Scepter autoatack idea
They really should add some flavour to the scepter auto. All it does is damage, and not that great at it to begin with. Even having it add a small amount of bleeding or vuln or something.
or at least get a miserable 20% of projectile chance
I’m more bothered by the animation than anything else. I would welcome an auto attack chain for that alone.
Recall how symbol of punishment summons many fists to pummel the target?
Imagine if scepter had necro scepter auto animations and each swing was a ghostly punch; right hook, left hook, overhead hammer fist, and the last attack hit twice to help trigger justice faster
But if scepter auto attack wasn’t a projectile, then I’d lose the new projectile effects I just got thanks to the recent Meteorlogicus update.
But if scepter auto attack wasn’t a projectile, then I’d lose the new projectile effects I just got thanks to the recent Meteorlogicus update.
Amen! Don’t take my new pretty effect away!
Autoattack needs to have a chain and do piercing. Would like to see some sort of condition damage, for example, would like to see scepter 3 reworked (maybe insert torment here)
Autoattack needs to have a chain and do piercing. Would like to see some sort of condition damage, for example, would like to see scepter 3 reworked (maybe insert torment here)
Torment on a skill that immobilizes?
Autoattack needs to have a chain and do piercing. Would like to see some sort of condition damage, for example, would like to see scepter 3 reworked (maybe insert torment here)
Torment on a skill that immobilizes?
>would like to see scepter 3 reworked
>>like to see scepter 3 reworked
>>>see scepter 3 reworked
>>>>scepter 3 reworked
>>>>>3 reworked
What about: The projectile must target within 900 range, but will track its target to a much greater range (1500-1800 maybe?), and gives might to the caster for every 350 range it travels.
You are now rewarded for people running away from the projectile. Alternatively you could also make it apply a condition that scales per distance traveled, but ANet seems to be very against giving the base guardian any condition beyond the justice passive effect, still have no idea why, our condition builds royally suck.
Cut damage by 66%
2 additional orbs per cast
piercing projectiles