Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Thank you for not just throwing the nerf hammer down because of noobs QQing. We don’t want guardian to become the next warrior, because it suffers from the same issues with the core class having issues. Then when its buffed people QQ, then the nerf hammer is thrown down. Months later, the class becomes irrelevant.

Right now DH is the ONLY thing going well for us and if thats gone, rip guardian.

Btw, people who say increase sustain damage but decrease burst damage, don’t know pvp or guardian at all lol. Medi guard is for its burst not sustain damage. If you want sustain damage roll a cele bruiser class such as scrapper. We don’t have the sustain to be doing “sustained damage” otherwise we would easily be replaced.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.3952



#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Mmmmm, this wasn’t a balance patch, so there’s still time for them to bring down the nerf hammer.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Nah DH are in a good spot now. trully balanced tho I found few bugs like:
- Stomping someone with stability on yourself while someone cc you automatically activates Hunter’s Determination while your stability is taken off.
- Wings of Resolve are affected by chill movement reduction range.

(edited by Ragnarox.9601)

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Mmmmm, this wasn’t a balance patch, so there’s still time for them to bring down the nerf hammer.

This. The nerf bat will come after HOT sales calms down.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Rain.9213


I honestly just want them to kill that daze trait. Seriously. That is the only thing that bugs me about DH. The traps hurt but the fact that the daze can interrupt my blocks and heals is just way too much considering that DH’s now have a pull on Spear of Justice.

If anything just make one of the traps have a daze effect. Maybe Procession of Blades but aside from that, 4 easy aoe interrupts with one trapping you inside of an inescapable dragon head is wayyyy too much. Really disappointed that this trap spam is gonna continue. A team with 2 Dragonhunters has so much control of maps with those traps that it’s just not fun fighting them.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: albotelho.2931


I am happy that no nerf was applied now, because if it did would only be because of people crying, and it is never a good thing.

If it comes in a balance patch and do not break the DH completely it is fine.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


This was not a balance patch… only a bugfix bunch…

I assume they will collect more data…

Buff Thiefs and Warriors please! (if any dev reads this ….)

#I no words have"

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


Yeah this isn’t the balance patch; that will probably come a week before leagues at the latest.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: eleshazar.6902


I’m just hoping that they don’t destroy the spec. Removing Runes of the Trapper from PvP and getting rid of daze (instead add in 25% move pls?!) would definitely tone it down. I ‘m also fine with spreading the damage to the tail end of the traps as opposed to initial burst, but I really don’t want them to just nerf damage and cds since that negates the usefulness of the skills altogether.

All professions level 80| Champion Paragon, Phantom, Genius
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

I’m just hoping that they don’t destroy the spec. Removing Runes of the Trapper from PvP and getting rid of daze (instead add in 25% move pls?!) would definitely tone it down. I ‘m also fine with spreading the damage to the tail end of the traps as opposed to initial burst, but I really don’t want them to just nerf damage and cds since that negates the usefulness of the skills altogether.

The other issue isnt just pvp lol. In pve, cc is needed to kill bosses effectively now. Traps daze, the pull and the lb knock-back give us ways to CC now or interrupt effectively.

Also the damage is needed otherwise our damage would suck in pve/wvw. Then trueshot would really be our only form of damage every 4 seconds in a raid, which keeps u stationary and stationary is bad for raids.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: eleshazar.6902


I’m just hoping that they don’t destroy the spec. Removing Runes of the Trapper from PvP and getting rid of daze (instead add in 25% move pls?!) would definitely tone it down. I ‘m also fine with spreading the damage to the tail end of the traps as opposed to initial burst, but I really don’t want them to just nerf damage and cds since that negates the usefulness of the skills altogether.

The other issue isnt just pvp lol. In pve, cc is needed to kill bosses effectively now. Traps daze, the pull and the lb knock-back give us ways to CC now or interrupt effectively.

Also the damage is needed otherwise our damage would suck in pve/wvw. Then trueshot would really be our only form of damage every 4 seconds in a raid, which keeps u stationary and stationary is bad for raids.

And if you look at the cc provided by traps in PvE you would realize it is next to nothing. Each skill provides a different amount of “damage” to the new break bar. Traps do next to nothing. GS 5 does more than all the traps combined. F1 pull at the very end of Big Game Hunter affect even does more than a trap does. The daze loss isn’t a big on in PvE.

