Silven's Perfect, PvP/PvE Guardian Build
You’re not dual wielding greatswords?
Someone forgot to shop the appropriate stats, and the perfect build also includes 30 points in zeal, I think you have forgotten to include them. =p
Seriously though, you really need to duel wield greatswords for maximum DPS, your offhand set should be two swords and two focus’s, or duel wield hammers if you need the protection and might blasting.
Always 0 in Zeal, making a good build here, not an average one.
I always run Mace-Scepter / Scepter-Mace. Easily the best combination, don’t want peeps kiting my kitten.
+1 for sad laughs
No love for spirit weapons.
/me sad
Not sure why you bind Retreat! and JI to the same key but otherwise pretty solid build.
Fort Aspenwood
I find Hammer/Staff + Greatsword/Trident to be the best combo. Also, I run 6x Judge’s Intervention as opposed to 3x medis and 3x shouts.
I think that build is really in a good spot (or what was the right phrase by our beloved devs?).
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
See guys (n girls) that why you are complaining, you still haven’t managed to how make the perfect build when it was so obvious. Also, if you used F1 when you are using yer hammer you wouldn’t be complaining about CCs. Our damage clearly reaches over 9000 in one single hit. I don’t know what you guys are complaining about. My spirit weapons always with me, protecting me, and killing those trying to kite us around.
I think that build is really in a good spot (or what was the right phrase by our beloved devs?).
Yep, indeed it was my good sir.
Here is something to consider. Guardian + 2 zerker amulets = Warrior
Forgot to mention that my bow’s skill is sick. I can clean a whole area with a single click, sure I need to take out my bow first but when I do, it is the end…PERIOD.
+1 for sad laughs
I second the notion and the +1.