We need 25% run speed on Dragonhunter.
Ug. I very much lean towards a trait granting “gain 25% movement speed if you have 1 or more signets equipped.” Keeps from stripping out a passive effect someone is using now and lets you choose when one you’re going to carry without locking you in to carrying 5 to get the full effect. Really, only Revenants should have to put up with that kind of anti-diversity to function .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Could we maybe swap out the un-loved Radiant Retaliation for~
- Unscathed Mobility. gain +25% speed while under the affects of Aegis.
Making it a grandmaster trait might reflect how very badly we wantses it!
I like Radiant Retaliation though. It’s difficult to make a build that actually used it, but I like the idea.
I still don’t think we absolutely need +25% movement. If we were to get it, I think replacing Signet of Wrath’s passive is the best bet. I’ve never seen anyone use SoW specifically for the passive, and I do nothing but look at builds. The speed/immob passive/active dynamic is pretty good. I could dig it.
The best option is to change the light aura on Perfect Inscriptions to “gain 5% movement speed per Signet equipped” that would be absolutely delicious.
I really like that idea. It would give Signets uniqueness compared to everything else that we have.
But then Guardians would complain that the speed buff wasn’t given to something more meta like Medi, DH or some other trait that’s not as underutilized as Signets. I still think it’s a cool idea.
I still have no idea why signets needs to offer retaliation when we can have perma retal through GS, Aegis, and everything else… Guardian’s can’t facetank like Warriors to gain everything from a permanent retaliation build. If the light aura on Perfect Inscriptions was given to all allies in a 600 radius, then Signets would be better recognized as team Retal builds. Add 5% speed increase per Signet and Guards will run retal/signets in WvW. [fre/sp/du forums would like it I think]
Ug. I very much lean towards a trait granting “gain 25% movement speed if you have 1 or more signets equipped.” Keeps from stripping out a passive effect someone is using now and lets you choose when one you’re going to carry without locking you in to carrying 5 to get the full effect. Really, only Revenants should have to put up with that kind of anti-diversity to function
Yea you’re right, that would make Perfect Inscriptions something to consider if you have 1 or two Signets equipped.
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#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
The biggest question I have with the 25% increased movement is why we want it? My main understanding from most comments is this is mainly for out of combat mobility to help travel place to place. If were looking at increased movement in combat I would prefer better viable sources of swiftness or super speed.
Overall I’m not a fan of skills or traits that give 25% increased movements. Preferring these left to Rune Sets Bonuses. If current available 25% rune sets are unsatisfactory due to stats & other bonus we should first look at expanding 25% movement option here. Regarding further access to more mobility options please find my ideas below;
- Mostly looking at the introduction of Lesser Symbols as a traited effect. For mobility a Lesser Symbol of Swiftness.
- Believe “Hunter’s Swiftness” needs to be increase to 8-10 sec granted when foe is controlled.
As can be seem below I’ve developed a real liking to the idea of a Lesser Symbol of Swiftness & my favour solution is attaching this to Signets & the removal of the light aura. I believe this would then become a strong addition improving signet viability as full signet builds or mixed in as hybrid builds. This also places access to mobility in a way that this is no an automatic benefit to current strong build.
I would also love for additional rune movement sets which could help provide further mobility option that are not just limited to 25% increased movement.
- Remove cripple & grain swiftness 5 sec ICD 10 sec).
- Using a heal skill teleports you backwards/forwards 6oo range (ICD 20 sec).
- Activating an elite skill grants super speed 5 sec.
- Activating a profession mechanic removes cripple, chill & immobilise.
- Movement skill travel 50% further.
Zeal – Minors
- Zealot’s Speed - Create a Lesser Symbol of Swiftness when activating virtues (Change to match functionality with naming).
- Symbolic Exposure - Symbols apply vulnerability (2 stacks each pulse 10 sec) to foes (Strengthened).
- Empowering Might - You & nearby allies gain might (10 sec, ICD 1 sec) when you a land critical hit (moved from Honor).
Lesser Symbol of Swiftness
Damage (3x): 1287 (Dmg = 0.195 * Power)
Swiftness (4 sec): + 33% Movement Speed
Number of Targets: 3
Symbol Duration: 2 sec
Symbol Radius: 120
One of the other core areas of improvement to core guardian are Signets. What I would love to see is the removal of “Light Aura” on Perfect Inscriptions &
replaced with a Lesser Symbol of Swiftness on signet activation turning Signets into a component for symbol builds.Lesser Symbol of Swiftness
Damage (3x): 1287 (Dmg = 0.195 * Power)
Swiftness (4 sec): + 33% Movement Speed
Number of Targets: 3
Symbol Duration: 2 sec
Symbol Radius: 120
Through further testing I’m finding DH minors traits becoming more frustrating.
