first guard

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


been playing almost since release and not once have i touched guard. i have 80 tomes of knowledge handy so i made one. hows this

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is very little to say about this build. Put it this way:

That’s the kind of build you will need to match your level of guardian-playing experience if your just going to blow 80 tomes to level it.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


I have nothing else to use tomes on all my others are 80.

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

The build linked is pretty much useless for PvE, as for WvW, roaming it would be pretty bad but it might be semi-ok for mindless zerging, and even then there are better options ^^

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Ve Salu Sigtyr.4807

Ve Salu Sigtyr.4807

Wow, I love all the constructive feedback in here.

So I looked at your build and so far the issue I think you’ll have is your kinda all over the place. You have a little bit of everything which makes you good at nothing really.

You have a lot of stuff specced towards Aegis. If you’re looking to use Aegis you may consider going all the way so to speak.

I was looking at a few builds trying to change it up since I’ve had my guard pretty much since launch. Saw one using the new communal defenses GM Trait. Basically whenever you block an attack you grant Aegis to nearby allies on a 20 second CD. This Aegis applies everything modifying your aegis, the Ret boon, the Damage aoe and the Healing all proc on everyone with your aegis on them. Its pretty good in a WvW scene with a few other guards running it.

But mostly just play how you want, I ran an AH build for a long time and I loved it, its like training wheels for Guards because you can toss out pretty decent damage with enough survival to compensate for lack of experience. Browse around the forums and look for builds and try um, no other way to find what you like and do not like.

Currently I’m looking for a more healing/ boon/ protection based build that fits more with the guardian motif, I hate zerking at this point in the game, it makes me feel like every class is just a different color of blender.

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Go AH (tanky) or go meditations (spike – something like this, though I prefer 2h weapon). The other options seem to be extremely poor in comparison.

We’ve been trying Virtues builds in my guild WvW and in my opinion they’re significantly weaker than AH.

Well, those are your options. Welcome to the Guardian’s, “Good Place”.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


thanks will try ah

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Go AH (tanky) or go meditations (spike – something like this, though I prefer 2h weapon). The other options seem to be extremely poor in comparison.

We’ve been trying Virtues builds in my guild WvW and in my opinion they’re significantly weaker than AH.

Well, those are your options. Welcome to the Guardian’s, “Good Place”.

I honestly wans’t a big fan of the AH build in WvW, don’t get me wrong it’s solid, but I liked the virtue option better, more stability is alwasy nice, more condi removal is good as well. AH build is more about personal survival which I think I can cover well enough with alternate builds so I don’t really NEED it. Again it’s a great build, especially for a new guard, but I do think the Virtue build is solid. And I haven’t tried it yet but communal defenses any good?

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I used to run AH build in WvW. Its not that AH itself is so powerful by itself, its just that
1) Toughness and Critical Damage are such good stats in WvW. With Soldier armor, I already have enough vitality, but i still would like a big more toughness without adding more vitality, this is were the trait line come into play. I also already have good amount of power, so a bit more critical damage is the obvious thing to get next.
2) AH work with my way of playing. I always have 2 shouts, staff, symbold ect that give a lot of boons and i always have a lot of ppl to receive these boons in WvW. Making the best use of AH. That added survivability allow me to reduce my amount of defensive stats for more offensive stats.

Anyway, in my guild we are trying out something else. We usually have a standard AH build with strenght in numbers, but the second guardian usually run something like 0/4/0/6/4 or 0/3/4/6/1. It sacrifice AH mainly to spam F1 blind in the middle of the combat.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Wow, I love all the constructive feedback in here.

Considering the player is a veteran who knows enough to have 80 tomes gathered, I would say the feedback has been appropriate. In fact, anyone that thinks they can play any class appropriately through ‘buying’ their way to 80 isn’t going to get much guidance from players commenting on their builds … the barrier in this case isn’t any particular trait or gear. Playing is an integral part of the game for a reason.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


Wow, I love all the constructive feedback in here.

Considering the player is a veteran who knows enough to have 80 tomes gathered, I would say the feedback has been appropriate. In fact, anyone that thinks they can play any class appropriately through ‘buying’ their way to 80 isn’t going to get much guidance from players commenting on their builds … the barrier in this case isn’t any particular trait or gear. Playing is an integral part of the game for a reason.

You don’t need to lvl up your character all the way to lvl 80 in order to learn how to play it. Doing exploration and heart quests is pretty boring after 2 years being playing the game. And the way you play your class during the leveling can be very different from the way you will play in pvp or dungeons or wvw.

Like rangers for example, the most efficient way to lvl up is by going bearbow, but that setup is completely trash in other game modes, so the player needs to re-learn how to play if he wants to be decent in a dungeon for example.

Leveling is there just to make you waste time before you can reach the endgame.

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Wow, I love all the constructive feedback in here.

Considering the player is a veteran who knows enough to have 80 tomes gathered, I would say the feedback has been appropriate. In fact, anyone that thinks they can play any class appropriately through ‘buying’ their way to 80 isn’t going to get much guidance from players commenting on their builds … the barrier in this case isn’t any particular trait or gear. Playing is an integral part of the game for a reason.

You don’t need to lvl up your character all the way to lvl 80 in order to learn how to play it.

No, actually. Some people REALLY should play a bit to learn their profession if they want to team with others at level 80. I think one point that proves it is the quality of the build presented by the OP in this thread. That’s a clear lack of understanding the class. Not sure I would have any more confidence in someone’s ability to play the class who suggests a build like we seen here, even if they where handed a build perfectly suited to them.

Let me put this in another way … if you don’t think playing is a requirement to learn to play a class, you aren’t giving players enough credit for what they learn about the class while playing it … do you think the OP is going to know when to swap to particular weapons and why? When to swap a skill if the situation arises? Not a chance in hell.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

first guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Wow, I love all the constructive feedback in here.

Considering the player is a veteran who knows enough to have 80 tomes gathered, I would say the feedback has been appropriate. In fact, anyone that thinks they can play any class appropriately through ‘buying’ their way to 80 isn’t going to get much guidance from players commenting on their builds … the barrier in this case isn’t any particular trait or gear. Playing is an integral part of the game for a reason.

You don’t need to lvl up your character all the way to lvl 80 in order to learn how to play it. Doing exploration and heart quests is pretty boring after 2 years being playing the game. And the way you play your class during the leveling can be very different from the way you will play in pvp or dungeons or wvw.

Like rangers for example, the most efficient way to lvl up is by going bearbow, but that setup is completely trash in other game modes, so the player needs to re-learn how to play if he wants to be decent in a dungeon for example.

Leveling is there just to make you waste time before you can reach the endgame.

its alright i went to a diff forum where the people are more constructive and more welcome to new guards they can close this now

and thanks thadd helped some =3

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

(edited by Mystogan.4157)