Taking bets

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


So when our ready up comes for class balance…

A) Guardian is in a good place (Aka more boring “buffs” like the sword trait change that was talked about but never got changed)
B) We actually get some interesting trait changes that may lead to new types of play

place your bets!

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Trickfully.1830


A) ofc. well get some ui fixes, And then some warr buffs :P

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594




Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Give em a break. They are going to have a really tough time filling a 5 minute pre-recorded segment where they can’t spend 4.5 minutes searching for the correct utility or traits to equip in the demonstration.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Bullet Punch

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Something is going to happen about spirit weapons and shield. Not sure about med or condition guard.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

A. And.
B but it does not lead to anything. Useless traits get changes and continue to be useless or whatever.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: toaster messiah.7320

toaster messiah.7320

I’m so sad it’s going to be A again…

We can only hope to get some upgrades to Shield, Torch and Spirit Weapons that’ll make them actually playable.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Why would you want spirit weps to get buffed? Why would you WANT to play with ai? :/

Bullet Punch

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Something is going to happen about spirit weapons and shield. Not sure about med or condition guard.

How do you know that? Or is it just a guess?

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


@ Kemsuffin.1450 Some people like me find AI attractive and spirit weapons are pretty unique which make it even more interesting

@Aza I’m just following the pattern of changes for ranger and engi so yeah guess untill proven also the guardian skill that might get revealed ability thinking Ray of Judgement

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Why would you want spirit weps to get buffed? Why would you WANT to play with ai? :/

Sadly its part of the game, you can’t change that. Because of that it would be bad design to leave a set up skills in disarray because the community doesn’t like AI.

They would either have to change the skills entirely which won’t happen or they can simply make them worth using with the mechanics they have now.


Ray of Judgment wouldn’t make much sense, unless they remove the casting time.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Why would you want spirit weps to get buffed? Why would you WANT to play with ai? :/

Sadly its part of the game, you can’t change that. Because of that it would be bad design to leave a set up skills in disarray because the community doesn’t like AI.

They would either have to change the skills entirely which won’t happen or they can simply make them worth using with the mechanics they have now.


Ray of Judgment wouldn’t make much sense, unless they remove the casting time.

The shield is pretty good in some PvE situations, the hammer would already be pretty strong if it wouldn’t be for all the traits you would have to take to make it useful. The bow has the coolest animation guardian has (VALID POINT!).

Nobody likes mm necro, nobody likes turret engis, I don’t get why people want spirit wep guard to be a thing.

On a sidenote something that could be interesting would be making them work similar to conjures (which are kinda gimmicky aswell but still really strong in PvE); stuff you could pick up that gives you a new skillbar. The skins for the spirit weapons already exist as weapon skins anways.

But since that would require them to come up with a bunch of reworked traits and a new skillbars for each weapon, something like this probably won’t happen.

Bullet Punch

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Why would you want spirit weps to get buffed? Why would you WANT to play with ai? :/

Sadly its part of the game, you can’t change that. Because of that it would be bad design to leave a set up skills in disarray because the community doesn’t like AI.

They would either have to change the skills entirely which won’t happen or they can simply make them worth using with the mechanics they have now.


Ray of Judgment wouldn’t make much sense, unless they remove the casting time.

The shield is pretty good in some PvE situations, the hammer would already be pretty strong if it wouldn’t be for all the traits you would have to take to make it useful. The bow has the coolest animation guardian has (VALID POINT!).

Nobody likes mm necro, nobody likes turret engis, I don’t get why people want spirit wep guard to be a thing.

On a sidenote something that could be interesting would be making them work similar to conjures (which are kinda gimmicky aswell but still really strong in PvE); stuff you could pick up that gives you a new skillbar. The skins for the spirit weapons already exist as weapon skins anways.

But since that would require them to come up with a bunch of reworked traits and a new skillbars for each weapon, something like this probably won’t happen.

In the original gw, the ritualist class had spirit weapons and weapon augment skills. They were weapon spells that augmented the users current weapon.


For example, sword of justice could augment great sword to do more damage for a bit, increase its cleave arcs and apply cripple when it hits. All for a brief period of time, lets say 10 secs with a 60 sec cd. Like wise shield of avenger could be changed to augment off hand shield to apply weakness when shield of judgement hits and increases the duration of skill 5 and makes it so that it follows around the user.