And I’m very against them nerfing the damage, I’m saying that if they have to touch the damage they should move it to a shift towards end of trap (as opposed to burst) PvE meta guard only calls for PoB right now (based on obal’s DnT guide) and shifting the damage around isn’t going to hurt that skill in PvE much. And traps have nothing to do with LB dmg. Longbow is now in the meta for guard for PvE solely because of Trueshot. The only things I recommended was removing Rune of the Trapper from PvP, and killing daze in favor of 25% run speed.

All professions level 80| Champion Paragon, Phantom, Genius
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


PoB is fine in pvp, no one is complaining about that one. Honestly if you manage to get hit by all, or even enough of it to turn the tide of the battle then it’s probably your own fault.

I really hope they nerf trueshot’s damage VERY slightly, orrrr, increase its cd to 5 seconds. I’ve heard at least one person suggest a cast-time increase which I really don’t like; one of the greatest things about true-shot was its short cast time being able to combo with CCs (heavy light KB, f1 pull, and GS5 pull). Increasing the cast time on true-shot would essentially be both a cd nerf, AND a nerf to its combo-potential.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: RaNoGa.6348


so a thread thanking the dev for not nerfing our class has been turned into a thread to nerf our class. Seriously there are about 100 other threads you could have kittened couldn’t you guys have left this one alone?

Feel free to check out my Guardian play at

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Burned.9520


I hate to burst your bubble mate but this wasn’t a balance patch , this was introducing raids to the game keep your “tanks devs!” for when the balance patch comes out , let’s see if you are going to be as thankful then.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Kako.1930


They haven’t cut the cheese yet.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: SirDerp.3520


People complaining about daze… you do realize that if the daze trait was removed, the traps would be utterly useless, right? Without daze to remove your blocks and keep you in the trap for at least a second, traps wouldn’t deal damage because you would (finally) learn to dodge out of traps (novel idea, right?) after blocking the initial little burst of damage.

But yeah, that wasn’t a balance patch. That is still yet to come. (Can I have hammer be more effective, pretty please?)

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


The only people who cry and complain about DH on the forums 24/7 are literally kittened solo qers who most likely only recently got in to PvP. No one who plays this game even semi competitively or is a frequent PvPer cries about DH. If you watch esls,pro leagues etc there isn’t that many DH on a competitive level because no competent enough player gets ‘1 shot’ by traps.
People who title their threads “dh traps 1 shot’ ’dragon maw op” ‘true shot needs dmg nerf’ are just bad because you can literally see a guardian place a trap, the guardian is rooted for true shot, and dragon’s maw is an elite that makes the guardian give up RF making them even more vulnerable. Half those threads anyways are by thieves dumb enough to take a 1v1 against a DH, but then again when has thief ever been able to 1v1 a guardian?(hammer medi,gs medi,longbow meditrapper). The other half ate some traps, instead of dodging walked out of ToF(or teleported) and made a salt post about it.
Those Saying we need ‘sustain damage’ over burst damage dont understand the meta. Guard needs that burst dmg to take out things like scrappers, druids, tempests, reapers who wouldn’t die otherwise.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


This clearly wasn’t a balance patch, that is when the nerf will be coming.

norn warrior

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The idea is they won’t be adjusting just DH and some of the old builds can creep back in and DH will still be good just not the only choice. Don’t be like this. There are things that need to be adjusted on all the elites. Guardian since day 1 here (and probably more spvp matches under my belt then 99.9% of guardians) don’t be stoopid any time there is an expansion with tons of new stuff there will always be balancing needed. To post stuff like this is what sounds noobish to me actually or at least very self centered.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


People complaining about daze… you do realize that if the daze trait was removed, the traps would be utterly useless, right? Without daze to remove your blocks and keep you in the trap for at least a second, traps wouldn’t deal damage because you would (finally) learn to dodge out of traps (novel idea, right?) after blocking the initial little burst of damage.

But yeah, that wasn’t a balance patch. That is still yet to come. (Can I have hammer be more effective, pretty please?)

Can you say that to rangers? who just get cripple on their traps? LOL

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: SirDerp.3520


People complaining about daze… you do realize that if the daze trait was removed, the traps would be utterly useless, right? Without daze to remove your blocks and keep you in the trap for at least a second, traps wouldn’t deal damage because you would (finally) learn to dodge out of traps (novel idea, right?) after blocking the initial little burst of damage.

But yeah, that wasn’t a balance patch. That is still yet to come. (Can I have hammer be more effective, pretty please?)

Can you say that to rangers? who just get cripple on their traps? LOL

Well, I think we all know how Anet chooses to treat Rangers xD