This is a Thread created for the Ideas of the Guardian Community reagrding the Dragonhunter AND the Guardian. Post which kind of Traits, Skills and other Stuff you personally would love to see. Its not meant to be a Thread where People say “Your Idea is sh** and mine is better” or “Dragonhunter is fine, learn to play”. Just open your mind and share your Ideas no matter how crazy they are. Hopefully Anet considers some Ideas of this Thread as an Improvement to the Dragonhunter.
Let me start!
Hey Karl, I love seeing that you actually read our opinions and consider them when improving the DH I played alot of Professions since Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekends back like 3 years ago and made in the 2nd Beta Event the Guardian my Main.
I played a lot of PvP on European Servers and like the Way the Dragonhunter is going, but still have a lot of doubts reagrding it. For me personally it seems the DH is by far the least liked Elite Spec till now and I would like to put some of my Ideas into the Discussion to make turn it to a highly wanted Crowd Pleaser. Maybe they will help improving not just the Dragonhunter, but the Gaurdian Issues in the first Place.
What is the Main Problem?
As far as i know Guardian is supposed to be the first one in the fight and the last one who leaves it. So why is my way of sustaining by blocks and heals such an unreliable way of sustaining? Don’t missunderstand me Guardian has alot of sustain in bunker builds, but this doesnt work on offensive builds, cause no matter how strong your heals are you will never be able to outheal the damage you get (except you play DD ele or Soldiers Engi). The better way of sustaining is avoiding the damage by mobility and dodges. Thats why War, Mes and Thief are often chosen in high Rank PvP Matches, while Necs and Guards rarely see the light of day (even though they do a really good amount of damage), so the Guards have to Stick to one Build – Bunker, which will get replaced by Defensive Revenant I guess. Compared to them Offensive Guards simply get hunted down at the moment, because of the power creep since the last balance update.
So what would I recommend?
1st Stop mixing offensive Capabilities of the Guardian with defensive ones. Like you do with our Meditations like “Smite Conditions” & “Judges Intervention” or with “Wings of Resolve”. Or even “Shattered Aegis” & “Smiters Boon”. How can sustain myself, when over 50% of my sustain is used up just to engage and do damage? Its simply a complete remake Guardians need. An example for a solution could be a Trait which knocks down enemies, when they get hit by “Smite Condition” and a Condition gets removed. the Trait could be a nice Master Trait, so it doesnt Conflict with “Hunter’s Fortification”. It could be called “Dragons Stomp” or something like that and would really benefit the control character of the Dragonhunter and would have a Great Synergy with “Smiters Boon”. Also i have to say the Blanacing Team of Anet did a Great Step in Seperating Offensive and Defensive Capabilities of the Guardian, by reworking “Hunter’s Fortification”. I like that Trait alot, because its a Pure Defensive one which removes Conditions on Block
2nd Pushing Guardians sustainability by getting rid of the extremly high cooldowns on the Virtues. I mean, just take Virtue of Courage. When you are fully invested in Virtues you have a 65,25s Cooldown for 1 Aegis, 5s Protection, and 4s Stability, which I simply cant understand. I remember in my first Beta Weekend 3 Years ago i tested some classes (Mesmer, Ele, War, Guardian) and the first thing I’ve noticed back then was “wow these are some crazy cooldowns on the Virtues.” and I bet alot of Guardians share the same experience. So here is my idea. I dont want to sound like someone who compares classes, cause they have differences in mechanic, but what do you think about implementing an Adept Trait (needs to be Adept please) in the Virtues line like the Mesmers one, which recharges the Virtues when you are below 50% health? It actually would Guardians make try other Elite Skills than “Renewed Focus” which would be really refreshing and awesome.
3rd and last one and please read before i get flamed
how about giving the Dragonhunter an F4 Virtue, with a weak passive effect like “you blind your foe every 5th or 6th hit” or “10% movement speed increase” and making the active a ground target port with like 65-80 seconds cooldown. It would give the Guardian a little mobility, something like a last resort when things get really dirty, which cant be spammed, because of the high cooldown. That would solve so many problems regarding the Guardian. You could even name it somthing like “Last Resort”
and would support the selfish character of the DH.
I hope you will consider some of my Ideas Karl when further improving the Dragonhunter, so that at the release day we all can be Happy with our Elite Specializations, no matter if Thief, Guardians, Wars and the others.
Cheers, Enis!
1v1 and Queue
(edited by snoow.1694)