Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Provost.6210


Ignoring how half (three quarters of) the time this skill doesn’t work, the other portion of the time the benefit of throwing it down is only 1 additional second of swiftness (see note 1). Only… that isn’t how it works, is it?

I can’t count how many times I’ve had 9 or 10 seconds left on a swiftness boon, and I’ve trod over a symbol of swiftness I’ve thrown down, only to get all that time reduced to 1 second (plus my stacked boon duration increase, for a few more seconds). It isn’t that I’ve lost track of the time, it’s that the time has been cut short.

Other skills that grant swiftness stack duration (and, in fact, the swiftness boon says “stacks duration”, see note 2) and are instantaneous, not requiring pulses or nonsense like that. I feel nothing but disappointment every time this skill fails to work, and every time it works wrong. Please fix it.

Note 1: “Each pulse applies the listed duration of swiftness to allies (including self) that do not already have swiftness. Allies that already have swiftness (whether from an earlier pulse or another source) only receive 1 additional second of swiftness per pulse.” (

Note 2: “Movement speed increased by 33%; stacks duration.” (

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Zackie.8923


agreed, pls fix it

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Oh yeah, that would be nice thing to fix.

EU Aurora Glade

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Provost.6210


I was hoping for more resounding support in this. I feel it’s the difference between guardians being able to keep up with the zerg in wvw, and getting left behind.

Plus, if I’m going to be entered into combat every time an enemy runs through it when I’m trying to escape, I would like to actually have some swiftness, please.

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

YES please! this bug has been around since launch! whats up with that?!

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Alexei.4698


Agreed. It’s so bad, I’ve changed to a rune/food setup for permaswiftness so I won’t have to keep my staff equipped. Which is sad, because I actually really like the staff…but it’s no good to me if 20% of the weapon skills are…erm, unreliable. It’s like hitting the Mystic Toilet everytime you press #3….you might go fast, you might not, all depends on the RNG. =)


Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

Agreed. It’s so bad, I’ve changed to a rune/food setup for permaswiftness so I won’t have to keep my staff equipped. Which is sad, because I actually really like the staff…but it’s no good to me if 20% of the weapon skills are…erm, unreliable. It’s like hitting the Mystic Toilet everytime you press #3….you might go fast, you might not, all depends on the RNG. =)

please enlighten me! you just stack boon duration? i find the guardian swiftness situation VERY bothersome. its the lack of out of combat speed that bothers me.

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


The seal always works, but it just works in a very odd way:

First, it gives swiftness in pulses. If you walk over without it pulsing, you won’t get any swiftness. The workaround is to cast the seal so you are on top of it when initially cast, by aiming it slightly ahead.

The second issue is that if you already have swiftness, seal of swiftness won’t add the proper duration. Instead it will give 3-4 seconds (not sure exactly). Presumably this is to stop people from standing on it and getting really long duration swiftness, but anyway that’s how it works.

So if you just cast it slightly ahead, and when you are running out of swiftness wait for the swiftness to completely fade before using the seal, you can get perma swiftness. If you have a lot of swiftness already, just use the seal because why not.

However it is really annoying and I wish they would fix it by making the seal pulse faster, and give max duration swiftness every time. That or just have a Signet of Move Really Fast. Or simply buff [Retreat] so it gives 60 seconds of swiftness base.

(edited by Sunflowers.1729)

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


YES please! this bug has been around since launch! whats up with that?!

Well, it probably took all their dev resources during the first five months to fix Pure of Voice. Unfortunately, that means that we will have to wait another few months until they’ve figured out what to do with the symbol :P

Warning! This post may contain traces of irony, sarcasm and peanuts.

There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley

Seal of Swiftness: Fix Please

in Guardian

Posted by: Alexei.4698


Agreed. It’s so bad, I’ve changed to a rune/food setup for permaswiftness so I won’t have to keep my staff equipped. Which is sad, because I actually really like the staff…but it’s no good to me if 20% of the weapon skills are…erm, unreliable. It’s like hitting the Mystic Toilet everytime you press #3….you might go fast, you might not, all depends on the RNG. =)

please enlighten me! you just stack boon duration? i find the guardian swiftness situation VERY bothersome. its the lack of out of combat speed that bothers me.

It’s nothing sezzy, but I combine: Superior Aria, Retreat/Save Yourselves!, Chocolate Omnomberry Cream, and Superior Rune of the Pack (x6). Gives me, IIRC, about 94% Swiftness uptime (comes to about a 3-second swiftness downtime, around 45 out of 48 seconds superspeediness).

I’m already using a shout build, so Aria and Retreat/SY are already built-in for my build. Pack is a great rune even ignoring the Swiftness duration boost, and you aren’t gimping yourself by going 3 different sets of Swiftness runes. The only thing you’re actually dedicating to the Swiftness duration is the food.