- Defender’s Dogma
- Pure of Sight
A SoJ passive recharge on block & +10% damage to foes beyond 360 don’t provide the core favouring for Dragonhunters that I believe elite minors should. Like others I’ve proposed minor trait changes:
Defender’s Dogma – SoJ recharge on block. Although I can see this working great with core blocking builds how does this help DH builds. Where’s the benefit for using longbow the DH elite weapon, Traps well FoF could get some but aegis build aren’t generally condition builds.
Please replace with Zealot’s Aggression as I feel this emphasise what a DH is & syncs very well with all other DH build options.
Pure of Sight – Only benefits range combat beyond 360. Again another minor trait I really dislike as it excludes all melee focused builds providing no benefit. To provide benefit and again emphasise DH aggression I would like to see these changes:
Aggressive Nature – Renamed
Deals bonus damage to enemies beyond the range threshold & Quickness to finish your foes off when closing with them.
Damage Increase: 10%
Range Threshold: 360
Quickness: 3 sec (ICD 20 sec)With Zealot’s Aggressions replacement trait being:
Hunters Swiftness
Daze controlled foes & gain swiftness when controlling foes.
Daze: 1 sec
Swiftness (4 sec): 33% Movement speed increase.The thoughts behind these changes were DH bring Cripple a new condition guardians can now access without sigils or runes. So the minor DH traits should be shouting out HEY LOOK HERE CRIPPLE! your brand new toy.
For this the new Zealot’s Aggression fills the role perfectly, make it also apply cripple on SoJ’s active effect & this becomes a minor trait that works with all DH builds. This trait emphasises the feeling of a hunter stalking after wounded prey that can’t escape you.
Aggressive Nature continue playing with this feeling of hunting changing Pure of Sight into a trait that has a feeling of finishing off you prey once catch. It provides benefit in the hunt & the means for a quick finishing strike. This trait will also work with all DH builds, providing benefit at range & when closing to melee.
The new replacement major trait Hunters Swiftness is there to enhance work with the aspect of as the hunter you control the engagements. The daze provides this lost feel for prey delay their response before being able to strike back themselves. The swiftness provides the means of repositioning for best position to strike &/or chasing your prey down to finish them off.
A question for all DHs do we believe our minors need changing?
Also what do others think of Zealot’s Aggression & my Aggression Nature as minors for DHs?
Ug. I very much lean towards a trait granting “gain 25% movement speed if you have 1 or more signets equipped.” Keeps from stripping out a passive effect someone is using now and lets you choose when one you’re going to carry without locking you in to carrying 5 to get the full effect. Really, only Revenants should have to put up with that kind of anti-diversity to function
Ah, but you miss the beauty of it. It gives guardians exactly what many have been asking for, but it’s one of the worst possible ways to implement it. Signets really don’t have any internal synergy, and requiring running a full bar of signets just to replace your Rune set? It’s glorious.
It’s glorious.
The word you’re looking for is ‘insidious’. And while I do love a nice dab of insidious design now and then, in this case I’d like to find an equitable way to scratch the itch rather than beat people with a stick for having an itch .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
It’s glorious.
The word you’re looking for is ‘insidious’. And while I do love a nice dab of insidious design now and then, in this case I’d like to find an equitable way to scratch the itch rather than beat people with a stick for having an itch
Definitely beautiful in an insidious way. Probable the most maddening thing for players will be it will be added to help create a new playstyle positioned in a place so that it’ll be a larger sacrifice to their current build / playstyle then equipping a Rune set.
Did we ever figure out why guardians are the only ones without speed trait hand-out’s?
I’m more curious about this, after seeing all of the other professions’ changes.
I do not think a speed signet would be helpful as we already have a utility that gives swiftness (Retreat!). It would make more sense to buff the swiftness on it then to put it on some other random skill. And even in that case, sacrificing a utility slot is a very large sacrifice.