These are just examples of ideas though. But realistically its best to look at the pattern of Anet skills changes. I don’t feel they would ever rework anything from the ground up. So its better to just ask them to fix skills so they are usuable instead of having them stay broken.

Do I want more ai running around? No.
Do I want skills to stay broken because I don’t like ai? No

Its a tough choice, but ultimately I’d rather them just fix spirit weapons.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

(edited by Aza.2105)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


So when our ready up comes for class balance…

A) Guardian is in a good place (Aka more boring “buffs” like the sword trait change that was talked about but never got changed)
B) We actually get some interesting trait changes that may lead to new types of play

place your bets!

A better question: Based on what we already know, why would anyone expect we need class balance? People that yearn for Guardian class balance are just setting themselves up for disappointment. Our turn, if we get one, won’t be for a LONG time. I’m willing to bet on the ‘already balanced’ scale, we already rank in the top 2.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Why would you want spirit weps to get buffed? Why would you WANT to play with ai? :/

Sadly its part of the game, you can’t change that. Because of that it would be bad design to leave a set up skills in disarray because the community doesn’t like AI.

They would either have to change the skills entirely which won’t happen or they can simply make them worth using with the mechanics they have now.


Ray of Judgment wouldn’t make much sense, unless they remove the casting time.

The shield is pretty good in some PvE situations, the hammer would already be pretty strong if it wouldn’t be for all the traits you would have to take to make it useful. The bow has the coolest animation guardian has (VALID POINT!).

Nobody likes mm necro, nobody likes turret engis, I don’t get why people want spirit wep guard to be a thing.

On a sidenote something that could be interesting would be making them work similar to conjures (which are kinda gimmicky aswell but still really strong in PvE); stuff you could pick up that gives you a new skillbar. The skins for the spirit weapons already exist as weapon skins anways.

But since that would require them to come up with a bunch of reworked traits and a new skillbars for each weapon, something like this probably won’t happen.

Please don’t say nobody when I just posted I find it interesting even if I was truly the only one which obviously I’m not since you actually see those specs from often to rare.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Tyreal.5230


The skill facts that took 1 1\2 years to fix will be in the next patch…. well… some of them!

Guild: guildless
Elementalist: Sheva Alamarr
Guardian: Stella Alamarr

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Reduce focus CD and fix the shield! Also fix the trait lines. For instance I don’t know why we have some useless traits hanging around in zeal and radiance line…..


Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Trice.4598


I can already smell the Balance patch.

Fixed ** tooltip to reflect the correct number of target
Added tooltip to ** showing **
*Spirit weapon mastery now also add an extra 5% damage to spirit weapon

Amplified wrath increase the 35% from 33%

“Anet : We felt like guardian were in good place, we however wanted to promote different playstyle that we feel player tend to avoid”

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Gudy.3607


Also fix the trait lines. For instance I don’t know why we have some useless traits hanging around in zeal and radiance line…..

Wouldn’t that be nice? The Valor and Honor lines kinda, sorta work, but Radiance, Zeal and Virtues all have some traits that made me scratch my head and go "What’s this doing here? Wouldn’t that trait be much more at home over there?

I’m not going to hold my breath, though, and in fact I expect it to be more along the lines of Trice’s post. :-P

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


The rangers and engineer changes are great for once and addressed many complaints and concerns from the community, so I think they’re on the ball this time at least. Not to mention either class most likely considers guardians complaining about first world problems.

They should make the first 3 trait lines offer more utility, particularly group utility, as these lines tend to be pretty selfish. Well, radiance not as much.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


What makes you assume it’s going to be a buff? Hehehehe

9 Guardians later…

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucente.5071


Sounds like a resounding vote for option A.

Honestly they wont change much, most likely some tool tips and “Support Focus” they might change shield and mace to make them more viable but even so they will remain as support weapons that no one will use outside of bad players in WvW

Corrupted Moneybagz – Thief / Moneyz – Warrior
[vT] Violent Tendencies

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: style.6173


As I posted in another forum, you need to understand the way ANET thinks.

Community: We hate AI in PvP. Get rid of it.
ANET: Ok, let’s make AI even stronger.

