 second countdown timer starts, then at the 10 second mark, it checks if there’s a condition to remove, if not, starts the 10 second timer again?

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Shuguard.7125


So, as soon as you equip it, a 10 second countdown timer starts, then at the 10 second mark, it checks if there’s a condition to remove, if not, starts the 10 second timer again?

I think that’s how it works.

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Alarox.4590


I tested this thoroughly.

As soon as Signet of Resolve or Purity are equipped, a 10sec timer is generated that keep repeating.

If you stack both, it goes into 2 conditions every 10s. If you get the grandmaster for signets on top of that, it goes into 3 conditions every 10s.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: brogarn.8723


So it’s a countdown timer that starts at equipped as opposed to being “ready” until the first condition then counting 10 seconds from there. No idea why I thought that it worked that way.

Thanks folks.

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: null.1298


What if you:

  1. Switch Heal to Shelter
  2. Switch Purity to something else
  3. Equip Signet of Resolve
  4. Wait 5 seconds
  5. Switch back to Purity

Will you then remove 1 condition every 5 seconds until map change?

Or is it 2 conditions every 10 seconds based on the Signet of Resolve (first equiped) timer?

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

i do believe it is still 2 conditions removed every 10 seconds, with them ticking in sync internally

Purity and Signet of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


They sync.

I would prefer if you could get them on separate timers. A condition removed every 5s would be ftw.

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