Personally, I’d suggest a swiftness proc trait for DH (longbow skills grant swiftness, for example) , and a 25% movement speed added to right hand strength (you move 25% faster when holding a 1-hander) or something. Alternatively you could make something up for one of the honor adept traits, because those traits are terrible anyways. Or change that GM symbol trait in honor (I really can’t remember the name) to make all symbols grant swiftness.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Ok ok. How about altering unscathed contender in virtues line (because really who doesnt use vitrues line) to also add 5 sec of swiftness applied at 5 sec intervals while you have applied aegis. It would work perfectly with the minor because it also relates to having applied aegis, while ooc you can have perma swifness, and while in combat you can get short bursts while using skills & traits that apply aegis. Fixed your welcome!
Ok ok. How about altering unscathed contender in virtues line (because really who doesnt use vitrues line) to also add 5 sec of swiftness applied at 5 sec intervals while you have applied aegis. It would work perfectly with the minor because it also relates to having applied aegis, while ooc you can have perma swifness, and while in combat you can get short bursts while using skills & traits that apply aegis. Fixed your welcome!
I was actually thinking about this on the way home from work. It makes sense.
It’s also tied to a deep class mechanic. +1
Ug. I very much lean towards a trait granting “gain 25% movement speed if you have 1 or more signets equipped.” Keeps from stripping out a passive effect someone is using now and lets you choose when one you’re going to carry without locking you in to carrying 5 to get the full effect. Really, only Revenants should have to put up with that kind of anti-diversity to function
I actually really like this idea, particularly if replacing something already sort of garbage (like an honor minor trait). It would give all the signets a bump in appeal without requiring any major reworks.
I’m not a fan of the ideas regarding swiftness procs (other than the Unscathed Defender one, which is interesting). One of the biggest reasons behind wanting this trait is for a QoL change to going faster out-of-combat, so having it proc off an attack more or less defeats a great majority of the purpose.
Changing defenders dogma to a trait that gives 25% movement speed is the perfect solution to the problem.
Forced to use traveler runes since day 1, they fixed mesmer now just fix guard too!
We’re really the only class that doesn’t have a good solution to this.
Yes, you can argue “lore” that we’re “guardians” but look at warrior’s mobility for example…at this point it’s a quality of life change. I’m tired of constantly needing to keep a staff equipped and retreat on the bar just to keep up with others.
Leveling in HoT it’s sad watching everyone run away from you to the next event and you can’t keep up…
Add 25% movespeed when wielding bow? makes sense, or 25% movement speed if x virtues are on cooldown ?
Please direct your gaze to the horizon.
You see that dot out there?
That’s the ship.
It has sailed.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Asked for this years ago!
Wings of light: Wings of resolve manifest even in its passive form, granting swiftness to you and teammates benefiting from your passive. When activating Wings of resolve this boon goes on 60 sec CD.
or something.. why swiftness? Well seeing revenants and Druids got it, I though, hey why not guardians.. we got wings!
100% agree with the need for movement speed. In the meantime ive put a Sigil of Speed in my Longbow which is working really really well. I have perma swiftness in events with lots of mobs and after each encounter with a group of mobs i end the fight with around 3 minutes of swiftness which is more than enough to get me to the next place i want to go to.
Working just fine in HoT maps. Wouldnt want to use in WvW since i would rather use other sigils there.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I agree with the run speed, it should replace one of the minor traits.
As for Virtues i think some of the talents in the Virtue trait line should be made baseline, for example ‘Inspired Virtue’. The Virtue traitline needs a revamp considering the new DH Virtues have cast-times and other clashing problems.
I think the cooldown on them is okay, but i would like to see the passive effects remain even once activated. This would make some Traits viable and open up some more interesting builds/gameplay.
This ^.
They really need to look at base virtues.
They also need to merge a number of existing traits that effect the same virtues.
As is there are traits that make you never want to activate your virtues, there are also traits that make you want to activate them whenever possible & they are both often in the same line.
If combined said traits would be more flexible & create space for more thoughtfully inspired traits (something the guardian lacks.)
(The same can be said of the zeal line & many of its traits. The line is a jumbled mess & needs to be reworked with several of its minors being merged into majors or being swapped around with majors so that it has a bit more flexibility)
I don’t understand how Anet thinks it is fair to give a movement boost to every class but ours. Every other class either has a passive movement speed boost, or a way to have complete uptime on swiftness. Meanwhile we sit at 50% uptime on swiftness if we lose a util slot to it (vs engi with no utils lost, and rev with just one lost for 100% swift uptime).
Basically this is the equivalent at this point of taking away all movement speed from classes and just giving guardian permanent cripple. Seems fair when you put it that way right? Just moving around open world is a pain in the kitten. I don’t even care about combat as much as just moving from point A to point B.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Please direct your gaze to the horizon.
