Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Provost.6210


I’ve been playing with my guardian build as I level her up and one thing I just cannot get over is how disappointed I am in Virtue of Resolve. The passive healing is reasonable at best, but why would I ever bother to activate it? It wouldn’t heal me for the damage of falling out of my chair laughing at how pathetic it is.

There’s only one redeeming skill I have come across that would give me cause to ever inch my finger over to F2, and that’s Absolute Resolution. The perk of this skill is that the next time I find myself in that awful situation where I’ve looked at a necromancer and found myself suffering a dozen conditions, I can maybe survive long enough to beat him into a foul, edgy pulp.

The downside to this is that it’s a master level perk, meaning I have to take away from the sacrosanct Valour or Honour trait lines to fit it in. Yes, I get more boon duration and virtue recharge rate, which in turn allows me to use the bonus more frequently, but when I consider losing out on the toughness or vitality of the other trait lines I wonder if it’s really a decent trade-off.

The build I came up with to accommodate this is 0/10/20/20/20. Healer’s Retribution (I), Purity (V), Retributive Armour (VI), Superior Aria (II), Empowering Might (VIII)/Two-Handed Mastery (IX), Vengeful (II), and Absolute Resolution (IX). This makes for a very, very tanky guardian. Has anyone tried this? Does it work, or is it a flight of fancy?

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Put on some healing power and marvel. I run full knights gear with a healing power precision vitality leg piece, 3 healing vital precision trinkets and a zerker trinket, and my virtue of resolve is like a second big heal, if I pop all 3 of my virtues I will go from around 5k life to 12k. AH spec variant. I also have Dwayne runes in my armor as regen is a huge part of my build, the extra healing power makes my regen a lot more noticeable and beneficial.

I have great dps due to Crit and I’m extremely tanky.

Virtue of Resolve is amazing if you put some stat points to it.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hicci.8761


Virtue of resolve….bad? Oh you poor child.

You can trait it to cure 3 conditions, have more effective passive healing, have it affect allies and with altruistic healing it becomes like a second healing skill. If you have only 5 points in virtues (which everybody should have) it also gives regeneration.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I tend to pop VoR and VoC at the same time. It has saved my life so many time’s. Even without any healing power the party wide heal/regen + party wide aegis/protection can be a turning point. Couple it with Renewed Focus as your elite and its that much better. All this for only 5 points in Virtues. That is where the real power of VoR comes into play. If you want to focus deeper into Virtues you can take Absolute Resolution which makes the passive stronger. Couple that with 30 points in Honor to get Battle Presence and you have a rather nice start to a support build with an empowered VoR passive. The key is to look past what it does on activation and look at it as a whole. When used right it is one of our stronger support skill’s in the game.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: kiba.2768


running full clerics(ptv weapons), my vor heals for 2.9k. nothing to laugh at since it’s party wide and has saved us many a time when capping or just dungeon/fractal running

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Even unbuffed VoR isn’t bad perhaps you’re used to another games big heal numbers.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Irena.1062


your healing stat must be low, so yeah it’ll suck to be you when you use this!

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: kiba.2768


what i don’t get is, why complain about a free heal, even if you don’t buff/trait vor or use any kind of healing power. if the heal isn’t worth it, just use the passive and be happy you have it

strange post is strange

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Heals are like anything else. You have to build them up with traits and stats to make them shiny and nice.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Provost.6210


I don’t know what happened to the reply I put in this thread… but anyways, I am traiting healing power… I have quite a substantial amount in honour. I didn’t have any gear that provided healing power, however, but after seeing everyone’s initial shock at my assertion that the heal was useless I have upgraded my accessories to include healing power.

The result: the healing is now thoroughly mediocre. It’s an improvement, and I’ll take it. I still think that it could be a stronger heal.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


Do you have 5 points in virtues?

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Virtue of Resolve: Why Bother?

in Guardian

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Ive never had a problem staying alive with the guardians current utitilies/skills and I run 0 Healing Power.