With that mindset, I fully expect a buff to spirit weapons.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


As I posted in another forum, you need to understand the way ANET thinks.

Community: We hate AI in PvP. Get rid of it.
ANET: Ok, let’s make AI even stronger.

With that mindset, I fully expect a buff to spirit weapons.

How funny would it be seeing it at the level of turrets or both on a team lol.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Shanks.2907


I’m always hopeful for some access to 25% movement speed. Put it in the radiance adept line please.

More than likely option A though.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Happyangrycatfish.1725


When is the class balancing gonna be done?

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Seras.5702


If the Engineer & Ranger Ready-Up notes are any indication, I’d say we’ll get a few of the most vocally requested changes for the weakest aspects of the class. The changes those 2 classes are getting are based on the community’s suggestions and constant requests for improvements in those specific areas. And I’m choosing to extrapolate that to the Guardian Ready-Up.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


If the Engineer & Ranger Ready-Up notes are any indication, I’d say we’ll get a few of the most vocally requested changes for the weakest aspects of the class. The changes those 2 classes are getting are based on the community’s suggestions and constant requests for improvements in those specific areas. And I’m choosing to extrapolate that to the Guardian Ready-Up.

I would be more inclined to the believe that, had they actually changed something they said they were going to change in previous balance patches that regarded feedback. Aka the 5% sword trait buff, that even they said seemed lack luster, asked for opinions, then did nothing.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Seras.5702


Instead they made changes based on countless community cries for a viable Flamethrower, signets that didn’t need a GM trait to be worth taking, and a more reliable Longbow. Not to mention making Rangers the anti-thief (Reveal) as has been suggested, improving GS cleave, fixing the Engi antidote-while-immobilized problem, and boosting Engi’s ability to cleanse (Elixir C).

These are all items that I’ve seen repeated forum posts begging for. They didn’t fix everything you want. But if this is any indication that they’re listening and working on commonly agreed on issues, then it’s a good sign.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


Medi guard buffs


Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Buff shout guardians

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


shout guards are fine BUFF MEDIS


Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Spirit weapon and guardian domes Ç_Ç, also litany of wrath needs to be instant.

also sanctuary CD, takes to long for the low effectiveness on combat, reason why WoR is mostly used

My bets?
A: Changes on how elite skills display with range indicators, fixed wrath and healing cast, now will heal on the correct actors while moving.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: hehk.8705



and if they break pure of voice again, would not be against that.

Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


shout guards are fine BUFF MEDIS

Both shouts and meds are fine imo. They need to buff signets and spirit weapons. Both of which no one really uses.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


shout guards are fine BUFF MEDIS

Both shouts and meds are fine imo. They need to buff signets and spirit weapons. Both of which no one really uses.

meds are not used competitively but yes it’d be nice for signets to be buffed. tbh spirit weapons are cancer and I dont want those buffed.


Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


meds are not used competitively


Bullet Punch

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I’m 98.7% sure spirit weapons will be improved all AI will end up being competitive from turret engineer to ranger’s pet at last.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


Ok bullet punch FINE meds can be used competitively it that’s just because you’re god mode on it


Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Well, the good news is that they didn’t come here and post a suggestion, then say some power guardian, then suggest an idea no one wanted and even stated on their own it wasn’t a great idea only to implement lame idea anyway…

Then ignore the countless pages of follow-ups. No, I don’t think they will do another round of that mess for sure.

More of the same. Good spot, balanced. Probably a overly played class that dips into duplication of heavy armor warrior class. Can’t really do much to us that would otherwise make us over powered. Honestly at this point they need to tone down the rest of the classes to our level of play but that won’t happen. So….we are hosed.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Honestly there are allot of traits out there that are very lack luster & more then a few that feel like they should be in another trait line completely.
Those that come to mind