You see that dot out there?
That’s the ship.It has sailed.
Do you ever have anything positive to say on the forums? I read your posts all over the place, and I can say that I wholeheartedly disagree with every single one of them.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
I don’t understand how Anet thinks it is fair to give a movement boost to every class but ours. Every other class either has a passive movement speed boost, or a way to have complete uptime on swiftness. Meanwhile we sit at 50% uptime on swiftness if we lose a util slot to it (vs engi with no utils lost, and rev with just one lost for 100% swift uptime).
Basically this is the equivalent at this point of taking away all movement speed from classes and just giving guardian permanent cripple. Seems fair when you put it that way right? Just moving around open world is a pain in the kitten. I don’t even care about combat as much as just moving from point A to point B.
This sums it up. I’m sad when I’m trying to run after a group and not being able to keep up, or always having to have retreat and a staff to just keep swiftness up half the time.
I love the game, but guardian speed makes me sad.
Please direct your gaze to the horizon.
You see that dot out there?
That’s the ship.It has sailed.
I’m not sure why this sentiment keeps getting tossed out when it’s shown that Anet will make changes as needed. 400 —-→ 250 HP for elites anyone?
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I use Traveller Runes on my Dragonhunter. It’s not ideal in terms of maximising damage or competing with Trapper Runes, but it’s valuable and useful. It’s a 25% increase to my movement speed – permanently. That alone gives a lot of flexibility.
Eh really it would be nice to have from moving from point A to B so probably throw it on a gimpy signet passive.
Tarnished Coast
Please direct your gaze to the horizon.
You see that dot out there?
That’s the ship.It has sailed.
Do you ever have anything positive to say on the forums? I read your posts all over the place, and I can say that I wholeheartedly disagree with every single one of them.
There is only one positive thing to say about this 25% RS and it’s already been said by Anet ages ago. The fact that people continue to ignore it doesn’t make the calls for 25% RS any less negative to the development of the class.
I’m not sure why this sentiment keeps getting tossed out when it’s shown that Anet will make changes as needed. 400 —--> 250 HP for elites anyone?
Comparing a global reduction to improving gameplay access for every class in new content to removing one of the few deficiencies of a class for PVP that has been ESTABLISHED as intended is not a genuine comparison.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Do you ever have anything positive to say on the forums? I read your posts all over the place, and I can say that I wholeheartedly disagree with every single one of them.
Nike is actually one of the more positive and optimistic people in the forums. I don’t know what definition of positivity you use, but you must be living in Stone Tower Temple. Not only do classes have intentionally designed weaknesses and shortcomings, but they also have unique ways to overcome those challenges. Just look at Revenants and condition clear. It’s almost non-existent and yet there have a line that gives them copious amounts of Resistance to overcome that weakness. I’ve already posted how we can use Swiftness to overcome that movement speed difference, I’ll go dig it up if needed.
Please direct your gaze to the horizon.
You see that dot out there?
That’s the ship.It has sailed.
Do you ever have anything positive to say on the forums? I read your posts all over the place, and I can say that I wholeheartedly disagree with every single one of them.
Good. There should be some contrast .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’m not sure why this sentiment keeps getting tossed out when it’s shown that Anet will make changes as needed. 400 —--> 250 HP for elites anyone?
Its getting tossed around because of the HARD REALITY that there was more flex and give when the class was in development than after release.
The change to 250 points from 400 its the perfect example — making changes after you go live infuriates some people. Issuing errata inflicts creditability damage. It is a tool of last resort, not some willy-nilly free spirited chaos festival. Changes don’t have to just be good, they have to be good enough to be worth the cost of making any change. MMO gamers don’t generally respond well to instability of any sort .
We know for fact that the lack of native speed buff is one of the prices the Guardian profession pays for it’s all around good performance. There was some question if it might become part of the Dragonhunter. It didn’t. And now that the Dragonhunter is live, while it’s not “set in stone”, it’s such an infinitesimal likelihood that begging for it is not just a waste of time, it s a good way to get something that’s working quite nicely nerfed, because Dragonhunter is not exactly ‘failing to perform’ by the metrics ANet relies on.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
If the devs feel that a runspeed increase is to “good” for PvP or whatever then having a runspeed increase out of combat would be sufficient for me. It’s mainly a quality of life thing to not always get left behind the group when doing content like WvW.
