Any Burning Mesmers?

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Penarddun.6827


Are there any Mesmer builds that work toward burning damage? Or is that not viable really? I never see much about them, yet the torch and staff both have burning conditions and the Sigil of Smouldering helps with the duration.

Is it just not good enough compared to other builds?

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


No short cooldown method of applying decent fire duration, pointless to focus on for a Mesmer. The staff is just random. I dont see focusing on fire offering any advantage whatsoever over simply focusing on condition damage.

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eliesume.1687


~Tarnished Coast~
80’s – Ele, Guard, Mes, Necro, Ranger, Thief, War

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chipmunko.5870


Also u can use guardian runes ( burn on block ) work pretty nice with aegis from PU
or mimic 4s block

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Supertramp.5430


This build is awesome. You apply the burning using the mantra heal, torch 4, rune of balthazaar and staff + staff clones. It’s very viable for both sPvP and WvW roaming.

(edited by Supertramp.5430)

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Penarddun.6827


I have some old beserker gear that has balthazar’s runes on it that I could test it out with a bit. Thanks for the link. Do you think it will make much of a difference if I’m not using dire gear? I do have rabid weapons.

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I have some old beserker gear that has balthazar’s runes on it that I could test it out with a bit. Thanks for the link. Do you think it will make much of a difference if I’m not using dire gear? I do have rabid weapons.

…yes. Yes it will make a difference in how a condition damage build performs if you don’t have condition damage gear.

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Henrik.7560


I love burns on my mes, 800dmg per tick

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Penarddun.6827


…yes. Yes it will make a difference in how a condition damage build performs if you don’t have condition damage gear.

Ok, let me rephrase that. I have rabid gear I can test it out on too. Would the dire gear specified in the Napalm Cat build still be the best choice, in comparison to the rabid? I’m just curious as to why dire was used in the build.

(edited by Penarddun.6827)

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Supertramp.5430


I use rabid gear for mine and it works fine. However, dire gear would probably be a better choice since this is a condition build and conditions don’t benefit from precision. On the other hand, since we are traited for sharper images precision will give our illusions bleeding on critical hits. It all depends on wether you’d want better survivability or the extra bleeding damage.

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

All of ya’ll are burning? You should probably get that checked out… o_O ( /drumroll: Ba-dum Ting!)

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jenzie.4083


I’ve used napalm cat alot with rabid and recently tried the 2.0 version with dire, I dont notice much difference when playing. I get more health but i’d rather have more dmg. survivability is very high with this build.

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

All of ya’ll are burning? You should probably get that checked out… o_O ( /drumroll: Ba-dum Ting!)

Im sorry Chaos but that was so bad that I laughed hysterically. I must say, you are on fire with jokes this week.

-Rylock [vE]

(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)

Any Burning Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


…yes. Yes it will make a difference in how a condition damage build performs if you don’t have condition damage gear.

Ok, let me rephrase that. I have rabid gear I can test it out on too. Would the dire gear specified in the Napalm Cat build still be the best choice, in comparison to the rabid? I’m just curious as to why dire was used in the build.

Rabid gear will actually give you higher offense due to the precision providing sharper images crits. Dire is more of a pure defensive spec. I’d actually favor running with mostly rabid over dire.