1: Shattered AEGIS, Damage is pathetic (Make it apply confusion stacks when an AEGIS you apply is broken. would work good for condi guardians in Spvp then.)
2: Revenge of the Fallen, (combine it with strength of the fallen but at a lesser rate for each effect)
3: Symbolic Exposure (increase the vulnerability applied to 2 stacks per pulse for 4 seconds, as is it can barely keep up on with a hammer on a boss)
4: Zealous Blade (healing and damage bonus are weak, just make it do one or the other but at a higher rate)
5: Amplified Wrath (move it to the radiance grandmaster tier)
6: Inner Fire (make it trigger when we light something on fire, but give it an internal CD)
7: Radiant Retaliation (make it a passive for every class that if your +condition damage is more then 1/3 your + power then it scales of condition damage at a higher rate instead)
8: Perfect Inscriptions (very meh, would be better if signet builds were better.)
9: Glacial Heart, (very long cool down. Just make it an AOE 4 second cripple/weakness proc on a 15 second CD)
10: Resolute Healer (either make it apply a knockback or make it a full 4 second bubble on a 30ish second CD)
11: Unscathed Contender (make it do +8% damage while under protection, its near impossible to keep AEGIS up in any serious fight)
12: Indomitable Courage (combine it with Shielded mind, they are basically the same thing anyway since stability will break stuns)
13: Supreme Justice (combine it with Permeating Wrath & make it burn the area around the target)

Just a few ideas, there are allot of little weapon tweaks they could do as well to make shield, mace etc.. more viable as well.

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


1: Shattered AEGIS, Damage is pathetic (Make it apply confusion stacks when an AEGIS you apply is broken. would work good for condi guardians in Spvp then.)

Shattered Aegis is fine, you might be looking at it from a solo perspective. Which ends up looking weak (up to a 2.2k+ hit if you are zerker). The real beauty in shattered aegis is when you combine it with communal defenses. What this means is for each person you grant aegis, if its broken you will do up to 2.2k damage per person. So imagine being in a zerg of lets say 40 people. You proc communal defenses and grant them all aegis, they are all hit. So this becomes 2.2k x 40, shattered aegis now does 88k damage.

Moving on. If I had the ability to communicate with devs to ask them to change some things, here is what it would be:

Signets & related traits

  • All signets should have a instant cast time
  • Perfect Inscriptions should grant regeneration in addition to the 20% passive bonus
  • Signet of Mercy needs a complete change, its too niche Maybe the active can increase outgoing heals for a short duration.

Spirit Weapons

  • AI needs to actually work, made to be more reliable
  • Bow of Truth needs a overhaul, maybe change the condi removal and regen to a passive buff while the weapon is active. The active skill needs to scale with healing power.
  • Eternal Spirit needs to be made baseline, replace it with a trait that increases the health of spirit weapons.
  • Improved Spirit Weapon Duration (Valor V) should be combined with Spirit Weapon Mastery (Zeal VI). The way spirit weapon traits are organize makes the player need to dip into 3 trait lines, thus limiting possible builds


  • Auto attack chain: Needs to be much faster
  • Symbol of Faith: Casting time should be reduced.
  • Protector’s Strike’s block should take priority over the aegis boon


  • Shield of Judgment: Weakens enemies in addition to doing damage and granting protection to allies
  • Shield of Absorption: Scales better with healing power, the dome duration increased from 4 to 8 secs. In addition after the dome is cast, the user can now be mobile. But the dome stays in the place where it was cast.
Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

(edited by Aza.2105)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594




Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

1: Shattered AEGIS, Damage is pathetic (Make it apply confusion stacks when an AEGIS you apply is broken. would work good for condi guardians in Spvp then.)

Shattered Aegis is fine, you might be looking at it from a solo perspective. Which ends up looking weak (up to a 2.2k+ hit if you are zerker). The real beauty in shattered aegis is when you combine it with communal defenses. What this means is for each person you grant aegis, if its broken you will do up to 2.2k damage per person. So imagine being in a zerg of lets say 40 people. You proc communal defenses and grant them all aegis, they are all hit. So this becomes 2.2k x 40, shattered aegis now does 88k damage.

True it does get better while in a group. Though any ability that applies AEGIS does still have a 5 target limit.
It would be nice if they would also update the tooltip to make it better show just how much damage it can do.

(edited by Ragnar the Rock.3174)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

As for weapon and utility fixes that would be nice to see

1: Mace, Making the #1 skill chain faster could be nice. Or they could make the healing on the final attack heal for less at base but scale better with healing power & up the radius of the heal.