You mean wvw where the world is literally dripping in Swiftness? Being done Swiftness yourself or get some friends. This is a social game after all
It’s QoL improvement, has nothing to do at all with GW2 being a social game or not. So just disable it in PvP and WvW if it were too “unfair” for Guardians to have the boost.
You mean wvw where the world is literally dripping in Swiftness? Being done Swiftness yourself or get some friends. This is a social game after all
It’s easy to get stalled out running from an enemy or capping a point only to have your team move ahead with no way to catch up. If you’re a guardian you need to be at the head of the pack constantly or risk getting left behind.
In fact, if you really are a “guardian” and guard points you will suffer from the lack of swiftness more than any other class as you hold positions and are unable to be reunited with the group afterward.
What we really need is traps popping on downed enemies or at least full purification heal on demand.
It’s QoL improvement, has nothing to do at all with GW2 being a social game or not. So just disable it in PvP and WvW if it were too “unfair” for Guardians to have the boost.
Speed in this game is not QoL. Its a primary advantage and every competitive mode treats it like what it is — a powerful tool for scoring.
My personal hope is we get a wider array of runes that have a speed capstone benefit.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I wouldn’t mind speed but instead, i’d like to be able to maintain myself in combat instead of disengaging. While Guardians are by no means the most sustainable(which they sorta should be due to the lack of disengages), it might put us over the edge of being OP.
I did say a few month ago:
…only thing we need is an offensive rune set with +25% movement speed…
…the forumers beated me to death
(edited by Aggrostemma.1703)
I did say a few month ago:
…only thing we need is an offensive rune set with +25% movement speed…
…the forumers beated me to death
Only the ones who were WRONG .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Swiftness is still king over +25%. As long as you can maintain 75% uptime you’ll beat any form of passive movement. Perhaps we should better utilize the tools we have. If they still aren’t sufficient, perhaps we could ask for better access then.
+1 for a minor trait with +25% runspeed; bonus points if the name is a pun like ‘Light Feet’
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
I’m not sure why this sentiment keeps getting tossed out when it’s shown that Anet will make changes as needed. 400 —--> 250 HP for elites anyone?
Its getting tossed around because of the HARD REALITY that there was more flex and give when the class was in development than after release.
The change to 250 points from 400 its the perfect example — making changes after you go live infuriates some people. Issuing errata inflicts creditability damage. It is a tool of last resort, not some willy-nilly free spirited chaos festival. Changes don’t have to just be good, they have to be good enough to be worth the cost of making any change. MMO gamers don’t generally respond well to instability of any sort
We know for fact that the lack of native speed buff is one of the prices the Guardian profession pays for it’s all around good performance. There was some question if it might become part of the Dragonhunter. It didn’t. And now that the Dragonhunter is live, while it’s not “set in stone”, it’s such an infinitesimal likelihood that begging for it is not just a waste of time, it s a good way to get something that’s working quite nicely nerfed, because Dragonhunter is not exactly ‘failing to perform’ by the metrics ANet relies on.
I think there are too many assumptions with this .
It is perhaps true that lack of mobility was a concept in the original design, but the game has changed quite a bit since and the further we get, the further it is from how the game actually plays.
Also, people will complain about anything. The ranger at one point experienced a much greater boost in functionality due to core changes resulting in QQ everywhere. People being fickle isn’t really a reason to cause things to remain stagnant.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I agree, it’s difficult to catch up to classes that are constantly slipping away from your fingers while being kited. *Cough*Engi*Cough*
Thief Main PvE – Auriel
Give us swiftness, lower the casting time on bow and make the trait synegize abit better… Then I would change back from my revenant to my guardian…
That said, I love the new virtues!
I think that guards really need one, just not in this line. When enemies have to run up to you to do damage through all of your cripple and knockbacks, being fast for free seems a little overkilly. Maybe they could tack it on to Zeal as a bonus to the trait ZEALOT’S FRIKKIN SPEED? That’d make sense.
As for the recharge reductions, I disagree. Not sure if they changed it, or if the site’s just lying but Im pretty sure they already made these versions lower recharge to make up for the fact you can miss. That amd they buffed their numbers too. Spear burns for longer, Wings is over a 3k heal base, and Shield can block everything.
If Anet doesn’t want every DH spec to have +25%, tack it onto a major trait. I’d suggest adding it to Soaring Devastation. This way a trapper DH who’s great at point contesting would be slower to get to the next point than the traditional mediguard who’s job is to join fights.