2: Shorten the duration of symbol of faith to 2 seconds but up the damage per pulse considerably & have it apply 2 seconds of regeneration per pulse instead of one. (having to stand in one spot so long usually makes it bad because you will likely get hit with AOE)

3: Protectors strike, make it always apply protection no matter if your hit or not but still only counter attack if attacked by melee.

4: Torch Zealot’s Fire, Could lessen the CD increase somewhat.

5: Torch Cleansing Flame, could make the cast time faster & have it hit less times but harder each time.

6: Hammer #1 skill chain, Symbol of Protection. Lower the attack wind up to 3/4 seconds but lower the number of pulses to 2. (that would make it feel much faster but keep the protection uptime & damage more or less the same. Allot of people hate how slow the hammer feels)

7: Shield, Shield of Judgment. As Aza said it could stand to be changed. But what if it was a 360 degree AOE centered on the Guardian.

8: Shield of Absorption. What if in addition to the projectile absorb it also granted everyone in the bubble a 5 second AEGIS.

9: Litany of Wrath, Make it instant. (the initial heal is small anyway so it wont do much to balance)

10: Spirit weapons, All but the bow are more or less alright other then their AI being somewhat bad. If that could be fixed it would be great.

11: Spirit weapon traits, they are way to spread out which severely limits build options. If some of them could be consolidated into 1 or 2 tree’s and a few of them combined then that would help build variety allot.

12: Bow of Truth, rework it so it attacks people at range with an arrow that explodes damaging enemies and healing allies within the blast. Command on it is alright just needs to scale with healing power.

13: Signet of Mercy. The active on it is very under par. Could stand to have a higher limit like similar signets or at least a shorter CD and longer range.

14: Signet of Wrath. As we still have very few options for condition builds & they are not that popular perhaps the passive on this signet could be changed. A 25% movement speed increase would be nice, or maybe a reduction on all cripple/immobilize/chill effects.

15: Perfect Inscriptions As Aza said it could stand to have something more. But we already have allot of ways to regain health. Instead what if it also gave precision per signet you have equipped.

16: Retreat, the long duration swiftness is alright but the long CD is kinda meh. What if instead it gave 10 seconds of swiftness and AEGIS on a 30 second base cool down.

(edited by Ragnar the Rock.3174)

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


1: Shattered AEGIS, Damage is pathetic (Make it apply confusion stacks when an AEGIS you apply is broken. would work good for condi guardians in Spvp then.)

Shattered Aegis is fine, you might be looking at it from a solo perspective. Which ends up looking weak (up to a 2.2k+ hit if you are zerker). The real beauty in shattered aegis is when you combine it with communal defenses. What this means is for each person you grant aegis, if its broken you will do up to 2.2k damage per person. So imagine being in a zerg of lets say 40 people. You proc communal defenses and grant them all aegis, they are all hit. So this becomes 2.2k x 40, shattered aegis now does 88k damage.

True it does get better while in a group. Though any ability that applies AEGIS does still have a 5 target limit.
It would be nice if they would also update the tooltip to make it better show just how much damage it can do.

Communal Defenses has no target limit:

This trait does not have a target limit and will grant aegis to all allies within range.


So theoretically shattered aegis with communal defenses could scale infinitely. But realistically, I’d say you are looking at up to 70 or shattered aegis procs. I don’t think I’ve seen a 100+ size zerg but I could be wrong since I’m not sure how many people a map can hold on average.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710



Same things being asked for since December last year… same results….

Guards are fine… blah bla blah

Dev’s too busy… blah blah blah

PvE > sPvP/WvW… blah blah blah

More Living Story Content Plz…. /sarcasm

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Taking bets

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’d certainly want a buff in traits (themes) that are under utilized or down right worthless.
Full Sigils
Full vulnerability/blind
Full Spirit’s (without any real condition damage…who would want you over a bunk, medi, etc.)

And does anyone else feel Wall of Reflect should have a trait with “reduce 10 seconds to 5 but become immune to conditions [or] conditions are halved.” when in the concecration…or something to that effect :P

You should WANT to spec to a skill in order to counter certain builds. I feel the skill itself is mainly used on bunk type classes instead of “oh, they have 2 ele’s and 2 mesmers, let me switch to this skill.”

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

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in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Just make it so pure of voice removes two conditions and I’ll say no more

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos